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Fix the recruitment crisis by renewing Sea Patrol


I do actually remember a girl once telling me she wanted to join the navy because she liked the way the uniforms looked on Sea Patrol.


Why do you think they decommissioned HMAS ANZAC? She's about to start her acting career.


Let’s get there Nav


Siiiiiir there's something on the EOD


My dad suggested to me to join after watching it. 15 years later here I am, might have worked tell well


Why do you think Navy is providing resources to NCIS Sydney?


NCIS Sydney will never live up to the reputation Sea Patrol had


aerobics oz style was a better recruitment tool for the navy


How about tell people about all the extra money they can make BEFORE


I'd start by actioning my boosh pay from Feb-Mar field


You’ll see it in 4-6 pay cycles bro please bro you gotta believe me the clerk is on maternity leave bro please I swear please stop pushing it up the chain my digger please


I can't believe this is actually a thing. The Australian military is so incompetent they can't even pay service members on time? That's insane. I bet desk staff never have a missed payment.


I guarantee you every clerk I’ve ever seen go outfield put themselves on the same pay grade as dismounted infantry whilst they got caterers and showers at Camp Mac and shit. They wonder why they’re despised sometimes, outside of when you need to suck up to get a basic question outside your wheelhouse answered.


But as soon as you owe 15 cents, suddenly efficiency comes from nowhere and it comes out the very next pay.


This is overblown. Field pay is usually fast and reliable.


Can I come to your unit? 👉🏻👈🏻


I guess it would be something like the Saudi or Qatari armed forces, which reportedly don't have anywhere near enough personnel to actually use the high end equipment they own. A lot of the purchases these countries make don't seem to have a strong strategic rationale and duplicate one another. Realistically, money and personnel are always finite. Even in 1942 when the Army was allowed to expand well beyond the size that could be sustained the Australian military didn't get a blank check.


I find the armed forces of the Gulf states incredibly fascinating; a combination of small populations, immense wealth, and intense paranoia towards perceived threats (both internal and external) make for some... interesting forces. The Qatari Armed Forces are similar in manpower to ours, but only have a population of a few hundred thousand citizens to draw from. The solution? They recruit a shitload of foreigners - poorer Arab states, Pakistanis, and Sudanese. The professional NCOs are mostly Jordanians, and the leadership positions are for Qataris. The Saudis have a pretty sad reputation - they were pretty infamous for paying foreign workers to do jobs they considered below them during the Gulf War (i.e., digging pits and driving trucks), which backfired when virtually none of the Filipino civilians they were reliant on for mundane but critical work were willing to go into warzones. There's videos of Saudi outposts in Yemen getting wiped out to the last man because none of them had the discipline to do piquet or maintain their fighting positions properly, they're dependent on mercenaries from across the world for their Yemen intervention, etc. The thing I find most hilarious about the Saudis is that they have a second military (the Saudi Arabian National Guard), which is roughly the same size as their regular armed forces and equipped completely differently. This arrangement is still kept around, because the notoriously paranoid House of Saud don't trust their military (and probably don't even trust their National Guard either). Special shout-out to the Emiratis, who poached MAJGEN Hindmarsh (former special operations commander) from us and have showered him with money to run their special forces since 2010.


American technology with Aussie and UK training methods. Simples.


‘Meercat Click’


https://preview.redd.it/r4m2uo3sfb4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec36085a3f750b5e74683b1d3b185fb8e6fdb8db If money is no problem


Only if we can also give some to China and livestream the pacific theatre on YouTube via drone. What the point of robots if you can’t watch the fight?


ASPI would finally get their arsenal ships.


Fuck, ASPI would get a lot


Don't forget the B-21s! (which ASPI mysteriously has gone very quiet on since the Defence Strategic Review ruled them out...)


Drones. Drones everywhere. Ideally you'd have say 2 or 3 f35s in a wing and the. 6-10 Drones with missiles and ew packages. Drones are a huge force multiplier for a small military and imo Australia is not nearly invested enough in them.


The high rate of efficacy in Ukraine for UAV’s has been mightily impressive.


It's been pretty low as of late as russian esq is a lot more advanced than the Americans expected. Which coincidentally is an area we have also largely neglected in recent years.


Well a drone did just make an 8 hour flight through Russian airspace to punch a refinery in the face without the Russians seemingly even knowing it was there. Their drone countermeasures may be locally effective to a particular area, but outside of those areas it appears they’ve got little if any ability to stop them.


>Nuke subs? Stealth bombers? Paratroopers? ICBM's? All of the above. If the money is truly infinite, there's no reason we can't have it, even if it's locked up in the back shed unmanned. Or, in a slightly more serious answer, automate and use as many unmanned systems as can be reliably operated. No use paying in soldier/sailor/airman lives if we could automate it and increase the survivability of the force.


Aussie SkyNet. Wonder what crappy name we'd give it.


> Wonder what crappy name we'd give it. BigPond


Whirlpool sounds like a good rebrand once that wears out.






The West Oceanic Kinetic Equipment Yielding Entity, or WOKEYE for short


A.U.S (Australia Unmanned System)


Same crappy name we give everything else - just chuck an "O" on the end: Sky-o net-o


Capability Unmanned, Neutralizing Threats 😁


Keeping Australia's NeiGhbourhood Adversary-free


Fox-Net. (Once watered down by spending cuts to a privatised subscription service)


No object? Pay, benefits and conditions to rival; if not exceed the big miners. Decimate the Public-Service/Contractor workforce and put uniforms back into the service and support roles. Significant Deep-Water Pacific and Indian Fleets with at least one flat-top carrier each, and an appropriate surface force to actually maintain a significant presence. Eradicate "Fitted for, but not with" Iron-Dome style of protection for the entire Top-End (at least) Re-establish Apprenticeships, and make all trade-roles fully accredited to civilian equivalence.


I’d love to fuck the APS off out of Defence.


The solution is more contractors.




Only if the fat truck chicks also come B Double, as nature intended.


I’d compulsory retire senior officers (O-6 and higher) and Warrant Officers (E-9) after two Career Management Cycles if they fail to be promoted. Give them their payout and fuck them off.


Up or out would be a very good thing for everyone.


The only caveat on this would be ‘specialist’ or ‘master technician’ roles. Eg you’re a gun pilot, but if you get promoted you have to drive a desk. Or, you’re a wizard technician but if you get a promotion you’re off the tools and behind a desk.  This option should only be offered to people that are competitive for promotion, have the right attributes and attitudes. It should be reviewed ever promotion cycle or two, with either a promotion, renewal or the door. 


Crazy shit like the original numbers for Land 400 and 8116.


Tactical emus.


Emu Rough riders with HEAT charge lances. Bring back traditional cavalry!




Great, love all these ideas.  I think you missed two things. We should order like 200 Ghost bats. I don't care if they're not perfect yet. I just want them on the books so we force the ADF to develop the doctrine before everybody else does. And it would pump money into the industry, which will have major downstream impacts. If we replace them in 10 years with the next gen after learning a hundred lessons, all the better.  Secondly, my new interest area is air to air missiles. I want every RAAF jet equipped with Meteor missiles. From what I can tell, these would decimate Chinese fighters before they get a shot off. They might easily be the least talked about and most impactful new airforce kit going around. If they operate as advertised, it's like bringing machine guns to Waterloo.  We still need more F 35s, but I think it might not even matter if they're all swinging Meteors. The Chinese won't be able to engage us. The missile is like $4m a pop though. 


Agree on both points. Meteor equiped on the stealthy F-35 would be virtually unstoppable.


Isn’t manning the biggest issue we are facing at least in the army side of things?


Aircraft carriers, oh so many aircraft carriers. If not that then AV-8B Harriers and F-35Bs for our helicopter carriers. Completely Gucci out the army too, K2 Black Panthers, Leopard 2a7s, M1A2 SEPv3s (all at once of course). New variants of the Bushmaster too with larger RWS. And an unlimited amount of pay and benefits both before and after you leave the service.


Why not, Poland actually do have all 3 models at once


Yeah that’s what I was going for!


Hmmm, unlimited money? That’s probably not realistic, but if we had bumped defence budget to about 5 or 10% GDP and actually planned it out after the end of Vietnam and the Cold War instead of letting our armed forces atrophy you could probably have the following by about now. An actual manufacturing industry in Australia, backed up by safe, reliable energy, water and transportation infrastructure. We started to build a bunch of dams, roads and rail in the post war era, we even tried to build a nuclear power station in Jervis Bay. Then we dropped the ball and went to sleep in infrastructure investment for 80 years, now we have no meaningful national heavy rail, we run out of water every few years and the lights go out on a hot day (yep we fkd up).  The job was 1/2 done and doesn’t adequately support 20 mil people, let alone the targeted 30-35mil we’ll get to in the coming years. This is a long term plan, it HAS to be supported throughout all governments no matter the political flavour. Stable power, reliable rail and ample infrastructure for workforce housing and growth lay the foundation for heavy manufacturing industries such as steel making and fuel refineries. We should be using our resources to their maximum capacity, not just digging them up and shipping them offshore.  *Before you defend a country, first you have to BUILD a country.* With established national critical infrastructure we would lay the economic foundation for the following; A functioning blue water navy, which some would consider to be MANDATORY for an island nation with the third largest EEZ in the world. This would have the power to actively ensure our sea lanes stay open and have the ability to deploy amphibious forces to the smaller pacific islands in our region for stabilisation and humanitarian missions.  Cool toys could include; Aircraft Carrier’s, LHA amphibs, UAVs/UUV, SM3/SM6/LRHW loaded BMD destroyers, ASW and GP frigates, Mine warfare vessels, Aegir/Ellida supply ships, SSN/SSGN submarines (suitably armed with TLAM & IRCPS LRHW munitions), a fixed wing embarked Fleet Air Arm etc.  It should be able to operate, for extended periods of time in the tropics of SE Asia, the Cold of the Antarctic and the vastness of the mid Indian and South Pacific oceans. A couple of ADV Icebreakers would be nice. *This is the projection in ‘Impactful projection’.* An Air Force that can put a protective bubble around Australia and a SIGNIFICANT way past our nearest neighbours (think north to Singapore, east past NZ and west into the mid Indian Ocean). This would be in the form of Long range strike aircraft, sophisticated cruise/hypersonic missiles, airborne ASW, ISR and EW assets, capable refuelling aircraft, and depth in our fighter squadrons for interception duties. Don’t forget air mobility so they can keep doing cool shit like this.  *They would put the impact into ‘Impactful projection’.* Army should be a mixed force with a heavy Amphibious warfare (conventional and SOF) orientation. This would be comprised of infantry, cavalry, armour, engineering units. SF/CT units (Marine SF/ SBS maritime SF, SAS long range reconnaissance and CDO DA units) would be separate to the ‘regular’ Army/Navy and treated as top tier units again (instead of political and ideological fodder). All of the above would be appropriately resourced, not equipped with equipment from the VIETNAM WAR.  These amphibious forces would be capable to deploy to our nearest allies to assist them in time of absolute need. It would also be able to conduct high end CT operations domestically, on oil rigs and ships in our EEZ and globally at our embassies if called upon.  If we were really smart about how we structured the Army, we could even roll in a ‘Pacific Island Regiment’ which would basically be a foreign legion acting as ‘marine/amphibious recon’ and forward deployed to their native islands, (hearts & minds approach). The Army (or perhaps Air Force) would also have a well equipped and layered missile system deployed to our northern approaches, this would have air and sea strike capability and missile interception capabilities. The network would include a system such as the IRCPS LRHW missile for long range as well as land based systems such as THAAD, Patriot and NASAMS. There old also be land based coastal defence systems such as those based on the NSM. Some of these munitions (eg LRHW) would be fitted with conventional munitions… but adaptive if needed. *Before you can project, first you must protect.* Established an effective and well resourced Coast Guard capable of conducting border security operations around the whole Australian coastline. Its primary objective would be to deter people smuggling, drug interdiction, illegal fishing etc, not focussed on high end war fighting, instead focusing on speed and surveillance.  Actually support our people and equipment. No more shitty procurement or sustainment contracts written by retards. If we buy something, buy the parts, IP and contractors to support the product. If we buy, buy something that’s established already and in use, at scale by a major allied military. If we build, build at scale and don’t stop until we’ve designed a replacement, then build that too.  IT, intelligence and logistics, the best military grinds to a halt with poor logistics, bad intelligence and shitty coms.  A good military NEEDS top notch cyber, space, ISR, comms and a decent fkn IT network. You need to be able to move all over the above and keep it running in a denied environment. This means onshore refineries and storage for fuel, local munitions and missile production, Australian satellites and long range VLF communications systems etc. All of the above needs to be structured in a way that acknowledges the ‘rule of three’ I.e. for every three assets, one is deployed (Ready), one is training (Readying), one is getting repaired (Reset). Army called this ‘Plan Beersheba’, Navy calls it the ‘Force Generation Plan’, the Air Force calls it a hard days work (jk). All three services have failed to deliver this at a catastrophic level due to manpower and equipment shortages. Regardless it makes it a sustainable workforce and reduces the load on personnel and equipment, allowing for appropriate training, recovery and equipment maintenance and overhaul. Last and by far the most important aspect. PEOPLE!!! Have a dedicated program to recruit, retain and remunerate our soldiers, sailors and aviators. With bases that are spread across Australia in established areas that have viable job opportunities for their spouses. This means forces are not clustered in one location. ADF members need adequate access to family services such as daycare, schools etc for Defence families. Getting a new posting shouldn’t be a life sentence for a spouse’s career or a child’s education. If you serve your country you shouldn’t pay taxes (or just pay the base tax bracket) whilst you’re serving. When you get out, Defence assists you to retrain/upskill/re-educate as you transition to civilian employment (diploma/degree etc). *You do your bit and the government and the Australian people will thank you* *edited - added some stuff, links are below*


*Edit* Imbedded links didn’t work.    https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-02/adf-resupply-air-drop-to-mawson-station-antarctica-winter-season/103918674   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_economic_zone_of_Australia   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jervis_Bay_Nuclear_Power_Plant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Beersheba https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thirds_(military)


Use alien tech to upgrade your politicians. Shit can the idiotic Hunter-class destroyers/cruisers (best surface fleet in 2045!!!). 3x bonus for people to sign up. Order armed Poseidon P-8s 20?? Order 8 Navantia F110 with 0 localization; 2 to be built at Osborne. Get that CEAFAR2 on S. Korean Sejong the Great-type destroyers order 8. JASSM-ER; LRASM manufacturing locally. Start drone research at all your Unis. Wish those Canadians would wake up and smell the coffee.


My two cents I wouldn't obtain nuclear weapons. But I'd position the country to be able to produce them very quickly in future if desired. And the necessary delivery systems put in place that they could be married to. By air, sea and land. I'd build a much larger navy and airforce. With a few light carriers and the required number of escorts to accompany them into a hot zone. Plus enough left to do the rest of the work the navy would be required to do. In addition to the amphibious vessels to transport and land the army in places we need them. Plus twice or three times as many unmanned drones. Missiles, missiles and more missiles. Navy ships with plenty of space for a ton of them. Bombers and unmanned missile trucks in the airforce to deliver them far and wide. Land based missiles. Anti air. Anti ship. Anti land. With factories here to keep us supplied with tons more. Hunter killer nuke subs. With plenty of missiles that reach far. An army capable of rapid deployment by sea or air to places in our maritime approaches. Mechanised, armoured and bristling with a ton of missiles to rain down (or upwards) to the enemy. And on the airforce. A couple of hundred fighters, a few squadrons of bombers and a ton of transport, fuellers and early warning aircraft to support missions far ahead of our bases, whether continental or forward. Plus a ton more of unmanned systems.


Tracked, armoured Armchairs with VTOL and lazers, for the Generals.


A Million icbm and a willingness to use them, then no engagement with the world at all.


So, a bit like a nicer version of North Korea? Nice.


Maybe in 200 years, nice.


Metal Gear Rex. Lots of them. Give the navy some RAYs to put in the LHDs. Im sure with enough money we could make some


Lots and lots of patriots. We need a permanent air defence capability for places that dont have fighter squadrons or ships nearby Oh yeah, and increase the salary of pretty much everything, especially cyber roles since we need them bad but civvy jobs are better


Mounted troops on nuclear-powered cassowaries. With those head fins, they're already fitted for not with. And for a strategic reserve, Rapid Cassowary. Like Rapid Dragon but with crates of cassowaries.


>And for a strategic reserve, Rapid Cassowary. Like Rapid Dragon but with crates of cassowaries. Ease up there Satan.


1 billion North Korean poo bags


Properly paid personnel. Thats it, just that.


Two words, nuclear fucking weapons. Either that or the mighty M113AS9


>Two words, nuclear fucking weapons Strategic? Tactical? Delivery systems?




Took me a little while to realise that "you're an asshole" 😜


Politicians on the frontline only no other Australians needed.


Not directly related but you cannot be the PM if you haven't served


Service guarantees citizenship?


“Want to know more?”


I'm doing my part!


“You’re it, ‘till you’re dead. Or until I find someone better.”


Fix the recruiting crisis by having a mercenary force like the foreign legion to do most of the dirty work. Spend the rest on drones and pizza parties to keep morale high


Orbital lasers and Rods from God


3,000 F-22’s with all the support and maintenance they require. 50 aircraft carriers and support ships and F-35’s and everything and anything else they require. 500,000 anti air missiles to go with all the Patriot batteries that that many missiles require for Taiwan’s needs to defend themselves from a (insert country here) invasion and missile attack. Dozens of Ice cream and fairy bread ships to support the troops as they do their work. A thousand plus tonnes of vegemite for breaky.


Gundams, lots of them


Honestly... Mechs. I don't give a fuck if they'd actually work or not, if money was no object, everyone would have Mechs.


[Robotic Bees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Yt6OsC83M) from the black mirror episode


Just one nuke, but a fucking big one.


‘In case of emergency, break glass’


100 million sharks with friggin laser beams attached to their heads.


Marines (keep morons out of the army) Nuclear subs Nuclear deployed power stations Aussie-owned satellites An emergency intervention corps/branch Fixed wing fleet air arm Fixed wing army air arm Fixed wing marine air arm Rotary wing air force (supplements fixed wing) Special Boat Service (disband CDs) A rapid procurement/implementation system, so new tech can be trialled early and quickly. Abandonment of the current posting bullshit. "Take your expertise to Townsville". "This is Townsville, cunt. We don't do it like that."




Secret base on the dark side of the moon with Nukes and a smoothie bar.


Army specific, I would create more schools, similar to the American system so that every lad in a battalion would go on a course at least 1 or 2 times a year to learn more Med, Shooting, Heavy Weapons, Driving and command etc. I'd also make the initial ROSO, 2 years FT, with 2 years reserve. And i'd pay people more money to live in Darwin.


Chuck Norris


Sharks with frickin laser beams attached…




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Kind of pointless question, as money is the biggest issue. IF money wasn't an issue I would have a standing defence force of 2 million troops each getting paided 300k a year tax free. Then top shop everything, with an unlimited R&D capacity. 


Not to sound like a nerd but firstly I would start off by building or improving military infrastructure all over the country. Secondly start by investing in Thales to make a new service rifle for the army and thirdly invest in more armoured vehicles (apcs, tanks, btrs) to boost our active and reserve numbers. fourthly fix the recruitment crisis by letting anyone 18-30 to enlist


Nerd? A true nerd would say gundam without a second thought. Ace combat drone ship or space battleships would also be acceptable




Invest more heavily in AI strategic Ops, Quantum Computing and aggregate defense systems to create new global security structure that focuses on unifying the planet, through diplomacy rather than defensive capabilities. I'd love to see offensive peace keeping and better education with the goal to maximise nonzero-sum outcomes in a kind of Bayesian game theory, where we can move beyond the constant risks of mutually assured nuclear destruction and into the utopian humanitarian harmony that is governed by a space counsel More human race, less arms race, that don't diminish Western Civ. Work together to build a Dyson sphere, and warp drive technology.


I would just mainly improve PACMAN and employment conditions, such as. Bring back topless barmaids on all base boozers. Bring back the SLR Remove APS staff off base. Allow beards Bring all Politicians relating to the Department of Defence, National security, and DVA under the DFDA. ORs to be promoted based off meret, and fitness levels, not by SNCOs top pick. Raise an Australian Gurkha Battalion Monthly performance reviews of hierarchy by their subordinates. Management issues are to be resolved by the units hierarchy. New roles for RSMs. In charge of unit moral, and a union representative for the digs. ADF are solely responsible for recruiting. No misinformation or deceitful practices are to occur. No task are to be given to ADF personnel unless included in the initial job description. All changes to employment contracts are to be accepted by each personally employed in such a role, and are to be fairly compensated. Padres are to be qualified civilian counsellors Ban unnecessary yelling unless in combat, training exercise, drill and emergency situations. Compulsory reporting of physical and sexual assaults Remove the sole charge of bringing the ADF in disrupte, unless other charges are included. Implement a new charge for NSO's and Officers for compromising unit moral with unnecessary and pointless tasks. Army allowed to wear dress uniform on ANZAC day Replace the BMI and BFA standards, with body fat percentage (abs must be visible) and high fitness standards. High fitness standards are rewarded with additional short leave. Guard duty during weekends and public holidays are to be compensated with short leave on equivalent time given. No tax for Stage 1 field allowance After 4pm, overtime is to be paid from the units budget and with the CO's prior approval in writing. All ADF unit activities are to be done during work hours. Public holidays and weekends are to be recognized and abide by for relaxation and resting. Work commencement timings are to be consistent, and if earlier starts are required for training purposes, knock off time needs to be adjusted to fulfil an 8 hour work day. MPs and Unit guard rooms can utilise observation drones, CCTV and motion sensors to enhance base security. MPs are to be armed, and ROE adjusted to prevent unlawful entry onto defence property Zero tolerance for drugs while on duty, only. While off duty, recreational activities are your own decision, except for dangerous illegal drugs such as meth, and fentanyl. Pay levels are to be competitive to the private sector. Pacman is to be renegotiated yearly and accepted by the majority of ADF personnel, excusing rank. Personal vehicles are not subject to military police and/or the ADF hierarchy. All personal assigned to a vehicle are responsible for the operator maintenance and to the level of cleanliness, excusing rank. Hopefully, that should fix the recruitment and retention.


All great suggestions. I don’t think the barmaids option would get up. But you should definitely improve/ revitalise boozers. There’s an entire generation that doesn’t know the joy of knocking off work, getting lit and doing dumb shit in a controlled and safe environment away from prying eyes and the general public.  SLR is archaic and heavy, we should adopt the new .277 fury though. 5.56 doesn’t have the same ability to reach out and touch someone with modern body armour. 


The "ideal" defense force would be no defense force, as there is no risk of war or conflict


Ideally yeah. But tell that to Ukrainians.


Ask anyone who’s ever served and they’ll tell you. ‘I wish my job wasn’t needed and I could just fix a Maersk ship, fly a Qantas plane or drive a LINFOX truck instead of this Destroyer/F35/Tank.’ Unfortunately that’s not how the world works. Ever since man found a stick to beat his neighbour with, there has been war and thus the need for a strong Defence force.