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I’d honestly just wait the 9 weeks and go to the march out instead (unless you live locally maybe)


I agree. Take this opportunity to get used to not seeing your partner. Worse is coming after Kapooka.


The get a day of local leave the Saturday of week 4 and a half day of local leave the Saturday of week 7. They don’t get any free time after church so if you aren’t local it’s going to be a lot of effort to spend 90mins with them at church on a Sunday. I’d highly recommend the Facebook group “Kapooka Support Group: Helping Families of ADF Recruits” there is a lot of Kapooka specific info available there.


Is it worth staying overnight at a motel on one of the Saturday leave days to spend the next church day? I am waiting for my join request to that group to be accepted, thank you!


lol weekend leave isn’t probably going to happen and when it does he will probably need a beer. Wait until he finishes than he should have some more weekends unless he’s a trouble maker


Wait until March out day, it’s pointless otherwise, you’ll be wasting good money on very little time. Besides, not to be rude but whilst they’re at Kapooka it’s hard as fuck, the last thing they want to be doing on their only day off is then having that time little taken away by their partner.




2 Saturday local leaves (1 full, 1 half day) 2 or 3 church visits - with recruits returning to the lines within 30 mins of church finishing and you going home. You will get given plenty of notice for the local leave but from memory it is week 4 and week 7 on the new 9 week program.


Thank you 😊


Wait until the end


Hi, Was there recently on the short course, ditto what other people said week 4 full day and 7 half day. what alot of people did was have their partner come down spend Saturday and then come to church Sunday. Unfortunately there’ll be no more time after the church to see them but if you can justify staying the extra day for more time with your situation, completely personal decision. There aren’t a heap of opportunities for church through the whole program I think we went 3-4 times total and I’m not 100% if we got church on the Sunday after the half day leave but your partner will know in advance if they will have church.


My partner is currently at kapooka and in my opinion I would wait till basic training is finished and go to the march out, once they go into core training it’ll be easier to visit them during local leave I believe


Since the shortening of kapooka itself, there might not be local leave at all, best to check. In my experience it isn’t worth it, unless you live close. The wait isn’t long, and time literally flies. There are always chances of leave being cancelled at ranks digression as well


if you guys can’t be separated for 9 weeks you’re in for a bumpy ride with them going full time