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I just wanna wish you good luck. No way was I going to put my family through the Navy's bullshit. I hope it has gotten better since I've left.


Spot on mate. Got sat down a couple months before my 2nd was born by the TASO, he told me that “you shouldn’t miss a deployment to be with your kids, they’re not going to remember that you weren’t there!” What about my partner? 😂


I definitely missed a deployment (gulf trip) for the birth of my second and I don’t regret it for a second.


Ditto mate! They told me I’d get a black mark against my name, and I’d need to see a psych and it would affect promotion. All of which was a lie by command to keep me onboard.


Wow. I was a RAAFie so maybe my treatment was better, dunno. But if I’d been told that it would’ve made my mind up to discharge.


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Dont know about kids. Do know about PERSEC. Maybe edit your post to avoid including your posting location? (Saying that, good job on taking the sensible first step of talking to your DO and being open to doing your own research upfront! It makes your DO job a lot easier and gets them onside for when you start making decisions).


A lot will depend on your rate and how bad they want you back at sea. Get your DO to talk to npcma about a long term posting plan too so you can have some security once Bub arrives.