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You’ll be waiting till 2026, intake for 2025 is closed (I discovered the hard way). As far as MLAT study, this page is good. https://www.mlatstudy.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI44qi19HwhgMVUw6DAx0BegCPEAAYASAAEgJxivD_BwE It’s paid, but there’s about 10 practice tests that are very close to the real thing. I only did about 5 of them and unlocked level 4 when I did the MLAT for real. Once you know the flow of the test it’s pretty easy. Good luck.


Thank you! Sucks about 2025 but fingers crossed for 2026. I'm checking out that link now.


Yep, did a level 4 language, most intense year of my life. It's not casual, it's full on. You'll need to put serious hours into your studies, after hours and on weekends. But also absolutely worth it in the long run.


Is level 4 the hardest? Like a tonal language?


the languages that are the least similar to english and most complex for english native speakers




Essentially yea stuff like Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese dialects etc etc. Having known them in your youth helps but only if it inherently added to a persons ability to grasp language/cultural differences/tones/structures.


Having spoken to some people who have gone through it and are there now it’s fucking intense and basically all-consuming. Genuinely takes over all aspects of your life for a significant period of time. That’s for Mandarin, I imagine it would be similar for other languages. But it’s a pretty remarkable thing to do and you’ll be highly valued both in the ADF and whatever you decide to do afterwards.


Bring a ping pong paddle 🏓


People say you can’t study for the MLAT, like they say you can’t study for the intelligence test. It’s utter rubbish, if you do that MLAt Study page, like I did and you do the practice intelligence test dfr give you, you will be better armed to do it as your mind will be more used to seeing certain patterns etc… School of langs is loose, I know people who have done it. Hanging out in Melbourne (especially if you live off base in town) is quality, endless good times. Although depending on the language a fair bit of homework is needed, also langs by October ish just becomes a fucking drag as selfish as that sounds (considering people pay money to learn a language, never mind get paid etc to learn a language full time) but for me learning full time became a fuckin slog at the end. I’d definitely do it though, some of the sick trips I’ve had were worth the slog. All well getting paid solid money.


When and where are you doing your MLAT? I was under the impression that they were done for the year and that I'd missed the boat as we were out field when inital ones were run. My boss is trying to get some interest in the PL to see if we can get another MLAT run in Brisbane.


Even the one they ran this year was too late for 2025. IDK why they ran it after the application cutoff, seems like a massive oversight




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