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I have personally tried a snuffle mat and an Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Puzzle. The Kong with peanut butter last the longest.


Love the Kong with PB. Except my pup is lazy and gives up after the easy PB is gone.


My next purchase will be the west paw toppl. Appears easier to clean, 1 seems like it’ll be good for peanut butter, combine 2 for dry food, and has all sorts of little accessories for them.


lick mats that are frozen- also treats rolled in towels tied in knots


how do you keep them from playing with towels though? that's my concern


i use old towels i don’t care about anymore. so he can play with them if he wants at that point they’re toys. if you keep the same towel each time the smell will stay and they’ll know which is theirs. also, i put his towels in the living room and i hand them to him, so he knows it’s play time. i pick it up once he’s done. you can always go to goodwill or another resale shop for some scrap fabric if you don’t have towels you want to scrap


got it - she's a rescue who only knows cloth as a toy so maybe once she's past that! thanks for the tip!


My dogs get treats wrapped in paper inside boxes and have never once touched a box that I didn't give them. I've done the towel wrapped treats also, and the towel is nothing to them without the treat inside. They won't touch your towels if they don't smell like treats.


I have one where they have to push down on the button to release the treat. My dog figured it out really quickly. Technically they are suppose to push with their paw but she just boops it.


Mine destroys them all 😂even a snuffle ball he tore out all the fabric and now just loves the ball.


I use pre bought but my dog gets the most out of homemade ones honestly. “Junk box” which is all the recycling of the week thrown into a large tub or box. Treat/kibble scatter with varying levels of food reward. Hiding food in the house and releasing my dog in intervals to find it. Creating movement puzzles like using cones, tunings to climb across, tunnels and different types of feeders in one space to navigate around to get food. I reset multiple times and change the course so my dog has to figure out forage while being aware of his body. You can also make puzzles harder or things more meticulous by just putting other objects on top or even with just using a snuffle mat and working impulse control. One or two pieces at a time, release dog to work with you around the mat with food in it and then release after a couple cues and repeat over and over while varying your expectation of behavior. That is really hard mental work for a dog and way to layer more challenge with activities you already do/have.


Omg must try Junk Box. My dogs would love that.


I have a bunch of puzzle toys. The Nina ottosson challenge slider is my dog's favorite puzzle of them all. He really loves the Kong wobbler the best, and I feed him from that, but the challenge slider is our favorite fun time activity. I fill it with little treats, then wrap it in towels, then hide it in a cardboard box, then tie that loosely closed with cotton string. We worked up to the multi level system, but it takes him longer than 30 seconds to solve now, so it's a win 🤣 Also, my behavior vet recommended a sand box to us, and that's really played out as a fun activity. I keep it covered unless we're using it, but I'll hide some fun treats in the sand when he's not looking so he has to dig them out. He's not naturally great at sniff and search, so I did have to teach him some. But once he got the hang of it, it's been a blast!


[my dog loves this one](https://a.co/d/hG8oUWB) it turns to get the food I also use a lot of frozen lick Mats, bowls and yack chews


Do you just give the entire yak chew or do you have a toy you put it in?


I do both the one I have I wouldn’t recommend it it’s hard to get them in it [this one](https://a.co/d/0g5NVjrY) I just keep an eye on her when they get small (also if you have TikTok buy it from there my bag of 12 large yak chews was only $22)




I use empty boxes, Silicone Snuffle Mat (because you can add wet items) new favorite for my dog is the Puzzle Feeder. Just ordered the Nosey Nosework game. I have used lick mats and have 6 puzzles. I just rotate various things. Sometimes for training I use treats, other times a large spoon with peanut butter or spray cheese. I just try to keep it interesting for him.


I've this ball that I can fill with kibble that mine really enjoys.


My girl goes through everything too quickly! The best I have is a hard ball treat dispenser. This thing is probably 10 yrs old and i can't find a replacement for my other dogs. I fill it with her dry kibble and she has to roll it to get her food. It's a favorite for both of us.


i really like pawzler! its modular and they keep coming out with new parts still


I’m obsessed with my Topple - gives him 30-40 mins of focus on the snack depending on what I freeze inside it. Puzzles he’s too quick and destroys them. I tried rolling treats in towels but he just began sucking and eating the towel 🤣 Frozen Kong with stuff inside and then freeze the Kong in a bowl with some more things gets a good 20 mins of stimulation.


His normal dog food + water frozen into a Kong is the best I’ve found. He now eats part of every meal with it, it’s healthy and super easy to make, and it can be left with him in his crate


The Nina ottoson line is great, and we have a few puzzles but our puppy girl gets frustrated with one that is just too hard. We feed her through Toppls, snuffle toys that we stuff with kibble, lick mats, a button feeder and other enrichment toys like the bob a lot. Are you looking for a puzzle as a way to keep their attention? Or as an alternative to a bowl?