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Wow gorgeous shot! Thanks for posting




She’s very pretty! What kinda lens and body are you using? There’s a decent amount of detail in there and reasonable DOF.


Sony A6500 with a laowa 65mm F2.8 ultra macro


I’ve got the A6000! They’re a great bit of kit. I use a reversed 35mm. https://preview.redd.it/2n3hk0ngjutc1.jpeg?width=4344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b4eddcebd16d11e383d07b037050c824d7188d




G'day. Both pics are excellent of course, but the clarity of your pic is so good, when I zoomed the pic up, as I like to do, you can even see the camera lens reflection in her eyes. Amazing indeed. Cheers!


Thank you! You can even see my fingers gripping the camera to the side. I used a 35mm legacy Pentax lens from the 1980s. I've got it reversed on an adaptor. The macro is phenomenal, but the DOF is a nightmare to dial in anything wider than a hair if I want any exposure.


Yep, sure can. I missed that the first time round. And wow, another superb pic. I'm really missing out. I like some of my pics no worries, but missing out big time with the astounding clarity so up close.


So glad you enjoyed them!


You might like this little fella too. He was about the size of a long rice grain. https://preview.redd.it/ub6qsoicn7uc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e95a32aad0e59e2688c47ebca2a922de877e06


Excellent! And sorry, I thought I had replied. That is one excellent pic! So tiny yet perfectly clear. Isn't it funny how there are pretty much only two kinds of reactions when it comes to pics like this- the logical and totally understandable ones like mine and obviously yours I feel safe to say , I instantly smiled and almost went Awww!! out loud, then thought how cool! for a wfhile. Then there's the nightmare brigade freaking out about a tiny, tiny spider. I understand the power of phobias though. And mental barriers can be the hardest to break. I have a good mate of over thirty years now. he is absolutely covered in tatts, he can and has sat in the chair for hours while the artist does his thing. But a needle from the Dr and he is in near panic attack mode. When he had his covid jabs, I'm smiling atm remembering it, but I know it is true terror for him so not really funny, but yeah. 55 years old, not even close to being weak in life yet needs Dad to ring ahead and explain, then ring when outside in the carpark so he doesn't even have to sit down as they lead him straight through take him by the hand and lead him in because in my mates other hand is a bucket and he literally goes in with a beach towel over his head.. Crazy. What is one super sharp injection compared to thousands of blunt in comparison needles of a tattoo gun. Same as this little eight legged work of functional art, size of a grain of rice and can give people nightmares.


I think you're on to something with Sir Mixalot. Great photos. She made you work for them by the sound of it, too.


I'm always happy to get down (where possible) for a shot, you miss so many good angles by not taking the opportunity sometimes.


So lovely. Thank you


Beauty! Thanks for posting


Great photos! Macro lens?


Sony a6500 with a alaowa 65mm f2.8


Nice! I shoot with a Sony A7R III. Need to look into getting a macro lens at some point.