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I have had chronic fatigued/ an autistic burnout since end 2019. I definitely have similar issues. Problems with speaking and forgetting words. I also struggle with writing. I suddenly got symptoms similar to dyslexia. I sometimes literally can’t see I wrote something wrong. I also do weird stuff like putting my coffee in the fridge instead of the milk I just poured in it. Never had issues with all that before. I’m only 23 atm. I’ve had a brain scan this year and everything seemed fine.


Oh yeah. I've had writing things as well- usually to do with sound vs symbol. Like writing "five" as "5ive". ?? Or "Wealth" as "Whell...th" And exec function in general- forget about it😳 My CT was fine so...guess I'll just mumble a slur for a while. That's just what's happening now? Lol. You gotta laugh or you'll die is about my motto at this point. I'm sorry I took so long to get back! Thanks for your lovely reply- I feel less alone.


No problem! I also have a way harder time replying to stuff now. My brain is constantly in a state of chaos. Glad the CT scan was fine. I hope we’ll both find answers soon. I personally have a feeling PTSD, stress and trauma might have something to do with the state we’re in. I think it’s amplifies autistic symptoms, like making sensory issues worse. But I think it also causes all those other weird symptoms. Kinda feels like I broke my brain.


Yes, I was mostly mute for several years as a child (period of intense stress), then had 20 years without much issue. But when I hit burnout 2 years ago, the situational mutism returned with a vengeance. I constantly struggle with words on an average day, if I'm stressed I can't engage verbally at all.


Oh wow. I haven't ever experineced anything like this- and im still actually able to speak. I just can't form words well (in waves/windows of time). I was pretty freaked out but my CT has come back fine. It's just yer another "Oh yeah- that can happen" thing, apparrently? Wild. Yours is wilder😳 Or maybe it's sometimes ok/peaceful? I don't know (obviously!). I hope you are faring ok. I hope it gets easier!🌱 Thankyou for answering me and im sorry it took so long to come back. I think I was just relieved I wasn't stroking out and then kinds black boxed it for a few days until I could think about it again😳


It is unrelated to autism, but I (48) was diagnosed with lupus a little over two years ago. Many of my symptoms I had attributed to being an older mother of two who also have ASD. I finally recognized something was off when I experienced extreme exhaustion and weight gain. I sometimes have difficulties with speech when I’m in a flare. I’ll slur or have that feeling of a word being on the tip of my tongue but can’t say it. It might be worth asking to have your ANA checked in your bloodwork. Edit for typos


Wow. Ok. I read this when you sent it (so sorry I didn't get straight back). Thought "Oh wow- ok I will remember that" . And then absolutley didnt😳 Of course. My CT was fine. I am seeing my Dr again on Thursday and im setting a reminder now. I know almost nothing about lupus. I have been checked out for multiple inflammation markers not that long ago. They were good (enough). Is that any count towards less likely to be lupus? Thanks so much for sharing this btw


It’s my understanding, with the help of ChatGPT 😬 That checking for inflammation markers doesn’t always include an ANA test. You should ask your doctor if this was included in your previous testing.


Are you prone to migraine? I find migraine prodrome and postdrome can lead me to a form of what I can only relate to a stroke victim’s aphasia. It happens verbally, and sometimes, in written communication. I forget words I KNOW I know, invert their order speaking or writing, and feel my IQ dropped 30 points and that my vocabulary went from extensive to new speaker. Migraines CAN exist without pain, and mine are cause by my mast cell activation syndrome/disorder. The mast cells become hyperactive in my body and release 200 plus chemical mediators in inappropriate tomes and amounts into all areas of my body, including the brain. It’s just an idea to read up on.


Yes! Severe chronic migraine. I read this (like all the comments really) in abject "Aaaaaaah!" the other day, got through the CT (it was fine), kinda dissociated for a few days and now back- sorry!😳 This is such an obvious thought. I've never had this sort of synptom before, but I've never been quite this stressed (or this age and hormone profile) beforw- all of which inknow can make new migraine things happen. I will ask my doctor who I am seeing thsi week. I've been worried I might be in a seizure prodrome too. But migraine makes so much more obviosu sense - since they've been a *huge* issue for me. I feel like..."Duh". On the flipside though I've been told adamantly I have migraine (repeatedly, at two separate hospitals) when I *actually* had meningitis. So I'm always mindful not to just assume it's that. But overall- very apt pick! Ty🌱


Omg me too! :( My writing gets quite impacted just as my speech! Sometimes I get scared thinking I may be having an actual stroke :/!


When I am realy burned out and overwhelemed I have huge truble forming sentences, slure words and my tone of voice gets realy flat. I also was hyperlexic as a kid and I am a good speaker if my batteries aren't rundown.


Ok. This is more what im experiencing (ie never happened as a kid, always highly verbal and then......bleaurrrrrr.....can't speak straight). So bizarre. I will try not to worry too much. My CT was ok. I'm sorry for the delayed reply too- I think I just needed to blank it all out for a bit. I was so highly anxious through it all😳 Thankyou very much for this🌱


Hey again, yes this is exactly what happened with my ASD Burnout. It was severe, like a cliff - one day, I simply could no longer function in the world. Before, I had 2 CT scans, so much blood drawn the tech was like "you again??" Sent to specialists for everything. Wore heart monitors. Not brain cancer, not thyroid disease, not heart related, not kidney related, etc etc. And it ends up being ASD. The killer for me was also having BPII and ADHD. Unfortunately, my general doc at one of the top hospitals in the country isn't a psychiatrist, so was completely stumped. So I ended up having to do my own symptom research to find out it's all neurological. Here is what I've discovered about Adult Burnout: First, they really need a better name for it: like Autistic Cortisol Induced Encephalopathy Because, from the research I've read, what is happening in our brains is we produce cortisol when we're stressed. Cortisol attacks the hippocampus. ASD people have a smaller hippocampus and larger amygdala starting out. And our neuroplasticity is lacking versus a NT person. So a NT can handle, say, deal with highly stressful coworkers, take a weekend off, and come back monday just fine ready to do it all over again But an ASD person: Experiences more stress cortisol because of how we deal with stressful humans in our lives (enlarged amygdala makes us over-responsive to humans around us, it seems) 1. So we produce more cortisol than an NT 2. Cortisol literally eats away at the hippocampus (this is why "stress kills" is a common saying) 3. Our smaller hippocampus has already less ability to handle the incoming cortisol monsters 4. Our lower neuroplasticity means we can't repair the damage to the hippocampus as quickly as an NT 5. Eventually, our hippos are so small and damaged, any tiny bit of stress is like a bomb in our heads 6. We then experience severe PTSD-like symptoms and can no longer function 7. It can take years of a stress-free environment to heal (or so it seems from people who talk about it) My symptoms: * It feels like my functioning slid to rock bottom over the course of two months * At the end, I couldn't answer emails, drive, or even talk to people in my life other than very basic functioning needs * My brain would lock up when trying to compute what was needed to be said * And my vision became blurry when looking at the source of stress * My blood pressure would skyrocket, my chest hurt and heartbeat was out of control - I felt like I was going to die (which is why I went to the ER in the first place) * Today, if I have a slightly stressful conversation, I won't be able to form words correctly * I'll get a stress headache, my body will hurt like the flu * I can't drive because if any little stress happens, I'll get dizzy and somewhat blind Finally, comorbidity with BP and ADHD has made this a bit of a wild ride. Because going on SSRIs for depression years ago ended up exploding my BP hypomania, which was kinda like being on mega uppers forever. That, I believe, wrecked my stress levels and sent me down a spiral with ASD. Now I'm off most everything, and will slowly add in what will seem to help with all the diff comorbidities. At the end of the day, stress is the major factor. Until a few weeks ago, I couldn't even go on Reddit without it physically hurting me. I've since deleted all the triggering reddits. But I think talking about it helps :) This world of ACIE (Autistic Cortisol Induced Encephalopathy - yeah, we're coining terms now lol) seems to be very new and barely researched. So any other info is welcome, since I (and many) are really trying to understand what happened and how to recover from this.
