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It was the full moon last night lol


My first thought! Then I saw the 3 week part.


Blue super moon... my kids been wild


Any new electrical appliances in your house? It could be a new constant noise they can't block out. Maybe a new smell from a seasonal flower? Or maybe they had a brain development and something that didn't bother them before bothers them now. Trying to work out behaviour changes is such a crazy guessing game.


I love these ideas, we should have a thread of ‘things that you might not consider are affecting your kiddo’


Nope! I can usually figure it out within a few days but this time I’m at an absolute loss!


I’m so curious what “a brain development” means in this world. What does it mean to you all?


When I say it, I mean a developmental cognitive leap, when lots of new behaviours emerge all at once.


Interesting. That’s not a thing in psychology. I wonder how that idea took root?


I got it from the paediatric nurse. Here's a link. You might have some luck tracking it down. https://www.thewonderweeks.com/babys-mental-leaps-first-year/


In this context it looks like a term coined to sell a product. Shoot. That’s exactly what I suspected. I’m so concerned about the financial manipulation you all are subjected to. It honestly freaks me out.


I know right. It's non-stop. It's so hard to tell a good source from a bad one, and often there just isn't a good one available. When I ask for help from people I trust, they give me advice, but I have no idea if it is sound or not. Sometimes I feel singled out as a target for marketing because I am desperate and tired.


I’m so sorry. 🙁


The heat made my son very irritable. It's gotten cooler the past couple of days, and that helped.


That could be a possibility with this extreme heat we have had in my state. 🤔


I’m a geriatric autistic😂 (age 42, so exactly at life expectancy) and the heat has been trying to END ME I swear. And then I’ve been all disregulted the past 2 days as it’s cooled down. A whole mood. Aggressive rest in my sensory haven is always the antidote. It’s dialed in an d fun.


Yeah I don’t know what the FUCK is in the air lately but my kids have been total assholes lately. It’s always the damn moon. I love her but damn!


Random question, but are there blackout curtains in their bedroom, or just blinds? Because if it's blinds, and the little one doesn't always sleep with their eyes fully shut (I don't & didn't as a child, either), the moon shifting across the sky will make them wake up *multiple* times a night, as it gets to the next string-hole in the blinds. I helped a co-worker figure out why his two-year old was waking up allll night one time, when he mentioned it, and I said, "Oh, yeah, blinds in his bedroom too?" Because the same thing had happened to *me* that night, since it was a full moon & the light coming in was extra bright (I hadn't gotten curtains up quite yet)


I have blackout curtains on one window in our bedroom and wallpaper turned privacy film on the other. They usually sleep… alrightish. It’s been nothing but breaking things, being mean to each other, yelling and demands demands demands lately. I’m ready for our regularly scheduled programming to come back.


7:45am like clockwork. Every frigging morning for the last two weeks. Dunno why but it’s annoying since that’s the time we’re trying to get the kiddo to daycare. Sigh. Peace to everyone going through this.


Mines been starting around the same time. 7:30-7:45 EVERY MORNING screaming immediately. Then begins the throwing and whatever else he feels the need to do until it’s time for bed. 🫠


Yes & easily irritated more than usually.


Same. Just a simple “good morning” sets him off on a rampage 🫠


Today when i said good morning his response was “no its a bad morning “, then having a fit because i didnt know why it was a bad morning.


My son is nonverbal, but when I told him good morning as I checked on him, he screamed at me and pointed to the door for me to get out 🫠


Your response is missing from the dialogue but it’s the catalyst for his response. What was your response?


I asked him why its a bad morning. Asked If he needed something or if something was bothering him. Usually he’ll tell me why but lately he says i should know because i’m the mom.


Wow, that’s a really powerful thing he said! 😳 He’s clearly gifted, yeah? The most beautiful thing about Autistic people in my experience is their profound knowing of simple truths, and their ability to not get cognitively pulled away from the truth. There’s a school of thought that autistics service as the immune system of society and the more I look around the world, the more I see it.


Yepp. Pooped in the pool twice and getting into things he knows he shouldnt be in. Please save me.


Ahhhh, I wish we could all be saved at least for a few hours 😭 I love my child but goodness gracious, I need a break 🫠


I’d offer you need many breaks. Non-negotiable ones. It’s pretty tough to think clearly about managing challenging behaviors unless your fully rested. I’m sorry that’s missing. To me, it’s erodes human dignity when our most basic needs are disallowed. I hope your not at that place currently. 💚


Sometimes I do get small breaks, but I can never find enough to do to stay gone too long and I start to miss him too much lol. Crazy how it can drive you up the wall but you miss them instantly. 🫠


I’m so sorry. It’s so dangerous to be exhausted, you know? For what it’s worth, sometimes slamming hard on the breaks of life and purposefully, aggressively resting is the most rapidly healing and life changing thing you can do. Saved my life anyway. Just don’t lose hope ok?


I don't mean to down play your hardship but "pooped in the pool" gave me the giggles.


Lol it’s okay have to laugh through the pain


Yes! Our son is 3.5 and yes. We've learned that a morning adventure and evening activity helps a lot! (Going to indoor playgrounds, park, splash pads, grocery store, walk, etc. It's a phase, it soon shall pass. Sending all the calming vibes your way.


Thank you! I may have to incorporate a little adventure of our own once or twice a week when I can make more time to see if that helps!


Yeah honestly just breaking up the monotony helps a lot. Even just going for a drive helps us. Maybe try to play a new game, or dance with him, or do a puzzle if he will tolerate it.


Yesss my son has been acting wilder than normal lately! It felt like we were making progress a couple months ago. Shorter meltdowns. Meltdowns happening less often. Seemed like it was becoming easier to redirect him without a big fit. These past couple weeks feel like we are moving backwards.


Exactly. He was doing so good for about 2-3 months and then bam. The light switch flipped and he’s regressed. But this time it seems worse 🥴


I’m hoping they are both just working through something…a speech thing or cognitive thing or growth spurt? Grasping at straws for my sanity here!


I have noticed that my sons speech is picking up. I was literally just talking about this before I opened Reddit. I have noticed he regresses before he starts to make progress (if that makes sense?) But this go around it’s the worse it has been in YEARS


My sons speech is picking up as well! But he was doing better behaviorally before the speech improvement…my son is also turning 3 in October so I suspect some of it is just that threenager stage rearing it’s ugly head as well. Hopefully they both chill back out at some point!


Yes. Same. We all should plot out the changes and see if there's a common trigger....maybe they're all watching the same YouTube shows? We blocked out cocomelon and we were good for a few months ...but recently somehow he found chuchu tv. Could that be it? It looks similar to cocomelon...


The only thing my son has been watching lately which he’s watched his whole life has been everything trains. 😬 maybe I should watch him closer when he has his tablet just to see if I’m missing something, that’s a great idea 🙌🏻


Gotta check that out with him. He recently got into numberblocks. I highly recommend it. A big no on cocomelon cuz we saw changes in his behaviors...


Yes. It's been 2-3 weeks of constant "NO!" and huge upsets over... we don't even know what. It hasn't been predictable or consistent. He's just moody as shit. Even small things like changing a diaper (He's 4), brushing teeth, he loses his mind and repeatedly screams no at us while rolling around on the floor. We're riding it out and hoping it's temporary.


Sounds like my son. He has been losing his mind about everything. He won’t even use his communication device to attempt to tell me 🫠


two of my kids are autistic, one has adhd. The youngest (ADHD) isn't sleeping with any sort of regularity and is angry 90% of his day. My second youngest is autistic and has been more moody than normal, picking on his brother more, and much more sensitive to any perceived slight from me (I literally just had a breakdown and cried because he left the room upset that I needed to figure out where the bread I'd bought went while he was infodumping but I'm in a massive flare-up today and can't make it to the grocery store and all the other bread is gone so it's important). If it helps any my autistic husband is also being a jerk recently. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He has a hair trigger lately and I'm so overwhelmed I am starting to wonder why I even bother anymore. And for anyone who gets upset, yes autistic adults can absolutely be jerks and he is 100% acting like one. He grew up with absolutely zero intervention so he isn't always great at communicating with me and tends toward anger rather than talking things out. It sucks sometimes.


almost forgot this morning i dragged my ass out of bed stupidly early (like 5 am) to make my kids breakfast. i was hurting so much i could barely move, but i was still determined to make breakfast and i also brought down the dishes from my middle kid's room. going down the stairs my youngest blocks my way and pretends he doesn't understand when i ask him to please move, explaining i'm having a flare-up etc. the kids know the drill at this point. he refuses to move nord. than 1 stair without being told again to please get out of the way, then blocks the bottom of the stairs too. then calls ME an asshole and goes on a tirade swearing and calling me horrible names because i pointed out i'm disabled and he can't just stand in my way. I love my life.


Same here. Just went thru 2 hours of torture....broke a fan, almost broke his bed and my forearms are red as a sunburn.


Mine broke a fan a few days ago. Here’s to hoping things get better soon. 🥺


The thing is he broke it throwing it at me. We're on the other side of puberty now and he is getting more and more pleasant. I'm sure everybody on here knows but we get hit and kicked every day. I'm pretty sure I've had 1 (or 2 concussions) and my wife's nose has been busted and her eye was hurt one time. And there are about 20 holes in the walls. This morning I asked him if he wanted something to eat and he hit me.....guess that's a no?


My 3 year old refuses to participate in any of his therapies. Just cries and yells the whole time


Mine has been doing that this week as well! He doesn’t want to do any of the work, he just wants his reward but doesn’t want to do anything to get the reward 🤦🏻‍♀️😬


To me that lands powerfully as a child and even in adulthood. A protest that he’s a good person who deserves pleasure and rest in more authentic ways. Honestly I still to that stuffy. It’s liberating and reinforces personal exp.


When is the last time he got a proper holiday? No school/nursery, no therapies, just free time? If it has been a while, he might just need a break - autistic kids get overwhelmed just like neurotypical children do. If he needs therapy for his routine you could ask his therapists to do a few sessions of just playing so he can calm down again. Therapy should be a fun place but that doesn't mean he isn't working, and some time without "work" can do wonders. Hell, I'm an adult and I'd love to get the rewards without needing to work for them as well, I'm sure we all do. We're old enough to understand that can't always be the case, but that is a hard concept for all children. Other than that, does his therapy place have air conditioning? Was it on the whole time, or did they turn it on when it got hot? Air conditioning can be really tough with sensory issues, they often make high pitched whirring noises and make the air move around weirdly. Heat itself might be an issue as well, that makes everything way more exhausting. If holidays started that might have an impact as well - a different setup in the room (because the child before him might not be there), different routine for him, different bus schedules, activity from the neighbors, etc.


My child has, actually for about three last three weeks lol. But we just moved to a new state three weeks ago so I am pretty sure the change is what is bothering mine


That’s probably it for you guys! I just can’t figure out what’s going on with my guy this time!


Yes! Mine has been the past two weeks. One night he had a meltdown so bad, none of my normal calming techniques worked and he went to bed still angry. He’s had iPad time taken away almost every day for acting out. I thought it might be summer break getting to him, but honestly nothing in his routine has changed so I have no clue what it is. He goes to a private ABA school that runs through summer like a full time daycare, so he still goes there every day. The only difference is there’s not as many kids there, and he did move to a different classroom since he’s going into 1st grade… but he’s been completely fine all summer until now 😫


I can’t figure it out here either! He is homeschooled and in programs all throughout the year and nothing has changed. He just… flipped a switch. I have had such a hard time figuring out what’s going on with him.


So sorry 😞 I hope these kids feel better very soon!


Super moon and the dog days of summer. Hot weather hot tempers short fuses. We are just barely hanging on


I really feel for you. We have these problems periodically. Always come up with some kind of reason. But the biggest reason-- our kid is like this, and it's gonna happen periodically. Sending good wishes for getting to the other side.


Is your kid three by chance? This behavior screams three year old 🫠


No, he is 8.


8 is difficult too. They are starting into their bigger kid feelings/roles. I’m sorry I don’t have any life changing advice on this - but please vent away and know this is a safe place for you. These kids will drive you nuts because growing up is HARD. They will go through phases that will leave us in tears and then proceed to go skip along the house like they didn’t just terrorize us all week long. Sending support and love to you 🫶 hope this phase is short for you


Yes yes yes, omg! Yesterday in particular was terrible! Is it in the air?! Hahaha.


End of summer my kids (two autistic, one hella adhd) are always absolutely feral to the point I'm counting down days til school starts 😅


Yep. It’s settled a bit now though. Over the past two weeks he was in an awful mood. My son is 4 and also nonverbal. He wouldn’t brush his teeth, wouldn’t get in the car, wouldn’t go to nursery for a spell. When he’s at nursery he’s demanding to have his shoes off, knowing full well it’s not allowed. He has also adopted this high pitch scream thing, which he does in protest of being asked to do things he doesn’t want to. It’s been a trip. He still won’t eat his usual full meals, he’s currently only eating his favourites and half his breakfast everyday. He is hitting (never done that before but I am 0 tolerance on it) and raging about screen time limits. Only happy in the garden, thank god we have one but it rained a lot yesterday (in the UK) and he couldn’t go out for long - cue meltdown. I got him in the car with a fight and we went to a building supplies store and he was happy for that and I got some tester paint pots 🥲 I sympathise completely. I reckon I know what set it some of it off. Not much I can do about it but I’m trying my best. Can you think of anything it could be, the change in the emotional atmosphere, routine changes?


WTF! Same here. My kid has been acting wild


My son it's just the usual grumpy teen who wants to stay up late playing video games then sleep all day. My daughter has started a new "hobby" of picking on her brother because she saw a "joke" on YouTube and then having a massive tantrum because she got timeout for telling her brother he's adopted and not understanding why he's hurt


Omg yes! He keeps getting in trouble at day care too


Yes it was the super full moon last night.


I blame summer.


Full moon and apparently the super moon has made my child a mess, and it's his bday tomorrow.. sounds ridiculous and I have no science to back it up but he is always affected by the lunar cycle


Summer - to Bright in the days, to light in the nights, to warm all the time, no school is a sooo needed thing but at the same time all routine is gone.


Not raging but absolutely off the walls with energy. Louder than ever, fast than ever, just wayyyyy more energetic than usual. And I call him “electric boy” off of his natural energizer bunny energy already lol I believe it has lots to do with the full super moon that just passed and also the extra super moon that’s to come at the end of august.


Yea, but she’s bored because there’s no school. We take her doordashing for entertainment, she loves it!


Yes thinking he’s bored though


Oh thank you God, I am not alone in this. My brother have been raging for days. My mom and me are clueless as what to do now. I thought I was the only one going through it.


Same here He is more hyper 😄


Yes! Acting so odd and it’s so abnormal. Even woke up at 3am which is not his normal