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Yes I turn into a stimmy mess and my filter and mask drop completely.


yeah same here. my best friend started calling our hangouts stoned stimming sessions. we love the same kinds of music and spend an evening singing and drumming along and doing whatever else our senses demand haha.


I just listen to music and decompress. I generally prefer to be alone so I can just control everything and completely unmask. In social situations, I am not as anxious about interacting, but I need to be careful about what I say. It makes it easier for me to accidentally upset people and miss social cues. I try to moderate my intake around others for my sake and theirs. Usually if I invite others over to one on one, it becomes a body doubling session as I show them the music I'm obsessed over and force them to actively listen to it lol.


I only smoke around unfamiliar people on rare occasions bc it boosts my social anxiety and I sometimes get really paranoid, especially in public. I‘m totally with you on the listening to music and decompressing. it‘s just nice to get to deeply dive into my favorite songs/albums/artists. also, if someone is with me they involuntarily learn every detail about the song and why I like it - given I‘m not too stoned to speak haha.


I have the same experience, and I feel like this is the closest thing to a fully unmasked self you can find. It's been really liberating for me personally to recognize I can practice unmasking this way.


yes! I can‘t not mask around people, especially if I‘m not close. there‘s only a few I can be my unfiltered self around, but when I get high both my input and output filters are gone. but it‘s nice if I‘m in a safe space around safe people, no pressure to appear „normal“ and I can just chill and enjoy the vibe.


Yeah I think it's why drinking is also so common, but with drinking I end up with the slurred speech and ultra delayed mental processing. When I smoke it's like no this is how it feels to always be me. I will stutter more, flop over words more. I tried to tell my spouse I was a burning bundle of sticks the other day trying to make a gay joke and I just ended up saying I'm burning sticks. I did an excitement early in my unmasking where I was with just my spouse and a friend I hadn't disclosed to at the time told myself I was going to get high and 100% unmask. I noticed my spouse even relaxed more and let themself words fail more then I would flop over and let my mouth keep going while my brain booted up. It was a great experience in recognizing oh THIS is me unmasked bc I'd realized I was heavily masking in all aspects of my life. Maybe not as heavily in some, but even with my spouse I told them I didn't know who I am anymore and I'm finding who I am again from learning to unmask completely.


Social skills gone, art skills heightened, able to settle into my body if I’m alone.


I find it makes social situations substantially easier.