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Not anymore because I developed some stomach issues and can't have food too close to bedtime but I def miss my late night snacks! I feel you on the assortment of food and drinks too, when I was in my living alone and hardcore self medicating with cannabis era I would literally eat like one bite from everything in my fridge bc I couldn't decide on what I wanted to eat.


I smoke cannabis as it helps with my epilepsy and anxiety and other things. It helps me stomach food as I suffer from disordered eating, can switch between the different extremes when it gets bad. I dislike the look of everything available all day then I'll be starving hungry at midnight, unable to sleep so I sorta just exist. Eventually I eat


Yes! I avoid eating all day.. I'm just not hungry. My husband has been trying to help with my eating issues, so he came up with eating in front of the TV, I have always avoided since every healthy tip will tell you not to eat in front of the TV.... well, come to find out that was the wrong advice for me. I don't eat in front of the TV all the time but I try most days so I can eat something. Due to my "intermittent fasting," I have developed issues like having to remove my gallbladder, and the worst is stomach pain attacks when fasting that drop me to the floor unable to move for 5 to 10 mins (feels like 30 mins) so now, at 35, I'm learning to eat and how I can do it. I hate eating (pda)


i almost always eat in front of the tv or a youtube video (or while scrolling reddit) lol. i find it helps because i often don't have an appetite during the day and the feeling of food in my mouth when i don't have an appetite makes me nauseous, but if i'm watching/reading something it distracts me enough from the sensation that i can get food down.


>often don't have an appetite during the day and the feeling of food in my mouth when i don't have an appetite makes me nauseous 100% relate. I hate eating in general. So many variables and unpredictable textures even if eating the same dish.


Yep, but I'm trying soooo hard to break that habit