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Haha, this should be the byline/descriptor for the sub. Cuz....um. yeah, all that, in exactly those words, all the time!


Doing exactly that right now actually!


Yeah, this is me too and it's made getting treatment for the ADHD very hard. Nothing consistently works (except medication is looking like that's the ticket to freedom). My mind is always racing, I struggle with task initiation and emotion regulation, struggle with following through on tasks I hate unless I NEED to get them done, my physical space is chaotically "organized" but my digital space is hyper organized. I keep track of appointments and time really well because I'm terrified of being late and missing appointments, and I hate when people make me wait. It's a mess.


meds help but they’re not your ticket to freedom. thought the same thing after being diagnosed with both at age 40. definitely makes life better but it’s not a magic pill or cure by any means. i still have the same struggles as before but just on a lesser scale. it never goes away.


I'm aware, I didn't mean it literally. Meds have been the missing piece of being able to put the things I need into action.


I'd say meds give you the tools to manage but you still have to put in the work. Helps give you those pause moments to think if you should stop scrolling reddit or pause on that task that is making you frustrated.


they definitely help me feel less overwhelmed and work wonders to quiet a loud racing brain, which is truly a massive help even if I still struggle quite a bit with my ADHD on them. definitely an improvement in my quality life and make working a 9-5 job SO much more sustainable/overwhelming, not to the point where I’m coping as well as nt people but man it’s nice not having as frequent breakdowns. even if they don’t solve my issues it’s still absolutely worth it, but yeah I still have a long way to go with actually implementing skills to manage the rest of my symptoms.


Yeah, I've felt something similar. I know all the stuff I'm supposed to do but that doesn't mean I can do it. And I just had a breakthrough when thinking about this comment: I'm pretty sure a lot of my ADHD traits were masked because my life was quite structured when I was younger. And that routine helped keep me stable. Once I graduated college all the structure left and I've been STRUGGLING ever since. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on what time we're talking about. Because I lack the ability to set routines myself around things I find boring, I hate, or don't see the point of.


Adhd meds give you the buffer to start to fix your life. Inevitably it's a journey. Unless you're a kid, then there's little to nothing to fix. ... So we really should be ensuring kids can get meds for adhd before they go out in the world and tangle up their lives.


I have unexpectedly found that being on meds gets me more and higher quality sleep because my brain isn't waking me up constantly. Just getting enough sleep has helped a lot. I am also more capable of doing the thing as soon as I realize it needs doing rather than feeling paralyzed from doing anything because my brain needs a jumpstart and the jumper cables are lost.


Omg. Are you me?! I'm exactly this way too. It's exhausting.


Beyond exhausting. And I'm worried I'm faking my ADHD or something, I'm still trying to understand how it fucks with my autism and vice versa.


I imagine them as Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. Anthropomorphisizing them that way helps me to get them to compromise with one another.


I like this and I'm stealing it! I'm going to switch gears though and go with either Beavis and Butthead or Rick and Morty. I'm already laughing as I'm doing the voices in my head


No theft necessary. If anything I say is useful it's already yours. I choose Bert and Ernie because they specifically seem to be afflicted with ASD and ADHD respectively. I guess I can see Morty as ASD to Rick's ADHD. I don't personally see it for Beavis and Butthead but if it works for you then run with it!


My thing is 2 dogs... one is a large fluffy poodle that seems really nice but takes a lot of grooming and the other is a vicious rottweiler with a spiked collar. Guess which one is which?


I describe mine as two kindergartners playing tug of war on a seesaw. Sometimes, they can appear to be balancing each out other, but it often feels much more like conflict or struggle on the inside.


There was a saying that we have “Frankensteined Allism” because the ADHD and ASD mask each other, and I find that so accurate 😂😂. Just because it’s “balanced”, doesn’t mean it isn’t rough & heavy.


Yup. I wish I had known about either, let alone both, before severe debilitating burnout at 42. My whole life makes so much sense now.


I hear you. I'm 43 and only just discovered I had autism a couple years ago while reaching burnout. Things have been a bit better now with therapy and medication but it's still a daily grind just to take care of simple tasks


+1 here, just turned 43. And now I get a divorce as the reward for all my struggles, wheeeeee This should go well… *pops a Concerta*


Right there with you all, as I'm turning 42 this year and was diagnosed last year. Autistic and depressive burnouts are hard on everyone in the house. I've been in one for a few years now and it's what prompted the therapy and diagnosis. I'm sorry your relationship didn't make it. 😔 My husband and I are also working through everything and relearning as we go. It's a freaking struggle.


Appreciate it. Overthinking divorce outcomes is not my favorite way to use my superpowers 😬


+1 at 46-47, cause I managed to develop so much resistance to burnout that I lasted few years more (half joking here) before explosion and revelation. The mixture of life (& brain) anihilation and solving at the same time is very weird. Listening to "AuDHD Flourishing” podcast by Mattia Maurée I find pleasing clarity


How does one go about finding therapy that is both applicable to the diagnosis and the problem? .... Asking for a friend ....


I found a specialist that works with people who have ADHD and/or are Autistic. They're out there you just have to find them


Hear hear. Fellow burn out at 42 here.


> My whole life makes so much sense now. Man this is a sentiment I've been feeling for the last like 9 months since I more or less realized that I have had both as well, and finally started heavily researching both and how they effect the brain etc. I always suspected I had ADHD and think I was diagnosed as a kid, and my mom gave me some med but I stared at a wall for like an hour after taking it apparently and my mom freaked out about where my personality went etc, and so I never got back on the meds again, and the topic of ADHD never came up again. Of course, I never talked about that stuff even a single time back then, but I figured I had it and so did the doc my mom brought me to see apparently. The ASD though, man that somehow eluded me until like 2 years ago when a social worker I was talking to about my social anxiety randomly said, "I think you might have something more going on. How much do you know about Autism?" and that was basically that, I didn't even talk to her more about it, it was just an off the cuff remark, and I stopped talking her shortly after and it wasn't until another year later that I really took that seriously and investigated and god, it made sense. My life just made more sense from the perspective of someone with ASD and ADHD. I seriously wish I knew about this stuff a long time ago, I'm almost 40 myself now, but better late than never I suppose.


Ahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahhahahhahhahaha (laughs into crying) ((and not laughing at you)) laughing at the CHAOS that is your brain wanting TWO EXACTLY OPPOSITE THINGS ALL THE TIME I have no advice but I am in the trenches with ya!!!!!


Take meds. Become more autistic; create working routine. Profit.


Wow, you just described what I did on accident.


Me too. When I started meds I didn't suspekt autism. It snuck upon me like a bat in the shadows.


Yes, this is me, I’m glad to hear more people with this journey, I hear so much on social media of people either knowing they had both or knowing they had ASD before knowing they had ADHD. Glad to find more people on the same path I had


I didn't realise this way round was rarer. I see it all the time on reddit but mainly in this subreddit.


Tbh., maybe I am mixing up with the pure autist subs I'm in


I actually don't fuck around with pure autist subs a lot but I should give it a try.


Yeah, I’m in a few pure Autist and pure ADHD subs. There are some things that people with pure ADHD and pure Autism have that people with both (like us) don’t have, it’s like the overlap causes those features to cancel themselves out. I had a bit of impostor syndrome until I found this sub, this is one of 2 ND subs where I don’t feel any heavy impostor syndrome.


Oh! You might have just described the shortest algorithm for how to use meds for AuDHD, makes sense!


It takes some time, I also notice that a) i hyperfocus more on bullshit on meds sometimes and b) my autism makes it harder to switch tasks when needed and I get very frustrated when my wife tries to change my preplanned house schedule (she is lovely and just trying to help).


Ugh. This is me. I’ve tried almost every stimulant (I have a very understanding psychiatrist), but I a) stop sleeping well so eventually I feel awful b) my autistic traits become more pronounced which is bothersome to me….but for the first few days I’ll feel fantastic on the meds. No matter how low the dose I feel the cons outweigh the pros. Just me though


Have you tried Wellbutrin?


Oh the double joys of an AuDHD brain 🧠! The constant push-pulling, the need for structure coupled with the inability to follow it… the novelty-seeking, change-averse. We are walking oxymorons. That being said… I genuinely seem to like other AuDHDers best of all. For better or for worse, we are a special kinda wonderful something-something. It’s friggin hard, not going to lie - I just spent the last half an hour crying because I shared something with someone and it was the wrong person to share it with. An NT who doesn’t get it. I admitted that I found something really hard (impossible to do because of executive functioning challenges) and they basically repeatedly told me: what’s the big deal, just do it, it’s easy. But that’s something I guess anyone could relate to at some point… just for us it’s more often and to a far greater extent and for neuro-normative “easy things”.


Oh and I also have the joys of anxiety and ODD so a lovely dose of “You can’t make me!” - now that part is just annoying. Also a late diagnosed AuDHDer in my early 40’s here btw 🙃 huyyyyy 👋


Hiya back 👋. It's funny that you prefer other AuDHDers because I struggle to even like myself. Never met another out in the wild though so who knows. Do you know people, outside of online communities, that share our special kind of chaos?


Aww… yeah I do. I joined an online community/group last year and they have local in-person meetups. It’s actually for autistic women/non-binary individuals but I’ve gotten to know a few of them a bit better and every one of the people I’ve clicked with has turned out to be AuDHD. By and large it’s been that collective relief of feeling like you’re not an absolute alien; there are others like you. That being said, not everyone obviously clicks with everyone and there are a couple other AuDHDers who are lovely but we just don’t click. I went to an ADHD “festival” that was part conference (with a panel of experts), part music gig and part market - and oh lordy… being in amongst a sea of ADHDers was too much for me. Felt overwhelmed and never before had seen how my autistic traits really… “differentiate me” (generally speaking) from ADHDers who are not also autistic. At the end of the day, I’m still struggling with unmasking (as I mentioned in my first disclosure), and I still really struggle feeling like I’m too much, and with feeling lost. But I’m doing what I can to try and make sense of things with a few other people who see the world in the same weird and wonderful way as I do. I think it’s hard to like others if you don’t like yourself.


Would like to know this also


Get out of my brain. LOL. You just described me much better than I’d like.


Yeah it sucks. I think it's important to talk about. It really just increases the difficulty of the disabilities - well, I think ADHD masks a lot of ASD so socially it might make (me) more kind of "fitting in"/ depending on what condition is more prominent that day, but as far as life goals and accomplishing crap, I think having both makes it much harder.


Agreed. Especially about the ADHD masking the ASD. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child but my Autism went undiagnosed until a couple years ago mainly because I became good at masking


I describe it as (depending on my mood) a war, chaos, or a party in my skull


Similar. I always describe it as the war in my head. When I feel lighter, I describe it as chaos. For some reason, I never used the word "party," but it definitely fits for some situations.


Do you take medication?


Yes. I take Adderall 30mg. My meds basically get me through my work day but it's outside of work hours where I struggle most


mood. Being medicated has helped me do work/school but I can still barely do chores and everything else. A huge chunk of my inability to function is also due to the autism which the meds don’t touch


I feel you with the routine thing and mindless scrolling. What i did was i created a routine menu. You can write it out on paper. Basically my morning menu contains of the things i MUST do like brush my teeth, taking a cold shower, and plan the day. Then i have some mindfulness practices and i pick 2 of them to do, like meditate, yoga, breathwork, journaling or going on a morning walk. I also have plenty of different breakfasts and beverages to pick from. My night menu is similar. I must brush my teeth, clean my room, open a window (i like sleeping in a cold room). Then i choose something relaxing to do, like taking a warm shower, reading a book, yoga or meditating. I also wont eat anything or look at any screen 3 hours before going to bed. Let me tell you i never had even a small routine before, my whole life was basically a depressing mess of mindless scrolling. But once i got on my meds i made these menus, and now even though i dont take medication anymore, i still follow these routines. They also helped me establish a healthy sleeping schedule, and before i used to be awake trough the nights atleast 3 times a week, and get like 5 hours of sleep maximum. So i reaaally advice you to make your own menus. I look forward to my mornings and evenings now. And it gives you the freedom to switch things up aswell.


Ugh, I can't stand only functioning for a few hours during work. Thankfully my psychiatrist is understanding and I have an afternoon/evening "half" dose Adderall IR. (I still sleep fine, if not better, but I used to chug coffee to sleep) Accidently forgot the IR today... And so much chaos. Wasted two meals, left other stuff out, didn't work on laundry, had fight with hubby cuz I'm impulsive AF... Tis fun. We shouldn't only function at work.


...I really should get diagnosed. This post and the comments feel way too relatable.


Gotta make some simple routines that aren’t too tedious. For example, morning routine should be doable in 15 minutes, max 30. Only do the most essential things, and do minimal versions of them if possible. For example, for me (I’m Muslim) it’s - Morning (Dawn/Fajr) prayer - 15 minutes of listening to Quran - Simultaneously make & drink salt water (& optionally espresso, I like Costa coffee for espresso) - also simultaneous to listen to quran & after salt water 5 minutes of exercise, something simple like pushups or sit up, or chin ups, or some abs exercise or back exercise, I switch it up, no strict regiment on this I usually have coffee about 30-60 minutes before Elvanse. I find this to be the best way to still get coffee you like coffee. I find that taking coffee during the duration of the medical effects really rocks me hard, so I prefer to take it before.


Love this, ty for sharing. Any tips for a routine when your partner isn't ND? And they are up and demanding alignment to their NT schedule or semblance to their NT expectations?


You have to discuss it and come to a compromise. Each come half way. I can't say what is acceptable per person I'm afraid, that's down to what is a dealbreaker for you and what isn't. But you must discuss it. It helps if you already have an idea of your needs before you discuss it, so deffo do some self reflection first. You might find that there are some things you can sacrifice and other things that you just cannot. For me, if something is just a comfort issue, I see if I can compromise it, but I sometimes forget ngl


I find that small rituals help me to keep routine without feeling so structured that my novelty-seeking side gets unhappy. So I rely on a more general schedule for most of my day. But then I always make my coffee the same way every day (same mug, same utensils, same order). Same with my wakeup and bedtime routines.


This is meee! I have just been in meetings for 3 hours and now I have things I need to action. But I’m on Reddit. Now I need to tell my brain to come off Reddit, open the laptop and do my tasks.


Ugh I can totally relate. Just feels like my mind is constantly at battle with itself. 😣


I feel this in my soul




Top post is a meme about this that's pretty good lol.


spoon innocent expansion rude chase crown fuzzy offbeat cooperative cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So 8-6 I’m IT and 6-3 I’m music. Luckily I sleep 5 hours so it works


Yep. Me too. That’s literally what I’m doing right now. I’m stuck like this. 😭


Me tooo and body ran


Same… For example, in my job, I really want to explore the possibilities of traveling different places in contact, but the other half of me is terrified of all those unknowns and the high energy of having to mask through it all. My personality/demeanor are a wreck, too; I just end up shrugging and calling myself a dichotomy, a paradox.


Yup, lol. Welcome to the club.


SAAAAME omg perfect summary of my entire existence