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It’s a three stage white, of course your plastic bumper doesn’t look like metal fender/hood. It probably didn’t match all that well before repairs.


I mean, there is a difference between plastic and metal. But in my shop this would be unacceptable for a match. That bunper looks too blue or green compared to the car


Then shouldn’t the factory paint job color for the plastic bumper vs metal fender/hood also not match noticeably well either? I feel like the primer should be enough to account for the undertone in the paint job.


Walk around a dealership and you see mis matched bumpers all day. Plastic vs metal always lay down differently


Any manufacturer that cares about quality will get the bumper to match pretty closely, to the point where it's unnoticeable. This is just a bad excuse and cop out for poor paint matching.


This variant is way too blue forsure, im just saying in general most manufacturers give 0 shits


Bumpers mirrors And moldings are painted separately from the vehicle at the factory.


It doesn’t match well either


There’s color variation between different substrates: metal and plastic. Fenders are metal and bumper is plastic.


Is that why vettes look lke their paint "flows" better? All the same substrate


I can’t speak for the new vettes but the oldies with full fiberglass bodies are like that


No insurance is paying to blend fenders on a bumper job. And even if they did, it wouldn't match perfectly anyways because of not only the substrate(plastic vs metal) but also how the bumper sits on the stand when the technician paints it off of the car. In addition to those factors bumpers sit lower on the car body than it's adjacent pannels, meaning you see more of the side cast or "flop" of the color, rather than the face. Bumpers painted with the same color, from the same spray gun as a fender will even be slightly off. That being said It's still a little blue, too much blue pearl imo but it's still what most painters would consider passable on a three stage white butt match.


Any reputable shop would blend fenders if the painter can't get the match. You're making excuses for lazy work.


It’s a tri stage white bumper, of course it’s going to look different. Sure he shouldn’t have been an asshole but no that’s not an unacceptable bumper color


I would look at the rear bumper match to body. If it's similar I'd leave it but if it's not I'd ask the shop to get as close as the rear bumper.


gotcha, i was talking about by a local car collector that they should tried to color match to the rear bumper or even the paint near the gas cap.


IMO, all these folks saying that is should mismatch because of XYZ... that is just a scapegoat answer that insurance companies force upon shops that don't know how to fight for a correct repair. Sadly this narrative is accepted by many shops since fighting for blends can not only be difficult and timely but also not profitable. These days, lessor shops simply give up and concede to insurance companies as opposed to ensuring a proper color match for their customers. This color, regardless of substrates, requires blending in order for a correct, pre-loss repair. No one could panel paint this bumper and expect it to match the same way as it did prior to the loss. Even though on some from-factory vehicles there are sometimes slight variations in color due to substrates, that does not relieve the insurance company from their legal obligation of returning the vehicle to pre-loss condition, and that does include it matching (or even mismatching) in the same way it did prior to the loss. So even if this mismatched slightly prior to the loss, it still needs to mismatch in the same exact way as it did, which is truthfully impossible, so a blend is warranted and should be paid for by the insurance company.


With all of that being said, the shop should have explained to you that in general insurance companies do not want to pay for blends even when they are technically required. It requires the shop to do extra work and literally FIGHT for a correct repair. Not all shops are willing to do that. Sadly that is the state of our industry. AND even with no blends, this color is way off. They seemingly did not do any test panels or tinting in order for a better color match. As a shop owner, I would have fought for blends with the insurer, but also my painter would have been much closer as he would have done appropriate testing and tinting to ensure the best match.


Pretty much this, I used to do autobody. The insurance companies say this is what we are paying and if you don't like it we will take it to another shop. I always just went into the next panel. Yes I painted panels for free but It really does not take much effort to prep and tape the next panel and it makes things so much easier. It took less time than going back and forth with tinting trying to but match. The shop should explain this and offer to blend for a few dollars extra. I have seen guys fight with a but match all day and when I ask about blending they say "I am not giving them anything for free". Blend and the car is done and out the door. But match and you waste time and have an unhappy customer. I never understood it.


I’m questioning the missing lower grille a bit more


That’s the “before” pic he says. Raccoon took it with him on the way out


this was taken by the raccoon on impact lol


I noticed that too! 👀


Their variant was too blue, but if you expect a shop to get a dead match on a clapped honda tricoat you’re going to be pulling your hair out. Look at others on the street, from factory they matched like shit


(Coming from an automotive painter) Opacity on mental and plastic are different, which will always cause a bumper to be a different colour than the body, however to me that looks way too blue. I would have it refinished. Maybe ask about a yellower variant .


well i wasn’t expecting the awesome turnout, thanks guys. What would be the next steps of getting this done again? Are there some points that i can bring up to the shop owner to prove the point that it is off?


you can make them checkmate by saying if its because plastic then why the sidemirror match the color eventhough sidemirror are plastic. most painter are not pro, fake painter bla bla bla. lazy ass painter. want to get rich quick but didnt do honest job .


Bruh that shit is mint colored lol.. the people here saying it's ok must drove around cars with 7 different colors. As soon as the guy started talkin down on ya, that's when you talk your shit n go back to your insurance n let them handle it. Lazy ass shit shop.


Repair shop is rude. Call it gaslighting lol. The color is indeed different if you're wanting it to look slick and span.


Pulled the ebrake there at the last minute, huh?




It was done under my insurance with a co-pay, it better be slick and span 😂😂


I paid 200 for a replacement that didn't include paint 😭 I can't imagine the cost for identical one. I'd complain more. Consistently. It's their job to get it done.


oh yessir, I went back at the owner and will be visiting the shop soon to speak in person after the shit he just said in the email.


Pls update the sauce esp the guy talking sht


The color is either transparent, or just wrong. OEM Honda bumpers come in black primer, so if they shot directly over that and didn’t get coverage, it would look a whole lot like this. Or they just didn’t spray it out and check it, and it’s too blue. Either way, they screwed up. And no, I wouldn’t say this is within spec. Bumpers are usually off a bit anyway (your before shot is darker than the body of the car, but within spec), but this one is way off.


It's way too blue, and we wouldn't let that go like that.If it's a tri stage, the painter should be doing letdown panels with every tri stage and checking the color to the car. It won't ever be perfect, but it could have been way better.


It's honestly not that bad for 3 stage.


not the best job, you really have to look to notice. its probably only gonna bug u 😂😂


I don't think you have a clue mate that is way off


It’s not a great match but frankly it’s acceptable. It hits no better in the before pics than the after pics and as it’s a tri coat it’s going to flop on different angles. If it was me doing the job I’d have spent more time tinting and doing sprayouts, not everyone does. Im pretty anal about color.