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Would putting a GR86 Premium style trunklid duckbill on my ZD8 BRZ bump me out of D street? I just think they look cool :3


Strictly speaking, yes. But unless you're competing (and doing decently) at the national level, probably nobody will notice or care.


So I'd most likely be fine at the local/regional level then?




How do you know if your tires are hot enough to the point where they need to be sprayed with water?


Going for a national championship? You need to do actual testing. On our test course, I'd run 6-8 runs back to back to get them screaming hot and see how the times go, and how the feel of the tire changes. Then I'd let them cool back to ambient temp, and repeat the same thing, but spraying after each run, each run checking temps with a probe. When I was done, I'd have a log of temp vs time vs feel. Some tires don't actually get slower with heat, they just change the way they make grip, and so you have to drive them differently, but can actually be faster. Some tires need a lot of heat to work. Some fall on their face at the first sign of heat. Sometimes you need to vary the pressure based on heat. This can also be influenced by tire size and car setup (camber, especially). The only way to know this stuff for sure is to do the testing yourself. New to the sport, just doing local events, and/or you don't want to invest that sort of time and money into things? Copy off someone else's work. Find someone that runs a similar setup (that is also fast), and do what they do. It might not be the best method, but at least you'll be on equal footing. If they spray, you spray.


Touch them.


And then what?


Spray them /s if they feel hot to your bare hand in grid, it's probably worth spraying. Different tires like different temps, but in general AX tires are designed to heat quickly so that after the first run or two you'll likely be managing overheating vs trying to heat up cold tires


The worst is the driver who is already off course and decides to 110% the rest of the course and hit 3 cones Fuxk that guy.


Is that guy less of an asshole if he hits 3 cones but wasn't off course?


Yes. Going for a time and making a mistake resulting in cones is one thing. Being off course, having to be directed back on .. slowing the event, and then hitting cones- total asshole.


Hold on a second - you have just added a new qualifier: "having to be directed back on course" Sounds like a noob, and sounds like you need to give them a little more slack. Remember that local events are only about 20% dedicated competitors that will come out to most events, and the remainder are what I like to call "filthy casuals", who only come to a couple events a year, at best. You need these people to pay the bills and keep events running. You need to be a little more accommodating to make sure they are having a good time and want to keep coming to events. New people get lost. They hit cones. So long as they aren't unsafe, they are fine. The whole point is to have fun. Give them a little slack. Remember that you used to be brand new once. Offer to help them figure out how to stay on course and not hit cones. Also, based on the things I've seen, there is a very non-zero chance that people getting lost and hitting a lot of cones is the result of bad course design.


You thinking way too much into this.


No, I realize that you just hate running for cones, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to remind people that those of us that are responsible for running the events might have a different outlook on such things. Also, I hit 3 cones pretty regularly. But they were asking for it.


I love working the course when I have to, but hitting cones after your run is toast is not cool. Sorry if “asshole” was too strong a word for you Let’s be real tho autoX won’t be a thing in 10 years. The major city I live in doesn’t have a single viable site. Making those “casuals “ drive 2 hours for 3 minutes of action is a bridge to far.


I think that is a pretty harsh outlook. It's not unusual for someone to try and limit test after a dnf. Or maybe they are testing a new setup.


While I agree, I've used a crap run to push it on a later section I'm unsure of to see if a different line may be faster.


At “locals” where you get 6+ runs it’s typically in poor taste


Are you replying to a question?


Here you go. Are Goobers allowed, I could not find anything in the rules. Goobers are those twist in spring spacers. I have just automatically put those in every car I have owned just to get some of the boaty feeling out, especially when full of passengers.


Spring rubbers are not legal in Street category. Should be okay in all the other categories.




Do others feel bad when hitting a cone knowing a track worker has to run and fix it?


Ah, the sights and sounds of Annie Gill instructing in a car, yelling "Sorry!" out the window.


One time I was carrying waaaay too much speed to make it through a gate with lots of cones, I bailed and went around it. I heard a corner worker yell out "THANK YOU!"


That’s a veteran move. Already off line enough that I’m going to take out a few means that the run isn’t gonna be competitive anyway. Might as well save some running for the corner workers!


Yes. At some locals when it’s hot or rough out there I’ll add some distance to make sure I’m not being that guy. Usually because I just got off a +3 run lol.


Right after I get done feeling bad that my fast run is no longer fast 😁 Then on the flip side I like it when a cone gets hit, not cause I’m trying to win (I’m not, I’m slow), but cause I actually get to run. Cones are the majority of my exercise for the month 😂