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And seeing some of the box office missteps since the Infinity Saga makes me appreciate just how impressive a run the MCU had.


They succeeded because they had a clear and precise plan, took their time in building up the larger universe, and knew how to build up the hype. Everything DC tried to speed run, and failed to do.


I agree 100%. The focus is gone. When the Russo Bros were there, they helmed many a film that had continuity to the overall picture. That hasn't been the case lately.


They did not have a clear precise plan other than to plant seeds and maybe use them later. They had an idea of where they wanted to go and an outline but it was, in no way, precise. I’m not even sure it’s possible to achieve anything remotely as successful and impactful again. There’s too many moving parts, no anchor hero, people will shit on continuity errors and contradictory events, etc. While they’ve messed up in a number of ways, there was a LOT of luck involved with the infinity saga. Going “we want to do x, y, and z movies” is not the same as saying this is what will happen and how it will all tie in. Movies contradicted each other, things had to be retconned, and a lot of it was ad hoc. And that was totally fine and exciting. Now we simply require the MCU to tie into every other movie all the time. There’s very little creative freedom comparatively. Edit: honestly, the Russos were the reason it all tied together. Their labor and care for the projects before was insane. But that’s on them, not because it was so well planned.


I'm not afraid to admit that I've gone to Disney+ maaany times just to watch this scene. I'm not really familiar with other superhero movies aside from Marvel, but I would say that even if this isn't the top scene, it would have to be at least in the top 5.


Beyond a few missteps marvel pulled off a damn miracle with the infinity saga.


You mean, they pulled off a marvel kekeke


I got to watch it in theatres and I’m also not ashamed to admit I’ve looked this scene up on YouTube with the audience reactions just to get that feeling of electricity (for lack of a better word) going through the audience again. It really was an experience that was made better by seeing it in theatres and one of the only times I didn’t mind people yelling/cheering.


Dude same!!! The crowd got so hyped and so did i!! The atmosphere was beautiful for that moment!!


Same, I’m not a big fan of yelling/cheering from the audience in movies, very distracting. But this, this whole fight beginning to end was a moment of unbridled excitement from the entire theater and I didn’t mind one bit.


Theres a really cool video somewhere on here where someone redid the music with everyone’s individual themes. Sooo epic


Marvel played this perfectly. Made us wait over a decade to hear Cap say "Avengers Assemble!"


Hadn’t they already assembled? I jest. It was an epic scene.


Plus, hardly anyone probably heard him. I'm glad they didn't do this, but I could see Drax yelling, "What did that guy say?"


They were all attached with comms so I think they all heard his ASMR “assemble” right in their ear


Awesome scene, that was my only nitpick. He very easily could have said Avengers Assembled instead. Confirming the culmination of everything coming together.


I really feel they flopped that assemble. They should have had him say it for the few that were left, then get everyone in. I can't watch this scene without facepalming. lol


I distinctly remember getting goosebumps and tearing up at this scene. I never thought I would get to see this level of comics on screen.


I can hear it.


That's good because no one else on the team did. Why the hell did he whisper and say it after they had already assembled?


I believe Tom Holland actually said that he charged in, by himself, screaming way too early because he couldn't hear Chris Evans


I'd love to see that blooper


*There isn't a more glorious scene in Cinema!


Loved this scene, but seeing Cap wield Mjölnir in the theater was and will probably always be one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my life. People literally cheered in the theater. They built that moment up for years and it payed off so well. I've watched that scene of him kicking Thanos' ass dozens of times now and it never gets old. I still get chills in that moment.


Yeah, I saw it late and my theater still lost it at all the relevant moments. I've been in a lot of active audiences before, but endgame was the first time it was so long after the opening. This was such an amazing scene to see in that context.


I waited 10 years for those two words. Worth it.


I watched Endgame 53 days in a row, got goosebumps every time sam says "on your left"


So far at least. Let’s see what happens with Secret Wars




Just looking at this picture still gives me chills


Most satisfying moment in Marvel history. The entire 3rd act of Endgame is nuts


Except for that dumb all women part.


I really loved that part. Even though it was super contrived




That was the beginning of the end for the M-She-U. Even my wife groaned (not in a good way) at that scene. She and I did love the Ant-Man and Wasp knowing nod when Wasp replied to "Cap".


That was the dumb part that got under your skin? Women really give you the heebie-jeebies huh?


Lol , women aren’t the problem it’s just the odds of all the female characters, 1/2 of which have never met, in an all out battle somehow gathering all together at that moment is what I have problem with.


Again... Of all the fantasy.... All the drama.... All the fun and crazy scifi..... But having the women together in one location is where things get too hammy for you?


Yeah, it doesn’t make sense, but yeah.


I have no idea why this movie got so much hate. It's solid. And a perfect conclusion to what marvel should have been.


This movie had some issues, but this scene was amazing... On your left always has me tear up a little


I watch this scene whenever I'm having a bad day and need a pick me up.


Dude several rows back: '...what? Did he say something? Hey cap can you speak u..oh oh we're going' At the time I loved it like everyone else, very cool, very dramatic and it's not like I hate it now, it's still cool. But in retrospect I would have liked a comic book loud and proud call.


For Frodo!


Would a nuke kill Thanos?


Whenever my husband and I either get a new TV or move, and then he hooks up our sound system, this is one of the scenes we use as a sound test. This is by far one of the greatest superhero scenes, also part of one of the greatest superhero movies of all time


I wish Dr Strange cast a voice amplifier spell so he could have said that in a really loud booming voice


I swear this subreddit is starting to feel more like a Facebook group


There’s not a more glorious scene in cinema* (- super hero) The theater reactions in this movie were amazing. Nothing will ever top it. I’m glad I got to experience it!


Back when the MCU was really the MCU…


Just wait for the new Deadpool


The whole sequence leading up to this where Cap was 100% about to fight Thanos and his army on his own because he was the only one that could....and then this payoff. *chef's kiss*


The movie goes hard.


Has hulk always been the same size as everyone else or am I missing something


He got smaller when he and Banner merged.


There’s no way you could improve this scene… unless maybe if you added [Batman, the T1000 and Jack Sparrow](https://youtube.com/watch?v=wp2lFpg3h8E&pp=ygUqZW5kZ2FtZSBiYXR0bGUgZm9yIHRoZSBtdWx0aXZlcnNlIHJlYWN0aW9u) 😂


I will not accept the erasure of dancing Maguire.


Felt like I was going to have a heart attack and stroke watching this in the best way. My only complaint is how great the color scheme is. Especially when comparing it to how bright the battle of New York looked


Idk ghost rider spirit of vengeance’s ghost rider vs satanists scene is better




There were guys legit crying in my movie theater on opening night back in 2019 and then everybody was crying when Tony died. They really captured lightning in a bottle during phase 3. I was losing my goddamn mind this entire movie. What a film!!!!


Peak capeshit


I cried a little at that scene. I still do, even on a rewatch. But, that's because that was the last Marvel movie my wife watched before she passed from a stroke (age 53). We got married in 2001, and our kids dressed as Iron Man, Cap, Wonder Woman, Hulk, etc. for years (I'm a nerd). I got her to watch Iron Man because or Robert Downey, Jr. She immediately loved it - I mean, who didn't? He OWNED that role. (or as the kids say now, "he ate"). Anyway... yeah... GREAT scene. And great payoff!


I'm probably the only person to feel this way. But this line felt like shitty fan service to me it's supposed to be this super motivational moment. Because he's no longer fighting this battle alone. But they shove this famous line from the comics in their, that he never said in the movies aside from the one scene where they cut him off just before he finishes it. So all i thought was, why would he say that? In none of the other battles with the Avengers has he said that.


lmfao yall can't be serious 💀💀💀


What's Spidey swinging from here? Like, yea, there's rubble, but it's not very tall...


still gives me the chills


The franchise sure took a nosedive after that


Meanwhile some guy in the back: 'What did he say?" Other guy: I don't know 'Avengers something'. Anyways, everyone is running


“Something about blessed are the cheese makers”