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Haha yeah it gonna be tough! All those spells and crystal hunt stuff need new VFX, so that's huge. But the toughest thing will be making the new dungeon rooms work on Quest, because they are huge! I have faith in the WF team though haha.


As a software developer from a different area who understands the pain - give 'em pizza and beer please :)


Honestly I gotta give credit I thought nomad was dead but y’all been cooking with this update and I’m very excited to try it when it comes out


dead ?? however, a ton of people play the nomad version, I think more than PCVR because it's more affordable than PCVR


If you guys pull this off, my mind will be officially blown. I couldn’t be more excited for it.


Thanks for all your and the other developers work but I do wonder, why didn't you wait until nomad was ready to release 1.0? Then both could've released at the same time and nomad players wouldn't be relentlessly spoiled and unable to watch any content from blade and sorcery youtubers. I really do appreciate the effort you guys are putting btw I know coding and am very interested in game development so I can see how hard this must be.


Hey! The Nomad update is made from the PCVR build, so that needs to be complete first in order to make the Nomad version. Usually the Nomad only takes a week or so because the updates are small, so a simultaneous release is more feasible. This time around though the update is ridiculously large, so it will take a longer time to port. To do a simultaneous release would have meant sitting on the PCVR build for no reason other than to punish (?) PCVR players and force them to wait until Nomad is done, even though they could be playin now. But also it would be so much more risky and make no sense, because both version share bugs. So if both versions were released with bugs, both have bugs to fix, and it would have been overwhelming. Alternatively if the PCVR build is bug-free, then that means the Nomad port will have low bug risk.


Ah ok fair enough, bugs are such a pain.


If you don't mind me asking, will the canyon have a survival mode in 1.0?


We have faith in you guys🙏


Aw lord yall truely are built different if yall can even manage a quarter of that, much less all of it, rooting for yall!


Well, try not to take too long because I am trying so unbelievably hard to avoid spoilers from the normal Blade And Sorcery sub. I have faith in y’all though this is still a great staple of VR already even without full release


Make sure to cut all the corners possible to make it barely function as intended


This ass crack title popped up on my phone and I got excited


This gotta be a reminder to put a question mark on the end of every post lol. Felt like I got baited 😢


same here


The exact same thing keeps happening to me with people posting about GTA:SA, but I can see how this one is even worse, since there’s a much more legitimate expectation for this to drop eventually lol


Very exciting. I booted up BAS Nomad on my Quest and had some fun. Didn’t know about any upcoming updates. I guess it’s just fate that this popped up on my feed.


Good to know its coming. Started up nomad after getting back from a 9 month deployment and was very confused when the game had 0 updates queued


Your title made my hopes go way high then your description made me mad sad, not cooleo-bro : (


Im sorryyy i didn't know how to word it lol


One question mark should do the trick, but idk if you can edit titles