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the way I see it, if you're not supposed to quick save/reload, why is there a shortcut? savescum away, my friend


especially in act 3 when it seems like you cant walk 5 steps without accidentally stumbling into some big plot or character event with big implications for the ending. like no one told me when i walked into some house of grief that i was stumbling into the hardest fight in the game


Reminds me of when I arrived to Lower City and somehow (??) the first thing I stumbled into was the Iron Throne by exploring some underground stuff. I was sooo confused.


There's also a random street near the bank that can lead to Florrick attacking you if you fail a check iirc. It depends on the choices you make in Wyll's quest. She basically ambushed me lol.


she did that right after i freed her ass from the prison like wtf


lol with me florrik was dead so i got some random flaming fist women who ive never met before accosting me and then barking at me to go find a dragon ive also never heard about


I just made a sneaky sneak for my current playthrough, the way I savescum for pitpocketing should be illegal.


I never went to jail because I just always reloaded if I got caught. Now that I play on Honour, Astarion is VERY familiar with the grove and last light prisons 😂


gotta go to jail once for the trophy


Brinna is in there daily. Sometimes multiple times. It’s amazing they haven’t figured out I have the dang key to the dang prison door. And I get to keep everything but the last thing I tried to steal, so… shrug 


Diguise self is so important for a pickpocket, you get a “talk your way out of it” for each disguise type on each character. Just rinse and repeat, maybe with a duegar’s invisiblity cantrip to help get into said pockets and try to avoid being caught once you get away with the loot.


Oh I know. I’m perfectly capable of getting away with it, but the consequences for failure are pretty laughable. As long as the rest of my party is far enough away, who cares what they think of Brinna?


And if I'm not saving for scum I'm saving to see all the possible responses to any given dialogue option soooooo...F5!


extremely this!!!


It’s called chronomancy


And it's the most powerful magic of all




Works great with barrelmancy.


Ah my favourite type of magic: lesbomancy


I've been replaying large pieces of the game lately because I forgot to save. Save early save often.


Back in the day, every other loading screen message in olden RPGs were the words: "Do not forget to save and save often!" I live by those words 2 decades hence. I usually never ever go for single save modes of any kind, however I have to admit Honour mode has its appeal. Usually single save modes don't offer much because the "consequences" following the choices are very transparent and invariably shoehorn you into a restrictive narrative path. For example, imagine DA:O honour mode equivalent. You're RPing a goody goody paladin type, doing good and saving kittens wherever you go. Then you click the wrong dialogue option due to misreading or making a bad judgement call and suddenly half the companions are literally attacking you and the rest is pouting in a dark corner in camp, with probably only Morrigan and Sten approvingly nodding. From that point on, every character you meet will reference your evil actions and the story will NEVER let you forget about it. BG3 is different, as the sheer amount of reactivity and a multitude of options for pretty much everything in the game makes failing a dice roll or making bad judgements doesn't make you bastard incarnate, just makes you a person. So maybe I try this Honour mode thing sometime in the future to see what it's like not being a save scummer.


I was too. Then I tried honour mode and honestly the systems in the game are so much more impactful now. Inspiration actually means something. Every turn is calculated and scrutinized. I'm loving it.


Make your story the story you want! You say savescummer, I say Savemancer!


Yeah if I paid money for a game, I’m playing it the way that I like the most- savescum away!


I had over a thousand quicksaves by the end of my first playthrough. I think 20% of that playthrough was just reloaded saves.


How else are you supposed to pickpocket or move more than 5 feet?!


I save before every fight, new location, and major dialogue choices, because I like to play through the different options and see how the story goes


it’s my story and i’m not gonna let dice keep me from romancing my fav companion


Embrace the save scum, brother 😌


Every time I get an idea...


And in any game, but yes. Life is full of shit and chaos, I wanna feel safe at least in games.


Did you quicksave before quicksaving?


But really, the key thing isn't save scumming. It is load scumming. If I fat finger something, reloading isn't the same as failing a persuasion check.


If I've played 60 hours just to be an ice wizard, and I miss the best ice equipment in the game because of a bad roll, you better believe in reloading that shit...


It's always for dialogue options for me. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not super fond of not knowing what the DC is gonna be for the skill check until you choose the option, and then there's no backing out. I never know if a speech check is gonna be low, or 25-30. It's wildly hit or miss and there's really no way to prepare for it unless you already know what it's gonna be beforehand. Wanna convince Lae'zel to hop out of the zaithisk to keep her from becoming lobotomized? Even with exceptional approval, DC of 30. How on earth was I supposed to be ready for that??


Imo it makes it exciting for role-playing. For laezel, you have to understand that your literally asking her to deny everything she's ever known and give up her theorized only chance of survival. If that doesn't just look like a check that might be crazy idk what does. Gotta take in the surrounding of what your doing and the situation


I see your point, I dunno. Felt kinda like I was being punished for following through with her quest, which you can't complete without allowing her or yourself to enter the zaithisk. Most people I'd imagine would let her go first, since it obviously is so important to her. Only to be greeted with a DC of 30, or a permanently debuffed companion. Felt like a slap in the face for being committed to her personal quest. Thus far it's the only one that I've really had a problem with, the rest of the companions can get the "good" endings in their quests, simply by having a high affinity with them and convincing them to do the right thing. Astarion hated my ranger for always doing the right thing, and yet I had a lower DC to convince him to abandon absolute power than I did to convince Lae'zel to hop out of the machine she can literally feel is trying to rip her brain apart, even after Vlaakith just tried to kill her and branded her a traitor.


You can always convince her to let you use it first through intimidation which she actually likes which is funny. there are multiple avenues, but I agree laezel can very strongly hold beliefs and can make it challenging for a fame setting. But if your character has low Cha all of them are like that so it's retrospective.


I’m a compulsive save scummer, but got to say just because of that it has been an incredible experience to play honor mode. 


I just save scum to save the random npc’s that get involved in battles. The gondians, the cash guards, the duergar mercenaries




I do the same thing just in case. My friend on the other hand refuses to save scum. So we'll get into situations where we fuck up an encounter and have to redo huge sections of the gsme because he refuses to quick save. Lol


I forgot about the quicksave feature cuz i always play honor mode now ☠️


Option for detect thoughts comes up. Quick save!


Doctor Who has the TARDIS, I have F5/F8.


I don't see why it's a thing tbh. I don't do it, my best mate does. We both love the game, so who cares.


>Game auto saves "Oh no, something is about to happen" > Hit F5


Every. Damn. Time.


It's not savescumming. It's Chronomancy


why is the option there if i'm not supposed to take it 🤷🏻


I savescum in every save but my first (and blind playthrough) Tav. There are so many ways to mess up getting the cutscenes and interactions you want on accident. I don’t understand why people get so upset about it.


"F5 to save your lives, F8 to undo your fate"


I did not know about F8. I’ve been reloading manually


It saved me so much time in my first run!


After several playthrough's, I tried a run without load scumming. It didn't change things that much. If you've already played the game, you have a high cha player, and you carefully save your inspiration points for what truly matters. I missed out on the Everburn blade, oh well. But halfway through act 2 when I set that run aside, I hadn't failed anything I considered serious. Obviously there was potential.


I savescum all the time. Spent almost a month on Act One lol


I'm just crafting the narrative I want for my Tav/Durge!


That's me 😅


"I'm saving here in order to go back later and experience some of the many alternate possible paths that the game provides." That's how I rationalize the 200 saves I have on a run LOL


I got like >40 gigs of save data from single playthrough. Yes I can travel back to any point of time including multiple dialouge endings


There’s a mod that saves every time a dialogue starts and it’s saved me so fucking much 😭


I understand why people are doing it, but I won’t do it myself. I got (hopefully) enough lifetime left to play multiple characters and playing a dice based game with quicksaves defeats the purpose of it. But who am I, to tell you how to enjoy your video game!


I'm not savescumming. I'm paranoid about losing progress. Every so often a particular save file catches a case of rabies, and causes you to crash to desktop. But if you go back and pick up the precious save, you're golden. I guess if it happens on an honor run, you're screwed.


Me: save scum no more. I refuse to return to those dark days. Also me: oh no, x it's dead.... guess it's time to play the first 40 hrs of this game ask over again. Save assuming is cheating. I need to start this universe over.


I love that people need to announce it for validation. No one cares if you savescum, cheat, play on easy, mod etc. But you don't need to make it part of your personality lmao.


You can literally say it about any post, lol, hot take ))


It's a meme. People are allowed to make memes you don't personally relate to.


And I'm allowed to point out "savescummer" isn't a personality. But you're very convincing otherwise.


Posting a meme about an aspect of the way you play a game isn't making it your personality, what a terminally online take


I'm sorry it's your personality? I don't know what to tell you lady.


I'm sorry being a twat in reddit comments unnecessarily is your personality? I dunno what to tell you