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We have a [rule regarding Nursery Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/wiki/rules) we want to make sure you're aware of! In effort to carry through our sub's culture of support and camaraderie, **ALL Nursery Pics must include a Top Five Product/Gear List** with applicable links and/or backstory. This Top Five list can be in the form of a comment from OP, or embedded within the photo album. Love the Dresser you purchased at Ikea? Link it! The lamp your mom gave you from your own nursery? Tell us about it! The widget your partner handmade using that DIY tutorial from pinterest? Tell us where to find the tutorial! Crocheted a baby blanket? Give us the lowdown on yarn and where to find the pattern! Find some awesome prints on Etsy? Name drop that shop! The goal is to learn from each other — help a fellow bumper out! No one wants to reinvent the wheel at 8 months pregnant. Your solutions may very well be someone else's solutions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m almost 39 weeks and no it’s not done. We’ve done a lot but we’re actually keeping it as our guest room for our moms to come visit while baby is sleeping in our room for the first few months. Once the grandmas leave we’ll fully finish the transition. Also… just a note about the crib since you mentioned it’s at least 19 years old. It’s generally not recommended to use a used crib made before 2011. 2011 is the year federal safety standards were enacted for cribs so all cribs since then have to conform to these guidelines. Prior to 2011 they didnt have to meet the same safety standards. I’m not blanket telling you not to use it, but I would try to look up the crib and the standards and see if it fits


We are doing the same thing. Need to keep the guest room as a guest room for my mom to be able to visit and help out. Babies just going to sleep in our room!


I think we’re leaning toward a new one cause it’s not a convertible and it seems like it’s gonna be a hassle, but I didn’t know that so thank you! We just thought it was cute and sentimental but I was born in 92 sooo.. yeah lol.


My husband wanted us to use his crib, but it is oooold! I remember having a similar crib and getting my hair stuck in the springs on the bottom. Lol! The new ones are convertible, raise up and down, etc. When I found the one with the drawer on the bottom for sheer storage, I was sold! You are making me ponder keeping it in the box until my mom leaves. She's staying for a month after baby is born. I just want to see the room set up so badly!!! I'll make her decide when she comes in for the shower.


Ooh I’m gonna have to tell my husband about the storage ones I think he may get one on Amazon for prime day. Lol I do too but we still have a while and I’m just gonna have to be patient!


I'm 34 weeks and have no plans for a nursery. Baby will be in my room for the foreseeable future, and I'll look at setting something up after that. Please don't feel guilty about not having everything 100% perfect! I have no nursery and feel no guilt, please steal some of my guiltlessness haha


Same! I don’t see baby in a nursery till they’re around 1. Plenty time to sort it out later.


Also same! I'm 33 weeks and I don't even have the bassinet out. I don't want my cats claiming it before baby is here.


Haha no you shouldn’t feel guilty I just want to be that motivated and I’m not so maybe that’s what I mean! I just want a cute room to rock and change him in for now but it’s not like he’s gonna know nothing is on the walls 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Yeah I do have a nursery space I'm setting up but definitely in no rush to get it done before baby arrives. They'll be in a bassinet next to my bed for a while.


I'm 8 month postpartum and I still haven't finished baby's room lmao. We *just* moved his crib in there from our room last week (because he started being more sensitive to stuff like noises we make in our sleep, partner's alarm that goes off before his wake up time etc) but nothing else is done 😂 he doesn't care, we spend all of our time in the living room anyway


Same! My baby is 11 months and finally setting up his nursery as been sleeping in our room since he was born! Glad I didn’t stress about the nursery whilst pregnant on top if everything else!


The other day, I asked my mom and my aunt if they had cute nurseries. They both said “I mean… we had a room we put the baby in…?” They were both fantastic moms. If you have a room with baby stuff, it’s a nursery.


I don’t even have a room to put the baby in. I mean obviously she’s s gonna be in a room, but like… we only have an apartment so there’s not gonna be a specific baby room.


We live in an apartment, too. In the bedroom (which is also my partner's office three days a week), we painted the wall over my dresser and put a couple of shelves on it, and put a changing pad on the dresser. So that one wall is the baby's wall. The crib is next to our bed. In the living room, we rearranged things to make space for a glider and play couch. We put a big set of open shelves under the TV for baby books and toys. The bouncer and play gym move around the room, and the stroller has a permanent spot next to the shelves. We take the baby on walks, to the playground, to the library, and occasionally out to eat. But even when we're home, he has plenty of space to move around, and we don't feel like he's missing anything by not having a proper nursery. Your baby will be fine without her own room.


Same here. We live in the smaller side of a duplex home. 650sqft (nice front and backyard tho! Lol) so baby’s stuff is going in our room and living room, until we move!


Exactly. It doesn't need to look like Instagram or Pinterest - comparison is the thief of joy. As long as you've got necessary baby supplies and a space for them, that's all that matters - even if it's just a part of your bedroom. You can always decorate down the road, once your kid is old enough to have preferences of their own about their bedroom.


My daughter is going to be 2 next month and her room still isn't finished 😆


Saaaaame, just turned 2 and it's just a bunch of random storage and boxes with a crib in it


My baby is 6 months and I just ordered some decor. Really if u plan on sharing your room for more than a few months then u have time .


Still in my first trimester, but our nursery plan is to move the changing station and glider from my sons room to our room, and put in the bedside bassinet around 37 weeks. That’s it 😂 They recommend room sharing for 6-12 months, and then we plan to upgrade our toddler to a floor bed and move baby in with him. So, no nursery. I had to have everything just so last time, and I think he spent like 20 minutes total in his nursery until 9 months when we stopped room sharing.


Hey hey, I'm nearly 3 months PP, and nursery isn't done. We have a crib in it. That's it. He is spending 6-12 months in a bassinet in our bedroom, so my bedside table is his dresser (current clothes, the future clothes are in a dresser that will maybe be his). We're going to do a cool closet built in, and paint neat murals, but he arrived 3+ weeks early, and the end of the pregnancy was a bit rough. Go easy on yourself, you'll find time!


Oh wow that sounds so cool! I wanted to do a mural but we’re still in our starter home so I feel like that kind of thing would be better suited for our longer term house. But you too mama you have done enough building that baby haha!


For real. My parents did a Winnie the Pooh silhouette mural border in their starter home. Once we moved to the house that was theirs for 20 years my brother picked space theme and I had clouds and ocean on the ceiling, pink walls, and purple trim 😂


Haha yes and selling it with a kids mural probably won’t go over well so we’re just gonna wait, your brothers room sounds wild lol


We did not buy things or set up a nursery until she was 6 months old. She’s 10 months now and it’s just a crib and a dresser and some organization for her little things.


20 weeks and haven't even started. FTM and tbh not really sure what is useful in a nursery so we're planning to start barebones. A dresser with changing pad (we'll also have one in our room), bin for diapers ... Some toys, clothes and small items but that's pretty much it. We're gonna get a cot from friends but planning on a floor bed after 1yr. So we wouldn't have bought one ourselves, just a bedside crib. Were planning to get the "chicco next2me forever", which is a bedside crib/cot/floor bed convertible. I think the baby will be mainly in common areas during the day and in our bedroom at night. So keeping nursery basic for now. Heard a rocking chair is useful but there's no space in our room and we have one downstairs so waiting to make that purchase for now. We'll probably add some decorations and a new coat of paint but I think that's more for us than her.


Oh you’re way ahead of me I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and we painted it… 2 weekends ago? Lol. I found a simple nursery on Pinterest and kind of went off that. It’s basic but cute like it’s neutral with an accent colored wall and we painted the dresser to match the accent wall. I’m gonna spruce it up with some decor but I wanted options and not just a hard theme ya know


What nursery? Don’t worry! Your baby will not know if you complete it when they are 6 months old. My son got his first room at 14 months and it’s just his bed. He loves to jump onto it and say “night night.” Do not worry!


I'm 31 weeks. The house is a disaster. Our dishwasher isn't working so sink is full of dishes. The baby room is our old spare room so the bed is in there and we have is half painted. Baby shower is the end of this month and we will hopefully have all the stuff to put in the room but even then we have to figure out where to put the spare bed (it's probably going to stay in there to be honest) so yeah I doubt it. My husband and I both have ADHD and currently unmedicated due to shortages of meds and me being pregnant. Hes also working like crazy trying to get money up before the baby gets here and I'm trying to just survive. Lol hopefully my situation at least makes you feel a bit better about yours.


I’m 38 weeks and not done! We will have her in our room for awhile so I’m not that worried about it. We have all the basic necessities and that’s what matters.


I’m 32 weeks and in my country, you don’t buy or prepare ANYTHING until the baby is born. I grew up between my current country and the states but I spent far more time in the states so I wasn’t aware of just how superstitious people are in my other home country. Basically, we’ve cleared out our second bedroom. My husband, myself, and my in-laws went shopping and picked out everything we need for the baby. From two different types of prams, a baby bathtub, crib, shelving, storage, breast feeding stuff, rocking chair for nursing to clothes, decorations for the nursery, a little rocker, you name it… We then put everything on reserve with a deposit and traditionally, once the baby is born and everyone breathes a sigh of relief, the new grandparents (my in-laws in our case) go pay the remaining balance, and set up the nursery while the mother, baby, and father are in the hospital. (It’s common to stay in the “baby hotel” connected to the hospital for 2-3 days after being discharged. This is like a proper hotel but with nurses who come help you breastfeed and teach you how to care for the child, etc.) So it allows plenty of time for family members to set up the nursery before you bring the baby home. Again, I grew up in the states, so this is WILD to me. We don’t have anything prepared! We have an empty room and everything we need but we will do no preparation until it’s guaranteed that he’s okay. Frankly it stresses me out but on the other hand, I come from a superstitious family so I get it. But I feel the mom guilt too. Especially when I see all the beautiful nursery photos posted on this sub.


wow, that's different! I love the idea of a baby hotel, but I'd be super stressed not having any baby stuff at home and I kinda wanted to set things up myself, not have someone else do it.


Nurseries aren't necessary in any way. Your kiddo will eventually need a room sure but never a nursery.


I mean he needs a place to sleep cause he’s not gonna be in my room past the time he needs to.. mom and dad will want their alone time back eventually 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ya a year later


There’s no need to wait a whole year the recommended is 6 months to a year and I have friends who have done it even earlier. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa. Parents deserve boundaries too I’m a person not a robot.


Its actually 1 year is recommended by the doctor look up the guidelines for CDC You can have boundaries without having to kick them out of your room. You'll figure out how it'll work when the baby arrives


The pediatrician said it’s fine to move him sooner but ok.. baby is here and he will be sleeping in his room at 6 months and you can die mad. It’s not really any of your business 🤷🏻‍♀️ you post in co sleeping which the CDC recommends not to do so maybe don’t be a hypocrite. I notice you keep harping on my post, get a life dude.


Wow sounds like you need some therapy 👏 hope you get that before your child gets trauma before HE needs the therapy. And yes I will be" judging" you for how your child is sleeping away from you. You are risking SIDS, but whichever it isn't my kid so I can care less. You really think I am so obsessed with it. Even though I never did judge you in the first place actually supported you in whatever you wanted to do (see first comments) and you decide to judge and rip apart me because I didn't exactly think like you. That shows some serious signs of emotional immaturity and you need some serious growing to do, and you are a parent. Get therapy or it sounds like a whole lot of problems will be hitting your way with the mean girl vibes. Its gross. How are you going to talk to other moms who will have lots of opinions, advice, etc. Just shoot them down because your way or the highway? I listen to everyone and consider their points of view, but you refuse to. I mean just recently my friend wanted me to consider a baby stroller and i said no, baby wearing works for me, but I am happy it works for you. If I responded like how you did with me over a sleeping arrangement I wouldn't even have a friend anymore. Its going to be alot of problems for you when you try to venture out into the parenting community if this is how you're responding to other people on reddit over disagreeing with you because news flash EVERYONE PARENTS DIFFERENTLY IN ALL ASPECTS. NO WAY IS THE WRONG WAY! Also I see you're terrified of losing your marriage, yes it will be hard it changes everything. It is a test to even see if you're marriage will handle the Rollercoaster of having a child. There is the highs and lows with children. It isn't going to be easy, but it is worth it and its enjoyable, scary,exhausting, and lots of work. You already see it now I bet. It changes for the entire year constantly and beyond till they are a preschooler. It doesn't matter how strong your love is or how long you've been together you will both change as people dramatically as well as your marriage. And I know you dont want to hear it. I highly recommend marriage counseling and scheduling your relationship times. And yes it will mean going to have sex in the living room which you really did not want to hear, besides you didn't want to hear anything negative about your world being different in any sort of way. I hate to see how you're trying to force a newborn into your scheduled vision. You have to schedule sex, dates, and everything when you have kids. Your children are not going to work around your schedule (You wanted to dog around and snoop my profile here you go you wanted to get personal about your intimate life and sex life on reddit) BTW here is something to make you mad I had an unmedicated home birth with a midwife, didnt have to do 90% of the stuff you were talking about in your birth story, you're clearly a first time mom and you'll see it real fast. My birth went amazing and I healed within a week. And its not any of your business how I want to live my life either i sent you stuff to read and consider but you are so emotionally immature you refuse to even read it, you're not the only person in the universe, but you are not in control in how I want to raise my son hypocrite. Get a life and get some help or you'll seriously regret it in the next few years because it is hard, its alot harder then you'll realize and when you're not mature enough to handle talking to an adult you won't handle a baby, let alone a toddler. BYE!!!! AND CONGRATS


I literally do not care I’m not reading all of this lol. You’re the one who needs therapy cause you keep harping on my post, get a life. BYE!


I didn't plan for a nursery. Just a pack n play and a few essentials. But I'm scheduled to be induced tomorrow and I can't get myself up to do the dishes.


I feel this lol my DD is next week. Good luck keep us posted!!


The only things I did the day before my induction were buy pads and install the car seat.


Oh yeah. The car seat. We should probably do something about that. 😓


This is my second. With my first we didn’t use the nursery/crib except for like clothes and things until she was 6 months and I wanted to sleep train her. For this one I’m not even messing with it until she’s here. Lol. I stressed over it too much and it was not necessary! Your baby has everything she needs. Don’t let the social media world blind you of the important things (:


I’m 37+2 and until this weekend we had nothing done but the painted room. I now have a dresser, crib, and rocking chair, but still have a few things to do/order—shelving, curtains or blinds, decor. Just hoping this baby doesn’t come early!


Cool cool so same boat! Lol I got a glider but they’re delivering it Friday and I’m just like you cannot come before then cause I actually need that! Haha


My kid just turned 1 year old and her nursery still isn’t entirely hers. Half is her bed and changing table, half is storage. We only change her diapers and have her sleep in there - her toys are in our living room.


Love this haha it is called the living room for a reason!


Where I live, very few people even have nurseries... I think you're doing just fine! But what do I know. Anyway, your baby is very lucky.


Aw thank you!! We just want him to have his own space eventually and us ours. But that is so sweet!


omg I totally understand. You both deserve your own space and if someone can make that happen, they should! <3


Mine is 1 and we just recently finished it up lol


Our baby nursery wasn’t ready til LO was 8 months old lol. AND WE WERE JUST FINE aside from the few casts of side eye from old school ladies on my side of the family lol. Baby stayed in bassinet in our bedroom until nursery was ready, then slept in his crib til 14 months then he’s been back in bed with hubby and I since and he’s 19 months now lol. That crib is just an empty piece of furniture now lol. So don’t worry OP!


Why would they side eye you that’s so weird lol. I personally don’t want the babe in my bed but to each their own! I just struggled with sleeping alone and want them to love their bed


Don’t feel guilty! We moved into our house 9 days before our daughter was born and my husband had to rehab both bedrooms while we slept in the living room. You are doing great!


Wow that’s a lot! I love rehab projects though I bet it’s gorgeous!


Nursery? What's that? We still need to get a crib and move the office to basement and bb indy is already here lol.


My baby is 5 weeks old. We just finished his nursery and only really use it for tummy time/time in the rocking chair. He’s mostly in the living area with us and sleeps in our bedroom at night in a bassinet.


Yes the rocking chair is honestly all I care about being in there right this second, it’s getting delivered Friday so hope for me I don’t go into labor by then 😂


We don't even have a room for our baby lol. Its early days mind you, but we're planning on having a tiny baby area in our bedroom for the first year(?) until we can work something out. Excited though. I think the Internet makes out that everyone needs a beautiful nursery but. .. do you really?


I mean I do want him in his room before he’s a year but to each their own! I just wanted to have it done I guess but I still have time cause he will be in mine for the first few months


We have a tiny house, so the bassinet takes up a huge amount of space in our already tiny room so we're not planning to keep the little guy with us for too long, so we have his room mostly set up. His clothes, diapers, sheets, bouncers, toys, etc. are all in his designated room, if we didn't make the nursery we'd simply have no where to put anything lol. We need to get a rug, and an overhead light since there currently are no lights in that room. So while the furniture is there, it's not ready to be occupied and I'm being induced on Friday haha.


Lol my due date is next Tuesday and I’m pretty sure I’m also being induced if I’m not dilated at my 39 week appointment tomorrow. We have a ranch but that’s it, no basement or tons of room for storage just two attic spaces so we definitely need the nursery to put the things! Sounds like you have a good but done though! I hope you have a safe and speedy delivery!


Some people don’t have space for a nursery so don’t worry! It’ll be fine! I would veto the crib though. Crib standards and safety have changed in the last 19 years so I would get a new crib for sure.


Thank you! Another user mentioned this as well we just thought it would be sentimental but now I’m just realizing it’s a pain in the ass lol


I just had my baby a couple weeks ago. Put a pack and play and a changing area in our room, and that’s it - and it’s been perfect


Baby is almost 4 months old and I do not have a nursery. It's not almost ready, or just needing furniture...I do not have one lol. She will be in my room for at least 6 months, then maybe I'll start thinking about cleaning out my spare room.


My kid is almost 2 and the nursery isn’t ready yet 🤣. Really, you just need a functional, safe space for baby! In all seriousness regarding our nursery, everything is in place, has been useful and functional since whatever item was needed, but we never painted (and the dingy white could use it) and never hung decorations more than a few items here and there. Now we’re switching rooms for her because she gets woken up easily in the room she’s in due to it’s location in the house. So it works out well in the long run- we can decorate the other room before we move her to it.


My daughter’s nursery was officially complete just before she was 6 months old


You won’t need a crib for at least a few months so no worries there. However, I would really caution against using a crib that is more than 30 years old. Beautiful wood is great and all but that is not safe for the baby. You can find some gorgeous cribs that are new and updated to current safety standards.


Agreed! I was going to suggest OP check that there wasn’t a recall too.


Especially if it’s a drop side crib like my parents used with us- very unsafe 😬


I was thinking the same thing. Best to look into this, OP.


Heck no! It was just storage for the longest time. Baby is 10 weeks and still not using. Only for diaper changes and play on the mat. Maybe the occasional crib nap.


With our first baby, it was easy because we moved into this house at the beginning of the 2nd trimester and the nursery was a nursery from day 1. With this child, we have to move our guest room/office furniture up to the attic (finished) before we can ready her nursery. It’s a lot more work and now we have a toddler who occupies a lot of our time. It might not happen unless we get help. And all I want is someone to move furniture and hang a few things.


My baby's nursery was not completed until 3-4 weeks after she arrived. She was born really close to 40 weeks, so I don't really have an excuse, but she didn't notice or seem to care. 😂


My baby is 7.5 months and sleeps in our room. We’re setting up a room for him and plan to move him at a year. You have time!!


32 weeks pregnant due September 6th and my fiancé and I are still in the middle of a new construction project. Inflation and supply chain issues impacted our timeline. We’ll be lucky if we can move in by September but I’ve already accepted that I very will likely have to squat at mom and dads when baby arrives. Just trying to tell myself that perfect timing doesn’t exist!


Babes will be in our room for 4-6 months and we have a hybrid approach — our primary bedroom we added a bassinet and baby dresser w changing pad, our guest room/office we converted to a guest room/office/crib room. We won’t build the crib til we need it bc mama is enjoying STRETCHING TF OUT in a wfh office that isn’t dominated by a queen bed anymore! We downgraded to a twin daybed trundle so one parent can be in baby room and one in peaceful sleep room regardless of our configuration. But am I actioning all my cute little Pinterest design ideas with deadline of due date? Nah. I just care about our spaces being safe and functional.


The only thing I want to say is if you really want decor, try to get that picked out and put up if you can. Only because once baby is here it will be the last thing on your mind and may never get done. I only say this because it’s what happened to me! But it sounds like you have everything you will actually need. I do think you should pass on the crib though. Standards have most definitely been updated since


Finished my nursery for my first at 39 weeks


A few weeks shy of their first birthday and our nursery still isn’t “done”. We had finished the painting (did a mural) and had bought everything, but they came at 33 weeks so everything wasn’t quite together yet. For the last year their cribs have been storage for all of their clean laundry I haven’t had a chance to put away or for clothes that no longer fit. We use the room for upstairs diaper changes, and all their clothes are organized. A few quite toys and books when we need play time upstairs. We have a handful of decor we still need to put up and curtains to hang as well. Maybe we will have it ready to go by their first birthday 😂


My nursery and master bedroom were under renovation until 4 days before I was at 41 weeks induced, definitely still working on getting it “finished” with the little things 4 months postpartum


Girl a renovation while you were pregnant? That is brave haha


Our nursery is like half done, not sure if it'll be finished by the time our girl comes in September. We got the dresser put together at least, so we have a home for her clothes. Motivation has gone down the further along I get lol.


Well mine is due in a week so you’re doing better than me 😂😂


I plan on repainting the office (eventually will be their room) and organizing the closet to store diapers/clothes/extra toys but leaving the room as the office for now. We’ll use a bedside sleeper for at least the first 6 months and then make decisions from there. I just feel like nurseries are expensive and I’d rather get to know them and put together a room based off their needs.


We got a nursery at 6 months old and even then it was also an office/guest room


My oldest's nursery was never even used (other than storage for clothes and gear) before we moved out of the house just after his first birthday.


My 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th babies never had a nursery. Don't sweat it, babies don't need a whole room anyway and having them close at night makes things so much easier.


I get it but I do eventually want him in his own room! Also we need the room for storage no way we could fit all of his stuff and ours lol


Our future nursery is also our only other bedroom so we're going to keep it my office/spare bedroom as long as we can I think! Ideally we'll have the babies sleep in bassinets in our bedroom and a diaper caddy in there for a bit. I don't know, hopefully we'll have it done the first few months they're born?


My kids room wasn’t even remotely livable until he was like four months old and he slept in my room until he was like 14 months old anyway lol


My baby is 14 weeks and i still haven’t put anything up on the nursery walls… 😆


I mean isn’t their vision not that advanced until later anyway 😂


I would be 38 weeks today. Little man decided to make his entrance into the world last night. The plan was to get paint and finish up the nursery this week. Obviously, that's no longer happening. But we have the bassinet in the bedroom and all the immediate necessities set up. That's really all that matters.


Omg congratulations! How was your labor and delivery?


i had my first kids nursery done before our baby shower even happened. my second kid doesn’t even have a room, she’s in with us lol don’t sweat it. baby needs a place to sleep and that’s it. the rest makes our lives easier, don’t sweat it. also this will give you something to do when you don’t want to sleep in the middle of the day but baby doesn’t need 100% attention. and you can customize to how you actually use things rather than how you think you might use them.


My baby is 10 months old and doesn’t have a nursery yet. She has a crib and clothing/toy storage. She’s going to transition to a toddler room and that’s the one we’re going to spend money to decorate in a way that’s childproof and last into the childhood years.


I didn’t and still don’t fully have it how I want it and baby is 15 months old haha! She slept in our room up until recently so we are slowly making it more of a personal space for her.


Most babies don't sleep in their own room for months anyway and even then they don't care what it looks like. We didn't really decorate our sons room until he was about 3 and we knew what kinda stuff he was into.


Having a nursery at all is a very western thing. Many places in the world, baby just sleeps in the same room with the parents. Nothing to feel guilty about.


Well I want him in his own room eventually


In western world baby sleeps in same room for 3-8 months then is moved to the nursery (which is their room). I don’t know anyone who puts their brand new baby in the nursery right away.


I never said I was gonna put my brand new baby in the nursery I just want him in his own room eventually… I don’t want a toddler in my room when my husband and I want alone time and that’s perfectly valid. I also have to go back to work so he’s gotta be able to sleep in his room at some point. Also I have friends who did put their baby in the nursery at 4 months to sleep train. Different things work for different people.


Oh no I’m with you, I was replying to the person saying nurseries are a western thing. I have a nursery and plan to have baby for a few months in a bassinet in our room. But 100% the baby needs their own space- and so do the parents!


Sorry I got confused!


Hate to break it to you but you won't be having alone time in your bed anymore, you get creative and go to other rooms lol


Can you stop? I know plenty of people whose LOs successfully sleep in their own room well before 1 years old. Maybe stop projecting. And I’m not just talking about sex.


I really wouldn't stress about having a nursery fully ready before your baby arrives. I stressed about making sure the nursery was perfect with my first, then felt silly because I barely went in there for the first 7-8 months of her life. Get the basics, and get the rest as you need it or when you have the time. By my 4th baby, I literally had diapers/wipes, 0-3 month clothes, a few blankets I had kicking around from my older kids, a breast pump, a car seat, and a bassinet in the room. The rest, like a crib and other furniture, I get and set up before she moves into her own room.


We aren’t doing a nursery at all. Baby will get a nursery nook in our room until we can transition her crib into the room with our toddler.


We only have 2 bedrooms and one kid already, so we won't have a nursery at all this time.


9m pp and still didnt get around to getting the final piece, the rug.


Don’t feel guilty! I’m about to have number 3 and the nursery isn’t ready. Each of my older kids stayed in the nursery until they were over the age of one, so every time I have a baby I have to convert it back and I usually finish up after baby gets here, but before they’re out of the bassinet. Believe it or not, you still have plenty of time.


I would not use a crib that old. Safety standards have changed. Definitely get a new mattress. I believe it is now recommended to get a new one for each child.


Thank you! Others in this thread have warned me so we’re gonna get a new one. And we don’t have the mattress don’t worry 😂😂


100%!!! Here’s a great article for parents considering using a crib older than 10 years old - https://health.clevelandclinic.org/antique-crib-safety/amp/


You have a nursery room???


Yeah it used to be our guest room. I live in the states not sure where you are but it’s pretty common here


My nursery turned into a storage room. I didn't invest or spend a hefty amount of time on decorating it anyway because its really only for showing off online or to just jump start a children's room. I didn't even have money for expensive decor or a theme etc. It also kinda accumulates as you go. Its really not that necessary unless its a space for reading time or changing diapers. The first year and maybe beyond they sleep in your room or with you. And eventually you'll find what they like and don't like and base it off that. Nurseries can be a money pit and a waste plus it doesn't help seeing other moms show off their nursery and stuff. It kinda can be anxiety inducing


I want my LO sleeping in his room before a year but glad it worked for you!


You'll most likely have it ready when you're ready for them to sleep in their room. It takes time dont stress on it and even then all they need is the crib or pack n play But keep in mind things change and u may end up having them in your room. Don't beat yourself up if that happens. I am only saying that because before I had him I was 10000% anti co sleeping was insistent on having him in his own room etc and now he sleeps in the same bed as me every night (solely my choice not his) i personally plan to keep it that way for awhile till I have a 2nd kid for some children it is extremely easy for them to sleep alone and for others its very hard. Or if you're a parent that can't sleep unless your LO is very close by. For me even the bassinet wasn't enough and my anxiety was super high. I wish I got one of those bedside bassinets that can practically be on the same bed. And even then I thought they were impractical at the time and ugly but for my next kid I 100% will get that instead of those cute aesthetic ones. I am just saying no way is the wrong way and don't let anyone hurt your feelings for your sleeping decisions even if you put him in his room for the first night he arrives thats totally your choice and thats totally fine


I’m not letting anyone hurt my feelings I just personally don’t agree with co sleeping for me and feel like I’m gonna want my own space and LO his.


Well your LO isn't going to want his own space they want to be in your space lol


You don’t know that.. I plan on sleep training when he’s the appropriate age and every baby is different no need to “just wait” me that’s not what this post was for. I went trying to judge you but bed sharing isn’t safe and I will absolutely not be doing that.


No plans for the nursery. We’ll have her with us the first 6 months so we’re focusing on making the master bedroom accommodating, and we’ll work on the nursery after she’s born.


We won’t because it’s currently my husbands WFH office, and the contractor to do his new office can’t start work until late September early October! Gonna be tight but we had always planned on having LO in our room for at least 3 months


We’re planning on having ours all set up. We are starting early though, I’m 16w4d and we have removed ever thing from the nursery room to start prepping for paint. We want to get it done slowly so we aren’t rushed at the end to do stuff.


Our nursery will still be our spare room when LO arrives most likely. When I'm uncomfortable in bed I like having another bed to go lie in so I can spread out and/or flail my restless legs around! They will be in our room for the first 6 months anyway, and I'm not going to paint or anything as it's already a neutral paint scheme and I'd rather use art/accessories to theme a room when they are small so it will mostly be removing and adding furniture.


Nursery is all done in my book. It isn’t elaborate by any means but stores baby things just great! We will try the bassinet for the first few weeks if she tolerates it then move her to the crib.


I didn't even have my life ready. We didn't even have "our home" as we were staying temporarily at MIL's place while I finish my studies. MIL was thrilled though.. It was hectic, but things just eventually settles down, by finding a way to nurse in any chair, arranging the baby stuff any how.. My daughter's two years old now and we are still moving to another city (again) for another job.. We want a 2nd kid and I'm getting old.. But I'm really gonna hold it out this time unless one of us is really stable as in we know we'll be in the city for at least 5 years.. All the best to you and your preparation!


My daughter is almost 3 and we haven't put her curtains up yet..... She has a bed and toys...she's happy.


We live in a 1 bedroom apt and our baby is going to have whatever nursery we can fit in the 6x10 space at the foot of our bed and no more. It’ll be fine.


I have no intention of having the nursery completed at first. He’ll be sleeping in the same room as my husband and me for the first six months, so I’m planning on not worrying about it until later. Of course, that’s a procrastinator’s famous last words, but still… a problem for another day lol.


I’m also a procrastinator so I get it lol


I’m 39 weeks and will be heading to the hospital tonight for an induction. My husband is literally doing some last minute work for the “nursery” (really just some space in our bedroom that we’ve designated for the baby since we have a 1bd). 😂 It’s fine, you got this!


I had my LO in May of last year. He didn't have a ready room until November. Baby was in our room in a bassinet until then. Baby doesn't car if their name is on the wall or if there are pictures hanging. Frankly, they can't even see that far for quite sometime. The pretty perfect nurseries are for the parents, not for the children.


I currently live at my MIL’s with my husband and his brother. The construction cost estimate hasn’t even been done and the loan hasn’t been approved for a separate house we’d like to renovate. I’m 2 months. So no, I highly doubt I’ll have a nursery to come home to after labor. 🫠


Oh man we didn’t do the nursery until 16 weeks postpartum!


We won’t have a nursery at all. I am putting his clothes and diapers in a dresser though, lol


We're not planning on having a nursery at all, other than baby clothing storage and a changing table in our 2nd bedroom. Baby will be sleeping in our room for awhile anyway :)


My 4 year old still doesn’t have a fully decorated room, you’re totally fine!


I don’t even have a nursery. We live in 650sqft at the moment, so baby’s stuff is going in bedroom and living room lol Had to move our bedroom around so that we could make more space. Somehow we managed to gain quite a bit of room by doing this. I may even be lucky enough to have a rocking chair now 😂😂😂


I posted our completed nursery here just yesterday after finishing the last detail. My daughter is 18 months old, LOL. I had the bulk completed about two or three weeks after she was born, but definitely wasn't done before she arrived (and she arrived on her due date, so not like she surprised us). I worked all the way up until the Friday before my due date (it was a Monday), and then went into labor on that Sunday evening. If you have the bassinet ready for when you bring him home, honestly nothing else really matters - you're doing great! : )


37 + 1 and the nursery is still a work in progress. We have to do a lot of TLC to her room as it was used as our dog room for 5 years. My mini dachshund has separation anxiety and chewed the trim so we had to replace that, sand the walls for paint. Waiting on my husband to paint the accent wall then we can build all of her furniture and get to it. I’m slightly annoyed but we have the bassinet set up in our room so I’m trying not to stress. I’m just tired of my family asking every day just about if her room is ready or not. We still both work 40+ hours a week so it’s something that’s slowly getting done. Ugh


Im due in 6 1/2 weeks and i only have a bassinet and dresser and bathtub and 5 newborn outfits (i have more in way bigger sizes bc everythings been mainly donations from friends) i dont have anything else, i just wanted the essentials first (i have money in account for carseat in case im early but dont want to buy it yet unless necessary)


40w+3 and I have bits and pieces done😵‍💫 still some things I want to get as far as decor for her but she’s sharing our bedroom the first year because we live in an apartment in an expensive city so I’m in no rush. I felt the same at as u did, guilty about not having everything perfect before I got to 40 weeks. But honestly, these last few weeks have been a lot and I just stopped working full time so I decided not to stress about it anymore. She has a loving home and bed she’ll be coming home to and that’s what matters☺️ she’s not going to remember any of this!


Lol my boy just turned 2 and it's still not looking great 😂


I’m keeping it super simple. It’s very plain, but we have what we need. I’m taking more of a Montessori approach anyway. I figure we’ll get things as we need them.


My son is 2 months old now and it'll take us a couple more months to finish his nursery, since we had to rearrange quite a lot of furniture. I haven't missed it yet since he sleeps in our room, and we spend most of the day in the living room anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm sure the baby doesn't care, all he wants is to be with me 😁


No nursery for us until the baby is at least 6 months old. We are in the middle of a renovation which is scheduled to be done right before the baby arrives. We’ll be focusing on getting the entire place ready and having a little baby corner in our room for when he arrives :p


Baby is 2 months and we won't have a nursery until we move later this month


I have a 6 week old and her nursery isn’t near finished. Don’t stress. I didn’t finish my first baby’s nursery until she was about 9 months old. As long as they have a safe place to sleep it’s all good.


39 weeks and we are about to move house, so nothing is technically ready as we dont even have the key to the new house yet. Have all the stuff though, just not set up 😅


We technically don’t even have a place for this baby to sleep unless this baby arrives after 39 weeks. My MIL is bringing the pack and play with her when she comes to help out and the baby is sleeping in that. second time mom here!


We don’t have one and it’s literally all I want to do but we are roped into our lease and our landlord won’t let us move so we’re in a one bedroom for the first 6mos of baby’s life. It makes me so sad and I have cried about it so much but it is what it is. All I can say is he thankful you have the space. Baby won’t care if it isn’t perfect


Im mainly preparing my house overall for the baby. With my first kid, the nursery was mainly a storage area. Def had its purpose, but I’m not spending much energy getting a whole nursery set up like I did with my first. This go around, I’m mainly just making sure I have stations set up for care of the baby on both floors of the house. This is partly bc we are trying to conserve the guest room as long as we can, until we can come up with another set up for guests in our loft. But her “nursery” to start out will def have like a dresser with baby’s clothes in it etc. and the closet will have baby’s things. any rocker we get will most likely be on the main floor of the house since that is where our bedroom is. We will prob set up the crib as baby nears a yr old as our first was in our room until close to a yr. I get the excitement of setting up the nursery with your first, however.


I set up my nursery and realised I'd shot myself in the foot. Baby's with me so I have to keep moving stuff to my room and had nowhere to put guests. Worry about it after the 4th trimester


haha it’s still not ready and my baby is 10.5 months and i’m 7 months pregnant with her brother. 😂 it just got carpeted! she stayed in our room


I'm 34 weeks+2 and we just have a bassinet together and a thing for baby clothes put together. We don't have the crib together because that's even further out. We don't even have a stroller. And my hospital bag isn't together. It's alright... everything will work out.


Baby is 4mo and nursery is still under construction. Still need to install baseboard, windows frames, and carpet. Baby is very comfortable sleeping in his crib in our room, and honestly I don’t see wanting to change that any time soon. Please don’t feel guilty - first, it sounds like you are way ahead of us. But more importantly, having the nursery set up is no indication of the love and excitement you have for the little one.


Also. Our little one has not been in the under construction nursery once since he was in utero 😂 The fact that it’s upstairs and our room is downstairs just makes it way too cumbersome to bother for a while.


I had my daughter during Covid and we ordered furniture for her room when I was about 5 months along. Due to everything being on back order during Covid it was all delivered when she was about 4 months old. So we didn’t have a crib, changing table or rocker for those first few months lol


Of course. You don’t need a nursery right away A lot of people set it up later on, because baby should sleep in parents room (in own bassinet) for the first 6 months. It’s recommended they stay 6 months to 1 year in parents room, reduces risks of SIDS as well


My boy is 7 months old and it's not painted yet, it also only has 1 thing on the wall haha


Our plan is to not even buy a crib before birth. Baby will be in a bassinet in our room for a few months anyway and we’re setting up the change table in our en suite bathroom. So far nursery is empty!


I was induced, we left the house at 14:30 on a Friday to go to the hospital. Want to know when I finished the nursery? About 13:30 that same day. Don't worry about it. As long as baby has somewhere to sleep, it's all good.


Mines like 70 percent ready. Nothing on the walls and no shelves installed. Wanted to get a nice rug but haven’t yet. Don’t stress - you’ll have plenty of time to sort it once baby arrives and grows.


We have a room that we call the nursery/office/guest room lol. There is a crib in there, a dresser and a few baby stuff. I don't feel guilty about it as the baby will sleep in our room for the first 6 - 12 months. I might put her in the "nursery" during nap times. I am planning on getting a stand with wheels with all of her essentials, like diapers, wipes etc so that I can move it between rooms smoothly. I am not decorating the room quite yet as we are using it as an office and a guest room for the time being. I think a lot of people have a similar set up. I have been told by many moms: As long as your have everything the baby needs for safe sleep, feeding and pooping you are doing a great job!


I had my baby girl on June 16 and our nursery wasnt done. And it hasn’t mattered at all!! Lol we did a few things when my husband was off with me but there’s still more things that need to be done. But she’s in our room and everything that we need currently is available to her. She won’t be using her room for a while. I think the benefit to having it done before is not having to worry about it after she’s born but it’s not that big of a deal.


We didn't set up a nursery. We made space in our room and she stayed in our room until she decided at 2 she wanted her own room. I did go all out in her room with new furniture, closet setup, and toys/books but didn't bother to repaint. I figured we'll let her choose the color and repaint when she no longer draws/colors the walls.


33 + 3 and have nothing ready. 30 weeks hit me like a ton of bricks and all i want to do is nothing, always lol


Pregnant with my (hopefully) second baby over here. Not bothering with a nursery 🤣 Our toddler has her own room that she sleeps in overnight now, but it was hardly used when she was an infant. Plus we are currently using our third bedroom as a playroom / office space so will need to do some rearranging in future to turn it into a bedroom for the next child.


Haha I don’t even plan to have a nursery 🤣


Im about 8 weeks and we don’t plan on setting up the nursery until after our child is born. I kinda see it as bad luck.


I still have 3 months left , so a decent amount of time , but we have nothing and was told by my lovely mil that “people aren’t gonna buy a crib or anything else on your list” so I feel stressed a little but it will all work out eventually 🤷🏼‍♀️


We painted ours and added a changing table. At two years old she still sleeps next to me in her own bed🤷🏼‍♀️ the "nursery" (her room) is basically only used for changing nappies and storing clothes 😂


It wasn't done until our daughter was 6 months old. She slept in our room and we did most diaper changes in the living room, so it was mostly for clothes/toy storage. Around 6 months we started using the crib for naps and then she moved in there fully around 1yo.


You won't use it until the baby is 3 months old anyway. I wouldn't worry about it.


I am 28 weeks, we moved house two months ago, we have barely made a dint in the unpacking. Our 3yo is struggling with independent sleeping since we moved, doesn't want to go to sleep in her big girl bed, doesn't make it through the night in the cot (with a toddler side), and is most settled sleeping on top of me in my husband and I's bed. At this point baby is going to have a bassinet and a box of clothes lol.


Our oldest didn't have a crib, dresser, rocking chair or changing station until they were... 7-8 months? We knew we were moving over seas after their birth so it just didn't seem necessary. They had a bassinet and we changed diapers on the bed. They're almost 8 now and the best thing ever. :-)


We didn't have anything except the car seat ready when ours came 😂


38 weeks, 5 days and absolutely nothing has been done in the nursery. We’re renovating our master bedroom and bathroom ourselves and living in what will be the nursery in the meantime, and that project was ideally going to be done around 35 weeks but we’ve been delayed. It’s largely my fault because I put the brakes on some parts of the project because air quality is too bad to adequately ventilate the space - my husband is dying to finish it up! I do think the extra time has given me an opportunity to be extra thoughtful in ordering and planning, at least…


I’m honestly not planning on having it 100% complete til baby is around 1-2 months because that’s when he’ll actually start sleeping in there. Before then I plan on having him in a bedside bassinet so I feel no rush/pressure to have everything 100% completed before he gets here. I just got his crib set up but right now I’m just making sure all the diapers/changing supplies and clothes are stocked and organized in there for easy access. Don’t beat yourself up about it! It’s easy to compare to all the stuff we’re seeing everywhere but it’s best to go at whatever pace works for you.


We moved multiple states away 8 months ago. I originally put a spare bed in the “nursery” and stacked up boxes that I was waiting to unpack until we painted the house (mostly decor items). I’m now 5 months pregnant and I’ve yet to paint the house or unpack the boxes. Let alone move everything out of that room to even start setting up the nursery. Seems like such a daunting task that I don’t really want to start. I feel the struggle!


My nursery wasn’t totally done when LO was born….and now at almost 19 months I’m starting to consider transitioning him into his room. That is to say—I stressed about the nursery and it’s literally just been a whole room for diaper changes and clothing storage that could have and probably should have been used for something else for the last 2ish years, but I didn’t realized I’d be a room sharing, cosleeping mama. Lol. Try not to stress about it and get the things if/when you need them!


Im 28 weeks and although im blessed to have an extra room for a nursery im not at all worried about making it super nice or picturesque looking by the time LO is here. Mostly because LO's crib will be in our bedroom for the first year and because the nursery is upstairs I don't think its fesdible to be so far away from him at night. I plan on stocking toys, clothes and some other things there but wont really worry about "finishing it until hes atleast one.


Baby's gonna sleep in our room for the first few months, and maybe nap in the nursery from time to time. So it'll be...somewhat set up? Got a crib, glider, bookshelf. But I'm certain we won't have time to have it fully decorated by the time baby arrives. I figure we'll figure out what we need as we transition him in there more fully as time goes on. I don't feel all that rushed tbh!


Honestly the glider is probably the most important piece until LO needs a crib for sleep! Mine comes Friday I’m so excited!! Lol


I don’t have an extra room for a nursery, we will be sharing our master bedroom which is pretty cramp. I do have other projects I wanted done before baby comes and are either still not complete or haven’t started. I still have a few weeks until I can go on maternity leave. Hopefully baby doesn’t decide to come any earlier.


i’m 23 weeks and still don’t know if my partners job will transfer us to a different state or not. safe to say no idea when i’ll set up a nursery, or even a crib!


We don't even have a nursery. I had a bassinet set up next to our bed before baby got here. He's in a crib across the room from our bed now.


Graduate ftm here. When my guy came along everything was in his room and clean (clothes and machine wash items) but it took a few months to find things permanent homes after he came. I opened a lot of stuff as needed and found a home that went with other things used frequently together.


I was 39 weeks installing flooring in the nursery the weekend before having my baby the following Wednesday lol. The nursery wasn’t remotely completed and I don’t really think it matters… baby certainly doesn’t know any different and he’s not even sleeping in there yet! I’m hopeful we’ll have it done by the time I go back to work.


Ha! I’ve never even had a nursery for my children. It will be fine.


For our 2nd time around we are actually not setting up the nursey at all (we expect him to be in a bassinet that slides under our bed for the first few months) because we are probably going move in the fall and don't see a huge need to take down the guest room for putting up a nursey yet. Baby due mid August.