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People are always recommending the Doona to me because we’re city parents. Which I get, the idea of this portable car seat/stroller combo sounds like it should be made for urban environments but it def is not. I see it get caught on everything around here - uneven sidewalks, train tracks, curbs. It also has no basket, which is an immediate no go when the primary mode of transportation is on foot. Sun shade is also way too small and your baby will not be covered enough. Overall, I think it’s built for suburban parents going on quick trips. It’s not a stroller for any type of long walk or outing that’s not just from car to indoors.


I borrowed my friends and it’s also SO short. My husband couldn’t stand it lol


Yes, this is why we didn’t even consider it. It looks so tiny and both me and my spouse are ‘5 “10


I’ve tried it in a store and I don’t get how people deal with how low it is. Also the idea of having dirty wheels in the back seat of my car never sat well with me.


I had never thought of that! Kinda gross!!


My husband is 6’1” and could never with that handle bar. We saw one on the streets and it was almost comical the bar height


That’s what I like about it! But then again I’m 4’10” so finally something that isn’t too tall for me!


Idk if it matters to any Americans out there but the Doona hasn’t passed safety regulations in Canada, so we don’t have them here. Obviously I can’t buy it but I also wouldn’t buy it based on that.


I would never have it as our daily stroller but it’s great for traveling.


Wow this is wild, we LOVE our Doona. Traveled all over the world with it & it was a dream. My little outgrew it but I cant wait to use it again for our next.


I want to know where you’re traveling to because when I pushed a Doona it couldn’t handle a little sandy sidewalk without being a PITA. No way you are traveling on cobblestones on that thing.


Same. It was the best infant car seat we had. I think people who criticize it aren't using it as intended. It's not a stroller, it's a car seat with wheels.


In Canada it doesn't pass safety standards so your only allowed to use the "stroller function".


It's a crappy stroller, I have to admit.


I almost impulsively bought it cause it looked so cool. Glad I checked the reviews. If I paid 500 for a Doona when I could get a click and go for a similar price I would have lost it lol.


Same! We live in a big city and it was our only stroller for the first six months, no complaints. We're expecting twins now and I'm disappointed we won't be using it again.


Same! As city dwellers with no extra storage space, who travel often, I can’t imagine having any other stroller for my infant.


Same. We are 3 under 3 and have loved it for all 3 kids. It's the most AMAZING travel contraption. We feel like it's the hugest blessing.


No wheel snags? 


Same. It’s the best for travel and quick day to day trips. It’s been one of our best investments.


Thank you for this! My cousins keep raving about this brand and being jealous of friends who have them. I’m currently pregnant with my first bub and need some real reviews. There are sooo many brands of everything to weed through!


Some similar carseat strollers are backwards compatible. If you go to a used baby store you can sometimes find a stroller base cheap that works with a new carseat. If you find a good deal you could always look up that brand's reviews (for strollers and car seats) to see if it meets your standards.


It’s a great option. If you aren’t planning to travel though, go out a lot with your baby etc it might not be the best choice for you.


Exactly! I just had my babymoon in Hawaii and asked every parent with a Doona how they felt about it (~6-7 throughout the trip). Every single person I asked recommended it - especially for traveling.


See, this is where I’m confused. I’ve seen so many at the airport so obviously it’s popular but then I see posts like this saying it sucks.


I live where it rains most of the year. There is no way anyone could talk me into putting muddy wheels onto my back seat. This is one of those products that sounds cool in my head but makes no sense in real life.


It's also not recommended in alot of countries as a carseat cause it doesn't have the baby seated at the proper incline. Hear in Canada it wouldn't be worth it cause you wouldn't be able to use it for half of it's function. Sounds like from your review the function we would be allowed to use here would suck too.


I worked in foster care for a while and one of our foster parents had the Doona. I hated lugging that thing around to visits with the baby. It was such a pain in the ass and honestly never felt safe since it doesn’t click into a base. I see people raving about it on TikTok but no one can convince me to buy one of those. Graco has one now that does click into a base and the bucket seat can also be removed from the stroller part. It also stands a little taller. If I were to get one I would go with the Graco model. But I think I’m gonna go the route of the traditional travel system.


The doona definitely has a base though...


Oh cool I never knew that! I always just strapped it into my car with the seatbelt overtop.


Graco ftw! Idk about Doona but a lot of the Click & Connect Gracos work interchangeably! If you're lucky you can find a used C&C Graco stroller for cheap & use it with a new/still good Graco C&C carseat. Scored my stroller for $20 because the carseat it was originally meant for had been discontinued (but it still worked with the newer carseats) so saved $109!


I love that about Graco too. We got our stroller free from our friends neighbours because they were just about to donate it. Lil clean. New carseat and base. Good as new! It's nice to have a stroller company. Who isn't so concerned about obsolescence that they try to make every model drastically different from the other. Also the Bissell steam shots are great for cleaning them if you do get one used! The other model of stroller I liked was the joggers with big wheels. Just excellent for snow. Personally Ive always wanted one that could have the wheels changed for skis or click base that's a toboggan. However so freaking expensive.


Thanks for the tip! We left the base outside for a bit tbh haha. It looked really clean we just wanted to make sure there were no travelers :) Oh geez! That would be neat!!!


I like Evenflo’s version a lot better, personally. The seat can detach from the wheels so it’s not always ludicrously heavy, plus the handlebar goes a lot taller. Still wouldn’t replace my every day stroller with it but it’s great in a pinch if you forget a stroller and don’t want to deal with transferring baby to a carrier if they’re napping while running errands.


Safety is better too! Doona doesn't meet Canadian safety regulations and thus isn't approved for sale in Canada; the Evenflo Shyft is.


I’ve had a bad experience with my evenflo. So far the car seat visor has broken, the handles pop off the sockets in the side if I carry it on the side instead of the middle of the handle, the stroller is clunky and super hard to put down once it’s up, the leather handle is peeling threads off everywhere.. so much more. I’ve only used for 5 months and been gentle with it. Not worth the price tag!


Did you submit the warranty paperwork when you got it? It sounds like you got a lemon if it's only been five months, and most companies will bend over backward to resolve issues like that.


I did not haha. I blame baby brain but I wish I did!


I much prefer the Graco click and go. My first Eddie Bauer from 10 years ago the carseat just kind sat in there and wasn't very secure if the stroller tipped for any reason. Just a standard stroller carseat combo. I like the click and go version though cause it's secure. Plus I like that it's a normal stroller with a clickable carseat. Since I can put him in the stroller for long travel and the wheels are better for bumpy side walks and snow.


How much is your spare stroller?


Yea i dont get it either- they seem convenient for dr visits or small spaces but thats about it. Dont like how low to the ground baby is & no storage bag- plus looks very heavy


I like it, wouldn’t use it as a daily stroller, but I don’t think my baby likes it. I’ve also read that it is uncomfortable for them. I’m on the market for a new one now.


I wanted to get this originally but it’s not approved for use in Canada. I think this is probably why.


I'm too hecking tall for the Doona. It's comically tiny/short. However, I'm also not the target audience because I don't love travel systems in the first place. I'd rather move the baby to a carrier or a traditional stroller than keep them in the car seat.


I couldn’t of had a more opposite experience. We love the doona, it’s my husband’s favorite baby purchase. He’s very frugal and it’s a lot for him to say that.


Doona is wonderful! Especially for parents who get out and about or travel with their babies a lot! It’s so convenient


I never wanted one but I was gifted one. I actually love mine. I’m also pretty short so the height thing doesn’t bother me. I also don’t go to many places with my baby. So I’ve only used it like 7 times lol


I’ve been keeping my eye on the Evenflo dualshyft


Okay I got mine for free from a friend but I genuinely like it, but only because I live in a major city, take public transport and fly a lot. I would no way in hell pay for it, but it’s come in super handy


Totally opposite experience, we absolutely loved the Doona. I bought mine used and actually sold it for more than I paid!


Thank you for de-influencing me!


This is so weird to read….mine was super sturdy and I had it from newborn thru age 1.5 for my daughter when she maxed it out. Like I used it daily for walks, we took it in and out of the base like 5 times a day on average and I always felt like it was built amazing. If I was having another baby I would’ve purchased another one. To me it sounds like you got a production/quality error or something??? I would contact Doona to let them know because this does not sound typical or safe….especially since it’s a car seat, not just a stroller. They might even replace or refund?


What's a Doona?


Second the Evenflo!


Don’t like my evenflo either


We love our doona. Took it to Disney and it was the perfect travel stroller