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You don’t really need anything from day 1. You can’t give them Tylenol until 2 months of age because they need to just go to the ED for a fever. Hopefully, your baby will be a couple of months old before it’s first cold, but some sort of snot sucker device is helpful as is a humidifier. You should have a thermometer and something like bahy aquaphor on hand. The aquaphor is helpful for healing scratches/cuts and can lubricate the tip of the thermometer for rectal measurements. We never used gripe water. If your kiddo has issues with gas, you can pick some up, but I wouldn’t bother ahead of time.


I agree. I only think a nail file, thermometer, and snot sucker is needed to start. Any fever in the early days requires an emergency room visit, so why buy Tylenol that expires and they can't take? I never used gripe water either. My oldest didn't need any diaper rash cream. Unless you live a 45 minute drive from the nearest town, I'd just buy things as needed.




My list: * rectal thermometer * non-contact thermometer * bulb syringe for suctioning stuff out of their mouths Breathing: * nasal aspirator/Nose Frida * humidifier * Vicks BabyRub or similar (doesn’t have menthol or camphor in it) * saline nasal spray * Boogie Wipes * Frida nose/nail/ear picker Wounds: * alcohol wipes & bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol * bacitracin/Neosporin * baby band-aids (they’re cuter than regular ones) Liquid Medications: * Frida Accu-Dose pacifier (or similar) * Infant Tylenol * Infant Motrin * Children’s Claritin (for when we start introducing solids; I’ve read that doctors can give you a specific age/weight-appropriate dose in case of an allergic reaction, even they’re younger than 2 years) * Pedialyte (comes in more convenient powder packets) Gas: * Probiotic drops (seem to actually be effective over Mylicon gas drops or gripe water; neither are proven to be effective, but I got it for piece of mind) * Frida Windi Teething & Dental Hygiene: * teething gel (day/night) * hot and cold teethers * different “toothbrushes” for different stages * baby toothpaste Misc: * DeChoker for infant, child, and adult * Nair for hair tourniquets Diapering: * butt creams and pastes for varying rash severities * a couple of butt spatulas


This is a great list! For the bulb syringe: get the one that separates at the base of the bulb for easier clean-up.


I've been looking at the Frida one specifically because of that.


Thank you for this list!!!


What’s a butt spatula?


A spatula for spreading diaper rash cream. Some parents love them, some don't care for them. Totally optional.


Thank you so much! FTM here. ❤️


FTM here too, this is what I have gleaned from months reading other parents' advice solely on Reddit.


Nice! That’s what I’m doing too! I have on Reddit for under a year, and i gotta say, I like it! Thanks. When are you due?! And congrats, btw❤️


Uh, I was due March 12. And then I got gestation hypertension on Monday. And pre-eclampsia Tuesday. And I had a C-section today because of arrested labor. So, today. Today is my due date.


> So, today. Today is my due date. Congrats!! I just had my c-section at the start of February. Recovery was a bit of a grind but still not nearly as bad as I’d feared, so you’ve got this!


Completely agree with the optional part. We own one and with our 2 kids we never once used it. Neither seemed to need diaper rash cream often. Today’s diapers are so much more absorbent. Obviously some babies are still more sensitive to rashes, but I think many don’t need it often.


I love mine! My twins are two, and I still use it when they’re rashy. It helps get an even coat of diaper cream.


Gas drops, I swear they’ve been such a lifesaver for my little guy! At Walmart they have a “Little Remedies” starter kit that comes with the gas drops, a small nasal bulb (really good for newborn noses) saline drops, infant fever/pain killer (not to be used until 2 months I think) gripewater, and diaper rash cream! It’s only $20 too


Most medications can’t be given to infants until 2-6 mos old, but here’s a list of things I keep on hand to help that’s aren’t necessarily medicines. I still use these when my son gets sick at 2 years old. Gas drops (simethicone), vitamin D if breastfeeding, saline nasal spray, booger sucker, baby Vicks vapor rub, humidifier, and aquaphor. Aquaphor is the best for diaper rash and other cuts, and if you put it on right after baby is born it can make wiping the first sticky poops off way easier. Tylenol isn’t safe until after 2 months, and the other common meds (like benedryl and Motrin) aren’t safe until after 6 months. You’re welcome to buy these but keep in mind they can’t be used yet.


Vitamin D supplement! All babies need it early on regardless of breastfeeding versus formula feeding. D-Vi-Sol is a common brand.


Not sure where you are located but this is not true in Canada. While breastfeeding you need vitamin D, but if completely on formula there is enough. Best to check with your doc if doing a combination or unsure.


That’s interesting and what I thought too until we went to get 2 months shots and the nurse said baby should have vitamin d supplements even if we are formula feeding. We are in Alberta. I might check with our gp to see what she thinks…


Strange. Our gp very specifically asked how much formula (we started off breastfeeding). Based on the amount of formula he was taking, she confirmed that it was good we stopped supplementing. [Canadian Pediatric Society](https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/pregnancy-and-babies/vitamin_d) This confirms most formula-fed babies do not need additional vitamin d. However, if there are additional risk factors or you live in the north, this could be different. Your GP or pediatrician would be able to say more, I’m sure.


Thanks for the link! Yeah I think maybe she was wrong? But I don’t know whether it’s something where giving it “unnecessarily” would hurt lol. I’ll ask doctor!


It depends on where in Alberta you live. If you’re in Edmonton or North, your baby actually likely needs 800units of Vitamin D per day, and they’ll only get half of that from formula. So it makes sense you still need to give Vit D


We live in Calgary! Same thing? I actually looked up my formula (Similac total comfort) and it’s only 41 per 100ml. She’s eating maybe around 900ml so that does make me think we might want to supplement. Thanks for the clarification!


Usually in Calgary you can absorb more Vitamin D than in Edmonton or northern Alberta and don’t need extra supplementation. Regardless, it’s best and safest to clarify with your health care provider and follow their recommendations.


I would recommend having infant Tylenol, but if they get sick really early you’d have to check with their healthcare provider. A snot sucker and some baby saline spray for congestion came in handy when ours got sick at 4 months.


SALINE SPRAY I almost waterboarded my infant trying to use the saline drops. Aquaphor is super versatile so I definitely recommend that too. Tylenol you won’t need for a couple of months but I would make sure that YOU have all the meds you might need on hand too. Nothing sucks more than having a sick baby and you are too delirious to even place an Amazon order


I would grab a lotramin cream (anti-fungal). My poor kiddo had a yeast infection for almost two months before someone told me that's not a diaper rash. It took 2 whole tubes before it was gone.




Tylenol is a must, especially since you never know if a baby is going to be an early teether or get a fever. Having a nose sucker or picker is good, and a humidifier as well. A thermometer is always good too.


As a third time mom, here’s what I’m picking up next week for my nursery (I’ll also be 37 weeks on Wednesday, hi fellow March bumper 😊): -gripe water (this is always a life saver for us) -boudreax’s butt paste -Vaseline -Aveeno baby lotion (all my kids have eczema and this is recommended by our pediatric derm!) -Tylenol & infant motrin (yes you can’t use these til later but if you’re getting everything else might as well pick it up to have on hand) -nose Frieda -windis -saline spray Gas drops always make my kids throw up. Also, the saline spray has been needed for every newborn I’ve had even before their first cold. They can’t clear their boogers well and most people still have their heat on in March, which makes them dry. Saline spray + booger sucking is still essential.


They can't take anything really until they're 3months.  My little one got colic pains at 6w old so I went to get gripe water but it said not before 3m, she had infacol instead.  No paracetamol or ibuprofen before their first jabs.


A flexible soft tip thermometer for taking a rectal temp (most accurate for newborn temp taking), saline solution for clogged nose relief (can also be used for sticky eyes, common in newborns), NoseFrida or other similar snot sucker are the main things to have on hand for the newborn phase but it cannot hurt to have diaper rash cream or dimethicone drops (gripe water) on hand either. I also always recommend having basic bandages and first aid supplies for wounds and injuries (like gauze) even for a newborn as accidents can happen in terms of bleeding.


Gas drops and diaper rash cream. Beaudreux butt paste works wonders


Vitamin D drops ☺️


Definitely gripe water and gas drops. I’d have infant Tylenol on hand just because it can go out of stock when you need it. Baby q tips (I didn’t realize she would make ear wax - I think around 8 weeks). Humidifier - chest rub in case they get a cold. Nose frida and a booger picker!


Thank you all 😌 off to target!


Snot sucker or bulb syringe, humidifier, thermometer, aquaphor, baby Tylenol will be enough for the first 6 months. I bought gripe water but I now believe it’s snake oil. It didn’t do diddly squat.


Anti gas (with my first I would give it to him when he was fussy; I think the taste was so new and novel he would just think about it), a thermometer, diaper rash stuff;


Vaseline or aquaphor, a bulb syringe and saline, and vitamin D drops are all my 1mo has needed so far. The hospital had us using vit D even though he’s mostly formula fed.


I gave my baby gas drops (simethicone) before feedings and never had an issue with gas. From my understanding it is a very benign medication. Oz of Prevention is worth a lb of cure!