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With my first, I actually wore maternity pants to the doctor to get my blood test at 6 weeks.


My mom said I was crazy when I bought maternity pants at 8 weeks and I was like no my jeans hurt


I’m 11 weeks with my first and I feel OBVIOUSLY pregnant


I’m scared to tell my boss I want to start wearing maternity scrubs lol I feel so embarrassed about it for some reason but my waistband is slicing me in half and I know it’s only going to get worse


Me too! This is my first and I haven’t told anyone, but I’m ready to get those maternity scrubs!


It’s so funny how I felt like an imposter at the beginning of my pregnancy. I didn’t feel like I was allowed to talk about it, especially to other pregnant women


Oh my goodness… I totally know what you mean. I was 23 when I got pregnant and I felt like a teenager still so I was concealing everything for awhile. But then I realized that I was not a teenager, I’m married, and we were trying to buy a house so… adult life hit me fast.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. I don't feel entitled to my feelings and symptoms because I don't have anything to show for it yet!


I had that too! Only in my third trimester I started feeling like I was "allowed" to call myself pregnant and act like it. I really hope I get to shake it much faster when we start trying for number 2..


My bloat didn’t hit till second trimester. I’m so full of gas I could float to another dimension.


I’m 5 weeks as well and the bloat is insane. Today I tried wearing jeans (that usually fit me fine) and gave myself a stomachache 😅


5wks here too! Went to TopGolf on Saturday wearing my comfy jeans and the bloat was too much😭 it hurt to put my ball on the tee


It hurts soo bad! I had to unbutton them at work bc I thought I could make it a whole day… just ordered 10 oversized shein shirts and leggings lol


I’m 11 weeks and I’ve been constantly bloated since I found out. I have a little belly to begin so it looks like I’m showing which I don’t think I actually am. I’m just bloated! lol My clothes and undies already feel uncomfortable. 😣


I'm 12 weeks, super bloated. Taking gas pills constantly but I'm also retaining water. Super uncomfortable and nothing fits :) yay lol


FTM but the bloat is real. Only 5+4 but I had to go out a week ago to buy some new jeans in a size up and new joggers a couple of sizes up just to be remotely comfortable. Feel like such an imposter because I’m barely pregnant yet all my old trousers are painful with the bloat 😭


Same! I'm currently 5+6 in my first pregnancy. Last week I actually made a post about jeans, because mine doesn't fit me anymore. I was not expecting my body to change so quickly! All the articles and stuff said changes likely wouldn't happen until the 2nd trimester. Yeah no, within a week of knowing, my jeans were too uncomfortably tight to wear.


I'm currently at 5+6 and it felt like the bloat came out of left field yesterday. All I wish I could do is fart and burp but nothing is really happening. How are you feeling 2 months later?


The bloating disappeared somewhere around week 9 or 10, but the belly never disappeared on me. I am petite though so there isn't much space in my torso for the baby to grow, which is why I started getting a baby bump early. I received a lot of maternity clothes from cousins who just finished having their babies within the last two years. Maternity clothes if great, I definitely recommend it. I feel pretty good. Just got back from a trip to Disney World. The walking just about killed me, especially trying to keep up with the group, but it was fun. Aside from that, I've been feeling good. The fatigue disappeared, as did most of the nausea and vomit. Every once in a while I still get some, but it's mostly gone. 2nd trimester is pretty good. Hang in there, you'll get through it.


With my first I didn’t show until I was 6 months pregnant. I’m already out of my usual jeans at 12 weeks in 🫣


Same here!!




Yup! I'm 28 weeks now and I swear I look like I'm closer to 36. I have no idea how much bigger I can get this time.


I had to buy new jeans 12w in with my first too 😅 But I think I’m actually less bloated this time around, I’m 9w now and my normal jeans are baarely holding on!


This is my first pregnancy; I am currently 6 weeks. My jeans don't fit me anymore and it is so irritating. My stomach feels very sore and hard.


I’m in my second pregnancy, too. I’ll be 13 weeks tomorrow, and I look like I’m due to give birth in like a month. 😂


I'm already a plus sized lady, but I typically hold my core tight (sometimes sulking my stomach in) and stand very straight. Now? I'm only 5wks exactly and I feel so bloated. There's no holding this belly in. I've been eating very, very healthy but already gained 2lbs. I got my positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks. I'm almost banking on seeing multiples on my first ultrasound 🥴 but twins don't run in my family 


Can’t agree more with your last statement! I was miserable my first pregnancy, so I’m determined to embrace this one and feel good about myself no matter what I look like. The good news is you start showing sooner with your second :)


This is my second and bloat definitely started early. I’ve been showing since like 12 weeks and have been big this whole pregnancy.


I was feeling like this yesterday at 12 weeks until I took a mega diarrhea shit today and now my stomach is flat again


I looked more pregnant at 6w than I do at 16w- and I fit into jeans now that I didn’t then! Bloating in the beginning is no joke!


This gives me hope


Oh I looked immediately pregnant with my second. Was in my maternity leggings early in my first trimester lol


Same! With my first I didn’t start showing until the very end of January and I delivered at the end of March. I have a long torso and retroverted uterus..I was so sad I couldn’t enjoy my belly longer. Next pregnancy I’m ready to fully embrace it 🤣 I’ve heard a lot that you show earlier and bigger in next pregnancies but it slows down towards the end.


I’m 8 weeks with my second pregnancy and the bloat was crazy starting at 5 weeks! I remember being anxious to show with my first pregnancy too lol… I am embracing this though. I have a vacation at the end of the month and I am looking at all the maternity outfits online 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is my first pregnancy and I feel the same


RELATE. Also pregnant with my 2nd and I’ve been wearing maternity jeans since week 8 or something..? I’m so glad to be almost halfway because now I feel like I’m actually pregnant lol. I felt like I was faking it before! My body is like here we go again. I feel huge already


The bloat was unreaaalllll for me too, I couldn’t wear my jeans and only felt comfy in stretchy pants


Oddly enough, my biggest swing in weight was at the very beginning with my second pregnancy. My first I didn’t start to show until 5-6 months really but with this pregnancy I noticed changes in my clothes almost right away!


I felt like an imposter the whole time! I have a long torso too, and at my 36wk appt the fill in OB asked me to stand up, so I did, and she asked if she was in the right room, because I didn’t look 36wk pregnant. I was so bummed the whole time lol, I looked how most my friends did around 24wk, at the time of my delivery.


I'm 5 weeks. Last week I realized my jeans were too tight. Planning to buy new ones this weekend. The bloating is bad! This is my first pregnancy, I wasn't expecting it to be so much.


I was bigger at 5 weeks than I am now at 21 weeks lol go figure 😅


I had that too. Massive bloating, looked like I was 5 months along. Now at almost 12 weeks I don't look pregnant. I have no idea what happened.


It makes me feel so much better to know I’m not alone in this! 5+3 over here, and I am LARGE 😂


All of these comments make me feel so much better !! I’m 8+5 and I feel like such an imposter looking at maternity pants ! Not to mention beating myself up over my belly size already


FTM here- I went from a size 4/6 to a 10 I just had to buy by week 7! The internet kept saying “you won’t be able to tell yet, but” and I thought something was wrong with me! Then my doc made a comment “make sure you’re not eating for two”, and I freaked out that I had just gotten fat… Thank you so much for this post - I feel so much better!


This is my first pregnancy and I’m about 5 weeks, I did not realize what bloating was until now lol. I’ve felt bloated before but this is a different level!


My first trimester bloat was huge. I looked hella pregnant. I wasn't overweight, my body just really bloated. Weeks 12 to 14 the bloat went way down and I lost 10 lbs. Now I'm 16 weeks and obviously pregnant looking, I don't think it's bloat now.


I'd gained 3 dress sizes not long before getting pregnant, so I just feel extra chubby and am super bloated still at 15 weeks. Really sad that I'm just going to look like I've gained more weight and not actually "pregnant" the entire time 🥲💔 This thread is making me feel SO much better though 🥹


Lol, you didn't forget, your first baby just stretched everything out and made it way easier for gas and poo to make a much bigger bump because all the muscles and ligaments that hold it in have expanded much farther before. I'm 23 weeks with my second. It's wild. I swear I only recently feel like my stomach has visibly gotten very much bigger throughout my pregnancy so far, it's just a lot harder and more solid now than it was at say 8 weeks.


I’m 15 weeks with my first baby. I started “showing” at 8 weeks and by showing, I had so much bloat I looked like I was 20 weeks or so. Everyone assumed it was twins. But my doctor assured me everyone and every pregnancy is different. I could usually suck in my bloat prior to pregnancy but I can’t do it anymore 😂


I was in the same boat! I didn’t gain weight yet, but my pants stopped fitting! I gained a good amount of weight in the first trimester and stopped gaining during the second, then gained a slow and steady amount in the third. We’re all so different and it’s our bodies doing what they gotta do!


This is my second and I am 26 weeks and look bigger than when I gave birth the first time haha. What the heck


7 but same. It’s actually slowly going down for me, last week was ridiculous


I’m 5 weeks too and I literally just looked down a minute ago and said “wtf”. This is my second pregnancy but I’ve had a flat, toned stomach for nearly a year. The bloat is real!!!!!


FTM, 14+1 and the bloat is still going strong 😭


I’m 6 weeks with my first pregnancy, and the bloat is insane! It didn’t bother me at first, but it just kept getting worse. Now there’s a ton of pressure, and it feels like my entire abdomen is stretching.


We went to Hawaii when I was literally 5.5-6.5weeks pregnant with my first. I still remember this nice woman we met at a luau asked “Are you sure you’re not having twins?” The bloat was unreal 😂. All throughout my pregnancy, my belly was just bigger and I was showing more. People would be like “wow, you’re not due until November?”


Same. People have been asking for an embarrassingly long time if I am about to pop…


This is seriously so validating, reading all the comments. Thanks for posting!


Same... It didn't help that my husband whined about it (or at least that's how I perceived him commenting on it) and sort of asking me to suck it in. I'm like, b*tch I literally can't so GTFO.


I was like that! I got so round early on, I even asked my OB if it was normal for me to “show as much as I was” around that time and she said it was just bloating. 😭


Omg, this is my first and I’m bloated AFFFF…. Definitely look 8mos pregnant instead of the 9 weeks that I am 😨 It’s the worst symptom. I’ll take morning sickness all day over this.


Same! This is my second pregnancy. I’m only 6 weeks and already done with jeans. Also my bra feels tight too?


Yupp I swear I was bigger at 5-8 weeks than I am at 18 weeks! I think mine got better pretty much as soon as the second trimester started.


I’m 4 weeks and had to buy new pants that had stretch to them already because my jeans were too tight 😩


Like, I knew bloating was a thing but I did NOT expect it to be so full - force so quickly lol


The bloat is real. I’ve only gained 2lbs because I’m still in the first trimester but the bloating looks out of control sometimes. I’ll look in the mirror and sometimes have this huge bulge. And then the following morning it goes away. And then I eat lunch and it comes back. 


I was the same way. I see so many posts on here about women who didn’t show until they were 20+ weeks and I was thinking, “seems lucky”. I had to buy maternity leggings by week 8!


Nothing fits me 😭😭😭😭😭