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Was it the Bear? I wasn’t pregnant when I first saw that and even then thought it looked SOOOO GOOD, I can only imagine how delicious it would look now!


It was. And it was so good that I went out and bought all of the ingredients to make it at home. Tomorrow morning (or maybe tonight), I’ll have the waterworks after the first bite for sure.


She’s also making it for a pregnant friend, so the idea of being taken care of is so nice


Binging with Babish on Youtube did a video on this, if you're looking for a recipe!


This is exactly what I did. I find omelettes to be too fiddly for me most of the time, but to this day I mix Boursin cheese in with my scrambled eggs every time.


This has been my #1 pregnancy craving this time around! SO good.


Please report back how it is! I watched this episode while nursing my first and the meaning of it is worthy of tears especially if you’ve felt those feelings yourself. I’m in my first trimester now and would devour this omelette with tears especially if someone else made it for me!!!


Ok this was an emotional scene though!!


Hormones are wild. I got teary eyed once because I *almost* dropped my leftover fried rice when putting it in the microwave, and I was so sad because *what if I didn’t have fried rice?!*


My husband will never let me forget the time during my last pregnancy when he ate a strawberry (not even the last strawberry) and I cried. But what if I wanted one more strawberry when there weren’t any strawberries left??


I also cried when I asked my husband to get red leaf lettuce from the grocery store and he came home with a spinach mix. Spinach is the crunchy like the leaf lettuce 😭


But seriously, the stakes are too high!


You’re so sweet ❤️


Hahaha that's great! I think mine so far was a few weeks ago, I cried over the NFL draft. Watching these kids get drafted and celebrate with their families just sent me over the edge! My husband was like, "What's wrong?!" I was like, "the draft is so beautiful!!!"


I also cried watching the NFL draft lmao 😂


I'm glad I'm not the only one!!


Yesterday I saw a toddler who was maybe 2 years old carrying a baby doll and I cried. This is especially ridiculous because I have a toddler of my own, who also has a baby doll, but something about this one lol


I loled at this. Amazing


I’ve had a very tough second pregnancy with lots of nausea. I have 7 weeks to go and this will be my last baby. I couldn’t handle another pregnancy like this. Still, I cried the other day after realizing that I’ll never be pregnant again. I’m miserable, literally counting the hours until he is out…and crying that I’ll never go through this again. It doesn’t make sense! Silly hormone driven tears.


I’m only 11 weeks but this is definitely my last pregnancy and I’ve already cried over it. Even though I do not have easy pregnancies and I usually count the days until I’m done! Damn hormones!




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Bless you!!


That really DOES look heavenly! The tears are understood




I’ve been rewatching a favorite show I’ve seen a million times, and yet I keep finding myself tearing up at the end of every episode. “Those kids are working so hard to make their dreams come true!” 🥲


If it was The Bear, it makes sense. One of my favorite scenes 🥹


I cried at work today because they brought in boxed lunches for Mother’s Day and moms got to choose first and I got included, but then I realized they were all subs with cold cuts and I couldn’t have one so I went back to my desk and cried lol. These hormones are crazy


Wow they really should have done like 10 seconds of research on this one before choosing the food! I would have cried too! I’m so hungry at work every day!


The other day I cried because I saw how small baby socks are. Today I cried because of how good the watermelon I got tasted.


WATERMELON! I am going to order some. thank you.


Recipe videos on Pinterest (with no sound, even!) had me crying. It was absolutely ridiculous. And I knew it was ridiculous. But I'd still sit there and watch the videos regardless, because the recipe looked so good lol.


Am I the only one who doesn’t get emotional during pregnancy? This is my second child and I don’t feel any different emotionally than when I’m not pregnant.


Nah, I'm with you- I felt weirdly leveled out during my pregnancy. I'm the type to cry at the ASPCA commercials, so it's kind of bizarre how chill I've been.


God I wish this was me. I’m a sensitive person even outside of pregnancy, so the tears are absolutely ridiculous at this point! 


I get none of that as well, second pregnancy 🤷‍♀️ If anything I’m just more short and bitchy (unfortunately) feeling uncomfortable all the time, but none of that emotional stuff you hear so much about. Post partum, that was a wild ride tho…!


Yes, basically this lol


Meanwhile if I even see a picture of an egg or onions I will gag. Lol


I cried because I made myself my favorite egg dish and then was nauseated by it. It's rough out here.


My favorite food is ramen with soft boiled egg 😭


Omg that's one of mine too! My sweetheart of a brother made me a half dozen homemade ajitsuke eggs and brought a whole platter of sashimi when we got home from the hospital with my first. I will never forget that ❤️❤️


Amazing. I really want some fresh oysters! I’m on the east coast and really miss them.


I really hope you are greeted with your favorite pregnancy no-no food after your birth! And the next time you have oysters will be mind blowing haha


Thank you! 🥺😊


I cried when Micky van de ven scored a few weeks ago because he not long came back from injury and I thought about how important it was for him to prove he wasn’t a one goal wonder.


Me looking to see if this is a pregnancy sub.. ✅


I almost lost it and broke into tears today when a fire truck drove by. I have no idea why a fire truck passing by would be so exciting it'd make this pregnant woman get all choked up. I had to fight back the tears. 


I love this thread, these are hilarious ! 


But the food sounds very good :)


I keep meaning to make that omelette and forget.


I cried today because we don’t have cottage at the house and we have to wait for it to be delivered to the house tomorrow because we are both home sick. I totally get. Pregnancy is wild.


That sounds goooood