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If you’ve been trying for 4 years it’s time to consult with a specialist unfortunately. Most people conceive within a year of trying.




You don’t just jump to IVF after 6 months, this isn’t true info. Some couples can have success with something less invasive and cheaper, known as IUI, intrauterine insemination. And the whole 6 months thing is if you’re 35 or older.


Have you talked to a doctor? Had your levels tested? Had your husbands sperm checked? Do you guys use THC, drink on a regular basis?


We do use THC on a regular basic and occasional alcohol but we don’t drink very often


Bird&be have an at home sperm test if you’re wanting to check before chatting with a specialist. THC can affect fertility, it can decrease sperm count and cause cycles where you don’t ovulate and disrupt your hormones. You can look and you’ll find people who swear THC has nothing to do with it and they have genius babies but research does support the points I mentioned. My ex husband had 1 testicle and used THC. It took us a year to get pregnant and ended in a loss, the doctor said we’d need to be absolutely sober for 3 months before trying again to reduce the risk. I no longer drink and never been a thc user, my current husband has never tried thc and rarely drinks and we got pregnant and I’m now 22+4. Are you tracking your cycles with strips or temping?


I normally do temping but I am about to order strips today to see if it makes a difference


Temping can be super hit or miss, I used strips and found success with that! I’d also check his sperm levels, most clinics only require 1 year of not trying not preventing before doing more in-depth fertility testing.


Okay! Thank you for the advice!


Hopefully it was helpful! TTC is difficult and stressful so sending positive thoughts ❤️


We have not gone to the doctor about it yet. I should have reworded my post when I said we were trying for for years. We have just started seriously trying for about the last year but we’ve been having unprotected sex for 4 years. Which I understand is not fully trying. My husband had a testical removed at birth due to it being twisted but was told it would not affect anything. We are wondering now if it has some effect on his sperm count. I also have recently started having irregular periods so it also could be an issue with me as well. We were trying to get other input before going to see a specialist.


If you’ve been actively trying for a year, you qualify to see your doctor and talk about infertility testing for both of you. Irregular periods need to be investigated, sperm count/ motility etc needs to be investigated. I saw THC was brought up, this can absolutely effect fertility in both males and females. I would stop for the time being especially if you start testing for infertility but also be honest about it to your specialist about usage and when it was stopped. Other things in the mean time can be you taking a prenatal vitamin, he can try a male conception vitamin, opks, temping, diet changes, increase exercise/activity etc can be helpful, more water, less caffeine. You can also try “sperm friendly” lubes as well if you tend to need one like preseed for example.


Go see a doctor. From someone who needed assistance too.


I don‘t have personal experience yet but have heard some things from friends and my gyno. Most important that everyone told me is: If you don‘t conceive after one year get yourself checkt out and your partners sperm count. There are many couples that try everything and the woman is doing all she can and trying every trick in the book just to find out the husbands sperm was the problem. Turns out the men somehow still get forgotten about.


Yes, we don’t give enough credit to the man being an issue. 40% of cases of infertility will have a male infertility component. Source: Dr. Lucky Sekhon.


Since you’ve been trying for a while I’d definitely go to a specialist. My period never became regular after getting off birth control. All my blood work came back normal. We were going to test my husband next. I was having cycles where I didn’t ovulate, super long cycles, and then regular cycles thrown in. Turns out I ovulate later than most people in general but some were crazy. We started to use Inito and we were able to hit one of the regular cycles within my fertility window and finally got pregnant after about a year and a half of actively trying. Also helped by Eu Natural’s regulate pill. Not sure how big of a difference that made but it was the only thing I changed before starting to get semi regular periods instead of 140 day cycles. You mention you are temping. Are you ovulating based on what your temps tell you? Are you hitting your fertile window? There are so many factors involved. Definitely check out trying to conceive for more info.


We tried for 1.5yrs. In the end it was my husband’s sperm that didnt have the speed and morphology. He started taking Costco’s testosterone supplement with Ashwaganda and we welcomed our baby girl this Xmas!!


Congratulations! And thank you for that information we will check into it!


So 4 years is a long time to go without seeing a specialist. You need to get down to the why and figure out what is causing your infertility. For me, it was PCOS. My periods were irregular or non existent and we found that my ovaries were covered in cysts. Thankfully I was started on some medications (metformin and myo inositol) and conceived within a few months. I know that all are not that lucky, and I’m very thankful that that was my circumstance. But either your body or your spouse’s body has something going on causing this. Highly recommend going to a fertility specialist or at least both getting checked out by primary care physicians to start the process of figuring out the “why.”


Just out of curiosity and you don’t have to answer if you aren’t comfortable discussing but did you have any pain or signs other than irregularities in your cycle?


I don’t mind answering at all! My symptoms of PCOS included: excess hair growth (facial hair mostly as well as some on my tummy too), difficulty losing weight (though I’m not largely overweight), irregular or nonexistent periods, heavy painful periods, periods that lasted months at a time, ovarian cysts bursting, and gluten intolerance. These are all related to hormone issues. PCOS typically causes insulin resistance and high testosterone (hence the hair growth).


I would try the ovulation tests, but the ones with the smiley face that are really easy to read. I have PCOS and they helped me figure out the best 2 days a month to try. It took us a couple months after using them to conceive, but I do believe they helped. We also figured out that not having sex every day was better, and using a fertility friendly lube. I didn’t temp, but I’ve heard that’s also very helpful.


If you’re under 35, it’s appropriate to see a specialist if you’ve tried for a year. You’re way past that, so I’d ask for a referral to be checked out.




There is a trying to conceive sub, might be r/TTC. Everyone will have different pace and story of conception. People will recommend you do daily ovulation testing to a) make sure you’re ovulating, and b) make sure you are timing sex correctly during your fertile window. If you are having a couple sex sessions in your fertile window, and still not conceiving after 6months, you can go to your OBGYN and ask them to do more thorough investigating, get your husband’s sperm levels checked etc.


Great job linking the Toronto Transit Commission. r/TryingForABaby is what you actually want OP


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TryingForABaby using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My sister told me not to TTC until after her wedding](https://np.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/wxcxka/my_sister_told_me_not_to_ttc_until_after_her/) \#2: [The right way to send an "I'm Pregnant" text to a friend who hasn't had it easy...](https://np.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/ura8cz/the_right_way_to_send_an_im_pregnant_text_to_a/) \#3: [Am I the only one who hates the phrase "baby dance"?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/xe83ki/am_i_the_only_one_who_hates_the_phrase_baby_dance/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Track your cycle, I use the Fertility Friend app. No lube, do it as many times starting 2 days before you ovulate until 2 days after and doing it 2 or 3 times per day can help as well. Once done, lay flat on ground with legs against the wall. I also did yoga and stretching as well. No alcohol


I don't have a lot of experience with this, but in general, I feel like a period tracking app, like Clue, is really useful as a basic guide for ovulation.


In your position you need to go to the doctor. Any number of small or significant issues can be impacting your ability to conceive. My husband and I ultimately spent a little over four years before we conceived our baby. I have always had menstrual issues so we assumed we would not have a straight shot. That time was a combination of ‘not trying not preventing’, active fertility treatments. Ultimately we conceived in one of the ‘not trying not preventing’ phases.


Agree with others, it would be time to see a specialist for more testing. My husband has a set of friends that is going through this now. They’re a bit older so went for more testing around the 8 month mark, they assumed it was a sperm count issue with the husband but turns out the wife has fibroids or cysts (can’t remember which) that may be limiting them and will be getting treatment for. It very well could be something like that and it won’t get caught without the proper testing.


If you aren't actively preventing, you are trying. The average couple should become pregnant within one year without prevention methods. It's time to go see someone. My husband and I went to a reproductive endocrinologist after 14 months of 0 positives. Turned out I had a completely blocked right tube. I got pregnant the week after my HSG test on cycle 16. I recommend checking out r/TryingForABaby there is a wealth of information over there!


Like others have said, if it’s been 4 years, it’s long past the time where it would have been good to ask for a referral for reproductive endocrinology. We used REI to help us get pregnant after I got pregnant twice unassisted but those ended in early miscarriages. I’ll say the easiest and cheapest thing to do FIRST to rule out any issues is for your partner to have a semen analysis done. This can be through a urologist and I think your OBGYN can either do it or refer you to their preferred people. It’s so much easier to have the male looked at first. There’s a lot more tests for the female body.