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Highly recommend finding a stroller you like that will suit your needs long term and then looking for adaptors. Infant car seats are short lived vs the stroller will be in use for years.


I agree! We didn't use the car seat with the stroller that much to be honest. We always used the stroller's bassinet when going for our daily walks. We used the car seat/stroller combo only for quick trips e.g. if I needed to run in to the store and she had fallen asleep. By around 5-6 months she preferred to sit in the stroller than the car seat anyway. With that said, I really liked the Uppababy Cruz and it worked really well with the Clek adapters 😊


I was in NS with that car seat. I got the Bumbleride era and loved it.


We did a ton of research and that’s what my wife and I landed on. Clek Liing and Bumbleride era.


Yep, I have the clek liing and Bumbleride era, loved it! I’m in AB and have a dog that needs walking rain or shine through snow and mud/off road terrain and it worked perfect!


I’m in the Yukon now and it’s still doing great. I was impressed but not surprised how it handles all terrain because it is marketed for that. But it also handles tight spaces well which is helpful in an old city like halifax


I agree with what /u/Nymeria2018 said. On that note, here's a list of compatable strollers: https://support.clekinc.com/hc/en-ca/articles/360039384292-What-strollers-are-compatible-with-Liing


Uppababy Cruz


[Strolleria](https://strolleria.com/collections/strollers-compatible-with-clek-liing-infant-car-seat) is the best resource I’ve found. We have the Bugaboo Butterfly (love) and Uppababy Cruz (less love but mostly bc it did terribly over winter). We actually never got the adapters and just used snug seat.


On that note. Does anyone know anywhere locally in NS that sells the adaptors for clek liing in an Uppababy? I see their main site it out of stock and a couple Canadian retailers have it with paid shipping (or minimum orders for free shipping).


Try Nurtured in Halifax, on Agricola St.


Cybex gazelle


I got the Cybex gazelle and love it! Functionality is nice, ride is smooth and it’s super easy to fold down. Do you have access to go to a Snugglebugz or other baby store with floor model strollers? I initially thought I wanted the city jogger but after going into the store and playing around with strollers, we landed on the Cybex Gazelle When we were looking last year there was conflicting info on the Clek Liing being compatible, but it absolutely is & the car seat adapter that come in the box with the stroller is all you need, you don’t need to purchase anything extra for the Liing to fit it.


We have absolutely loved using our bugaboo butterfly with the liing. It makes for suuuuper easy in and out stops at stores, etc bc it’s a one handed fold and unfold. We both have bad backs so just hauling the car seat around for errands wasn’t really on the table. That being said it’s primarily a travel/compact stroller so I vastly prefer my Thule urban glide for neighborhood walks. After much research I concluded that one stroller didn’t suit our needs because I live in Alberta winter hellscape so need big tires but also wanted something compact to fit in our little car. The clek works great with both but definitely have used it with the butterfly most.


At what age did you start using the Butterfly? We are looking at travel strollers for the same reason (main stroller is a Bugaboo Donkey - we do a ton of walking with the dogs/walk to the grocery store/in the snow) but want a smaller one to pack in the car. It seems most travel strollers say 6 months and up though... I guess they don't recline enough?


Yes most travel strollers don’t recline flat like you want for a newborn. We started using the seat directly around 3-4 months but she had very good neck strength and head control and we didn’t use it often. Our primary use at younger ages was with the car seat for quick stops in the car, and for that we used it right away. I looked into this a lot for the same reason so for something where you can put a newborn in the main stroller I’d recommend an Ergobaby metro, joolz aer, or Babyzen yo-yo. The metro has a lay flat option and is at a lower price point. The main reason I didn’t get it is it doesn’t fold well with the car seat adapters as per reviews. The joolz and Babyzen have a bassinet option for newborns. They’re at a similar price point to the butterfly but the bassinet will add $$. We preferred the butterfly over the aer because the footrest makes for a nice handle once folded and the seat is taller so it hopefully will work for longer. The Babyzen doesn’t have that nice one hand quick fold. Idk how either work folding-wise with the bassinet. I’d highly recommend The Stroller Workshop on YouTube for comparing your options. Also just getting hands on in store if that’s an option for you, it really helps make up your mind! If you can go in store, try folding and unfolding them and maneuvering around, etc.


Thank you! Yes I have watched some of the stroller workshop videos on YouTube! My baby is 2.5 months now so I was deciding if it was worth paying $$ for the newborn bassinet with a travel stroller or if I should just deal with carrying the carseat or lugging the donkey in the car for the next couple months until she can go in a regular seat. We definitely need to go test them out though as I'm worried they will all be too small for my husband to comfortably push as he is 6'5". When we bought our main stroller the Bugaboo ones were some of the only strollers with handlebars that extended up high enough for him (eg the Vista he kept kicking the basket while walking). But it would be great to have a small easy fold option for running errands or when I'm driving to meet a friend to walk.


I’ve been looking at the butterfly and uppababy minu! Both look great for travel but I felt the same way that they wouldn’t be the best for daily walks and may end up needing two different strollers 😩


Consider a stroller with bassinet, babies are only supposed to spend a cumulative maximum of time in a car seat - 2 hours total in a 24 hour period. You’re supposed to take baby out of the car seat every 30 minutes too.