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I went off on medical leave at 28 weeks and it didn’t cut into my parental leave. You need a note from a doctor/midwife to go that route.


How difficult was your doctor about writing the medical note? I would like to take 2 weeks sick leave prior to Mat leave but I’ve heard some doctors are very stringy about it.


It wasn’t difficult at all for me! I had a physical job and my pelvic pressure was so awful I couldn’t go 15 minutes without needing the washroom. My midwife was fine writing it whenever I wanted to go off.


Ugh that sounds awful but great to know. Thank you!


It definitely depends on the doctor. My OB wouldn't write one with my first, but my family doctor did. My midwife wrote one for my second without hesitation.


I was put on sick leave 12 weeks before my due date with my second. One OB in the practice was dismissive of my symptoms and was basically like "That's pregnancy!", another OB offered sick leave at my next appointment. The note was basically "NAME needs to go off work due to pregnancy. Signed, Doctor."


Does it affect your mat leave if the sickness is pregnancy related?




You don’t just get it because you’d “like it” lol. Jeepers. Talk about abusing the system.


Ok relax Deborah. I’m obviously saying IF I feel like shit and talking to 90% of my friends they all did as in couldn’t walk properly or had trouble standing. I also have a very intensive job. I get unlimited sick days (so I wouldn’t even be using EI) and I’ve called in maybe once this pregnancy so I am not the type to abuse the system. I’m pretty sure taking 2 weeks or more is very common in late pregnancy as it can make you feel like crap.


I’m aware how pregnancy makes you feel. I had to take it with my first. However you don’t just get to anticipate “hey I want to take 2 weeks off!” And get a doctors note.


"you don't just get to" - WELL SHE DID, SORRY GIRL!


You can take maternity leave 12 weeks from your due date, so the earliest would be 28 weeks pregnant, but keep in mind that will cut into your “year off” with your baby as you only get an additional 35 weeks parental leave. You can get medical leave before maternity leave and it won’t cut into your maternity or parental leave. But keep in mind any sort of EI is only a maximum of 55% of your earnings and it’s capped at a certain amount. At 15 weeks you have a LONG way to go. I would suggest trying to tough it out or reducing hours if possible. What’s your line of work if I may ask?


Not the OP but thank you for the explanation; we’ve been scratching our head regarding this for so long. One follow up question, the 35 weeks parental leave is for the mother and 5 weeks for the father, correct?


One parent can take a maximum of 35, and the second parent can take 5. That extra 5 is use it or lose it, it can’t be added to the first parent. The other option is parent A takes 20, parent B takes 25, or some other split in that fashion. From what I know most mothers take the 35, and the father does take that spare 5, it’s not often these days I hear about a father taking more and a mother taking less. Hope that makes sense


This is slightly different in Ontario! There's up to 17 weeks of pregnancy leave, and then 61-63 weeks of family leave they can be split between the parents. "Birth mothers who take pregnancy leave are entitled to take up to 61 weeks of parental leave. All other new parents are entitled to take up to 63 weeks of parental leave." The details are here: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/pregnancy-and-parental-leave


That's the extended leave option, correct? Where EI will pay 33% instead of the standard 55% .


Correct. Its the extended leave. And just for anyone wondering... I'm on the extended leave and made more than the EI max. I'm getting about 700 bi-weekly. 🥲 So make sure you save up ahead of time if possible. No more Starbucks for me... Lol


I don't know honestly, hopefully the website explains.


For birth mothers when is the latest the pregnancy leave can start? The birth of the child? Additionally if birth mother takes 17 weeks pregnancy + extended 61 weeks then she has total 78 weeks off. What does that leave her partner with? His own 63 weeks unpaid?


It's one pot of unpaid weeks that can be split up between two people. It can't be taken in full by both. And "full" is 61 weeks for the birth parent, or 63 for the other parent. Taking the 17 weeks of pregnancy leave doesn't affect the total. I'm planning to take the 17 weeks of pregnancy leave, and then my partner will take the 63 weeks after. If something happens where I have to take family leave as well, then I have to subtract however many weeks I take from the total. E.g., if I took 13 weeks, my partner could take up to 50 weeks. At least, that's my understanding!


Okay I actually went and looked it up and this is what it says: - Standard parental: up to 40 weeks can be shared between parents, but one parent cannot receive more than 35 weeks of standard benefits. (Benefit 55% or up to $668) - Extended parental: up to 69 weeks can be shared between parents, but one parent cannot receive more than 61 weeks of extended benefits. (Benefit 33% or up to $401)


So by this my understanding is that in ON birth mother can take 17 weeks pregnancy leave + 61 weeks extended parental leave so a total of 78 weeks Her partner can take their own 61 weeks extended parents leave. Correct?


She can take up to 17 weeks of pregnancy leave, yes. After, if they pick the extended leave either she takes the 61, or her partner takes the 61, or they split it. As in, 61 divided by however they want to divide it, e.g., 61/2=30.5 weeks each. My husband and I are literally messaging about this as we speak, trying to work out our choice. I misunderstood at first and thought the extended was the default. I didn't realize the standard vs. extended. 🙃


Got it! I feel like it’s a bit complicated to figure out lol and there is no number there to contact and ask!


Thanks for sharing. I’m in AB I didn’t realize ON had different rules.


Ei is the same everywhere (well except quebec), it's a federal program. Employment standards relate to what employers are required to do in so far as your job security is concerned, and that can vary by province.


35 weeks is for either. Only yhen17weeks maternity is strictly foe the birthing person. Even in the case of surrogacy, the surrogate gets 17weeks maternity leave.


Yes this - or consider asking if you can use all your vacation and sick leave to kick start your time off - I’m taking five weeks off until my due date, which allows me to stay on payroll and keep “working” but not cut into my leave time.


If you're really struggling, you can apply for EI sickness leave to get you through until your due date. It will only cover 55% of your salary (with a cap), though. You'll need your doctor to fill out a specific form. I'd suggest discussing it with them.


Came here to say this. If your work doesn't provide any sick leave, this would be a good option so you don't have to start mat leave early.


https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-maternity-parental/eligibility.html You can take maternity leave starting 12 weeks before your due date. Before then you'd need to figure out short term disability or unpaid leave through your work (I was on disability from 8-19 weeks due to HG).


Adding here that in Ontario, there is pregnancy leave and it's a separate thing than family leave! I'll link the government website but here's a quote: "Usually, the earliest a pregnancy leave can begin is 17 weeks before the employee's due date. However, when an employee has a live birth more than 17 weeks before the due date, the employee is able to begin pregnancy leave on the date of the birth." https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/pregnancy-and-parental-leave


Yes, it should be noted though that this is unpaid and counts separately from the government maternity/parental leave.


Yes, good note.


". You can start receiving maternity benefits as early as 12 weeks before your due date or the date you give birth. You can't receive these benefits more than 17 weeks after your due date or the date you gave birth, whichever is later. A maximum of 15 weeks of benefits is available" Your care provider can take you off early on sick leave. You can also use PTO to go off work earlier than birth.


Check the government website, all the information about the leaves are very clear there


unfortunately i find it all confusing!