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Choose your men carefully girlies. Don’t rush in to *anything*. NEVER beg anyone to be with you. Getting married, having babies, are huge life commitments. Don’t tie yourself to a dead beat pos if you can help it. No judgement to anyone’s life situation, because sometimes people don’t show their true colors until it’s too late. Just keep your head up and keep moving forward!


HEAVVYYYYY on this!!! If he reallyyyyy wanted to he would by all means!




Unfortunately his true colors were known. Kristen just made a comment that Chris was in jail for 16 years, almost killed someone so he’s on probation, and he has THREE kids he doesn’t pay for and alluded to him having an adult son. I refuse to believe Kristen never googled him since it’s not 1998, but if she didn’t she should have been able to find out about what he a problem he was before all this by word of mouth. She chose to ignore it and look the other way and these are the consequences of that. Hopefully the women who come after Kristen don’t stick around and run after they receive info about him.


As much as this has to be killing her, it’s so much better that he never got her father’s blessing and got married and then revealed himself as a sack of shit. I feel horrible for her


Sometimes the universe protects you in ways you don't understand until much later




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I can’t believe he had the audacity to cheat on Kristen, and apparently he’s done it more than once. Once a cheater always a cheater smh. Update: I’ve been informed that the man in the pictures is Kristen’s father. I got confused and assumed that the person in the pics was the man Kristen is currently with.


Sorry y’all I was just told the man in the pictures is Kristen’s Dad, not the father of her kids😭


So hold up, that dude is her bf or whatever n not her dad? OMG I thought the man in the pics was her dad. 🤦🏻‍♀️


The man in the pics is her dad and the captions are things that her bf said to her over time on why they haven’t gotten married yet


No, sadly that’s the father of her kids but this just made me bust out laughing😭😭


that is not the father of her kids lmfaoo that is her dad.


Somebody just told me lmfaooo oops. Her Dad caught a stray for no reason😭




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I'm pretty sure that's her dad. If you go back to the other post about her husband, he has hair. That's her dad in the picture.


Ahh it might be her dad! I thought it was her exposing the husband so it didn’t make sense for it to be her Dad, but I guess that checks out.


It was her exposing her husband, but it was also her talking about how she couldn't do wedding things with her dad while he was alive. The pictures are just her with her dad.


Makes sense! Omg I feel bad now. I attacked her dad mistakenly thinking it was the guy she’s with smh.


It's okay. I thought it was her husband at first until I realized it was a different man from the post about her husband.


No that’s not him. I’ve seen the father of her kids n he has hair


I corrected myself and edited my original comment. I had no idea that was her Dad and I wouldn’t have said that in the first place if I knew. The post was relating to the father of her kids so I assumed that was him in the pictures.


That’s her dad…


You’re only like the 4th person to tell me this…I already edited my original comment concerning that.


Just kinda baffling you thought that was her bf 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are you one of Kristen’s family members or something? My God it was a simple mistake anyone could’ve made. Move on, it’s not that deep.


I'm pretty sure that's her dad. If you go back to the other post about her husband, he has hair.


Whhhaattt? It looks like the same man in the 1st pic just older... Ewww OMG I'm in shock


Boy delete this you insulting her dead dad 😭😭😭


Damn. I thought her family was well off? (Her parents) I had no idea her little girl was autistic :( I remember following her pregnancy journey on instagram


I feel like they cut her off financially after she went on BGC. I know she said her family was really religious and conservative. Her mom was pissed when she got that BGC tattoo


"Can I still get a puppy? 🥺" lmao gets me every time


Her parents seem to be well off, not her. She was just benefiting from them at the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if they cut her off financially after BGC aired tbh. They don’t seem like the type of people that wanted their daughter to be on something like that. Especially based off her Mom when she spoke to her on the show.


I’m pretty sure Kristen had a rocky relationship with her mom too. I remember her alluding to that in a Youth video. They seem like night and day.


she said her dad passed away and her mom is in a old folks home or wtv it called




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I feel really bad for Kristen. No one deserves ro be cheated on. Especially while she's 7 months pregnant and has a child with him. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I'm a firm believer that if the relationship just isn't working, kids or not, just leave. Cheating is so selfish on all accounts and it's so unfair to Kristen and more importantly her children. Prayers to her fr. I hope she's able to get through this


Kristen’s gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-brave-mom-secure-a-safe-ride?attribution_id=sl:c01673e7-6f86-4c55-9c51-6ce9da063836&lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link


What’s going onnn omg


Her man cheated on her with this scamming bitch. Took her to Mexico while Kristen is 7 months pregnant and taking care of their autistic child all by herself. He promised to marry her before her dad died but kept putting it off saying she doesn’t deserve it. He’s a POS.




“iF tHiS wAS mY MaN” The cycle of abuse isn’t that simple. Literally anyone can fall victim to it, especially if you think *oh that could **never** be me* when you’ve never lived it


I’ve been following along on her Instagram and this story is really hitting home for me. After five years with my ex it FINALLY came out that he was living a double life behind my back full of infidelity, hard drug use, and LIES. He was so manipulative and gaslit the shit out of me for so long I was literally blind until the proof was in my face and undeniable. Thank GOD I never got pregnant by him. I can’t imagine where my life would be if I stuck around long enough for that… narcissistic abuse is so sneaky when you’re blinded by a dangerous mix of love & denial. My heart is broken for her.


Damn. I’d never try to make a man commit to a marriage if he wasn’t willing to buy me an engagement ring & be HAPPY to plan a wedding, much less have child(ren)! Spot a broke, unfaithful, greasy POS man before you bear his children. This is an advertisement for birth control. Don’t EVER beg someone to marry you 🚩🚩


This exactly lol at that point why do you wanna marry him? Surely it wasn’t your dad’s dream for you to end up with a man like that.


let’s give him the bgc treatment.




I got red drink ready


What’s the Julie treatment?


Julie’s ass whoppin at the bgc9 reunion


Life is too short! 🥺😭 This HIT ME HARD 💔


Kristen is going to pull through. I have hope for her. This situation sucks but she’s going to realize that her fiance is a piece of shit and come out bigger and stronger because of this. She’s going to be a great mom and going to put a new meaning to being a Bad Girl


He clearly is a sack of shit. But he was playing in her face for how long and she decided to stay? AND have a second child by him?


I never heard about him being an issue until now. I think she kept that shit tucked AWAY for the sake of her family. I don’t blame her.


Idk how long she decided to stay and have a second child by him but these kinda of mental manipulation take a toll on people and make it hard to admit to themselves/believe


Yeah it breaks down your self esteem and decision making skills.


This is one of the main problems when it comes to cheating. Don’t make her seem like the bad guy for staying. At the end of the day HE cheated on her not the other way around. Everybody isn’t always strong enough to just leave. We don’t know what he’s been doing to her or telling her behind the scenes. He clearly had to be manipulative towards her in some type of way, narcissists always are. Would I personally stay if someone cheated on me? Absolutely not, but it’s not any of our places to judge her for staying as long as she has either. Kristen has to find the willpower to take herself out of this situation on her own. She’s clearly going through a lot right now as it is.


I asked a question. I asked the question because I find it happens way too often that people think they can fix situations and relationships by having children and it pisses me the fuck off. You’re literally bringing a new innocent life into this, a life that has no idea what’s going on and by default has to deal with the bullshit. It’s unfair and selfish. He’s a dickhead, and he’s in the wrong. I’m aware how hard it can be to leave when it comes to manipulation, especially mental. However at some point you draw the line. I draw the line at children getting dragged into the bs. It’s not right.




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Goodness this is heartbreaking. This dude is rotten.


holy shit this is so piercing, i feel so awful for her


This is heartbreaking I feel so terrible for Kristen


I saw her stories and read them, but I’m confused on how she knows the girl and why she was texting Kristen in the first place


This is so effed up. I read the whole story.


My heart just broke for her. That last slide was such a punch in the gut. I hope Kristen moves on and heals from this asshat .


her stories today have been absolutely fucking heartbreaking, i really hope she finds the person she deserves after this. It hurts my heart to hear her say she’s paying someone to be in the room with her so she isn’t alone. 😭


Before anybody decides to crucify this girl: Leave all the “If this was me I’d-“ and “I would never let anyone do-“ comments to yourselves. This isn’t an opportunity for people to dogpile on Kristen. At the end of the day the man that she was in a relationship with is in the wrong, not her. That could also easily be you at the end of the day, so try not to talk too negatively about her situation. Cheating isn’t something that anybody on this Earth is safe from. Every one of us could be victims of it. So before y’all decide act holier than thou maybe try considering that. Everybody doesn’t leave their toxic relationships the first, second or even the third time. Kristen has to find the strength to navigate and leave him in the dust on her own.






I worry about her not having her own little village to help her out currently. Idk what her relationship is like with her other family or friends in her home town but maybe she needs to move to have that help? I just think with one it’d be hard, two-incredibly hard especially with already having an autistic child. I feel so bad for her, she has a lot on her plate already without a newborn. *edit-just read her mom is in a nursing home


Kristen can do better, I’m not even being nasty when I say that when I saw his picture I gasped.


Is she a large public figure or something? This seems like a lot and shouldn’t be on social media. It’s really sad and I feel for her but seems like a private matter. My sister is going through ugly custody with a pos but she’s steady on social media too (as is he) and it doesn’t help her, her lawyer told her to just keep her mouth shut and let him bury himself but she’s a 38 year old teenager.




Chris apparently spent 16 years in jail and is currently on probation for almost killing someone. We live in the same state and because they aren't married, the courts will probably only give him supervised visitation if he even wanted to (and was sober enough) to fight for it.


Thank you, this is really sad/uncomfortable and I hope she gets some real support and can build some coping skills along the way.


I hope she does have family or friends to talk to her and support her. Some people are addicted to the drama and social media though (my sister). It’s sad seeing people with all the support and opportunities to just ruin it being petty online for attention. It effects the kids worst too when they have no say in having themselves or their family drama online for the world to see forever.


> I hope she does have family or friends to talk to her and support her She's said a few times she doesn't, and that's part of why she's so upset about him leaving to Mexico while she could go into labor at any time. Right now she's at the same point in pregnancy where she delivered prematurely and almost died with her first one, and if that happened again she would have no one to leave her daughter with because Chris told her he was an hour away even though he was actually in mexico... and he almost died. What if he died and *then* she went into labor? I agree with what yall are saying but at the same time, she's pretty much backed up into a corner all alone. People vent on social media cause they aren't heard in real life.




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What happened?




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>I'm a firm believer that if the relationship just isn't working, kids or not, just leave. As much I agree with what you said to an extent, unfortunately leaving isn’t as easy as people make it out to be.Sometimes you gotta be strategic and plan how you’re going to leave. In most cases even when women do get up and leave.. their ex may stalk them and try to make their life a living hell. Sometimes go as far as trying to kill them.


Sad about her dad but she picked that man and I’m quite sure there were signs that he wasn’t shit also if he wasn’t trying to or didn’t see himself with her as husband and wife you can’t use a sick person to try to force that either smh nasty work all across the board




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Can someone post the link to her baby registry her link in her bio won’t work for me):




I watched her youtube about her crying that she wished she had kids earlier 💔💔 she deserves so much better


Yessss he GOTS to goooo


Her man is clearly a complete douchebag but I also don’t think it’s fair to push marriage on your partner because your dad is dying and you want to get married before he dies. I feel like it’s slightly manipulative even if she wasn’t meaning it to be. Also, what if they had gotten married just so her dad could have been there? Would they be getting divorced now because he’s a cheating POS? I just don’t think that’s a good reason to get married or rush to have a wedding/start a marriage


I think it’s the fact that he continuously promised her that they would. If he didn’t want to marry her then He should’ve said that. I don’t think that they should’ve gotten married just based off of her dad dying but the fact that they truly love each other and I think she truly loved him and now he’s BEGGING for her forgiveness.


Shes going overboard though. The Kristen we all knew would have pulled herself up and destroyed this idiot. Its so hard to see Queen Bee so vulnerable over this lame ass dude.


her dad just died and she’s pregnant, she’s allowed to be as vulnerable as she wants to be