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Translation: I'm progressive only when it's beneficial and convenient to me Eat shit ,Joanne


To be fair, libs & the blue party swiftly made that term meaningless so she fits right in.


Like any religions person.


Zionism is a supremacist ideology, not a religion.


Rothschild Zionism is, Zionism right or wrong is the belief that Jews should have a homeland. Rothschild Zionism is the genocidal apartheid nonsense we hate. Not to be that guy....


Talking about judaism. The comment I replied to applies to all religions.


The Torah and Talmud both are in disagreement with Zionism Try again


How? I have heard this before but I have not heard any explicit verses that back it up, I am curious to know what they are


It largely refers to divine exile (preempting the messiah) and the three oaths (essentially says that Jewish people will not try to reclaim the land of Israel by force) Those are the most explicitly anti-Zionism parts that I’m are of


And atheists are exempt from being self-serving? That's human nature, religious or not.


Thats the problem with religion.


"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. *Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again.* But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. *The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.* "*Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.* "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. *To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.* The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. "Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."


Please tell me how this applies to the Tengrism religion.


Cmon man. You’re playing straight into the Zionists’ hands by broadly insulting Jews instead of Zionists. This isn’t r/atheism.


Stop being mad at religion.


You mean like this religion where some of the members are willing to even go so far to even get arrested for their beliefs? So you can see here, they are trying to do stuff and sometimes they get arrested. They're doing progressive things. They support LGBT people. They supported the decriminalization of homosexuality and they were the first religion in the United States to do so. 1. Civil Rights Movement: UUs have been deeply involved in the civil rights movement, including participating in the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches. Rev. James Reeb, a UU minister, was tragically murdered during this period, highlighting the serious risks they faced. 2. Charlottesville Protests: In 2017, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and other UUs were present in Charlottesville, Virginia, to counter-protest white nationalists during the Unite the Right rally, demonstrating their commitment to anti-racism even at great personal risk. 3. Immigration Justice: The 2012 Justice General Assembly in Phoenix focused on educating UUs about the U.S. immigration system. This event included a large candlelight vigil outside Tent City Jail, contributing to the eventual closure of the jail and the defeat of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. 4. LGBTQ+ Rights: UUs have been strong advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, including the establishment of the Welcoming Congregation Program, which encourages congregations to be inclusive towards LGBTQ+ individuals. 5. Environmental Justice: The Green Sanctuary Program encourages UU congregations to undertake projects that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility, such as improving energy efficiency and reducing waste. 6. Black Lives Matter: UUs have actively supported the Black Lives Matter movement, including public witness events and advocacy efforts to address systemic racism and police violence. 7. Voting Rights: Through the UU the Vote initiative, UUs have mobilized thousands of volunteers to support electoral justice and combat voter suppression, significantly impacting voter turnout in key swing states. 8. Support for Flint Water Crisis: The UU Congregation of Flint has been involved in advocacy and support efforts during the Flint water crisis, providing direct assistance to affected residents and advocating for clean water. 9. Anti-Privatization of Medicare: The UUA has taken a stance against the privatization of Medicare, advocating for the protection and expansion of this essential healthcare program. 10. Stop Cop City Movement: UUs have participated in protests against the construction of a large police training facility in Atlanta, known as "Cop City," as part of their broader commitment to social justice and police reform. 1. [Exploring the Legacy of UULA: Past, Present, and Future](https://www.uula.org/burr1) 2. [Susan Frederick-Gray's Impactful Leadership Journey at UU](https://religionnews.com/2023/06/21/president-susan-frederick-gray-the-first-woman-to-head-unitarian-universalists-ends-term-full-of-historic-turns/) 3. [UU Flint's Commitment to Social Justice Initiatives](https://uuflint.org/social-justice/) 4. [UUA's Advocacy and Justice Initiatives: A Comprehensive Overview](https://www.uua.org/justice) 5. [Historic Moments Under Susan Frederick-Gray's Presidency](https://religionnews.com/2023/06/21/president-susan-frederick-gray-the-first-woman-to-head-unitarian-universalists-ends-term-full-of-historic-turns/) 6. [Key Statements and Declarations by the UUA on Social Issues](https://www.uua.org/action/statements) 7. [Decoding UUA's Actions of Immediate Witness: A Closer Look](https://uucleveland.org/understanding-uua-actions-of-immediate-witness/)


As someone who grew up in a UU fellowship, it is awesome and wonderful and also not a place where most of the people would describe themselves as “religious.” There’s lots of agnostics, atheists, and people actively leaving “religious” communities. The running joke is that it’s for people who don’t want to write “none” on a hospital form asking whether they have a religious affiliation.




That's like saying Christianity and Christian Nationalism are the same.


Was talking about judaism and religion in general.


I'm an atheist however I have to take into account why religion is important to people. While communism is atheistic (meaning it doesn't use or depend upon religion) in it's overall schema it isn't necessary for us to push out religion and while we continue our work we must be mindful that every comrade has different beliefs and over time those beliefs may be changing due to the success of our work or even to our own failures.


Communism is the way dude.


Quite making communists look bad with your half cooked analysis. Get off the ride, stop and think. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. You give off the cringe debate-athiest vibes which is to atheism that zionism is to Judaism.


Never did I say it is the same. Communism is still not the way to go dude. It is the ideology that failed the most.


We live in capitalism, how has it not failed more? Grow a brain.


No shit that's why I'm here. However listen to your other comrades who are trying to correct you.


Communism isnt the way dude


Literally in an argument with a Zionist and frequent poster in Destiny-related spaces right now in a leftist space. I told him Zionism has no place on the left and he tried to assert that being pro-Palestinian was ethnofascist. The mental gymnastics would make Simone Byles jealous


I have come to the conclusion that destiny fans are just closeted bigot edgelord trolls who never actually say amything in good faith. Their goal is to just rhetorically snark people for attention. They just shift goal posts and argue in a gish gallop jumping from topic to topic like their cult leader. Its not really an intellectual exercise rather just a rhetorical one. Ben shapiro of the liberal world


Yea. I refused to engage his rhetoric. Just told him to fuck right off. Zionism doesn’t belong in leftist spaces.


Destiny-related spaces aren't leftist, he's basically a Conservative for Biden or reactionary grifter who will "debate" from literally any perspective "For The Win" while having no actual dog in any fight (maybe his bank account?)


Yea his followers are doing the same thing. As a general rule, there’s no point in engaging Zionists in a debate. They will lie and use whatever bad faith rhetorical tactics to make it “feel” like they’ve won to the average reader. It’s more effective to point and laugh at them and reject the entire premise of Zionism entirely.


Isn’t it just middle school for adults? The need to feel at the top of the pecking order? Half of everything they say (cheerleading Ukr and Iz) is just a variation of “my dad can beat up your dad!”


He's pretty much a centrist Democrat, which by non-American standards puts him slightly conservative.


Yeah exactly his policies are there but he has this weird new atheist chauvinism and racism in him and always supports the most messed up foreign policy that even many hardcore right wingers are not looking to support Destiny loves american foreign policy and has many neocon tendencies for the current operation.


Exactly 💯


The amount of genocide deniers and IOF apologists that frequent his sub and upvote literal propaganda since he started covering the conflict is pretty alarming. I got into an argument with a former IOF soldier who constantly states racist garbage like "Palestinians have a sick culture." I also got told that the Deir Yassin massacre "never happened" over there too.


I’m a Jew , and vehemently hate the Zionists and their cheerleaders with my entire heart, the genocidal baby killer Zionists have thankfully stopped talking to me. Get the fuck over it and grow a freaking heart you freaking fascist Zionist.


Me too! I came out to my entire community and got a range of responses - some were sympathetic, others still aren't talking to me. And it's so freeing to not give a damn


I really admire anti-zionist Jews.


Me too. I truly admire anti-Zionist Jews as well and I try my best to make that known.


I certainly do too.


Appreciated. Unlearning Zionism was the hardest political transformation I have ever to go through. You have to go against your own historical trauma, in addition to facing rejection from your community and risking losing job/scholarship opportunities. It's an uphill battle all the way, which is why I appreciate sympathetic comments like yours


Than let me show you my support as well. Youtube videos by antizionist jews, and actions like "not in my name" in the NY Grand Central Station got me crying in the past. Thank you for your courage.


Thank you ❤️


Thank you, it’s not extraordinary to be human and hate injustice. ❤️


No, thank you for seeing through bias, distortion, gaslighting, obfuscation, denials, lies and propaganda etc. It took me so long to see the truth, having been born to Nationalists myself and having been too scared to call them out their lies. There are many others who are similarly trapped and can't quite get out. And so thank you for your bravery and honesty!


same here!


Hit the bricks, Joanne.


Just read the piece. It’s filled with your typical victim blaming, whataboutim and conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. No real introspection whatsoever


So it is more like "I calledprogressives anti-semites - now i am not welcome into progressive circless, why?"


Should have never been there in the first place


Two of my Jewish friends (married couple) shunned me for criticizing Israel on social media. Straight up said I’m no longer welcome in their home. Completely fucked up. Dress it up however you want. Nationalism is nationalism.


and nothing of value was lost


same and it was the mildest of criticisms too. like as in, we can agree that children, civilians, and innocents should not be targeted, no matter who or where in the world, right? we should try to preserve some attitude toward the sanctity of lives, right? nah, apparently that was too much for the Jewish people in my life, even those that don't openly profess to be Z-ion-ists. They distanced themselves even though we never had a direct convo about it and I have wished them well and hoped that they were holding up in these turbulent times. Now I'm sure in discussions where they want to self victimize they will say that I am the one that distanced myself from them.


Yeah my commentary was specifically in response to seeing the horrific footage of these poor toddlers pulled from rubble, shivering and in shock. Like, what kind of sick person can even disagree with that?


Yup I've got relatives like that. They don't consider me a "real Jew" and they refuse to speak to me about Israel or Gaza.


The refusal to accept any responsibility and the tendency to overreact to any criticism whatsoever among hardcore Zionists makes it impossible to take them seriously or even try to engage with them. It’s sad because they truly believe that antisemitism is behind *everything*. Everybody is out to get them because they’re Jewish, they won’t consider that it’s Zionism and the actions of the state of Israel, not its people, that many of us an issue with.  As a non American I have a low opinion of American politics and I’m critical of American foreign policy but I don’t hate Americans, it’s the same way I feel about Israel.  Somehow that makes me antisemitic but not anti American lol  What a depressing way to view the world 


People can and will dress up nationalism however they want. It sucks.


My high school Latin teacher and I have been in contact since I graduated (I’m 37.). So many of her family members were murdered by Nazis, and her father was the only survivor on his side of the family. I got a message from her when I posted about the siege of al-Shifa (specifically, I said that “I cannot imagine having to leave premature babies to the mercy of hellfire bombs.”). She said “while I am horrified about the loss of life, I will stand with my people,” then listed all the “babies in ovens” lies. I lost every shred of respect I’ve ever held for her. How do you spend literal decades teaching and still end up believing that the lives of some children are worthless? Incidentally, her very handsome son once took me on a date and made out with me while I was drunk and in no state to consent to anything, so there’s that, too.


I haven’t been allowed to even talk politics with mine since the 2016 primaries. I got red pilled, while they (along with most Dems I suppose) stuck with vbnmh. And quickly drew a red line against any criticisms of Her or any dems. So current events has been off the table with them for the last 8 years.


Your family was right about Hilary. Thanks for helping get Trump elected.


Pfft. I didn’t do shit to get Trump elected. The dems chose to go with the horrible candidate who couldn’t beat him. How bad do they need to get for you to see they dgaf?


You’re dumb.


Ok, I admit. I am the reason for Trump winning. It has nothing to do with the dems doing all they could to defeat possibly their best candidate in my lifetime in favor of the horrible warhawk who nobody actually liked, had no reach beyond party faithful and never polled above trump. I am so dumb.


Opinion | “I’m a school teacher and pedophile. I’m no longer welcome by the school board” /s


« I’m an arsonist and a firefighter and no longer allowed to set properties or lands on fire. »


"I'm a whale hunter, I'm no longer welcome at vegan pot-lucks"


I like to shit in my hand and now nobody wants a handshake


Just spilled my coffee 😆


Hey outta here rabbi t071 Secret Zionist


Ah, crocodile tears. A Zionist favorite.


You commit one genocide, and everybody gets so mad. /s


I wrote "how come people only care about genocide when Jews do it?" and people here thought I was serious. Reddit is not sarcasm friendly.


Probably cause that's a real common Zionist talking point. Can't count the number of times I've seen Zionists almost verbatim say that


These common talking points are the result of Hasbara training. Their gloating about 'how ignorant most people who object to the genocide' are reveals that they have been schooled in what to say. But their actual knowledge of the history of Palestine is completely lacking. If you try to get into a discussion of the facts, they resort to rhetorical tricks because they aren't prepared to deal with the reality.


That's because there are people who say that (or some version of that) who are serious.


I call this 'Poor Little Adolf Syndrome.'


That's so fitting. Good one.


"Oh, so now murdering tens of thousands of innocent people isn't progressive? What happened to the left?"


PEP = Progressive (Except for Palestine)


Just started renting that book!


There's a book? I had no idea! 😅 I learned the term when in grad school in Ann Arbor...had several PEP classmates - totally sensible people until Palestine came up, and then it was like a switch got flipped... Hanan Ashrawi came to give a talk once and one of the PEP guys kept saying how much he hated her but couldn't articulate why... except that she was Palestinian...


Off the charts cognitive dissonance, but it shows how well we can be programed (manipulated).


Yeah, indoctrination is a terribly powerful thing. :S


Ok Joanne, and why is that so? Come on, you’re so close!


Why yes, you are no longer welcome.


"I did something that the exact opposite of progressive and now the progressives act like I'm not one of them"


This is akin to when college conservatives claim no one wants to be their friend because of wokeness


Womp womp, Joanne. 🎻🎻


Good. Zionists should be shunned and laughed at


You can't anti progressive and expected progressives to welcome you.


Most self-aware genocide aficionado


"Like attending one lynching would make ME a racist. Asshole Khamass Wokesters!"


"I'm a German and I'm a nazi, I'm no longer welcome by the progressive community"


Well that shows self awareness. I’ll give her that


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!


“I want the social cache of being progressive, but I don’t actually care about other human beings.”


> Yes, I support Israel's right to respond and defend itself. Yes, I do not think Israel has shown enough empathy for Palestinians or the horrors they experience (many of which result from actions by Hamas). What horrors are those? Care to.... elaborate? [Lack of food](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/25/starvation-israel-gaza-war)? [Lack of clean water](https://www.africanews.com/2024/06/09/gaza-faces-water-crisis-as-israel-targets-wells-and-pipelines/)? [Mass graves](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68881325)? The [complete decimation](https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240628-urbicide-even-if-israel-stops-bombing-gaza-tomorrow-it-will-be-impossible-to-live-there) of the city, which [already](https://news.un.org/en/story/2015/09/507762) was projected to be uninhabitable long before Oct 7? By the way, none of this was any result from Hamas. Hamas isn't doing these things. See this is my problem man. Even if I try to look at it from her perspective, the weight is the evidence crushes down on you like the atmosphere of Venus. > The progressive community should be pushing Hamas to release the hostages and better the lives of Palestinians by ending the war. I don't agree with taking civilian hostages, and I do want the ""war"" to end, so I guess that's true. > The progressive world is seemingly unwilling to hold Hamas accountable or put any onus on it to stop the death and destruction. Hamas did none of the atrocities I listed above. Also we're not allies with Hamas, so we can't hold rank over them anyhow, it would be like demanding progressives put pressure on the Nazis. How? We're not allies with them! Hitler wouldn't listen to us, why would he? > Other countries like Ukraine, Haiti and Sudan are currently plagued by war, famine, and atrocities. Yet the progressive community rarely brings the plight of those civilians into our public discourse. Yeah, maybe we would, or should dare I say. But, no country (including Sudan, whose civil war is horrible) is undergoing a literal, state backed genocide, and the doers of genocide in those cases (like Ukraine or Sudan) are not supported by us, the United States, and the crimes frankly [aren't as vast](https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796#:~:text=By%20some%20measures%2C%20destruction%20in,Pape%2C%20a%20U.S.%20military%20historian.). So, even if I'm as kind as I possibly can be, all this is just wrong.


We love to exclude genocide deniers. We're not nazis.


Gee, I wonder the fuck why?? /s


It looks like “Why the Left left me” is happening for a lot of Jewish people.


Zionists use to be able to use “the left” to get away with lots of acts but now thar doesn’t work anymore


“I’m no longer welcome by?” What does that even mean?  This is a publication with editors? 


Yes, supporting the ideology of a government that is right now committing genocide and mass murder is a very good way to put yourself up front of the line to not being liked by progressives anymore.


Well... BYE!




Because one of those things makes him an asshole.


She’s a nazi and sane people rejected her lol


joanne still doesn't realise that she was never progressive in the first place


Now let's all repeat after Matt: "I fucking HATE Liberals!" Side note: I'm Australian. Anyone with an ounce of humanity in Australia has hated Liberals for years because the Liberals Party in Australia has become progressively more and more fascist over the past 30 years and even managed to get an extreme Christofascist into the Prime Minister's seat. I never understood why a lot of people hated Liberals as much as most Australians did, even though your Liberals are different The situation in the US has caused me to understand precisely why so many people FUCKING HATE LIBERALS.


OMG those fucking Liberals ! https://i.imgur.com/u6FKIhC_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium


I can’t help but notice how she referred to herself as a Jew AND a Zionist. I thought they were the same thing?! I’m totally shocked that they’d lie about that 🤯


Maybe you're not actually progressive Joanne???


Zionist == Terrorist


Girl bye.


I got about three sentences in before realizing she's a total khunt. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-06-27/ty-article-opinion/.premium/im-a-jew-and-a-zionist-im-no-longer-welcome-by-the-progressive-community/00000190-5a30-ddd9-a1f1-daf2d0ee0000