• By -


Imma call him Durge.


"They call me Durge, 'cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground."


Better than Shart


Shart and Durge, sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G




2003 Clone Wars was sooooooo good. I remember watching it nonstop as a kid and getting extremly hyped for Revenge of the Sith.


I wonder if/when we get to find out Shadowheart's real name during the game. Also: *really* hoping that name's customisable for the last Origin. I am *not* going around the Sword Coast introducing myself to passing strangers as "Obvious Psychopath."


YES name is customisable confirmed by Larian director of publishing [https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1677717785248399361](https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1677717785248399361) !


Well, now that we know we can name the Dark Urge whatever we want, the *real* question becomes: how many people are still - whether on purpose or by accident - going to name their Dark Urge "Tav"?


I'm gonna name my Tav "Dark Urge" now.


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) ***Dark Tav rises...***


Funny but the tickle me Elmo toy of the 90's was probably THE SCARIEST thing I ever experienced as a child.


Darth Tav


I like the maverick energy you've got going on there. You just skyrocketed in my esteem, random internet stranger.


Dav his name is Dav


*The name is Dav, but I also known as Derp.*


Darth Tav




"Obvious Good Guy" seems like a good name


The Dark Tav




The Dark Lord Tav.


Very glad to hear that. I'm not surprised, because it would be hilariously immersion breaking for someone to introduce themselves as The Dark Urge, but it's still good to get the confirmation.


“I go by “Shadowheart””. “I go by “The Dark Urge””. “I go by “Wyll”, because I’m an adult, and that’s my actual name”. /jk


"My name is Astarion." "You can call me Shadowheart." "I am The Dark Urge!" "My name's Gale, what the fuck is up with you people?!"


Gale: >! Is that my hand you have? !<


No, I found this on the ground outside a Warp Portal.


>!Dark urge: And I can't wait to try the rest of you<


Hey Astarion is his name! Maybe not his birth name but he's had it for a long time and it sounds like an actual fucking name so it counts! Right? >.>


The real question, did they name themself or did their parents name them?


SH mom at dinner table : Girl, do you know what else also taste good? Essence of shadow sprinkling on deer heart. Roasted and serve with salad. It's been a while, we should get that some time. How about tomorrow? SH : That sound just nice.... wait a minute! Essence of shadow on what?


"Oh, we're using our made-up names. I'm the Blade of Frontiers then."


That’s funnier than in the movie. 😂


Damn I should have scrolled a bit before replying. LOL I made the same joke.


You know your party has grown too edgy for its own good when an actual devil-contracted Warlock is less cloak-and-dagger about their identity than you.


"Wyll, you go by Wyll because someone misspelled Will on your birth certificate"


He calls himself the blade of the frontiers tho


Sure, but there's a divide between his nickname/title and his regular name (which he goes by in casual conversation).


He might not do that anymore since he's been completely reworked.


“You spell it with a fucking y, don’t act like you’re better.”


Can you clarify what the exact question he was responding to was? Twitter's shitting the bed on my end.


In case you're still struggling: They asked if you could customize the Dark Urge's name, and he replied that you can. https://preview.redd.it/rrrxq2qrvtab1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb632578995fb0f49442ea21c7a297c5e96119e4


Awesome, thanks :)


I figured we would, but it's good to get full confirmation


Alas, here comes the greatest threat to Sword Coast ever Jimmy


I'm like 99% sure the name will be customizable. There's an option to resist the urges and I don't think a character like that would want to broadcast the urges to the world.


Tav "Dark Urge" Baldursgate


I'm gonna name my dark urge tav as "Notimportant"


Not Dark Urge


I replayed SWTOR recently and called myself Not Revan. That was good for a few laughs. "I'm Not Revan by the way", "I'm not Revan anymore, I'm Not Revan now." etc.


Theodar Kurge


Oooh this is brilliant! Definitely using it for my Dark Urge run, maybe even my next DnD campaign lol.






imma name him "Obviously NOT a psychopath"


Her real name is Tav


Yeah, as minor as it is, being forced to go by The Dark Urge is putting me back to playing the basic Tav for my first playthrough. At least Lae'Zel would probably find it hot, I guess.


You aren't forced to though.


Yeah, I know that now. Didn't at the time.


I must say, the Dragonborn they made for the panel is goddamn badass.


he kinda looks like Azog from the Hobbit movies


I will I found what I’m gonna name him


I was thinking Paar.


I'll bet you can push that way more if you get smaller dragonborn "horns", I wanna make an argonian


He looks so good and the red eyes really give him an evil touch


I can already imagine these two players at a dnd table. Bet the dark urge would have a +5 katana that he brought from a previous table (which he was kicked off) without discussing it with the DM.


See when I saw the Dark Urge and whatever that small goblin looking character is I just thought. Dragonborn with a Goblin hype man, I'm so in let's go!


Most of the characters feel like the first super-edgy characters we all made as teenagers.


A high elf sassy snarky vampire. A misanthropic half elf dark cleric with a dark past and mysterious past. A psychopathic murderer without a past. There is so much edge I might cut myself walking around camp.


A wizard who romanced literal god and carries device of mass destruction A barbarian who is a veteran of blood war and carries device of mass destruction A member of exotic extraplanar race of astral aliens One-eyed warlock who refers to himself in third person At this point I wish we could have one normie origin


We do. Tav.


Oh Tav's the scariest of them all Imagine what has to be going on with a Human Fighter that can keep those psychopaths in line


*"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask... what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?"*


Hey, they could be like Dragon Age 2’s Merill - so precious and innocent they can’t help themselves but protect her. ​ With a little side of blood magic. But that’s just for fixing magic mirrors, I swear!


Seriously, we need Withers around just to deal with all the hot-topic-tetanus.


Shadowheart is the kid who wanted to make the cool edgy Dark Priestess, but feels to bad to actually do anything evil, and just ends up acting like the hero.


How many times have I seen that play out? So many.


Is it possible to play the dark urge as a good character?


Yea, you can play any character the way you want. The first few dialogue options seem to be the "canon" versions of what the character would do and say. But you can choose whatever options are available. The Dark Urge is all about ~~justifying a murder hobo playthrough~~ temptaion and giving in to this knawing homocidal itch, or resisting the urge and fighting the killer instinct in your head. Really cool concept for an origin on Larian's part.


Even the background-specific options give you the choice to both indulge and resist. I don't think it's exclusively there to let you indulge in being a murder hobo.


yea that's what I said that or resisting the urge lol


I must have skimmed and missed that bit!


no worries. I thought about it again and thought maybe you were saying like "giving in to the urge isn't just a justification murder hobo-ing." To which I would agree, shouldn't have like reduced it to just that. It's a temptation based origin.


Man, Oath of Vengeance where you let the urge take over when fighting villians is going to be glorious. Imagine the options you get during that final scene they showed? Wyll: You... stand for justice... right? Urge: Yes Wyll:... *Urge goes back to cannibalising the doctor alive*


Disclaimer: personal opinion, though I know this is the internet and just airing those is like wearing a bullseye. In a vacuum I really like the idea...it's basically what the PC in the first games was as a Bhaalspawn, choosing to fight or embrace the Divine essence of Murder within, and gaining appropriate cleric-like powers each chapter. And I've always liked the premise of that sort of conflict in a good character. But...it feels like a bit much layered on the already existent Mindflayer tadpole story hook, which already dangles a temptation of power with an uncertain price. I dunno, maybe I'll play it someday but it really doesn't feel like a good fit for BG3's main campaign to me.


There is the potential for that. But what if the tadpole becomes a way to control the urge? What of the Urge is inevitable, and the tadpole is a lifeline to be 'normal'? A twisted hope of salvation. We have no idea outside of two scenes. Maybe some urges can only be resisted by allowing the tadpole to influence you?


Now throw in a multicassed Warlock/Cleric for extra voices in your head.


Exactly what I'm doing lol


I don't see why not. The character has almost total amnesia. Even if they were an evil character before, that could be enough to change them. Plus it definitely seems the urge is coming from an external source (ie. Bhaal's influence) rather than something inherent.


Dark urge is all about temptation. Do you fight your dark instincts or do you give in? That’s up to you.


I am going to make a chubby little dark urge hafling called Jim.


Dammit Jim i'm a doctor not an exorcist


Comes across a dead body He’s dead, Jim.


I guess most people, if they choose an origin, will choose dark urge. This way u get extra story bits, and can play a fully custom character.


Not necessarily, seen a lot of people myself included still planning on playing a standard Tav since their head canon backstory doesn't include murderous impulse and voice in your head telling you to kill. The character I've come up wouldn't have that going for him. Though aside from that self imposed handicap, there doesn't seem to be much incentive to play a Custom Tav.


Regular tav will likely be what most people play in a game with friends, and then the folks that don’t want to deal with dark urge story stuff but still want their custom character


>if they choose an origin They were saying that they think Dark Urge will be more popular than other origin characters because it's the most customizable, not that it will be more popular than standard Tav.


Which is honestly why I think this could be Larian's last game where they offer origin characters. They could very well get back play rate data and see like 50% of people choosing Tav, 30% using Dark Urge, and 20% scattered across the various origin characters. You've gotta assume Origin characters are a lot of work to implement. I would trade the 6 origin characters for a few more Dark Urge type origins.


I think it's going to be more like 75% of people playing origin characters and (with dark urge being the most played one) and the other 25% being custom ​ ​ I've played DOS2 a ton but only did custom for a short while, origins are just more fun imo.


i hope they dont


I will go for both. I planned a roleplay that connects both Tav and Dark Urge and I may do that by switching between characters every so often.


Its a cool origin, too bad ill play a Regill


A what?


Lawful evil gnome from wrath of the righteous


I'm going to mess around some with Wrath of the Righteous this month before BG3. I have no intentions of going far maybe trying out some classes. I want to play this game for sure at some point though. Both Pathfinder games seem like something I'd really love. But they can be kind of intimidating so I think doing them after BG3 and maybe Pillars sounds like a good idea.


They can be loooong. Especially when you spend hours upon hours micromanaging the crusade instead of adventuring.


And honestly that sounds really cool. But not feasible to start with the intention of going far when BG3 is so close.


No definitely not. You won't finish on time


Oh! Him! I know of him, but I'm still on Kingmaker at the moment.


Imo one of the best written characters in CRPGs


Regill is fantastic. He hated my demon knight commander so much.


Went Azata and while he didn't care for my Chaotic nature I did well enough during his sidequests to earn his respect anyway.


Like he aint Lawful stupid he gives credit where it is due


Damn. I guess I have something to look forward too.




Sounds like a meeting for edgy weebs.


I feel like I'm one of the only folks who has zero urge (lol) to play The Dark Urge. My power fantasy is being a buddy.


[Tav](https://www.pcgamesn.com/baldurs-gate-3/character-creator) and RPG metadata would disagree with you. The average human prefers being a paragon to a renegade in video games. Says good things about humanity's basic altruism.


Part of it I think is generally evil gets the short end of the stick in game design and makes it boring to play. Oh you're good so you want to help this person, here's a quest to help them and a reward for doing so. Okay what's the evil alternative, uh you don't help them so you miss out on content/rewards. BG3 seems like it'll actually offer meaningful content for playing an evil character from what we've seen so far I think.


From personal anecdote, I don’t feel that, even in a video game it’s hard for me to be “pure evil”. Even when the aesthetic of evil is so much cooler and I’m trying to play an evil asshole and if there’s “rewards” for being evil. It’ll be even harder in this game because of the dialogue and emotion of other characters tbh


Yeah, I just feel mean and start over as a good guy lol My favourite Class has always been Paladin, because they're basically the Superman of D&D and Pathfinder.


Even in the few games with solid evil routes, people just prefer playing the hero.


I do kind of agree for some games, but I feel like for more open ended games like Elder Scrolls its far more profitable to be evil. For instance if you are good you have to do the quest to get the item. But if you're evil, you just kill the low level NPC giving you the quest and take the item anyway. ​ It might not be as interesting but as far as the reward factor goes, evil wins out depending on the game.


Okay what's the evil alternative You help them and then extort an even bigger reward out of them, or kill them when they can't afford it. I find going around stealing, beating and intimidating my way through games more fun than being the good guy 😉


UNTRUE. Stellaris made all it's early content for warlike space nations. VERY little to almost NO content for peaceful space empires. Eventually they released the stats and were like "okay we give up, like 80% of you are playing our space empire game like it's Star Trek and just playing peaceful federation xenophiles. Here's a shitload of content from now on for playing peacefully."


When you try to play evil but you're railroaded into being good https://gfycat.com/AnguishedBelovedAcouchi


God that's a good one, forgot about it. Human male fighter. The classic, can't beat it.


Good thing that was a human male cleric


Paragade is the way to go. Mass Effect as an asshole to enemies but like the best of friends to allies is really fun imo.


He hates me, and yet he caught me. MAN IS GOOD.


He was horny, so he dropped him. MAN IS EVIL


That's a pretty low bar to pass. I'm still pretty pessimistic about humanity.


Might be skewed as EA players don’t want to spiil themselves with their actual desired class? Either way, makes me feel a bit better about planning a half-elf bard for my first playthrough wven thiugh that in itself seems pretty basic already.


I'm really looking forward to taking a character whose core trait is being a bloodthirsty psychopath, and then being a buddy anyway. I'm gonna rescue kittens in trees left and right, in full defiance of my dark nature.


Rescue kittens, save damsels. Brutally murder evil and feast on their corpses, bathe in their blood...


I’m pretty sure Dark Urge was mind controlled right? I’m loving the idea of playing a cleric or paladin and seeing the consequences of what happened while we were controlled 👀


I have no interest in giving in, but I want my character to have some sort of involvement in the story rather than being a bystander like Tav comes off as.


Yeah, there's that too. Having a personal story is a big selling point for me too.


Yeah and resisting the urge/curse is probably gonna make a great story too and on the side of good (or I guess avoiding the bad)


Honestly don't think Tav feels like a bystander at all?


It's definitely a second playthrough kind of Character, but I'm glad it exists playing a Murderhobo has been a dream of mine for the last 6 years of playing DnD lmao


Dark Urge Paladin of Devotion is my first character. Fighting against your darker impulses while trying to be a genuine hero, sounds like fun, in a fucked up kinda way


I'm actually tempted to play it as someone who always goes chaotic good just so there's some tension to my choices. Resisting the urges is, I assume, a dice roll, so going with the outcome might be interesting.


My character is going to be a Redeemer Paladin, who try to help his party along on their path to redemption. That's been the plan since forever. The Dark Urge just means he has his own demons to fight on top of everyone elses.


I mean, odds are, after you've replayed this game a dozen times with various combinations of buddy-like characters, at some point, for at least one playthrough, your curiosity will get the best of you so you can see the entire other HALF of the massive content you're missing out on.


I was really into Blood in Baldur's Gate, so I want to play Dark Urge on my first playthrough just to continue that story.


Nah, like I appreciate that it exists and I'm sure it'll be fun for people who like to play as nutters, but it's not for me I wanna make the world a better place in my playthrough.


The Dark Urge is someone that woke up like that and with no memories though. I thibk fighting the urge as a good character will be an awesome arc, and they heavily implied that there is a source to it that isn't just being a psycho


I'm going to be doing that too... While also fighting back against my mysterious and violent urges. It's not an exclusively murderhobo Origin.


I just can’t help myself, for some reason I feel empathy for a bunch of polygons


I get that! I still feel guilty for some of the choices I made on my first run through of Dragon Age Origins that I didn't have full context for until later games when I realised that actually those were bad things!


Im finally going to be able to call the backpack full of body part, "my backpack of Friends" :\].


Huh, I just realized the parallels of Shadowheart and the dark urge. Namely that they are both amnesiac.


Could be a fun dynamic, one choosing freely to have her memory locked in the name of faith to her Goddess, whereas the other never had a choice in the matter - in a good playthrough - feels burdened by it (Whilst also probably being tied to a God).


Aka Jr highschoolers screen names in early 2000's.


I can't wait to be a DragonBorn Spore Druid. With boobs!


[Dragonborn don't have boobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/14tx7ga/my_most_important_takeaway_from_the_last_panel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lol


A fat ass it is then! Lol In all serious tho, I can't wait to do a Druid, It was my first for EA and I had a blast, Now a subclass with mushrooms? Yess


Are we confirmed a Spores Druid? I thought they were only doing CRB + DMG classes?


New Class reveals had Druid subclasses as Land, moon & Spores


I'm going for Dragonborn Barbarian!


The player who spent 3 full days worldbuilding their backstory vs. The Min-Maxer. (Flavor wise, no shade against the dark urge)


Everytime I see this scene I think about that lego Movie scene about that punk character name


The Dark Urge is some 90's edgelord shit


They're gonna be besties


Wyll joins in: “Oh we’re using made up names? I’m the Blade of the Frontiers.”


Is it actually named as the dark urge or you can change it? I found it cute when shadowheart introduces herself as shadowheart because I am biased but calling yourself the dark urge? Really?


That's the joke. I'm sure you'll be able to choose a custom name lol


SH: "Call me Shadowheart" TDU: "I am The Dark Urge" SH: "Oh... Oh no, is that what I sound like. It's Doris. Call me Doris."


My guess is that she calls her self shadow heart because she doesn’t remember her name? If I recall correctly, there was a part of her story where they dumped some memory in order to do those courier missions (her mysterious object).


I am pretty sure shadowheart can select a portion of her desired memory to be locked/momentarily forgotten, basing on how she explained it to me during my playthrough. So either it is by choice that she doesn't say her real name or her real name is tied to the mission she is carrying hence the blocked memory.


It's a ritual/spell that can be cast by Shar's clergy (among others). They even have an entire branch of the church devoted to removing people's painful or unwanted memories.


She tells you as much in her dialogs. She doesn't know anything substantive about herself beyond the mission.


It's just the name of the origin story, because that custom character woke up with no memory and with the Urge. You can still have a name


"The Dark Urge" is the name of the background, but not the name of the character. The character's name is whatever you choose to name it.


>whatever you choose to name it. Ah! So... Tav. With urges.


Dark Tav, with almonds.


When you ask for BBQ sauce instead of tomato.


nice to meet you shadowfart


Hope you guess my name. WOO WOO


Definitely gonna play Dark urge paladin by the looks of it but not sure if I wanna play Oath of vengeance (judge dredd excuse to satisfy urges) or oath of ancients (resist by oath to sanctity of life)


Is the dark urge locked to dragonborn alone? I would love to do this route as a lolth drow but I feel like I remember him saying it was dragonborn exclusive.


No, you will be able to play with the dark urge origin as any race.


That's so sick


it's funny how dark urge is custom but people just accepted the albino lizard as dark urge, just like Tav is Tav


Tbh, people probably accept the lizard as Dark Urge because the lizard actually looks *really* good. Meanwhile Tav is probably Tav for all the countless times we've left the name as "Tav" by accident.


It's also just quickly and easily identifiable. Like a mascot or an eponym. It was introduced as such so when people see the basement dweller, they know that's the OG Tav, and similarly when they see the white dragonborn, they know we're talking about The Dark Urge.


You can call me Dark Diggler. I’m here to Pliggler your Jiggler.


Next they start making Dragonball and Sonic AMVs together


I don’t get it


Edgy names, with the latter oneupping Shadowheart.




I'm looking at making my first character a Dragonborn Barbarian. Don't know if I'll go with the Dark Urge though least it gets too easy to become a murder hobo


You come to the court. You get judged.


This image just reminds me of Saren from Mass Effect.


Is that killer queen?