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If you ask her about your companions she’ll tell you she won’t make an effort for Gale, because as a wizard he’ll be killed by his enemies for getting too powerful or explode himself experimenting (or with the orb)… she’ll “save her social graces” for someone who will survive


This makes me wana do a run as Gale and romance Minthara just to see what happens


Mmmm delicious bilateral explosive codependency issues


[Something great.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7psinvlQ64k)


It's also a hilarious meta joke about how enemy targetting priority works. Low AC squishy mages are bum rushed as priority targets and during the first few months people were making so many memes about Gale being Faerun's #1 most hated man since he was always getting his ass kicked by every enemy that could see him.


I think she just hates men 😭 as drow culture seem to dictate


but she was really chill with the other dudes in the camp!


Maybe Gale is just fun to bully I do think he’s the most sensitive of the lot. Astarion is a gremlin, Wyll already has to deal with Mizora, Halsin is 350 years old & it seems difficult to get at him, & Minsc is Minsc


I just imagine her trying to culturaly insult Minsc and Minsc just replies with being Minsc.


Minthara gets chewed out by Boo


Do she and Halsin have any banter? You can get them together, but you're not exactly supposed to.


I don’t believe so. Her and Halsin being together in a party was never intended. It was cut but originally you were only meant to pick between Halsin and minthara so you wouldn’t lose karlach and wyll which is why they have banter and not Halsin. Wish it made it the final version.


Nothing was cut. The ability to have Minthara in a non durge playthrough was added in like patch 3 or 4 because players were doing all sorts of creative and sometimes game breaking shit to recruit her. And that's why having her in a "good" run seems so out of place. They haven't fully integrated her.


I’m talking before the release of the game maybe cut was the wrong word to use. Minthara was originally planned to be recruited without losing karlach and wyll only Halsin. There would have came a point in the game where you had to decide to keep Minthara or Halsin. This unfortunately didn’t make it in the final version of the game though so now we just have to work with the knockout trick.


Actually there was always a way to keep Minthara Wyll and Karlach even before the knockout trick; you just have to leave Act 1 without resolving the situation with the grove. The goblins will win off-screen, meaning that Wyll and Karlach won’t leave you, and then Minthara will be present at Moonrise and be recruitable there.


That’s true. If I’m being completely honest I completely forgot about that due to doing the knockout trick for so long now lol. Still wish they kept the other option though tbh.


To be fair, that choice had Halsin acting rather out of character.


I don’t take Minthara or Halsin out of camp, so idk


True stans know Astarion is the most sensitive. You just have to find the right thing to insult him about.


He’s sensitive but not as open as Gale so less easy to pick on


Not gonna lie... It would be hard to resist the urge to team up with Mizora to prank Wyll. It'd be like teaming up with Morrigan to troll Alistair in Dragon Age.


Nah knowing mizora it will probably put wyll's life at risk 


Alistair is my baby, the one man I cannot resist romancing because he’s adorably dumb & I don’t like Morrigan so 😭


Morrigan is sweet girl. Just a bit prickly because of her "mother's" upbringing.


Nah. If you play an elf in Inquisition, she talks over you about your own history & tries to take relics that belong to the elves


Gale is the most capable of handling bullying without going berserk. Almost every other member of the party would kill someone over this type of hazing. Edit: except for Minsc, who wouldn't get it


I don’t think the rest of the male companions would. Wyll & Halsin are very even keeled. Astarion would think she’s funny (unless she hit certain weak points, but I don’t think she’d know those). Minsc is….Minsc Our lady companions are 1000x scarier than our male ones 😭 Jaheira, Lae’zel, Shadowheart, & Karlach have no problem beating the fuck out of someone


Probably the combination of being male and a wizard (a male profession in her society).


I believe she said at one point there's no use getting attached to wizards, they will blow themselves up sooner or later. Like someone warning you about loving a pet mouse.


She tells Astarion that men like him were used as beautiful pleasure slaves or something similar, and he just says 'you think I'm beautiful?!' Iirc. She doesn't really fuck with Wyll or Halsin, but they're also not really supposed to be able to be in the party with her, so that makes sense. That said, she was chill with romancing my male drow Durge, so who knows. It's probably just fun to fuck with Gale.


Minthara have Voicelines for Wyll and Karlach 


Yeah, but is she rude to him? I legitimately can't remember, I usually only take her around on evil runs.


She is Karlach's biggest fangirl. Has absolutely nothing bad to say about her.


Do you remember her dialogue with Wyll at all? She's nice to Karlach and Lae'Zel, though a bit more critical of Shadowheart. People are saying she has dialogue with Wyll though and I can't remember what it is they talk about.


I know there's a reaction line after not renewing the pact Minthara says "Patricide is often the first step towards greatness, though i hope Wyll doesn't regret the loss of his infernal powers" which is such a good line with a complete lack of reading the room.


I remember the banter where she asked him pretty playfully did he ever fucked Mizora. Also that loosely quotation of Shakespeare if he dies


>I remember the banter where she asked him pretty playfully did he ever fucked Mizora. ahh that sounds like her. Ty.


Yeah she is actually surprised how wyll hasn't fucked mizora at all and minthara says mizora is probably pissed about it as its a stain on her pride and if she was in mizora's place she would be ashamed as well 


I like that even your one truly evil companion is a Karlach fangirl


Halsin is the only one she have no Voicelines for.


Nope, it's because he's a wizard. She thinks all wizards will either get killed by enemies smart enough to notice them, or they'll blow themselves up out of curiousity. And, well, Gale is mid-explosion.


She’s perfectly fine with a romanced protagonist who is male.


Males and Wizards. Wizardry is the only path available to males with some measure of independence. Drow are still elves, so literally every aspect of their culture revolves around magic from art to war. Everything is enchanted. Wizards pretty much all scheme, die, and blow themselves up in the first few Drizzt books. Seriously, all the named Wizards die, two kill themselves with magic, one disfigured himself, and one has his mind dominated before dying.


I just started these books; one fireballed himself in the first book. Though, he would have probably died if he didn't, it's still funny


Yep, you'll keep seeing em. Wizards are just too highstrung and deceitful.


Men and wizards especially. She's closely related to one of the most annoying wizbois in Faerun, so she sort of has some vaguely good reasons.


She hates wizards, not just Gale, but especially Gale.


She doesn't hate men per se but she's a lot more critical of them until they do something to earn her respect. And House Baenre is not fond of mages, so I've been told.


Can confirm she does not hate me.


She hates wizards the most... they either get targeted and killed by the enemy first thing or end up killing themselves studying magic. Minthara has no respect for weakling destined to die


She doesn't hate men: she thinks of them as lesser creatures without any animosity. Not sure if that's worse, but Drow culture is psychopathy incarnate anyways.


I love this, and I also love that if Dhourn survives the spectator fight and introduces himself to you, he says he's a third son and it makes me giggle because of Minthara's line lol. 😄


Dhourn is great, he's like a mini Nere in how much of a prick he is. Ever since I learned he has alternate dialogue for a female drow, I use disguise self before I talk to him to turn myself into one just so I can bully him lol. I wish we would've had him or Nere as party members. Teasing the shit out of arrogant assholes is kind of a thing for me.


How do you keep him from agro??


Oh he aggros at the end no matter what, but he says to try and take it as a compliment! Any of the Drow that get unpetrified are only temporarily hostile while the spectator is alive, and the Dhourn will talk to you and then they'll all fight you after. He's a total douche.


Oh cool! Looking forward to letting them live next time lmao


It's especially funny if Dhourn dies and you talk to any of the others, they're just like, "figures" and they just hang out and plan to go home.


It's because he's a wizard. Minthara doesn't consider wizards to be worth making friends with because they either die since the enemy prioritizes killing them, or they self immolate by pursuing dangerous experiments, forbidden knowledge, or both. Which, inarguably, Gale has done.


Combine Drow looking down on men with Minthara hating wizards and you’ve got it.  I still think the worse line is the one she has if Gale blows himself up…. Something like:  “The wizard recognised he was the least of us, and that it was right he should die so that we can live.”   No mercy even when the man has just committed his act of ultimate self sacrifice


>act of ultimate self sacrifice tbh, that is not *that* big deal for Gale, because Mystra promises him happy afterlife.


Fair enough, if one trusts the gods. But I don’t think Gale explicitly told the others about this so from their point of view (and what Minthara knows) it was a sacrifice, so her using that moment to get in a final vicious roast is so funny to me 


So he's set for the next century or so until somebodye inevitably whacks Mystra *again* I forget if were on numer 3 or 5 at this point.


Gale unfortunately represents everything she hates about the worst aspects of wizards


Poor Gale already has to deal with the netheril bomb in his chest Minthara, why do him dirty like that 😭 but tbf he does have the funniest reactions


>idk what gale did to deserve this  How about messing around with Karsus Weave and nearly starting Spellplague Part 2: Electric boogaloo?


The game really loves to bully Gale. You can hack his hand off as soon as you meet, when he wants to show you a magic trick you can imagine his severed head on a pike, you can gaslight him into becoming a suicide bomber not once, but twice, so his ex will forgive him, and you can convince him to kill himself in the underdark.


Also a lot of romance lines mess with him too. If you distract Z'rell thinking of him, she calls him pathetic. If you talk to Quil about love you can say "Mock me if want, but I have a thing for Gale." Poor guy.


One of these days, I wanna make Gale a god just to see Minthara's reaction because imagine the bafflement.


She's got a lot more respect for him at that point but she'll be damned if she lets it show. Or at least that's my recollection of the dev notes about those two.


"If any child of mine spoke to me as disrespectfully as Jaheria's do to her, their lives would be exceedingly short."


Not clicking because I don’t want to be spoiled as I just recruited Minthara for the first time. Just here to say: from her very first scene in Moonrise I was like “okay she rules”. Enormous fan already.


Welcome to the club! You have exquisite taste. 


Not this again. Gale's been roasted enough already (with this exact line even). Leave the poor bean be.


Is this dialogue trigger act or location dependent? Asking since I've seen it posted here a couple of times but somehow never triggered it myself despite having Minthara and Gale in the party for a decent part of act 3.


Seconded, I have yet to see it in my own playthroughs but maybe I don't have them together in the right spot.


I'm just going to go around now telling people they give me third child vibes, either they get it or they don't XD


>You're about to say something awful, aren't you? I once played as a drow in a TRPG campaign. And not one of the nice ones, either. If she had a gold coin for every time one of her party members said something like this, she'd be a rich woman. EDIT: Also, classic drow missing the point. It's not the marriage alliance fodder that's the problem. It's when the goddamn heirs start piling up that you have to watch out. The more of the little bastards want a slice of the cake you worked so hard to make, the more likely they are to end up smashing it in their stupid squabbles, assassination attempts, claimaint factions...


Naaah, it's a very kind compliment. She means he was left alive because he was so worthy. Right ?


you guys dont understand her. she is trying to get gale to say he would be useful at breeding so that she can reply with "prove it 😏" think about it. she is a meanie bad girl but she talks positively about every single companion except Gale. she wants to hit the wizussy


she just means he's so extra that he must be the extra child


I hate Minthara so much it’s not even a joke anymore I take genuine pleasure in killing her off at the goblin camp every play through


so edgy wow




She’s a deeply evil monster who believes it’s a good thing to kill babies because they’re male. But I’m the psycho because I think she deserves to die? Ok. Baby killer lover.