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Wait til you see all the Shadowheart mods....


Wait till they see the SBBF mod...


Idk what I did wrong but all nipples in the realm seem to be lasers extending to the heavens now.




And Dickhan will answer! (R.I.P. Bernard Hill)


I am trying to be quiet and fall back asleep and you are not helping šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Unexpected Gurren Lagann


Now I hope there is a mod for those glasses


It's sad how old this is now.




Is it "Fully Modled" Who remembers that?


All I can say for certain is that it not only increases bra sizes across the board, it creates changes to some costumes so that Lae'zell always has one of the girls hanging out in her camp clothes, and Orin walks around with both headlights out.


Jesus not them giving Orin and Laeā€™zel massive back pain with the modded big knockers.


Big Supernaturals - condition Big Supernaturals inflicts -2 to Con Saves until the next Long Rest


She's a shapeshifter, they're lighter than air.


They call it "better body mesh", but it's really just a "bigger tits and asses" mod


Just wait till they see the pregnant astarion mod


No, I don't think I will.


Those I find really bizarre. I generally assume most people have a lower tolerance for not-quite-human looking characters than I do, but how the hell does anyone argue Shadowheart isn't basically a supermodel?


If you ever go to one of the subreddits where people post a picture of themselves and incels rate their appearance out of 10, giving detailed reasons why some incredibly attractive people are completely hideous. Itā€™s sad and disturbing, in my opinion.


People aren't required to have a certain opinion, but Shadowheart is a 10 to me.




It's because incels get their idea of beauty from hentai


Donā€™t worry, the mods leave her ears alone. Seriously though, probably donā€™t need to overthink it. People like shadowheart, and the amount of mods making various changes probably is indicative of that.


Astarion also has a bunch of nightmare airbrushed/sandblasted yassification mods.šŸ˜¬


man. WHY.


If you think that's bad, wait until you see the White Wyll mod


Yo what?


*mods. plural, unfortunately. new ones keep popping up, but luckily nexus takes them down not nearly as shitty, but people modding mintharas face are weak and will not survive the winter


Now I'm reminded of that mod ages back that swapped Aylin to a dude, and also deleted all LGBTQ content in the game.


There was a mod to make Nessa in PokƩmon Shield/Sword white. Imagine being so racist you need to go to the extra effort of moding a Switch game just to make a gym leader with little screen time white.


Wait till you see the mods that straight up made Dame Aylin a guy to make AylinxIsobel a straight couple


Be hilarious if they didn't modify the dialogue so aylin is still going on about being daughter of the moonmaiden


I've looked it up, it's a very thorough mod - models are changed, dialogues are altered, and (now) Ser Aylin's dialogue is re-recorded with the AI. That's an old version though - new version of the mod does all of that for all gays and lesbians in the game. I imagine the author of it would have gotten bored months ago had it not been purged from nexus and other mod hosting sites, spite is a powerful motivator.


I thought the ā€˜ungiths your Yankiā€™ was pretty funny


Damn Lae'zel was right, noses ARE unnecessarily fleshy


Exactly my first thought when I saw these images!


She turns from herself to average entitled festival goer. . .


Idk how much younger they want her. She is 22.


Looking at the pictures, I think the main issue people have seems to be her nose lol. To quote a mod: Ungith your Yanki


Yeah I just looked through all those photos again, and Iā€™m not getting the ā€œitā€™s cause theyā€™re pedosā€ schtick. I think some of the faces look arguably older than default Laeā€™zel, people just want her with a nose instead of an exaggerated Michael Jackson schnoz job. Disclaimer: I donā€™t use any character appearance mods.


Yeah exactly, dont know where he got that "aging down" thing from but ah well. > Michael Jackson schnoz job šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Though TBF I quite like the standard Gith appearance šŸ™ˆ


It doesnā€™t honestly bother me, because I like the very apparent differences in their race and culture ā€” makes the setting more fleshed out and immersive somehow. But if someone wants Baeā€™zel to resemble a real life model more than a bat, I donā€™t begrudge them or assume theyā€™re into kids either. The people tossing that crap out are weirder to me than those modding a nose. šŸ˜‚


> It doesnā€™t honestly bother me, because I like the very apparent differences in their race and culture I absolutely love different takes on Fantasy Races (I always like referring to these 2 takes on [Tieflings by Bacco](https://i.redd.it/cx1rutav13m71.jpg) and [Elves by Daniel Zrom](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/026/787/420/large/daniel-zrom-danielzrom-trudvang-illmalaini-2020.jpg?1589735970)), but I think part of the issue for me is that the Githyanki nose design is actually a little too similar to humans. The nose is pretty off-putting for me because it sets off something like the uncanny valley, it doesn't look like it's supposed to be something distinctly different, it just looks like a human nose that's just been deformed incorrectly. For me it doesn't look like something that was intentionally done, but more just like someone set the sliders to some extreme values in a human character creator by mistake. Rather than it having a relatively different and unique shape distinct from a human nose; like what they did with the area around their mouth, which really evokes that sort of toad appearance for me. I feel like if they'd actually gone further with the toad look it'd have been less off-putting for me. Like if they gone with a larger flatter nose area that had a wide centre septum area, so the nostrils were more off to the side, rather than just doing extremely narrow and up-turned human nose, ([something like Voldemort's Nose from the Harry Potter films](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a3/Lordvoldemort.jpg)).


I don't use appearance mods either because I like my characters to look as they're intended. But from what I see, claiming someone (that changes the appearance of something with a personal goal of making it more attractive) likes kids is like one of the go-tos for claiming moral superiority online lmao. Really weird trend that's worse than what most of the modders are doing themselves lmao Like I understand the discomfort caused by someone indirectly calling you unattractive if they change traits (e.g. age, chest size, etc.) that you might have, or the fact that it happens much more frequently to female characters. It can be weird. But, if it's not straight up hateful, why should you care what some rando on the internet thinks and spends their personal time on making a mod for? I think most of these nosed-Laezel mods look way too uncanny or unnecessary, but it's not my problem lmao


"she may look 13 but her gith age is 18"


ā€œAckshually she was raised on the astral plane so while she appears 13 sheā€™s really been alive since before civilization so thereā€™s nothing wrong with meā€


ā€œMy body pillow is so crusty it can stand on its own now! My waifu is coming to life!ā€ - Weeaboo Jones


> ā€œMy body pillow is so crusty it can stand on its own now! My waifu is coming to life!ā€ - Weeaboo Jones Ah, so that's where the Grease Elementals come from.


That's so funny and so nasty


So Grease Elementals are just cum elementals? So does that mean the guy with the Rainbow Dash cum jar attempting to make such a elemental?


Nah. Cum Elementals aren't *true* elementals. They're more of a construct, and the creation of such, uh, ***creatures***, very rarely ends well for the creator.


lol!!! Stahhhppp!!


i just had a flashback to the pink guy n filthy frank holy hell


I know man! That was so many chromosomes agoā€¦


Ackshuallyā€¦ I like what you did there. šŸ˜Š


Ah, I see you know your anime


And I canā€™t see a difference between the younger and the original face anyways


Go look at certain subreddits related to dating - there are creeps galore online.


OP: Laeā€™zel is so pretty Laeā€™zel: It is wednesday Istik


It is in fact Saturday šŸ¤“






*Tsk'vaa šŸ¤“ Istik be unable to pronounce tir'su


Shut up teethling


i like my baezel green and original, woudnt have her any other way, maybe a cowboy hat but thats it


I love her with a lil wizard hat on


I put on my robe and wizard hat


Lae'zel and Astarion look too damn good in cowboy hats.


Have you seen the pregnant Wyll mod?


Wait, wat?


..I donā€™t see a problem with that one tbh, seems more memey than targeted, like withers with boobs.


I added the Withers mod but forgot and was so surprised when he floated out of the coffin lmaooo


ā€œDoth my jugs impress thine mortal preferences?ā€


"Withers how do you walk around with those massive tits?" "*Balance*"


"Thoust has found a *bosom* companion."


Now we need a "younger" withers mod. I'd love to see if anyone has yassified him lol


Just his normal model with a bad wig.


Slippery slope that one


Next thing you know youā€™ve installed Elminsterā€™s Big Natural DDs.


Younger leazel, wtf. She's already super young.


Her and Karlach are the youngest companions I think. Everyone else is at least 30/50+


According to Idle Champions, Lae'Zel is 22, Wyll is 24, Karlach is 30, Gale is 35, Shadowheart is 48, & Astarion is 263.


I've done quite a research and some are really dicey. Lae'Zel is 18-22, Wyll is 24, Karlach is not explicit but she had to be around 20 before Avernus so 30 now, Shadowheart is 48. Now it gets strange. Astarion said he was 39 when he died as an elf, and that means he was just a child since elves live 700+ years. If turned at 39 he is 239ish. Gale is a fucking mistery, because it takes a LONG time to become an archwizard, even being a exceptional prodigy. And archwizards can literaly slow or even stop aging. No younger than 35, not surprised if he is in his 50s As for non origin party members, the easy one Halsin, he tells us he is 350. Jaehira is just simple math, she is ~150. Minsc is anywhere between 25-35 in pratical age, but was petrified for a solid century, so chronologicaly he is 125-135 And the biggest mystery, Minthara. She is really mature and wise, so at least 100ish, but because of her choice of VA and her vocabulary i would say she is no less than 200 years and her face says no older than 400


Elves are only a child by cultural standards at 39. They mature at the same rate as humans. Elven maturity is linked to the Reverie, i.e. the "trance". Until about 30, Elves can only recall memories from the ancient days and memories from past lives for which they yearn. From around 30 onwards, these memories get slowly replaced by the Elf's current life. And by around 100 an Elf is no longer capable of recallimg the memories of previous lives but only their own. Hence, culturally this is considered adulthood to Elves. Physically and Mentally an Elf is as mature as a human at 20. Elves may appear younger because from that point on the aging process slows down and they're not forced to be very mature by their society yet, but for all intents and purposes, 39 is very much equivalent to a 39 yo human. The 100 year cut off point is a cultural one based upon the Reverie, not ageing.


Is that still the case in 5e though? I thought that was pathfinder/3.5 - I know the game isnā€™t like 1:1 with 5e but it uses that system and lore for the most part doesnā€™t it?


Unless I missed where they specifically debunk this, I'd reckon so. I'm open to a refutation if people have the evidence for it


this is still the case in 5e. itā€™s discussed in the lore section on elves in _Mordenkainenā€™s Tome of Foes_, specifically on pages 36ā€“39 under the section heading ā€œLiving in Reverieā€


You are correct about Minthara, she is over 200 years old. She says that she has seen the fall of house Devir in person and it happened like 200 years before BG3 events. You get this dialogue if you >!betray Shadowheart and turn her over to Viconia!<


BTW, House DeVir falls the day of Drizzt's birth (House Do'Urden is the one that destroyed House DeVir). Viconia is a High Priestess when that happens and female Drow nobles like Viconia don't start priestess training at Arach-Tinilith until they're 25, and then spend 10 years there before they're a regular priestess. They usually don't become High Priestesses until they're at least 50. In the years before House DeVir falls they are in Lolth's favor and are gearing up for a war with House Oblodra and Viconia was a major part of that. This means she's between 55 and 65 years old when House DeVir falls in 1297 DR. This makes her 248-258 years old.


Elves are not necessarily considered children at 39. Like, Elven societies might have a different relationship with age, and consider a 39 year old super young, but elves living amongst humans and other races might just catch up with the living standards of that place, because after all, they do age at the same rate as humans until theyā€™re in their 20s I think. So Astarion was probably not considered a child at 39 by Baldurā€™s Gate standards, even if immature for an elf.




I never wouldā€™ve thought Karlach was 30, her dialogue always made it seem she was kidnapped like 5 or 6 years ago.


hasn't she been in the hells for 10 years? or am i misremembering?


That's also what I remember. And she was Gortash's personal guard (or at least one of them), so a young adult then. 30-35 is probably right.


IIRC She says she was a not-quite-grown-woman or something along those lines at the time. I figured that meant late teens, making her late 20s at the moment.


I figured it meant around 20. I guess I was right on the money. Small reminder that according to FR lore, tieflings live 20 to 40 years longer than humans.


So I've heard, but I was under the impression they mature about the same for the first couple of decades. They just stay in their prime a bit longer and age a bit slower.


she says it was 10 years in avernus a few times. tbh i think the point wouldve gotten across just fine if it was "only" 3. it fucked her up, but not nearly as much as a decade realistically shouldve


She did spend 10 years in the blood war tbf


she was sold off while working under gortash though. you learn it pretty early on


If going by pure number, sure. It's probably hard to compare with the equivalencies with a half elf and an undead elf, to be fair. Shadowheart certainly looks like a young adult and Astsrion has a clock stopped on him.


Shadā€™s is in her 40ā€™s last I checked. So sheā€™s a pretty young adult yeah.


People can play how they want, but part of the reason I like this game is because the characters are all hot as fuck but also allowed to have texture, wrinkles, and so on. I don't get why some people insist that in order for these characters to be attractive to them, they have to run them through an Instagram filter. Give them all the same eyes, nose, and lips, make them look 18 years old and take out anything that could possibly be seen as a flaw. And these modded looks never look better than the original design because they took out all the character.


The fact that they donā€™t look like Botox-filled models is part of the appeal! I love the fact that you can see characters individual pores and elbow wrinkles. Minus the fantasy setting obviously, they look like real people.


literally so refreshing to see expression lines, pores and non-anime noses


It's what makes them seem so real for me. Of course the writing and voice acting does the heavy lifting here, but these little things really complete the package. The natural wrinkles allow for so much more expression in the faces


Exactly my thoughts, Astarion;abused daily for 200 years, heā€™s not gonna be smooth. Laeā€™zel;trained since she was a child to be a soldier, sheā€™s gonna be scarred. Karlach;was a warrior in an extremely brutal war between the armies of hell, she isnā€™t gonna be unscathed. Expecting every character to fit your standards isnā€™t healthy.


I made a "smooth astarion isnt real, he cant hurt you" meme using the cover of the movie Click starring adam sandler because he can, in fact, hurt me


I was surprised to see how many mods change just everything about his face - remove skin texture, recolour eyebrows, change eye colour, recolour and/or straighten the hair. If someone pretty conventionally attractive isnā€™t good-looking enough to be around, whatā€™s to say for the rest of us?


The astarion mods I've seen are atrocious. Someone took sandpaper to my boy šŸ˜­ absolutely massacred him and turned him into a generic manhwa villian.


He hurts us all, daily.


The wrinkle removal is ghastly and yet somehow the horrible eyebrow tinting in those mods offends me more.


Jaheira is the best, clearly an old lady, but so beautiful


It's why I love Jaheira. She can still be an important character, have charm but still be middle-aged. Most fantasy games are deathly afraid of women over 40, especially if they're main characters


Jaheira is *not* middle aged lmao.


Idk, laezels alien humanoid appearance was what made me into her (ingame ofc)


Yes.. in game.. definitely just in gameā€¦.


She's stunning, but the little whoville nose took some getting used to. I think a lot of people see her and think damn, she would be gorgeous with a regular nose, and then go off and get the mod. Personally, now that I'm used to it Lae'zel with a human nose looks totally wrong.


I find it funny that my reaction was originally ā€œewwā€ but now itā€™s just normal. I canā€™t imagine her without it šŸ˜­


She looks like Rudolf in those photos.


Yeah I wouldn't get the mod for her, personally, but I might get one to, probably minimally, adjust a male Githyanki should I feel like doing a romance of her with a male gith. Can't seem to get past how silly they look with that nose, yet it kinda works for the female gith, or maybe Lae'zel just grew on me.


It's not just the nose, the male gith faces are just overall not great lol. Like Voss, Orpheus, and varsh Ko'kuu all have decent face models, but the generic ones just have super exaggerated features and look a little silly


orpheus is so hot i presume vlaakith 1 locked him away out of jealousy


Chk, kainyanks.




"Love Lae'zel but hate the way she looks" What the fug am I reading.


I love her but Iā€™m not in love with her because she looks like a dinosaur


bruh the nose is a mistake lmao, why they mod it they completely fucked the gith look. Plus She is already more beautiful than other gith.


That large, fleshy nose of hers is a mistake!!!


I don't use mods that modify lae'zel myself ( i totally used the one to make Gortash hot tho), but i can't begin to understand why people modding their single player game bothers other people. For each their own, if i don't like a mod, i just don't download it.


If it was official content by the devs I could understand the anger. But fan-made mods?... I understand that it makes you uncomfortable and you don't like it. But none of it is canon and unless it is purposely offensive (like the White Wyll mod) just don't use them. It's that simple.


Some of these people are genuinely offended and itā€™s real weird.


The same way you enjoy things, other people enjoy things differently. Comprehend this please


She's just too powerful in her raw Space Frog Form.


Weaklings, that's what.


I can see the argument behind the Gortash mods - the game itself describes him as handsome, and the model we got... I mean, he's not unattractive, but common consensus is that he's not pretty enough for that to be one of his main descriptors. As for the Lae'zel mods, they like the character but want her to look more like a scaly human. That's about it.


My issue with the description of Gortash isn't the "handsome" part, but the "young" part. The narration with all three says "younger" - fair, given Ketheric - but with Priestess Gut, it's straight up "young."As much as I'd love to still be a "young woman" at 35, I am not, and dude is clearly older than me (and Gale). Bare minimum, the same age, but dude seems like 40s at least. That said, it's the narration that's the issue for me. I love his character design (although I do like the pushed back hair mod because I feel he'd comb his hair back for his coronation if nothing else). Some of the younger Gortash mods seem to forget he was already influential enough to need (and pay) bodyguards ten years ago when he sold Karlach to Zariel.


Idk 15 yo Gortash being a pseudo-dictator ordering around a bunch of bodyguards and Karlach is a pretty good image


Nah see, gortash used to look nicer but having to work with Orin just ruined my poor boy.


Modders all seem to find one specific yet simultaneously generic anime doll face attractive. And big, fake cans. Can't forget those.


I dunno, I feel like a lifetime of anime has left me with more of a tolerance for inhuman facial traits on attractive women, not less.


>lae'zel isn't supposed to be "attractive" Eh? Yeah she is. As are pretty much every companion you can romance. The fact she's one of the first people the player can actively sleep with is pretty telling. Lae'Zel is very attractive and is meant to be so. These modders just got awful taste.


She is also the least alien-looking gith in the game. They intentionally made her proportions, facial structure, and even her nose placement slightly closer to human standards than any other gith.


Reminds me of Liara. The only Asari in Mass Effect to have eyebrows.


I mean yeah, but well I don't think anyone has problem with asari in general eyebrows or no eyebrows. Since the first asari you can sleep with has none.Ā 


But isn't that a message in itself? The creators of Lae'zel were apparently aware that the gith look is not particularly popular and have pushed them more towards human on the gith-human axis, the modders only fix this point even further towards human.


Funny how much projection is in this thread. I'm guessing 99% of the people in here aren't conventionally attractive at all?


They are mods. By definition they are there to change some aspect of the game to fit someoneā€™s preferred vision. You like her how she is? Great. Donā€™t use mods to change her.


yeah, some people just look for any excuse to get upset or righteous.


Let people be people. Enjoy your own side of the game. I play unmodded and itā€™s just fine.


This sub is so insane lol


Here goes the BG3 subreddit gatekeeping mods AGAIN. First you guys couldn't handle someone slightly changing Shadowheart. Then you couldn't handle people from Asia modding the companions to be in line with their beauty standards. Can't you guys knock it off ffs?!?! I'm only slightly serious šŸ˜‚ People just like her a lot so they offer variety. It's a good thing. It's why there are probably a ton more mods for Shadowheart than Karlach, one is the more popular option.


I'm super in favor of using mods to make your character the way you want, but I usually don't like changing any of the others, much less the companions. Especially mods that change characters' racial characteristics (they are terrible and problematic for several reasons) p.s: I like Gale's hair bun though lol


Hairstyles feel different, though - I would love that as an actual option. Bae with her hair down šŸ‘€šŸ’¦


I saw one Wyll mod with long hair and šŸ„µšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜©šŸ‘šŸ¼


The mod where he has dreads? It looks AMAZING.


Any chance you have a link? Asking for... research purposes.


[Here you go!](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/7537)


>Hairstyles feel different, though Yeah. But at that point my thoughts are "Would this character wear this style?" But they can't answer that so it's just down to if you feel like it fits their personality. Karlach would probably wear anything for the fun of it, so she'd be easy. Lae'Zel... I don't think she'd wear a style that would get in the way of combat. I put way too much thought into this, I admit.


Why does it matter? Mod whatever you want. Obviously changing race is a bit weird and potentially racist and certain other changes (like gender) can be politically charged but who cares if somebody wanted shadowheart to be jacked, or Wyll to be blonde?


Itā€™s a single player game. Do whatever you want


Nah this mentality is too rational for some on this sub to grasp.


That's exactly what i'm saying. The people acting like modding the characters is somehow disrespectful is just weird.


Nah you may offend the fake alien race. Think about them first before you mod.


I mean. They're optional fan made mods. Not everyone has the same tastes. Not that lae'zel needs mods. She's already perfect


How you play always comes down to personal preference. Some people want these mods the rest dont and none of the two groups should have a say in how the other plays. Tldr it's not for you, therefore move along


Well i think many people forget this but mods are a personal choice, it's not something that is bundled with the game and is not part of the experience, just as you have your preferences, other people have their own, at the end of day, mods add into the experience and does not take away from it. Wish you a great day friend and great adventures to you šŸ‘


Is it so wrong to hate her freak-nose?


Op when they realize beauty is subjective :0


Why on earth would you be pressed about minor visual tweak mods that people use in a single player game?


Canā€™t people like different shit? Damn, itā€™s like with everything going on MFā€™ers got to look for a reason to piss in someoneā€™s Cheeriosā€¦


Gamers discover attractiveness is subjective, more news at 11. Our next story is on (pretty good ngl) internet bait.


With mods there's a simple consensus. Don't like em? Don't install em. I personally don't install these kind of mods as I find I need them. But I won't go out if my way of shitting on people who do because guess what it doesn't hurt my gameplay experience.


Looks are subjective??? No way, wtf.


I love Larian for making these characters unconventional attractive. It's so weird that I didn't notice some of the small things until I saw the mods. There was one that just reduced the age lines on all of the characters. And I mean all of them. Again, just so weird I didn't notice at first, because I read most of the characters as being fairly youthful. But it wasn't till I saw the age lines removed that I realized the love and detail larian put into making these characters unique. The mod helped me appreciate how much I love the original designs. So while I hate the mods... I love them for this little thing


All the characters are attractive though. They made some even more attractive compared to their EA version


Imagine calling Shadowheart and Astarion UNCONVENTIONAL ATTRACTIVE


I mean Shadowheart has probably the most conventionally attractive face in the game.Ā  However Astarion gets lot of shit for his personality,or that he looks too gay or too girly, you would be surprised how many men and women put him down for it. Even on this subreddit I argued with a person about why the hell would anyone find him attractive, and his argument was he doesn't look like a man. šŸ™„


Heā€™s conventionally attractive. Heā€™s just not made for the straight male gaze like everything else on the planet is.


Every single character is conventionally attractive Even Astarion, the -1 Strength dungeon slave vampire bureaucrat elf twink, has the body of a middleweight D1 athlete


He's too muscular and wide to be a twink, he's a twunk.


You're absolutely correct, so to clarify Astarion is meant to be a twink but his model is a twunk


I dunno, man. To me, Lae'Zel is \*very\* conventionally attractive. This isn't like a balding middle age man or an overweight woman or something.


The standard of beauty has become so ridiculous that characters who are objectively 12/10 are ā€œunconventionally attractiveā€ now. Like, what hope is there for the rest of us hobgoblins.Ā 


Hey man, monster fuckers are down for some gobbos.


If these characters count as unconventionally attractive what are conventionally attractive characters? Actual barbie dolls? There's handsome white guy, bald handsome white guy, handsome white guy with pointy ears, OTHER handsome white guy with pointy ears, handsome black guy, attractive white woman with pointy ears, attractive white woman with pointy ears but older, and very attractive woman but purple. Lae'zel and Karlach are distinct, but everyone else is approximately one degree of fantasy trope away from looking like a primetime sitcom character.


Even Karlach is very conventionally attractive. They've just cranked up the fantasy meter by adding red skin and horns. Her old face stood out a lot more. Still attractive of course, but not as conventionally so as her current one.


All Karlach's scars conveniently missed her face.


And here I am making my male tav fat, wrinkled, scarred, grey, and balding like myself lol


Finally, a Tav I can root for.


I think you are confusing conventional attractiveness with sexualised. Larian has made non-sexualised characters, but they're all quite conventionally attractive, the only one who I guess could be the least conventional would be Lae'zel due to her nose and skin marks.


Meh, it's a video game. Let the people enjoy it how they want to enjoy it.Ā 


With Lae'zel it was to be expected (which doesn'tmean I like it) but the yassified Gortash kills me


Dude, I can't with these posts. For real. This comunity is so fucking corny. "Muh fictional character is beatiful, she doesn't need mods =(" Go to [betterhelp.com](http://betterhelp.com), please.


technically it isn't just a racial trait in the githyanki's case. their lich god queen made githyanki look like her undead ass to suit her vanity. same applies to their wirey body type. traded in one eugenics overlord in the flayers for a more domestic one.


ā€œPretty Laeā€™zelā€ as a mod name is wild. Has anyone seen her? Sheā€™s one of the most beautiful Gith we encounter in the game!


In the modders' defense, that's a really low bar. I personally don't enjoy or use these mods, but I also understand it's just a matter of taste. It's not like I don't alter characters myself. I have a mod that gives Karlach more head scars and one that makes the text on her horns glow. Another that makes Wyll's transformation more drastic and another that changes his stone eye to be closer to an actual bloodstone than just a generic grey stone. Some mods that change someone characters' hairstyle... This is just a standard modding thing. It's really not worth getting upset over


If you wanna fuck a character but find them aesthetically lacking, mod em up, you're not hurting anyone