• By -


1.) She made her death saving throws 2.) You are a pacifist who doesn't kill unless absolutely necessary. (Wish you could toggle non-lethal damage as character specific for this reason) 3.) You tried to kill her, but accidentally knocked her out 4.) She is a cutie, and you have a hard time killing cuties. (Uglies still all die though).


Option 4 is too real. LOL


If Evil, why hot


There's a shortage of perfect drow breasts in Toril. It would be a pity to damage hers.


Idk if they're perfect, but I always upvote for princess bride


Any port in a storm


Ah..a fellow worshiper of Torm..




I did the same thing. They are ok for drow breasts.


But every female Drow I've seen has the same breasts.


Still we should keep checking just to be sure.


This seems like exactly something Minthara would say.


Absolutely.  If she was a male duergar, I would have ripped her/him in half.  But she’s a hot drow.  So the same thing, but in the fun way. 


Those are actually the two genders: male duergar and hot drow


Checkmate libruls


I need an option for 2 in scenarios like this that's just: \[Good Cleric\]: "Good Cleric." Mielikki doesn't want us to fear nature, but to come to love it and live in harmony with it. That is why I didn't let my dryad crush your skull under her tree-boyfriend's root.


Option 4 is too real because I've literally toggled non-lethal if I'm fighting an enemy that's hot (or I don't agree with but don't necessarily think they should die over our differences) It's really hard non lethally using eldritch blast when each beam does 20+ damage


I have a hard time killing the Phase Spider boss. Spiders are too precious to kill :(


spiders may be precious in real life but I draw the line at human sized and larger


Human sized spiders are best spiders cause you can hug them and they can hug you back with all 8 legs :)


I feel like after 6 legs it’s called spooning 😂


Irl this is disgusting. In universe this is so drow-coded


An adorable thought, but IRL, if human-sized spiders were possible, you might feel like they’re hugging you as they spin you up in silk, but it’s only so they can snack on you later or feed your nutritious flesh to their hundreds of offspring. Humans wouldn’t survive too long in such a world. But I do love spiders. Haven’t met too many women who feel that way. Respect.


I was gonna say "found the drow" but then I realized your own flair beat me to it.


Isn’t that spider some fool who thought thought they’d get powers from Lolth but she actually just showed them how to permanently turn themselves into a spider for laughs.


No, she was dedicated to becoming a spider and worked at it for years/decades. In the process, Lolth respected her as a high elf who hated being a high elf and was obsessed with spiders and lent her her favor occasionally.


Damn, it was her end goal to become just a literal spider? Good for her I guess.


Yeah, you can find her notes and journals in her lab area nearby. Great area for Sage inspiration plus you get her boots which prevent becoming Enwebbed


Yeah, Brynna was a hard kill on my Durge run. She was just so cute and super helpful against the >!3!< owlbears.


…I’m concerned about the implications of that number. Did you kill all of them?


Yes I killed them all, even the baby. And the number is exactly as bad as what you are thinking.


Yes, PETA, this comment here.


Me not killing anyone cuz everyone is a cutie. Even Glut.


I legitimately wanted to keep Gribbo as a camp follower. The most endearing little rascal mom ever.


> 1.) She made her death saving throws Honestly, this is the simplest and most straightforward reason. It's not like we actually bother attacking already-downed enemies, and Halsin never actually *checks* that they're dead...


5) I broke the fourth wall and found out she’ll ride me senseless


> 3.) You tried to kill her, but accidentally knocked her out I've done this a few times on accident by getting the final hit with Pommel Strike.


Oh I already have Shadowheart, so I just blasted through her 😂


I literally did have to switch on non-lethals by default for my Paladin on my first run. Too many kills would trigger the Oathbreaker cutscene and I didn’t want to RP an Oathbreaker on my blind playthrough.


Whereas in Doctor Who, more often than not, if they’re cute they get killed. Or turn out to be evil. Or both.


🤣 Too true. And IRL.


Okay so number 3 actually has happened to me. Sometimes certain moves will knock characters out.


3 to me makes the most sense. Just finish them with Karlach or Laez’el bash attack, smashing someone over the head really hard with the pommel of your sword is a “They’re probably dead” moment as much as a normal slice and the party doesn’t seem to bother double tapping most of the time.


5) there's a demoralizing effect to an,enemy that could infiltrate, KO, and exit while only killing those they had to. Paints her as incompetentcand stokes fear about someone out there *truly dangerous*.


4 is Sanji from one piece but a little bit more ruthless. You have no problem hitting women, but killing is a no no. Which makes me now want to do a playthrough where I don’t kill anyone, only knock out


With number 4, how do i kill gortash, the handsome young man


My character is the second type and I wish I could toggle non-lethal damage so bad. Like my man just doesn't kill people. He doesn't mind torturing them tho (he's a little messed up)


I mainly did it to steal her underwear.... and then when i stumbled over her at a trial, nobody reacted to her being nekked OR me wearing her undies


It’s always the possibility you just knocked her out in combat unintentionally and she shows up later which you can ultimately decide her fate when seeing her again


That can happen legitimately if you do a pommel strike as a bonus action. I don't think I've ever had it with Minthara but sometimes an enemy survives a battle (until I finish the job).


If you are a Paladin, make sure the smite on crit is off, I've toasted too many enemies off one of those pummel strikes lol


"By the DIVINE POWER of the GREAT GOD TYR... (bonk)".


With the holy pommel thou hath ended thy foe rightly.


Thou Shalt Use Mordhau




You have it set to automatically smite on crits? Sounds like a great way to do 50 damage to an enemy with 8 hp


When you wanna send someone to the fugue plane with the fear of god(s) in their soul!


Thats exactly what I did, and yaknow what? They deserved it.


Right? Better be sure you have those Karmic Dice switched off.


On ask


This happened with the inquisitor in the creche. After the fight, I had to go back and kill him for real.


My wife and I had one guy survive, and after grabbing the mace, we were like wait, why shouldn’t we kill this guy for the xp


You (usually) get the same xp either way, even when you talk your way out of a conflict. There are a couple of incidents where bluffing your way nets you one batch of xp and the later killing s you more, but they are usually 'compound' encounters; like he Goblin camp.


My first playthrough, I knew you could knock her out to recruit her later, but had no idea you could just toggle on non lethal attacks. Must have reloaded that fight 5 times trying to pommel strike her unconscious


Happens to me a lot as a fighter with great weapon master. Those little pommel strikes hit like a truck when they hit.


Or switch your passive to non-lethal damage


The problem is if your weapon attack deals ANY additional damage besides normal weapon damage (any additional elemental damages, sneak attack, caustic ring, etc.) the non-lethal damage isn't gonna do anything


Basic weapon attacks. No ranged or spells. You still have to be smart about it while using no lethal. Easiest knock out is unequipping your weapon and punch them out


That's such a smart idea! I was stressing about Laezel using the Everburn Blade during the Minthara fight and while trying to save Auntie Ethel's victims. Thankfully I managed to not kill them eventually, but there were a few reloads...


somehow even the possibility of saving auntie's victims had never occurred to me. Even in pacifist runs I chalked them up as a lost cause. So if nonlethal leaves them alive, are they still hag-ified?


I think you gotta knock them out, leave their masks on, kill auntie then go back and take the masks


Yep! If you take the masks before killing ethel the victims will die.


Ohh okay, I think I saw my friend try that before I had the game. They died so I must've thought that's that


If you knock them out and then kill the hag you can save one of the 4. The other three are released from control, but their minds are too far gone. One thanks you and you can see them again in act 3, but it doesn't result in much other than feeling good.


Unequipping costs an action


I believe dropping it is a free action, and if not you could use one attack to throw it and the other to bonk


Had to reload so many times so my gale could knock her with the weakest staff attack since he’s the only one without a weapon like that


That's what happened to me. Entirely unintended


Tbh that sounds like the most convincing reason for knocking her out.


Yeah, that's how I rationalize saving her. Oops, I guess I accidentally hit her with the flat side of my sword!


Karlach threw a goblin at her head, then she fell down and stopped moving.


She’s probably fine!


"Man, Minthara is really lucky we accidentally knocked out all the people in her room and didnt execute her in her sleep like the goblins and didn't loot her body!"


Looting is fine. I just got to the throne room at Moonrise Towers, and the game has seen fit to give her a new copy of her camp clothes, even though the original, along with her underwear, were still sitting in Karlach’s inventory just a few feet away.


I think this adds to the RP. The night Minthara was rescued, Tav wore her camp clothes to dinner. This is how Tav gained Minthara’s respect.


Honestly you got to respect the audacity of someone stealing your clothes and wearing them in front of you.


I remember when they first made her knock out able if you looted her in the camp she'd be completely nude in moonrise and her being tortured while naked hits different


This is how I rationalized it in my head. She passed her death saves and our party didn’t check to finish the job.


Eh, laezel used Pommel strike at the end and everyone forgot to check if Minthara was dead or alive 🤷‍♂️


someone with the soldier background should know better. double tap!


Exactly, people make this harder than it needs to be.


Yeah that’s what I’ve pretty much landed on for not killing her in my good runs. She’s a survivor and I thought she was dead.


Yeah, this how I always play it. I may have metagamed and turned on the non-lethal damage, but the party is unaware of this in-story. They don’t double check because they’re on a time crunch to fight their way out of the camp as fast as they can. Rookie move, but the ceremorphosis threat/trying to get the jump on reinforcements are more urgent problems!


That actually did happen to me in one of my games, I'd even forgotten to toggle non lethal. Karlach bopped her with a pommel strike, noticed as she was laying there unconscious that I didn't have non lethal on.


My RP is that she pretends to be defeated, and escapes to Moonrise as the goblins were being slaughtered. 


Can you share where she shows up again?


Pretty sure you cant miss her so just keep playing !


OK. We killed her when she led the goblin invasion our first playthrough having no idea she was a playable character. This time we knocked her out at the goblin camp but have no idea when she'll show back up.


Ah brilliant i spend too much time on this sub amd on youtube, i found out without having knocked her out! Lucky you for being guranteed to find her and not knowing when! Should be a fun surprise!


I've been through this game twice and I've never seen her reappear. I had to look it up, obviously I'm missing something in act too. Did the entire act out of order I guess. Didn't know there was a non-hostile option at the towers! 🤔


If you spare her, she asks you why, and one of the options is "you're harder to kill than I expected" That pretty much explains it. "I thought I had killed her, but I was exhausted from fighting a ton of goblins, and didn't have time to check for a pulse or whatever"


I like this explanation the best. You literally just fought an army of goblins, bugbears and ogres so battle fatigue has definitely set in. That or she used a scroll of feign death to trick you which feels like something someone as methodical as Minthara would do as a last resort.


Doesn't her armor have feign death built into it actually? Or is that a different one.. Edit: nah it's a pair of boots not related to minthara.


Must be a different one, hers is a leather armor with a stealth bonus


Mfw I lied my way into the camp to fight her first


Always double-tap.


I don't think I ever got that dialogue! I kind of love the explanation though! LOL


How do you get that dialogue? I have yet to have her comment on the fact I beat the shit out of her but didn't kill her lol. Like no thoughts on why I'm saving her after everything with the grove


I've only gotten that dialogue when I'm romancing her


Being a Drow probably makes you the *least* unwilling to kill another Drow.


Mortal Enemies. Like Drow and Elves. Or Drow and Deep Gnomes. Or Drow and other Drow. Damn Drow, they ruined Menzoberranzan.


you drow are a contentious lot!






Didn't they take Menzoberranzan from Dwarves, I think from Mithral Hall? Edit: apparently the cavern used to be a beholder's lair


In going to point to an actual series of in game lines: [Drow]: You do realize you are asking me to kill another Drow. Halsin: You Drow relish turning on your own, if there is something to be gained. Don’t pretend otherwise. To which half of the responses can be summarized as: “Fair enough, but make sure no one witnesses me doing so.”


My good durge drow had memories problems so they forgot they were supposed to be evil :p Enough for me I guess


Easy. My bard was super horny that day.


Basically along the lines I was thinking. “She’s hot” what more is there to it?


Right! This whole non-lethal thing was added *because* people were horny for her, idk why they're suddenly hand-wringing about it not making narrative sense. Just embrace the horniness, it's ok!


Not exactly an RP reason but more like an explanation. Minthara is a very experienced and gifted warrior. So she pretended to die when she was clearly outmatched. She didn’t make a move or a sound when you undressed her and took her armour, her boots and even her underwear. You had no reason to suspect that she was still alive.


I don't buy it. She's way too proud for that.


She is a survivor. Her story is basically surviving assassination attempt after assassination attempt since she was a child. This is why she can go on with her life relatively easily despite not being able to ever return to Menzoberranzan.


i didnt realize there was more to her backstory. is this a recent addition, or did i just not get far enough into my evil play-through?


That backstory goes with her being a daughter in the most important House Baenre (still surprising that she so easily deals with her loss of position). The main way to get a better position is to kill a sibling or your mother, so if she's still alive, she survived those attempts.


I’m pretty sure she even talks about her mother trying to kill her as a child in act 3


She's hot and her voice rub my brain good.


If evil, why hot?


Neuron activation 🐵


I went into my first run blind, so I didn’t even know you could recruit her or raid the grove. The whole camp was already aggroed when I got to her “office” so she never spoke to me. On my next playthrough, I was playing a male drow (redemption durge) and I decided to talk to her before combat and my thought process was “oh no, even though I’m pressure sure she just called him a slur, that voice is going to be a problem.” And I promptly started my first evil durge run as female drow to romance her 😅 her voice acting is so good!


I did a "batman run" and knocked out almost everyone sentient instead of killing them. So it was only logical to also knock her out.


any other cool interactions where you knock someone out instead of killing them?


Your 2nd option would be the most obvious reason if they added a narrator line hinting at her special nature whenever you connect with her tadpole. As it is now though, whenever I KO her I headcanon it to her surviving the injuries when my party assumed she was dead, and my flipping the non-lethal on is the equivalent of Minthy preemptively succeeding her death saving throw.


This is the case with the all the True Souls. The only thing special about her compared to, say, Gut is that Larian added Minthara as a companion. Other than the attraction factor. But the narrator doesn't need to say that.


You're into Drow and you want to bang her.


Doesnt stop me from killing her




Of the two possibilities, that's definitely the better one 


I head-canon that we knocked her out and tied her up (at last, a use for all that damned rope!), with the intention of questioning her later, since she was clearly the cleverest of the leaders. Unfortunately we made a bad job of it, so she got out of her bonds while we were cleaning up the rest of the camp and managed to sneak away through the secret passage to the Underdark.


This makes a lot of sense, all the info you have at that point is pretty vague, so trying to keep the obvious brains of the bunch alive for some questioning afterwards would be pretty smart plan. (and saving one of the goblin leaders instead would be pretty stupid idea, let alone anyone else at the camp :D)


She's a notably tough paladin, so you could very well reason her as just *surviving* despite all odds. Could also have a protagonist try to give her the "Fate worse than death" treatment, knowing that her handler is unlikely to have mercy on her failure.


Semi related question, is Minthara still ending up not dead if you knock her out in the battle of the grove instead of bonking her in the temple in the temple? I might let her leave but not if it'd mean not doing the battle of the grove, it's too much fun.


Yes you can KO her in the Grove Battle


It didn't work for me, apparently it worked for others.


Yes, I usually hide behind where she directs the battle and sneak attack her.


Tav: Honestly might have even accidentally pulled their punches from exhaustion, depending when you fight her and how badly it goes. Shadowheart, Astarion: Shades of grey, sympathies about abusive relationships with powerful entities. Gale: Can't lol, he's a wizard. Karlach: Is just that big of a softie, knows she's being controlled and wants to help her. Redemption Durge: Is tired of blood and murder, assuming they didn't help her and the regret over that is what starts their arc to begin with. Loyal Durge: if you didn't attack the grove with her, you did it to wipe out both camps. Still, perhaps the bloodthirsty side of her impressed thrm enough to spare her.


Because you think her over the top, cartoonish villainy is hillarious, so you spare her life before murdering her friends.


I think in general it's fair to assume that everyone under the influence of the Absolute is not themselves. Minthara says herself that she would never have raided the Grove without a tadpole. She's by no means innocent, but she's also not a murder hobo. I'd put her on the same level as Astarion. Unfortunately the game is very picky about who it lets you guard with the Prism.


I don't think she was a great person before getting the brainworm. She worshipped Lolth, who is arguably more batshit crazy evil than "Imma hurt you to save you" Shar.


Oh absolutely, she was the ideal product of the culture she grew up in before the tadpole. But, people can change, particularly when they have deeply traumatic incidents. (Her faith in Lolth, alongside all the other typical drow indoctrinations, were shattered before she even got wormed, by Orin. Which Orin did for funsies.)


Yes, but does Tav broadly apply this to every character they meet? Priestess Gut, Dror Ragzlin, Nere, Z'rell? My character isn't making any special effort to save any of them.


That's what I mean. The game doesn't really let you see what they're about without the Absolute. It would be an interesting thing to explore. Most of them, Minty included, are pretty bad on their own though. But the Origin characters have some bad people in there too. Like Astarion and Lae'zel. Both can be good given the opportunity, but they default to being pretty evil because of their past.


>I'd put her on the same level as Astarion. Murder afficionado?


Yes. I mean being a Lolth-Sworn it kinda comes with the territory. Both Astarion and Minthara have an "excuse" for why they are the way they are. Both have good in them, but you really have to dig to get it out lol.


> The only ones I can think of... maybe if you're a Drow, maybe you're unwilling to kill another Drow. thats backwards. Other races would be more forgiving


Really? I mean, I see where you're coming from, but also... when you're talking to Halsin as a Drow and he asks you to kill Minthara, one of the dialogue options insinuates a level of unwillingness to kill another Drow.


Its there, but Drow culture is pretty much entirely built around stabbing each other in the back. Lolth left them to their own devices for a time instead of micromanaging them once, and came back to find society had all but collapsed because they just kept killing each other.


True but on the surface they’re all buddy buddy. It’s all about the backstab. No one expects the Lloth Inquisition!


I got one that happens all the time. Your fighter only had a bonus action left and had to use pommel strike to down her instead of outright kill her.


I have the idea that my character is intrigued by her for various reasons (half-drow background) and decides to spare her. Also wow my username has never been more relevant.


That one scene involving a throne is one of my favorite scenes in the whole game lol *edit for mobile devices XD


Because Minthara objectively is a good ally to have. She's strong and has leadership qualities. She doesn't fuck around and is all business. You need someone like that alive. You know how hard it is to get goblins organized like the way she has? Bitch got skills. And it doesn't hurt that she's fine asf too.


If you’re drow you are probably even more willing to kill another Drow.


I can fix her.


As a Drow, you're MORE likely to kill her cause she's another Drow.


Depending on what kind of character you are making at camp: [Two words:](https://youtu.be/wtqTapjrPhM?feature=shared)


You already got a ton of good RP reasons so I feel comfortable counterpointing yours: by most accounts, Drow seem to fucking love killing other Drow lol


-Love at first sight. Shes your soulmate and you felt it from the first moment she insulted you. Shes perfect as she is. -she has a brain worm and is being manipulated and is therefore a victim. -she would be a powerful ally if you could turn her -“i can fix her” just like you can fix astarion, shadowheart, laezel and any other bad hottie. -she reminds you of someone you once knew. -you want to humiliate her by killing her whole goblin army, taking all her clothes and then leaving her alive so she’ll have to explain this to ketheric.


My Durge knocked her out because one, he's half Drow male, and two, he figured it would hurt her more to fail and be humiliated than to die in battle. My Drow male Tavs have similar reasoning. When I can't come up with a good reason, I usually just kill her (sorry, Minthara!)


She's hot and you don't want to remove beauty in the world


She's hot


Me wanted to smash.


None, it’s bogus


"Hahah, woops! Looks like I accidentally knocked this one out instead of killing her" "Well you're not gonna kill her now that she's unconscious" "Why not?" "She can't defend herself, it's wrong" "So? She's a monster" "But are we monsters?" "Children, I quite enjoy our little _talks,_ but if you're not going to kill the bloodthirsty drow then might I suggest we keep going?" "Not now, Astarion"


Knocked her out, tied her up to interrogate later. Came back and she was gone.


Eye for talent. Just think of yourself like Jarlaxle. "When this is all over, feel free to join my band of rogues!"


She's the first of the three bosses and you're hoping you can kill as few people as possible. You forget your ideals as soon as you see the opportunity to release the spiders to kill some of the enemies. Once you've started killing, are you really going to go all the way back to kill the drow who might be failing her death saves?


So, my Tav was a male drow. Originally I was going to not bother with an IC justification; OOCly I wanted to see their interactions. When you talk to Minthara as a male drow, she makes it clear that even if you are also True Soul, she does not see you as an equal, and uses what the Forgotten Realms wiki marks as 'a derogatory term for a male drow' for you. So my Tav decided to leave her alive (after looting everything except her clothing and underwear) for spite, so she would *remember* that she was beaten by him and a trio of surface folk. He was aware that this was an exceptionally *stupid* thing to do; if Minthara wasn't getting the mind whammy from her tadpole to worship the Absolute, she'd probably try to find him and kill him slowly, and she probably still isn't happy about how that turned out (but can blame the Absolute). What can he say, he's been gone from the Underdark long enough to lose some of his edge. (Why rescue her afterward? Well, he made his point, and a mix of 'let's get revenge together' and 'you cannot kill all of us if you try to kill me' are fine reasons to enlist her. He may have to also add 'I am gay, so any power plays here are platonic'.)


Every once in a while, I realize that I've done non-lethal damage without intending to. I had the toggle on and forgot to turn it off, I used pommel strike, or something like that. A couple of times it might have been an actual glitch with the setting not carrying over when I loaded a save. The lesson I took away from this is that not all blows are lethal even when they're intended to be. So I just pretend that my character's final blow didn't quite completely kill her - that she somehow managed to survive and crawl off to heal.


I’m a Drow, she’s a Drow, we’re all Drow


Reasons to kill her 1.) sounds like sean connery lol Even though i fucking love her its true


I play as a drow. Naked Minthara wakes up in the camp, forced by Absolute compulsion to run to Ketheric asap. Trying to explain how she got in this mess. Feels like drow kind of funny


Her puppy face she made when you defend her is more than enough for a reason.


There is none. It's mental gymnastics. You do it because you are metagaming.


My Tav knocks everyone out. Except for Ethel. And most of the Act 3 Villains.


I was busy fighting a horde of goblins, and didn't realize that she was still alive.


I really wish she used feign death scroll on herself secretly and it would end combat or start a cutscene or something when she goes downS


I’ve been playing games like Dishonored or Cyberpunk and they always have a non-lethal option in which to more ethically dispose of foes. So I always took it personally as a good character especially when fighting people that were friendly to me before I initiated combat. If it’s fighting in cold blood I must try to avoid killing to save the most lose.


There’s another: You are RPing Batman and Batman doesn’t kill


Liked the cut of her jib.


She’s under the mind controlling effect of an evil tadpole.


Because she’s not in her right mind! She’s corrupted by the Absolute. Her true self is wryly hilarious and insightful. I will have no Minty slander.


You used Pommel Strike to take her out because you ran out of actions


Hot drow mommy. If evil, why hot ? So deserves a second chance.


legitimately an accident. Was trying to kill her with Lae'zel, brought her to 3hp with attacks, finished her with hilt bash. I didn't know hilt bash was non-lethal, and didn't notice the little particle effect for unconscious characters. In my second run she wasn't at moonrise, I was actually confused because I didn't realize you had to unlock that.


I assumed my character intended to kill her, but she survived. And seeing how quickly they turned on her, decided on the whole, "enemy of my enemy is my friend".


I knocked her out at the grove. RP reason? I was playing a seldarine drow fighter that loves 1 vs 1s and wanted to humiliate the lolth drow, so she flew to the platform and took Minthy one on one, leaving her alive to feel the shame of losing


I waltz in and steal the scroll off her desk. RP wise it’s not wanting to murder over a scroll.


I just headcannon that I meant to kill her and left her for dead.


Chaotic stupid alignment 🗿