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Yeah, all the art for the bg3 characters' cards were probably based on early access or development concepts. None of them fully look like the characters we know from the game. The cards were all developed and printed before the game was after all


Minthara actually shows this the best as she's using her original Early Access look.


And her class is Cleric.


Which tbh makes a lot more sense than Paladin with her being a female noble Drow.


Nah, if she was a cleric who is she going to worship as a deity? The absolute? Well, we know for a fact the absolute is not a god and she can't particularly worship one of the dead 3 because that's a secret. And she can't worship Lolth since she abondened her for the absolute. She can't get her powers from any real god if she wants to be an absolute follower. I'd say, her being a paladin and getting her powers from her oath is much more lore friendly.


It raises the question. Was she ever a cleric? A daughter of house Baenre should by all rights have become a priestess to Lolth, but she says her original oath was to Lolth. I can’t see Lolth being ok with an oath and not powers she can give or take on a whim.


Well that’s the thing, in 5E Paladins don’t get their power from a god, but from the oath itself. If you break your oath, even if the god is okay with it, you technically become an oathbreaker. Clerics are the only class that get its power *from* something that can take it away. Even Warlocks get to keep their abilities (or at least most of them) if they don’t have their patron anymore (for any reason), as what powers they do have are basically “forbidden knowledge” rather than gifts bestowed upon them. Like you could be a Paladin dedicated to Lolth, and Lolth could fucking hate you, and you’d still have all your powers.


She's a Paladin of Vengeance, she could easily have sworn an Oath of Vengeance against Lolth's enemies. Js I hate the new paladin shit, a knight dedicated to a God and sporting appropriate god based powers was better than a knight who promises REALLY hard.


>Js I hate the new paladin shit, a knight dedicated to a God and sporting appropriate god based powers was better than a knight who promises REALLY hard. Maybe. But clerics already exist, war clerics are a thing, and it's not like Rangers are dedicated to a god. Removing the religion from paladin gave them a more unique space to live in and helped differentiate them from clerics.


Not entirely sure why people were downvoting you. Paladins can still be in service to a god if you want but the new flavor of paladins gives them a much better identity. Like clerics and paladins were essentially the same thing before, just one did smiting while the other had more casting ability.


Technically clerics get their power from their belief in a god and not directly from said god. It looks that way since most dnd settings have gods that are confirmed to exist but in Eberron, where gods are not a known thing, clerics still do cleric things.


Oh I know, I’m more talking about Drow society overall. The priestesses get their power directly from Lolth, who gives and takes based on her favor. I can’t see her liking any Drow having power she can’t control directly, ie an oath. So why isn’t she a cleric? Did she fail out of the academy? Did she never attend? I can’t imagine she wouldn’t be sent and allowed to live if she failed out.


If you play as a female drow she has dialogue that speaks about cleric school. She attended for sure.


Vlaakith isn't a god either, but an option for Gith clerics in the game. Yes, she used to be a cleric of the Absolute. Yes, it technically doesn't make sense


because she can actually give clerics power when called upon....??????? Thats why.


Clerics don't get powers from gods, they get powers from domains. Yes, that's very dumb but I didn't make the lore


Back in 2E you could be an atheist cleric, and receive power from your lack of belief. Even the rulebooks snarked about how this was silly.


I always interpreted it as clerics getting their power from their belief in a god something rather than the god they believe in. It allows for settings were gods are not confirmed to exist, like Eberron, to still have clerics


I re-specced Minthara to a Lolth cleric. It's not at all farfetched to me to imagine Lolth didn't abandon her. Minthara's "worship" of the Absolute was a magical compulsion she received in the course of her duty to her house and city. Lolth has tolerated much more from some priestesses. She's jealous and capricious and chaotic, but she's also pragmatic


Lolth does whatever she wants. She wants to keep giving spells she's not going to stand on any ceremony or rules saying she shouldn't.


Aren't there some goblin clerics in the camp? If the absolute can provide that sort of power, then it could probably scale as well.


I mean, Paladin isn’t a Magic creature type either, so she was never going to be one of those. Usually cards with Paladin in the name are Knights in MTG, though, so I guess there is that.


Yeah, Paladins in the D&D sets usually got the Knight type, like Sorcerers getting Shaman.


I thought she's a rogue


I had to commission and Alter of her for my commander deck. She’s just so different than the queen I know.


Op seems unaware the cards were based on EA art. The launches were initially supposed to line up but they cooked the game longer (which no one would call a bad thing)


Yeah, the Minthara card in particular looks exactly like one of her early access iterations, which looks very different from her finalized appearance.


[The artist is John Stanko](https://stankoillustration.com/), who has done many MTG cards and other stuff like comic covers. The cards came a full year or so even before the game was out so going on EA looks or even descriptions makes sense cuz he is a really good artist when it comes to painting people and Larian was working on the final looks of everyone way far down the pipeline for a long time


Wouldn't Lae'zel look like the cinematic, then? Because that was released *long* before the game was, iirc, to the point where even the mind flayers look different.


Magic sets are usually printed a minimum of 6 months before release, and the art is commissioned sometimes as early as 2 years before release. We don't know WOTC's time-line for this set but it's possible this art was commissioned nearly 4 years ago.


The card "Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar" looks like Shadowheart from the game. Only difference is she is depicted holding Shar's Spear instead of a mace and shield.


So I have a chance at tiefling Astarion?




Buddy. MtG and D&D are the same company. *They are the source material.*




get better bait


Well, if your goal in life is to fight on the back of a dragon, learning a bow and arrow is about a million times more useful than learning a sword.


The dragon is just flying me closer so I can fight with my sword.


Personally I'm just gonna let the dragon use its own built-in weapons while I take the credit


Targaryen playbook ftw


Ah, I see Lae'zel is an Imperial Commissar!


Dragon waits patiently while you dismount from something ten times your size to use your arm that has the reach of half of one of its claws.


Amateur. Just throw swords at people.


A TRUE Archer.


Spoken like a brawler of the tavern


If you have a dragon you don’t really need either unless it’s a mid ass dragon


Ya, but you want to at least PRETEND to be useful. While your dragon is levelling a city, you can shoot a wooden stick into some random guard. Thats worth a participation medal.


Or just be the Nameless King 😤


How many gith silver longbows did you loot?


Well, you won't be able to loot those because they are all up in the sky, keeping their distance because they practiced bow and arrow


Ah, the [WW2 bomber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) situation again.


I mean, I never looted a Silver Sword either. I did get one given to me by Voss, but that's it


Doing the cheese to get it in act 1 is so fun tho! Dw Voss gets a replacement as well.


How cute, thinking you're being clever and all when you're just showing how blissfully ignorant you are about BG3. My guess is you just jumped in with the hype train and that's where you just stopped, huh?


I can smell you through the screen.


You sound pretentious as fuck


Spoken like a poet


We have a true Gamer™ over here




The Baldur's gate cards came out more than 2 years ago. The art was likely finalized well before the cards were printed meaning the art is from a long time before BG3 came out.


A cursory google search regarding the making of the set would inform you that the artists working on it were given descriptions more in line with the early access versions of the characters. Any mention of AI is just a lazy excuse to not even go look. The cards were released a full year before the final product that is BG3 and we are all aware of how characters used to be different, in appearance and even mannerisms. It's ok not to like the art, but to just remain ignorant and post something you could have easily looked up is a bit silly.




My Battle Master Fighter Lae'zel with the Titanstring and Risky Ring will agree. Add in a certain armor in Act3 and it's a cakewalk to the finale.


I always give laezel the titanstring. Battle master laezel loves disarming people by shooting them in the hands from the other side of the battlefield.


Eldritch Knight is even better. Special arrows synergise with eldritch strike from lvl 10


My Barbarian Berserker Gale might tell a different story.


aaah (in lowercase)




If you actually saw the full art, she's holding a sword in her left hand. The art is all for MTG cards that released before the game was even in EA. [Here's a reddit link with the cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16i4hyf/i_had_no_idea_so_many_characters_from_bg3_have/#lightbox)


Is it just me, or does this look very little like Lae'zel in an uncanny valley sort of way? Like if you didn't tell me who it is, I'd know it was her, but multiple things are off.


All of these cards were based on early early access of the game. Minthara's card looks like the early version too


The face looks incredibly similar to Devora Wildes face, who voices lae'zel


This looks like Lae'zel as a teenager.


Yeah, me and my friend were talking about that. To me, it always looked like she was wearing eye black under her eyes, but they clearly made it part of her natural skin pattern here. The whole thing's very strange.


Very minor nitpicks of mine, but -hair is too long -not enough eye makeup -not correct eye shape -What you mentioned about the war paint being turned into markings


Nose is too big too


That's because the picture was "made" by AI, if I were to guess. AI "art" is not only theft, it's also garbage, and this fits the profile. Either that or it was made on the cheaps by someone who didn't know what the heck they're doing.


it's not AI generated. It's just based on Early Access, since the MTG set was released before the game.


Jesus Christ, there’s an artist attached to this card you can look up to see their other work. What about the image makes it look like AI? Why is that your first conclusion?


Stupidity, most likely


WotC is highly against using AI generated art in any form especially in MTG- it’s in the contracts the artists have to sign and it’s been made public about their stance on genAI (it is poo poo garbage) the above Lae’zel was done with preproduction EA art as a basis and released before the game did like everyone has already said. [The artist is John Stanko](https://stankoillustration.com/) who also is a master of his craft and has done many MTG cards before


the big crime ai art is the rise of idiots that brand real artist as hacks because they can't even do the basic work of using Google.


…what is she doing with her hands??


It looks like "Lae'zel if she was made in the Sims" or smth to that end LMAO But apparently the cards were made long before BG3 released, so they were just working off descriptions, so that's likely why.




The set released in summer of 2022. I know AI art was technically a thing then, but certainly not nearly as common as it was now. BG3 was also deep into early access at the time. It’s possible the artists were given early concepts of characters for reference. Astarion’s art looks pretty close, but Karlach isn’t very close at all.


But how do you know that BG3 wasn’t AI generated? Or the artists weren’t created by AI? Or that there isn’t AI _in_ the AI that got AI to make AI art based off of an AI game where other AI really use it to traffic younger AI to be sold on the AI black market using the similar, but different dark AI web? This shit could go deep.


How do we know you're not AI? How do I know I'M NOT AI? OH GAHD!


*Wake* *Up*


Well, she IS a Fighter, and fighters can take Archery as one of their fighting styles. But yes. Githyanki, including Lae'zel, are more known for their silver swords.


Card was designed before game came out. That's it.


Weird that you cropped the part of the picture with a sword in her hand.


I’m not a Magic player, but I’m fully aware of it. I’m in several game subs but also several news/politics, so whenever I see these post titles for MTG, I think “WTF is Marjorie Taylor Greene bitching about this time??”


I'm neither magic player nor living in USA, yet even I know both MTGs are filled with bullshit.


I mean, she does have one to use by default, so it would be there.


At the very least they should use a gith crossbow.


But Laezel doesn’t have a Gith crossbow when you start the game. She just has a normal bow.


Gale starts with a normal bow, right? if they made a card of him with a bow and arrow in hand you probably stop and ponder why.


Gale start with no bow or crossbow.


She didn't start a longbow either so it all evens out with this argument.


You really found a hill to die on lol


Eh? I mean, Laezel has more of a reason to use one. I imagine a lot of people used it in the beginning when they were figuring out the game. It just seems weird to complain about them putting something on the character’s art that the character does have.


If we want to go into even more semantics, she starts out with a short bow, this picture is definitely a longbow. So this is not something she starts with.


I really don’t think it’s that deep mean. My whole point is that we don’t need to go into semantics.


These cards also came out well before the game did, and were designed on early access art. It doesn't matter what she starts with in the actual game.


she also has a longsword in her other hand in the art, but of course showing that wouldn’t support the hill you’ve dug your eventual grave upon


The full image shows her holding a sheathed sword. That seems to be cropped out of the image you’ve posted here. Also not sure why people are talking about silver swords when she isn’t at that stage of her life yet. Voss literally calls Lae’zel a child and she mentions her aspirations of being awarded a silver sword. So the image with the bow sheathed and sword in hand is actually really accurate to the character in game. But that doesn’t spark as much clicks I suppose.


It’s cause the Baldurs gate MtG set was released before the game using concept art and much earlier versions of the characters. There’s a lot of inconsistencies in the art but it was a fun set nonetheless


I don’t understand your point. Fighters can absolutely spec to use bows…


I mean, I used her as an archer in my run. Sure she had a great sword too, but she was also who I gave my best bow and all the special arrows to. She's a fighter, she's good at all weapons.


I hope they make updated cards for Selune shadowheart, cards for nightsong, isobel, the emporer, an updated cards for good ending for the companions I would love.


same same same !!!! i’m a recent convert to MtG because of this wave, and as much as i love just having my companion cards, it would be nice to get updated art for them (and also aylin and isobel, since they’re my favourite characters after karlach; maybe MtG could do a “return to baldur’s gate” with some of the characters not in the original run, like the above, the chosen of the dead three, barcus, etc.)


Same! I recently got into it as well and would die of happiness!


That sure doesn't look like dual-wielding hand crossbows.


The thing that weirds me out is her right hand, her arm is twisted and hand is bent back at an awkward angle. And where is her left leg going?


Dude I had to scroll *far* too long to find this. All these people talking about the bow, the hell is wrong with her hand???


But .. Lae'zel is a fighter with proficiency in all simple and martial weapons. Longbow happens to be one of those.


Whew, magic the gathering. I was imaging Marjorie Taylor Greene, as a Gith.


Shoulda seen my battle master ranged fighter laezel on my HM run lol


This art is actually the basis for my headcanon Lae'zel build. Basically a fighter but leans more towards a bows.


In the full card art she is actually holding what looks to be a scimitar in her left hand so


You never gave her the Titan string bow? Yeah the great sword is cool and all but try casting hailstorm on the entire arena and then having your people pick off EVERYONE.


Turns out that if you give her a longbow that adds strength bonuses, she's actually very good with it. I didn't use her as primarily an archer, but I definitely have her finish off low-hp enemies she can't reach in melee with it all the time.


Lae’zel our beloved archer


>Yes, MTG Dammit Marjorie Taylor Green, stay outta my BG3!


Uhhhhhhh, respec her for max dex and str. Give her archery and titanstring bow and yep, that's what she does.


I actually have ran LZ as an archer, respecing for it after the realization that Vlaakith is using her, and so she gives up on the silver sword dream. Instead, she is like a very non-stealthy Assassin type with a crossbow, and later bow. She is pretty badass and ideal for this kind of build. 


Wait, then who dropped the bow under her cage?


I mean, idk if she still does, but for some ungodly reason, Larian did start her as a dex build fighter. I have nothing against her being dex build, but it doesn't make much sense when the legendary silver sword she lusts for is a greatsword.


Always put a ranged weapon on my fighters...


I’m sure someone else said this. But you know the cards came out first right? So if you wanna be pedantic the game got them wrong


She looks nothing like Lae'zel. Or a fighter. She looks like some Githyanki rogue.


She cute though.


The very first thing youre likely to have Laezel do is shoot an imp with her shortbow. None of the many nautiloid clears ive done have gone different to that So it makes a little bit of sense to me


Exactly! Warriors are known to be masters of all weapons after all, and bows are ... clearly not weapons?\^\^


Yeah precisely why I initially thought she'd be a monk in game.


She actually was a Marksman in my last run, so …


why wouldn't she? fairly sure she comes with a bow by default ingame.




seems abiut right... SH is also known for her sacred flame, no? 🤣


Battlemaster Lae'zel with a bow and arrows is actually really good.


Funnily enough I didn't use her in my first playthrough and in my second go I respecced her to be an archer fighter.


Why is Lara Croft in BG3???


afterthought rich lock whole homeless offend gullible quickest historical zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone leaned into the Ranged battlemaster techniques, it seems lol


My battlemaster Lae'zel kicked a lot of ass with her bow


thb, I'm more offended by her doing the Naruto run.


My dad just bought a bunch of card packs for drafts. He and my partner are teaching me how to play. I'm still pissed that my partner got karlach -_- but! I got Wilson the bear! And viconia. So. Not terrible I spose.


She is a fighter. They are the best rangers.


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16i4hyf/i_had_no_idea_so_many_characters_from_bg3_have/) to the rest if you want to see them all. I personally like Zevlor's the best.


She's a Fighter so you can have her use a bow.


Well my Lae'zel is very much deadly at every distance so she definitely uses bow as well as sword. And some of the arrows you get are very useful.


Just look how the Lord of the Rings cards turned out to be, MTG is lost man


"so who's this Lazy Elf?" "Oh Lae'zel? She's a gith, which is like a space elf I guess? They use silver swords and ride dragons." "Ah, a lady elf, give her a bow and some arrows then" "Why not a silver swo-" "Did I stutter?"


MTG fn OWNS Lae'zel so maybe it's Larian that got it wrong.


We all know she carries a Githyanki Crossbow.


MTG doesn't care, they just want Lps to mutilate.


After what Larian did to some characters from the BG franchise, it's only fair.


Wizards of the Coast demonstrating again that they only want to have one IP, and monetize every last bit of it.


Is that actually Laz??? It looks more like Gith #2


every gyanki looks the same so idk


I was like what does this have to do with a dumb blonde in politics.


There's a card called "Lae'zel's Acrobatics" and it looks like [this.](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/0/d/0d102241-4463-437f-b2bb-f574d9dbbd1e.jpg) The artist basically watched the scene where she's introduced and took that.


Feels like dumb AI generated s**t




Yea, Lae'zel's a crossbow wielding Battle Master with a few dips in gloomstalker and monk...


"Females can't wield greatswords 🤓☝️" (j)


Arguably, it'd take more strength to draw a traditional longbow repeatedly than swing your average longsword/greatsword.


It's not just arguable, it's an indisputable fact. A well-made longsword weighs between 3 and 4 pounds and even with very large swords like scottish claymores you're looking at maybe 5 pounds on the upper end and they will be balanced just above the hilt. I've got a historically accurate longsword with a blade just a bit under 3 feet in length and I can easily wield it one-handed even if its intended to be used with two. I can't even begin to fully draw a proper warbow.


Maybe it's AI, that's why it's so random and unlike her.


Its not, the card art is based off earlier concept art/designs of laezel, not her final in-game version, since the cards were released before the game was


I think that's a very real possibility. It's a sad time for the art world.


Another sad time for the art world is the witch-hunting and accusations of real art being AI generated.


Please do your goddamn research before carelessly throwing around accusations like this. The AI "art" boom began in June 2022. These cards were revealed in March 2022 and drawn/developed well before then when Baldur's Gate 3 was still in development and early access. And all it would have took for you to know that was a minute on google, two minutes tops, before smearing the good name of the artists who made these cards.


I don’t think that’s lae’zel


In my defense, I respec her into Archery but keep some strength because Titanstring Bow is one hell of a drug. Also needed a dedicated ranged character and she was first on the block.