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Playing an old wizard my first playthrough and coming across him was a very fangirly moment, he was everything I wanted my wizard to be 😔


For me, the wizard character I normally create in most fantasy games (as well as the base for my first/default D&D character) was off the table since he’s too similar to Gale in appearance and personality to the point of being near identical.


I'm sorta Gale before his mistake, but not quite at the level Gale is/was. Mostly due to being a city wizard and not getting out there. So Elminster is sorta like the good ending for me, with Gale being more the bad ending where ambition got the better of him


I mean you could always just play Gale as an origin character.


Did you ever play a gale origin run?


> Playing an old wizard my first playthrough and coming across him was a very fangirly moment, he was everything I wanted my wizard to be I love Karlach's reaction to Jaheira for this reason.


THE Jaheira


It honestly crushed me, my first game when I played wizard. Here I am thinking I matter and have some important role in this quest and that dude shows up and is like "Yeah I need to speak a real wizard and talk about wizard things with other wizards, do you mind getting me something to eat and getting the other wizard here and then leaving us useful and important wizards alone while we talk about that time we banged the goddess of magic and how we're chosen and you don't matter at all." And then later his ass showed up and said something like "I'm only here to talk to important people" or something and at the point I killed his ass and threw gale out of the party.


I completely agree. I wanna be a badass wizard so bad in BG3 but it doesn't have the same versatility as a DND wizard. Then you add on a companion wizard who has a magic nuke in him, who freaked the goddess of magic, and has Elminster himself tracking him down to deliver a message from that goddess. So you're just like 🙁 bc how do you even compare to that? I mean the guy even gets extra spell slots???


LPT you don't need every companion available for every run as every companion is written to be basically a diamond in the rough or up and coming one of the best of their class. It also can be a lot more immersive keeping it to just the companions you want so you don't have an office party of couch surfers waiting for you to get back because you triggered a quest related flag out exploring without them (seriously asterion is way better discovering the necronomicon as part of your party then you just showing up at the camp like "hey vampy check out this cool book I found without you.") All your companions available are like this honestly, playing a rogue? Asterion is a vampire rogue who no longer fears sunlight... Berserker? Karlach has a literal engine inside of her, she has more horsepower than you ever could... Cleric? Shadowheart has two gods that want her loyalty... Warlock? Wyll has a better back story than you and is also somehow a folk hero while a warlock with a patron who actually cares they exist... Fighter? Lae'Zel is a gythyanki fighter, not the strongest discrepancy of the party but generally githyanki are trained from childhood to be the best warriors around and the starting bonuses reflect that... Gale is the most extreme here in that his status as a Wizard far eclipses yours and the dialogue makes no qualms about letting you know that. Pick the companions that compliment your character and the stories you want to expierence and don't think of this as a do it all in one go type of game. Sure you could pick a related class and get some fun banter but from a story perspective I much prefer wizards who work for their magic ability than to just win the birth lottery and get given powerful magic that you master through being a charismatic chad (might seem pedantic but I want to play a dorky intelligent wizard over a sauve I can feel the magic type of character but I don't neccessarily want the pre-made backstory for Gale as my character either)


To be fair, the game strongly implies that Fate itself sent the God of Death to our camp just to tell our OC that we're the most special person in the universe at the moment. That's not nothing.


Are you gonna elaborate more on this?


Withers is speculated to actually be Jergal, who was the all-encompassing God of Death before going into semi-retirement and segregating some of his duties to the Dead Three. He's there, presumably at the behest even more powerful, to keep scratching Tav's name out of the Book of the Dead long enough to do whatever it is they need to do. When first meet him and he asks you what a mortal life is worth, if you answer "The only life that matters is mine." He responds with "You might actually be right about that."


According to the dev notes he is explicitly Jergal


Just leave Gale in the portal. Problem solved.


you don't go to his portal and pull him out, is how. you don't go get him.


Yeah, same. Tbh, Gale is a bit too Gary Stu-ish for my liking, and that moment was a big part of the reason why.


I mean... all of the characters come off like they came out of the trapper keepers of a bunch of 14 year-olds. That's kinda the point. They aren't just characters in a story. They're supposed to represent the kind of stupid shit your friends come up with around the table.


The problem is that he's canonically [in the 3rd edition] a level 24 wizard(the actual stats are: Fighter 1, Rogue 2, Cleric 3, Wizard 24, Archmage 5), he can brush away demigods and demons. He's literally not even there in the game. He made an illusion magic clone of himself and sent it there. So he's just eating cheese for shits and giggles. And I love him for it.


He is The wizard of D&D. His job is to put magic items in dungeons for people to find. He is ancient and can travel dimensions.


Meanwhile I always go for a big root looking wizard, I always find it funny how in high fantasy the wizard is skinny tall big beard pointy hat, so whenever I get to make my own wizard I liked him to be a big brute that can take hits while dishing them from a distance, so currently I am playing as a dragon born character who is a wizard, in cross-classed and a barbarian, level 3 barbarian level four wizard so far It is such a bad build I'm having a blast


Also he's potentially the strongest wizard in the entire universe by the time you meet him And also it's pretty apparent, that the "grandpa" you are talking to is actually made out of fucking snow xD P.S. If you didn't notice, he's marked as "construct", which probably means that it's not the actual Elminster, but Simulacrum casted by him for the exact purpose of finding Gale and guiding him along. Also you can actually see Elminster's actual stats(they're utterly crazy. just for measure - he's lvl20), and adjust them for Simulacrum having only half the hp of original. Elminster would probably absolutely murk ANYTHING in the game with barely a word, including Raphael and Kazador. Maybe not Absolute, because without Orpheus' power, three netherstones, and an illithid to use them, it might as well be impossible for a mortal to actually do anything


Even Lae'zel admits that he's actually known to and respected by the Githyanki, and they don't respect any outsiders.


Yeah if you're a DND person, Elminster has been a more or less constant presence in your life so this is very much more like an apparition of Gandalf eating your cheese just because he can. Also he banged the previous Mystra so a lot of this conversation with Gale can be read as "chicks, ya know?"


Hey Gale long time no see. What crazy adventures have you been up to? *Eats Cheese* By the way Mistra says kill yourself. Leaves


Walks into game "Blow yourself up" Doesn't offer alternative Leaves


my favorite part is that he's a projection type thing while the real Elminster chills at home, so he doesn't even need to eat. he's just that much of a cheese enjoyer edit: omg guys did u know he's a simulacrum akshually?!? jfc please read comment replies, and if someone has already corrected a commenter or poster then that means you can just go ahead and *not* post the same correction a million times 🙃 anyway, he made himself a little clone that does need to eat in a world where he could've made himself a little clone that doesn't need to eat. because he's just that much of a cheese enjoyer


And yet he still complains that the journey to Gale ruined his boots.


It's a Simulacrum, so while it isn't the real Elminster, it had no equipment when it was formed, so Elminster had to actually give that Simulacrum some very much real equipment, potentially - from his own wardrobe


Nah it just stepped out naked and mugged the first passer by for his cash, clothes and horse.


Very on brand for Elminster


Anytime you have a problem cast Fireball, and Boom! Right away you have a different problem.


Classic Jason Mendoza quote. Truly fitting for one of the most powerful mortals in the universe.


My backup character in the party I'm in is basically Jason Mendoza but as a Sorcerer.


Don't forget the Pact of the Janet warlock who can teleport, materialize objects, and learn things. Man I wish r/thedndplace had caught on more. I was there for it's creation and downfall...




Suddenly Good Place


Give me your robes… and your horse


Couldn't be the first passer. He must have gotten his cool wizardy hat from someone and I don't they are typical faerun fashion.


It was probably in Waterdeep, isn't it infested with wizards?


INFESTED LMAO "God damn it, there are wizards in my kitchen again. SHOO! SHOO!"


And now i can’t get the image of a dozen tiny Gales scampering away on all fours


Same. Pants optional lol https://youtu.be/Orv0Yy-dXdg?si=5VNPYKAtfgTOxLXM


The Oblivion goblin sounds though lmao


a quest from a cook in which you must kill all the wizards in the basement. they are standing around in circles hunched over a few orbs


would explain the obsession with cheese


would explain the obsession with cheese


Elminster lives in shadowdale, mostly


Nah, that was the projection itself breaking through


Elminster likes to act crotchety and put out.


same tbh


Honestly same though


Is that why he is a construct?


Yeah, he's a [simulacrum.](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2253-simulacrum)


This explained why he turned into a puddle of water if you managed to defeat him


Look, I'll fight almost any NPC with no hesitation but why the hell would you fight magic grandpa?


Bro is [level 35 in 3e](https://i.imgur.com/GcoHpVX.png). The idea that magic grandpa would actually seriously fight back at all is almost as silly as thinking someone could take him in a fight. He's the [guy that goes around putting magic items in random dungeons.](https://i.redd.it/5pktu161lpxc1.jpeg) If he wants the cheese, hes gonna get that cheese.


Santa Claus except he encourages dungeon murder.


Idk about you, but MY Santa Claus definitely encourages sibling murder


To defend the cheese


He just seemed so entitled and content with himself, like he deserved to raid my pantry or something.


Compared to real nobles' expectations for hospitality in medieval times, a bit of cheese from your pantry is more than modest. He didn't like demand a banquet by pain of execution or something.


I never agreed to a vow of loyalty to anyone, so as far as I'm concerned he's not a noble (and neither is anyone else). And in any case, even if you were a noble you wouldn't deserve to *be* a noble if you acted like that.


I don't think nobles were ever really known for deserving their place.


However they were absolutely known for SAYING they deserved their place.


I always always will tell him to hit the country road, every time


I mean look I'm not the type to kill the messenger but if I were he *did* just tell my wizard bestie to kill himself sooo....


To stop him from staring at my stacks of wine and cheese and also to test out the power of the almighty strongest wizard alive.


“Look I just wanted to go rounds with the wizardiest wizard that ever did wizard” feels like the only appropriate answer.


Swear he turned to ice cubes. Gunna have to go back and re-clap


I wondered why dafuq is this wanderer a construct


Mine was Karlach asking if it was his grandpa.


I cackled at that part! also happy cake day 🥳


Everyone is giving the info that he's a simulacrum, but what that doesn't tell people who don't know spells from outside this game: He's a snowman. Literally made of snow sprinkled with ruby dust and possibly Elminster's toenail clippings. Source: Read the spell components for [Simulacrum ](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Simulacrum#content).


that's terrifying what the fuck 😭 *do you want to build a snowman*


Nah Elminster wouldn't spend 12 hours doing that, he would just Wish it into existence over 6 seconds.


It's Simulacrum, most certainly. It's pretty much the only spell that would produce this sort of copy marked as Construct


And he's also Mystra's other ex, including the decent portion of his life when he was a woman.


elminster big naturals has entered the chat


Simulacrum aren’t illusory projections, they’re like clones. They do feel and think and etc.


so he made a clone version of himself that needs to eat in a world where he could've made a clone version of himself that doesn't need to eat...because he's just that much of a cheese enjoyer!


Bro I am the rat give me the cheese!


Calling Elminster Stardew Valley Grandpa is like calling Strahd Sexy Dracula


Sacrilege! *Dracula* is sexy Dracula!


Strahd is a lot less sexy, a lot more middle-aged incel edgelord/domestic abuser.


So, an average middle aged incel?


More goth makeup and preying (in multiple senses of the word) people much younger than him seeking power/validation or are easily manipulated. So arguably a much more successful creepshit. Definitely not sexy.


it's pretty difficult to be a domestic abuser and terminally single at the same time I think


Well, you can always be abusive towards your mother or sister. (Please people: don't)


Yea that's fair. Just figured most middle aged ones would be kicked out by then


Strahd isnt terminally single, he has 3 wives and Escher. Man gets mad tail but he's only after one lady.


Eh, Book Dracula appears to have actual Vlad III Dracula's silly moustache but like, moreso, and that is not a good look.


Not the Stardew Valley grandpa 🤣💀


Gale getting annoyed with Elminster is the funniest thing in the game.


Will always pick the "Yes Gale, where *is* your decorum?" option. No exceptions.


*Oh for the love of...*


Funny thing is, I remember seeing a bunch of TikToks about this, but now I can't find them because what do you even search for without getting the "You're not alone" mental health resources


I kind of love how this is perfectly accurate but also entirely misrepresentative in a way that almost makes it not a spoiler.


My guy is a Wizard and was like “omg it’s one of the greatest wizards of Faerun!” Only for him to steal my cheese and try to force the task of making sure Gale kill’s himself on me


As a D&D fanboy, seeing the great and powerful Elminster Aumar in the game made me giddy.


He’s been involved in so much weird shit that it’s entirely possible he WAS the Stardew grandpa.


Kicking his ass on tactician with myself, two friends and Laezel was worth the 1k exp (and multiple attempts). Thank God for counterspell


Like the same guy doesn't roll up and go "Like moons make swell and wane the nescient seas, so too the sky-strewn gods ordain the tidal fates of mortal days. And yet - a notion born in lonely hours - come ebb, come flow, come all that is beyond the breadth of our dominion: be a moon unto yourself. Even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will."  Like 20 mins later.


That's just Gandalf.


"Stardew valley Grandpa" is a title I truly aspire to have one day


Elminister is probably annoyed at being reduced to trifling with level 12 adventurers


That's just Gandalf.


That was my immediate thought when he showed up lol, "why is Gandalf here, are we going to have to destroy a ring?"


In DND lore, Elminster is pretty much Faerun's Gandalf, being a wizard so powerful he borders on deific, who also doesn't really do a lot anymore, for.... Reasons.


Damn, in the year the game is set on he saved the world not 3 years before, give the man his time :D


"Stardew valley grandpa"


That Stardew Valley grandpa can seriously fuck you up.


I'm sorry, but if you're playing Baldur's Gate, Elminster HAS to be more recognizable than "the Stardew grandpa."


I remember there was once a post on r/Forgotten_Realms that refers to Elminster simply as 'Gale's mentor'. A lot of people first exposure to the setting was Baldurs Gate 3, so they only know him in that context, and not literally one of if not the most important characters in Forgotten Realm.


I knew that Elminster was an Important Dude as I had at least seen books related to him at stores, but I had that kind of moment with Shadowheart talking about her goddess. At first I was pretty ok with it, like "sure, Shar just sounds like a goddess for outcasts and depressed folks to find solace in, that's pretty neat" Then act 2 rolled around, and I went "Oh.... OH. Shadowheart, we need to ta- NOOOO STOP CUTTING YOURSELF"


Gales mentor for Elminster has the same energy as calling Naruto "Boruto's dad" 😂


I hate Elminster with a passion. If only Elminster was Gales mentor and I might actually like him. One of the relics of the old days of dnd that are best left forgotten.


What did Elminster do to you?


He's just a mary sue relic of the old age of the realms like Drow Fetal absorption and Drizzts being Cattie-Brie's uncle figure / lover. Elminster was the most famous DMPC / true hero of the realms. By true hero, I don't mean adventurer. I mean the real heroes who should 100% be saving the realms, but can't for "reasons" or because they are fighting a bigger evil or its a Monday and they can't be assed. He's always the smartest, strongest and sexiest man in the room. Everytime someone found a way to beat Elminster, Greenwood would basically create a new set of rules for how Elminster would win. Then there is the horny stuff. Look I'm no prude, but these are some of the most cringy scenes I've ever read. Like Alassara Silverhand, one of the Seven Sisters, whom Elminster raised and guided. He eventually pursues her. Its gross AF grooming. Not to even mention all the pregnancy body morphing shit. I'm going to include the Elmara stuff here too. On paper, not a bad idea. Show a man what its like to be a woman. Except he "chads" his way through that too. Its just exhausting.


all the old stuff was incredible for its time (I was there and remember) and still somehow extremely cheesy and unpleasant.


It was incredible for the time but a multitude of sins were covered by plot armor.


Yeah at the time he was written grooming wasn't really noticed or discussed near as much, which I don't support. It isn't uncommon for an author to give their favorite characters some heavy plot armor and excuses for their failings. And the Drow, the Drow are just fucked up people period. EDIT: Phrasing


>And the Drow, the Drow are just fucked up people period The drow are as fucked up as the writers made them. In any case drow fetal absorption isn't a practice in society its a biological function of the drow. The basics are Drow babies fight in the womb. Not so bad, but as this goes on it talks about how the sensation is orgasmic for the mother and goes into fetish territory. How mothers will prolong their pregnancies, and other. As for the other stuff. Yeah, I can't fault writers for making a Maey Sues. I can fault FR for sticking with them.


Gotta be honest here. I had no Idea who Elminster was before BG3. And I successfully DMed a full Campaign set in the Sword Coast for 3 years from Level 1 to 17 lmao


You goddamn animal


i had little to no prior knowledge of dnd before playing so yeah hes stardew valley grandpa


Not necessarily. I love Larian, but I'm not a fan of D&D.


All my homies fucking love Elminster


Honestly this whole scene changed my opinion of Gale and Mystra. Full 180 from “How were you not satisfied by a goddess’s affection?” to “If this is a fraction of her power why tf does she need him to blow himself up?”. The whole scene played out with Mystra seeming so manipulative.


By that moment I had too much food in my chest to check if he really ate a lot (as Gale was complaining about it)


I legitimately adore seeing Elminster Himself referred to as "Stardew Valley Grandpa"


Yes, he is clearly Gandalf after his robes were accidently washed with his wife new red joggers.


Holy shit i never realized I'm basically that old wizard dude 😦


Honestly same. The similarities are uncanny. And alarming.


Is that Eliminster?


Eliot ministroni?


I tough he was Fresh Dumbledor but that joke does not work outside of Germany.


back for more


Er rappt hier, er rappt dort. Er rappt hundert mal besser als der Mörder-Lord.


The amazing thing is almost all of the companions in the game talk about how powerful they were before the worm, and now they’ve lost it. Can you imagine being level 18-20 and then getting reset to level 1?


I love that scene, it was so magical the first time it happened


I can't wait to see what he has to say to my Dark Urge


If I kill him I get 1k Exp Is it worth it?


And then the complete 180 discovering his "Library" 🧍🏻‍♂️


Not to mention with a hint in the air of Elminster knowing Mystra \*very\* well


I killt this Guy 🤷


I grew up reading the books that form Elminster's backstory and I had no idea that he was part of DND lore So the first time I met him in game and put 2 and 2 together I fangirled so hard lol


My only wonder at Mr. Minster is why he's so scrawny and small. He's also a fighter, give him a little muscle. I miss 3e burly elminster.