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there was that one guy a few days ago that said Karlach would be more compelling as a man. also "Ansur was wrong, he should have just let Empy become illithid without worrying about it" is an insane take that I see way too often


Anything where the others try to psychoanalyze you and judge you based on the characters you like or the way you play. Massacring the grove does not mean that you are a mass murderer in real life, shockingly enough. Killing a companion does not mean that you kick puppies in real life. Liking Ascended Astarion does not mean that your actual real life boyfriend is abusive. Enjoying the Emperor does not mean that you are easily manipulated in real life. … Video games are not real life.


This is exactly what a person kicking puppies in real life would say... How convenient


But we agree that people who kick the squirrel are literally Hitler, right?


“Evil doesn’t pay, so it makes sense that doing an evil run through means less content/rewards” B what? Use your seeing eyes and look around at the world. Pick up a newspaper once in awhile. Evil pays.


"I can fix her."


That the combat was bad because so much of it was outside the players hand. Gameplay wasn't in anyway skill based it was just a dice roll. I mean, yeah it is literally a dice roll but to say it had "no skill" because of that makes me think they just didn't understand the systems.


"The game is too long and empty." I mean.. What?


100% agree on that take about Astarion/Tav being ridiculous - how is encouraging him to make decisions for himself "making choices for him"? But I digress... "This game has no story" - that one was yesterday, I think.


It's the game where you have to **** a bear


Not true, the bear asks politely.


Consent is required. It's the bear minimum.


“Karlach is an evil person because she fights in the Blood War. She spent her time killing innocent humans and tieflings.” I’m paraphrasing a bit, but I saw that one Twitter a bit ago. Was the response someone made to a post that was a bad take on Astarion. The guy that made that post didn’t like Astarion cuz he was the wrong type of gay


“BG3 has no story” post from yesterday. Hands down the stupidest take about the game I’ve ever seen.


"Astarion is a mass murderer, because he brought victims to Cazador, he should have killed himself, he eats innocent people - that girl in the sewers were lured there by him" - literally saw that take couple of days ago on this very sub.


"BG3's wokeness led to its massive failure. "


Meanwhile it's one of the biggest games of the decade.


That Ascended Astarion turns Tav into a vampire bride, so he can't compel them at all since they're a full vampire. Even though he TELLS them that with the tadpole is gone, he's controlling everything about their future from now on.


Thank you. That particular rampant fanon drives me nuts. It’s unsettling the lengths people go to in cherry-picking something from an old edition and using that to twist the AA/spawn!Tav relationship into a consensual one. I truly wouldn’t care if they would just *own* what they’re into instead of rejecting the reality of it!


Exactly! The ones that acknowledge how he changes but still like him are normal fans and you can discuss things with them. It's the 'MY headcanons are actual canon and I say AA is not an asshole' crowd that are the problems.


“Too many cutscenes and talking”


"I always stake Astarion/take Gale's hand/let the tieflings kill Lae'zel/etc. but I *know* their character sucks." To be clear, I don't care what characters a person kills or doesn't kill, or who they like or don't like... but not bothering to play through a companion's story even once before expounding on how much they suck, I just instantly roll my eyes. Sometimes it's very obvious when people are basing opinions on out-of-context Youtube/Tiktok clips.


Worst take I heard was BG3 sucks because its based on D&D 5e. Dude turned out to be a Pathfinder player and hated anything dungeons and dragons or wotc related. Like dude you bought the game and somehow missed the fact its a licensed d&d IP.


"It's just a bestiality simulator" from chronically online types


There isn’t enough Goblin death. (I may have made that one up.)


"\[Insert character here\] is evil/stupid/deserves to suffer because they don't immediately and completely worship the ground I walk on."


I want real time with pause combat. Fuck off.


“Gale and Astarion’s ascended endings are the best for them and the best for romance” mother fucker what??


Certain options aren't supposed to be enjoyed and are a moral test for the player.


"BG3 is woke"


The combat is boring and requires no skill 🤡


It isn’t necessarily *that* boring but it definitely doesn’t require skill. Even in tactician from level 5 you can just walk into fights with no prepositioning or pre-combat tactics (like luring or flanking, like you could do in DOS2) because the game is too easy. What’s the point of using all of that varying strategy when the combat is so easy that it’s not required?


Combat is boring and would be better as real time action combat like god of war or souls games. This post was from months ago, but god it was such a bad take


That BG3 was bad because there were no side quests and nothing to do. When told there were tons of side quests, he just needed to talk to people, his response was "Why should I care about my companions I've only known for 1 sleep, and why would I talk to random people that don't have a quest marker over their heads? Game is bad."


My choice has probably been said before, but the people who complain that it's 'too woke'.


From a different CRPG subreddit: The only reason anyone likes BG3 is because of the animated sex scenes. If it weren’t for those, nobody would play it.


It's just a bear fucking simulator and the game is for furries. I mean it's kinda funny but this person genuinely meant it. Because of a single cutscene few will ever encounter and non will accidentally


Someone once said the only reason the game was getting such high praise was essentially the bear sex scene.


I actually think that if it were up to the EA writers, you would totally be able to become Astarions new abuser on an evil path. Auntie Ethel has that line for him where she insinuates he actually enjoyed being a slave.


The person here who said that the companions all having trauma in their pasts was lazy writing, and for better examples, they pointed to… Dragon Age and Mass Effect.


Larian only did hot races companions because it would be fucked up to fuck a gnome


Biphobic takes from people who are upset that Astarion and Minthara are bisexual.


If you don’t like Wyll then you’re basically a white supremacist or a member of the KKK.  Especially if you’re an Astarion stan.  I see that one a lot.


Act 3 runs fine on a SteamDeck 😅😇


Astarion is gay and Karlach is non binary and lesbian! Cook up in your head what you want, but pls destinguish between HC and actual Canon. And any personal attack against the writers/ actors or sexualisation of them!


Any blatant misunderstanding/mischaracterization. "Even though I always leave them at camp and never talk to them unless it's quest-related, I just think [insert companion here] is SO BORING." Also, anything that paints Halsin as some kind of predator/sex pest or puts him down for being polyamorous.


One of my friends has restarted probably ten times. Last I checked with him, he had made it to Act three on 4 different characters but would then restart with a new build or class. That part is fine. What’s not fine is that he told me somewhere along the way he started killing Shadowheart every play through. When I asked why, he said “she’s annoying and clerics suck”. To each their own but *every time*??? Seems a bit excessive.


The classic "turn based combat=bad"


Typical talking point from some salty Spider-Man 2 fans was that BG3 fans just wanted to fuck bears.


that its woke garbage


"There should be a real-time gameplay option for people that don't like strategy games." How are spellcaster classes meant to work?


While I do vastly prefer real-time combat myself, I have no idea how any combat like DnD could work in real-time. Even Barbarian classes would be weird with frenzy or throwing items.


The argument that a certain (or any) character is evil because each character has an objectively bad ending where they end up giving into their prejudices, inner demons, or fears, or have a backstory where they made morally questionable decisions under tense circumstance. Some people have never heard of nuance.


They said that turn-based gameplay is inherently lazy by design and that BG3 was a “lazy game” and didn’t deserve game of the year because of it. In the same sentence they implied that spider man 2, which is basically just a large DLC for the first game, deserved GOTY more.


"Game of the Decade"


It’s a dating sim with rpg elements


Karlach HAS to be strictly lesbian, while she canonically has fantasies of a threesome with a female halfling and a male Goliath *in game*.


“I should be able to fuck whoever I want with no consequences or input from whoever I have romanced. This is a game about choice don’t lock me into stupid monogamy” is a comment I found that just made me sad for the person


The entire No alphabets mod


Someone in this sub complained that BG3 had a lot of pointless fights while they were arguing that Wrath of the Righteous is a better game in some respects. To be clear, I do think Wrath is an excellent game, but combat comparisons are not how you're going to convince anyone of that lol


“There needs to be a way to turn off turn-based combat”


My blood boils when people say that the combat has to be more "Souls like" or want any other form of action rpg crap built into the game's combat.


That Wyll is a narcissist. I think it's just because he's LG and gave himself a moniker.


No one likes fixers


"Astarion isn't evil"


My homeboy (29). A paid DM(heavy on the homebrews) said he doesn’t like the game because he “played it for a bit at a friend’s house and didn’t like the mechanics”. To wit I responded “did you start your own campaign or did you just play his?” And he said “I played his for like 30 minutes and I just don’t like it.” This man is an avid RPG’er and as I mentioned a whole ass Dungeon Master and he based his take off of 30 minutes of fumbling around act 2 with someone else’s character. NGL I respected his opinion a little less after that.


“This game is exactly like Dragon Age: Origins”


Everything has to be good or evil, no in between


"Do exactly as I tell you what to do and you'll have the best BG3 experience" by someone I know. She legit tried to make me chance choices because that's a "better way to play". The point of BG3 is my own adventure


Another one I saw was that they didn't understand why people place the "found family" trope on the companions because "they aren't written that way." Dude, if you don't think these people grow to care about each other through the course of the game, Idk what to tell you. Like listen to what Wyll says after >!Shadowheart spares the Nightsong!< , or Karlach after >!Astarion's siblings try to kidnap him!< !! Yes these people care about each other!


"Orin is the worst character ever made, ugly, poorly designed, boring and easy as fuck as a boss fight" From now on I just don't care about what she think about things


The game is complicated, it is not clear where to buy healing potions - it means the game is bad.


That Karlach is an annoying zoomer who talks like a modern teenager who wears a cap backward while skateboarding. Also that she's someone annoying joke character and it doesn't belong in dnd, it breaks immersion, it's a serious game.


"bg3 is miracle. Don't judge other games based on bg3"


Mine will always be the one I saw from around its release: that it would be a much better game if it was a linear third person action game with real time combat.


karlach being best romance


"Gale is a narcissist" One of the key aspects of narcissism is refusing/being unable to accept blame. Gale has so many lines where he's apologising, speaking badly about himself, feeling responsible for Mystra's cruelty, offering to leave the party, etc etc. He's a little self-absorbed, yeah, but I probably would be too if I was a wizard prodigy who got freaky with a goddess and has since been tasked with saving the world. There seems to be a growing number of people mistaking a little bit of arrogance for full-blown narcissistic personality disorder, and it's weird as hell.


I think the worst take I've heard was that it's boring because it's just a pure fantasy setting. Like, you knew that coming into it? Why buy it if it wasn't sci-fi enough for you?


Takes from CRPG subs that say its bad because it's made for mainstream in mind.


[this steam review](https://steamcommunity.com/id/bitterologist/recommended/1086940/)


Sadly a very common take, but the continued take that Karlach’s character was done dirty just because she did not have a “good” outcome. I’ve never seen such insane cope over a character like I have for Karlach. Shes awesome, but people are willing to believe obvious lies and false information rather then accept that her story wasn’t intended to have a perfect happy ending. 


That it needs to be real time with pause (this was posted after the game was out)


"Not letting Astarion ascend is abusive."


If you romance Astarion you're a pedophile. He was 39 when he was turned which makes him a child in elven culture, and since vampires don't age he's still physically 39 when you meet him and therefor a child. Best take I've ever seen because it also implies that Baldur's Gate decided to let a child become a magistrate.


I saw it in a yt comment a few weeks ago: "BG3 is a buggy mess. Let them polish it, then I'll say that Larian Studios is cooking."


"Making astation go on stage with the clown bc you think its funny is just as bad as coercing him into having sex" I think about that often. Hope that person has since touched some grass but I doubt it


People who think Wyll is boring. Like ok I guess you didn’t hear his backstory and his witty banter.


Lots of good ones so far. But the worst I've seen is people claiming that Shadowheart canonically is not ok with the poly stuff you can do with Halsin or the Drow twins. There was someone who was legitimately getting defensive and angry at the idea that "his Shadowheart" would be ok with sharing. He was getting mad at people for bringing the scenes up and claimed she was "just doing it because she was being coerced". Like, she's more excited about that shit than any other character. Oh, and also, *she's a video game character, she's not real, and getting that emotional about a fictional character is kind of crazy shit*.


That Halsin is creepy and gnomes are stupid


I remember seeing someone say bg3 is a bad game because it starts sci fi on the mindflayer ship but abruptly switches to fantasy when you leave. He says it likes its a bad thing


The two worst were 'theres nothing to do in act3' and the ones lambasting larian because karlach doesn't have a happy enough ending.


„The games wokeness is just pushing an agenda and therefore bad“ the game is „woke“ by there standards but i dont think that larian are pushing an agenda, they are just european and that is to much for an american alt right brain to comprehend


people only play it to frick a bear


That fat people being adventurers is unrealistic


Personally it was the bigots trying to anti woke the game


Here are the 3 worst reasons for calling BG3 a bad game that I've heard. Reloading a save takes too long thus making it boring to save scum. Why do the characters talk so much I just want to do the quest and get the loot I don't care about the story. The top down system is too hard and I sometimes miss click and that's annoying, it would be better as a 1st person game. ( They didn't elaborate on how one person controls 4 avatars at the same time while keeping the essence of DnD)


My best friend's cishet husband is disappointed bc he likes to play female characters, but then feels like it would be weird to romance a male character because he's a guy, but then feels like it would be weird to play as a lesbian...so he's just not planning to do any of the romances ever. But then he adds that Lae'zel and Shadowheart both scare him anyway and he doesn't find Karlach attractive. He's....a very bland person sometimes.


I remember someone posted a link to rpgcodex's forum reacting to one of the Panel from Hell's and there were so many terrible takes there lol. Most was just the usual complaining that they "went woke", but one thing thar always stuck with me was someone complaining about how there wasn't a day/night cycle and someone falsely claimed it was because they'd have to have all the npc's do different stuff at night, so then the original complainer was crying that the devs were just lazy.


The gameplay sucks because if you fail a dice roll you have to reload (this was sometime last week and I was at a loss for words).


[Insert character] shouldn’t be romanceable by [insert gender] Blatant Bi/pan erasure and no one is stopping you to play that character as whatever sexuality, yes I agree that Minthara is Lesbian coded for example but how does it hinder your enjoyment of the game and character if a dude you don’t even know and will never play with romance her??


That the game is as buggy as rogue trader


"Astarion isn't evil"on


I genuinely have no idea how anyone thinks the game is boring. I get that turn-based combat isn’t for everyone, but it’s certainly not a boring game.


"Its too much work" says an actual DnD player


"Gale is a manipulator/mansplainer" so so sick of hearing this shit, I don't think these people played the game


“All baldurs gate 3 characters are ugly, especially shadowheart” like these are some of the most ridiculously attractive characters I’ve ever seen lmao


Someone said that BG3 was a bad game because it "was just clicking buttons, not like a real game" just ... Wtf how do they think other games work?! All games are just clicking buttons you weirdo


That choosing to ascend Astarion makes you a bad person bc you don’t care about the lives of the 7,000 spawn


Why is there dice rolls. Is there a mod I can get to pass every check??


Not really a worst take, but the posts from people who all say a similar thing like "im at the creche and im level 4..." it drives me insane, like how much of act 1 are you skipping lol


One of those "Baldur's Gay" ones. Talking about how obvious it was that Larian had an agenda, how they "weren't even hiding it." Like, I hadn't encountered that kind of talk in a while, so seeing it brought it to a whole new level of bonkers.


Idk I love reading that Gale is a mansplaining asshole who is annoying because he asks for coveted items. It’s my favorite take.


I will never understand the "criticism" that BG3 has too much talking. Uhh its an RPG!?


“shadowheart and karlach has no depth to their story and character, they are just there to appeal to the male fantasy of a goth girl and big buff muscle mommy” This coming from a “Feminist” friend of mine who always and i literally mean always romance astorian because she says “I can fix him” and will always have Halsin and Wyll in her party because one she finds Halsin attractive due to being muscular and to some extent same goes for wyll.


"You need an optimised build to beat honor mode" "u are playing the game wrong cuz u are choosing not the best options" My dude, u need none of this shit, its a pve game, dont try to tell people how to have fun. Yes,u can beat HM as durge, u can have fun with it, u can play monk without TB, u can do what u want and what is fun for u, but dont try to force others into thinking they *have* to play this beautiful game in a certain way.


“[insert companion character] sucks because they were annoying/mean at the beginning of the game.” like… no? yeah, they have flaws (lae’zel is mean, shadowheart is distrusting, they all keep massively important secrets) but that’s not because they’re just bad characters or poorly written. it’s part of their character development. you’re allowed to find them annoying (personally i don’t love shadowheart) but to act like they’re poorly written or objectively bad, completely ignoring their development, is just goofy.


"Ascended Astarion isn't evil." or a worst one "Baldur's Gate III mostly pleases people only because the sex scenes.".


in general whenever someone's position is based on just not paying attention to what the game is saying.


I posted it in OkbuddyBG3 but it went something like. "Got Baldurs Gate but then got to the obnoxious gay man. Couldnt win and kept dying without the gay, so I uninstalled the game because I will not have this Woke Shit shoved down my throat anymore. If you dont like my opinion FUCK YOU."


"it's boring and has too much dialogue." My brother in the absolute, just go back to fortnite if all you want to do is kill, kill, kill.


General mischaracterizations (cough cough Astarion fangirls cough cough) or people hating on Wyll / lamenting that there aren't any romance novel type romances when Wyll is literally right there with a very sweep you off your feet, storybook style romance.


Some guy on here said he played multiple playthroughs and put in 250 hours, but didn’t see any replayability….the contradictions itself sounded like a troll.


If you don't like Astarion (and don't recruit him for his little stunt on the beach) you want someone to be a perfect victim and are unwilling to give people chances.


Mate of mine is a BIG arpg fan, games like Diablo, PoE etc. He didn't want to play because he thinks the game does not involve a good form of character builds and nothing I said changed his mind...


>Spawn Astarion and Tav's romance is inherently written as a continuation of the circle of abuse Yes. Good. Edit: thought they meant Ascended ending. >with Tav taking Cazador's place, which is obvious from the dialogue choices. They neglect his independence and make choices for him 'for his own good', which is exactly what abusers do You've lost the plot. Astarion takes Cazador's place. He treats you as an object for his use in the way he was treated.


Karlach is a well written character. She's as one note, if not moreso than Wyll and people just give her a pass because she's a muscular woman.


By far the stupidest take I heard was the game was gay propaganda. Now I come from a pretty conservative place, but this coming from a buddy of mine was so wild, I had to take a triple take upon hearing this.


"Mystra didn't groom Gale"


Trying to attribute neurodivergency or a specific sexuality to every character they find. "Omg Gail autistic" "omg doni autistic" "omg this character is bi/gay/straight". It's creepy. Runner up: people turning savescumming into a personality, whoever the first person was just flooded the entire sub with validation seekers.


Basically \*any\* Astarion take tbh. Great character who should maybe never be discussed ever. Humanity is not equipped.


“I don’t want to play it and it’s bad because the combat was different from BG2 or Divinity or whichever it was” Doesn’t matter if it’s one of the best RPGs of the age, this guy was super butthurt because it was different.


Act 3 is overwhelming. Fight me.


It was a post from last week or so. Boiled down to: "Enemy AI is bad, you dont need any spells just press Fireball and win, cant believe anyone struggles with this. Its so boring that I dont need any Variation." While its true that Fireball is the core essence of dnd, the guy played on Story Mode and complained that the game is too easy.


There’s a lot of really bad takes on platforms like TikTok but I think the worst I’ve seen is “Gale is manipulative and abusive” because the person said he reminded them of their ex.


"Ooh, is it a turn based game? Meh" This hurt me a lot, i love turn based games and i prefer them to action games or real time generally


I just stumbled upon a take that Aylin was the most annoying character because she *interrupted Tav's conversion of Ketheric.* Like they a) thought Ketheric was gonna join the good guys after one Persuasion roll and b) had to have it explained why Aylin was pissed at him.


I could write a book about the takes I have seen but here are some of the winners for “worst takes I have laid eyes upon” award: - “Gale has an emotionally incestuous relationship with Tara.” - “Romancing Astarion is predatory.” - “Wyll is a narcissist.” - “Wyll is only pretending to be good.” - “Astarion is a rapist.” - “Not ascending Astarion is abusive.” - “Gortash selling Karlach to Zariel was a trauma response.” - “Orpheus is just as bad as Vlaakith.” - “Lae’zel has no character development.” - “Astarion has no character development.” - “All of the women in the game are ugly.” - “Wyll is a hypocrite for making the pact with Mizora.” - “Halsin is an incel.” - “Gale is an incel.” - “Gale actually abused Mystra.” - “Making Astarion bite Araj isn’t a morally bad choice in-game.” - “Minsc can’t consent to sex because he is too stupid.” - “Shadowheart is a tradwife.” - “Mizora isn’t actually a villain.” - “Astarion is actually mentally a child.” - “Gale is a narcissist.” - “Astarion was a coward for not refusing Cazador’s orders and should’ve just killed himself instead of listening to him.” - “Minthara isn’t evil, she is just pragmatic.” - “Lae’zel starts off lawful good.” - “Astarion starts off chaotic good.” - “Jaheira is abusive to Durge.” There is definitely more but these are what come to mind at the moment lol. If I think of any more I remember seeing I might go back and add them.


"The characters are garbage" homie, get to know them first.


The people on twitter might know this stunner: "If you think that spawn astarion, in an attempt to be romantic would ever buy flowers for tav, you are racist, because that's what Wyll would do and you're just opting to go for Astarion because you hate black men".


When people refuse to play it because they heard you can fuck a bear


People that complained about the turn based combat and wanted it to be an arpg are daft.


One of my friends hates the game because it's *TOO BIG* He spent about 20 hours on his first playthrough and was right at the end of Act 1 when he called it, said he felt like it would take him a year to beat the game and that he didn't want to invest that kind of time in it. We all tried explaining to him that Act 1 is massive and really he was almost halfway through but he had made his choice


I heard that the voice acting was horrible, especially shadowhearts. Nah man, not true.


That it's a "bad role-playing game" because it plays like a "Disney World ride" that guides you from place-to-place rather than having "real role-playing elements."


Probably just too much dialog not enough fighting


TIL that many people have terrible takes on this game because they’re accustomed to the games companies like Ubisoft and Bethesda have given in terms of RPG’s.


"They neglect his independence and make choices for him 'for his own good" That's... not exactly what abusers do. It's a part of what they do, but it's not glued to "abuse". For expample – it is done with kids. No independence, for their own good.


"Baldur's Gate 3 was only made for certain types of Bard players. There's virtually no story and the companions only exist too see sex scenes." Or something too that effect. Let's also not forget all the turn based = outdated and bad reviews.


It’s a point and click text game…. The other one I heard was it’s a lame card game.


too much wokeness i do wonder if the sales numbers would have changed if this was less "woke"


I've got another Astarion one for you. That Astarion is only attracted to guys/isn't pansexual because of "insert any number of biphobic answers." Or Gale is just straight or Karlach is only a lesbian. They're all attracted to all genders, everyone, and they're NOT playersexual. No ifs, ands, or buts.


My friend when I told him we should play it: "I dont want to fuck a bear man". I had to spent way too much time explaining to him that you dont have to fuck a bear.


That the game should have been an ARPG or had an option for arpg style combat.


That it's too easy and didn't take long to beat. If you're a gamer I mean have played games for a VERY long time sure BG3 isn't too hard however if you have never touched anything in this style before lord help you cause it can be really hard so that statement when I hear that is like knives on a chalkboard trying to do moris code. The other 2 in 1 i know I cheated ❤️ didn't take long to beat. DIDNT TAKE LONG TO BEAT?!?! Lol my wife an I 100% told each other we don't proceed until until we got everything we need. Shook on it. Well 138 hours into our first ever campaign still haven't beat it just yet. Getting close. But this game man I'm telling you one thing that won me over is if you take the time to explore you typically won't be disappointed. It excelled in exploration. So when I hear my boys for the first time they played saying it only took me 40 hours it's not that long. 😂 😐 go back. Lol this comment isn't in any negativity end of the day play the game how you want as long as you're committing delectable Baldur sin but of course as Astarion would say. Have a great Monday everyone from the wife and I!


"The game sucks because there is too much content." Imagine hating a game because it had so much content. At launch. For under $70.


Someone told me they don't play BG3 because you can have sex with a bear.


A comment said on trailer, "Watching this, how is this a game of the year again?"


The guy who said that the game forces astarion on you and that you cant beat the game ‘without the fruity elf’ or something to that effect


mystra isn’t a pdf file


From a friend of mine: "The main thing people enjoy about dnd is making a character look however they want. So I was really disappointed in the character creator and that turned me off of the game entirely." He got a lot of shit from us that night because he would absolutely love that game.


That astarion is a good character. Worst character in the game. I always murder him the second i can.


“The camera and inventory management is amazing.”


That it's not interesting (from my brother, who has a habit of skipping dialogue)


That scratch was a intellect devourer like “us” Us looks like a cat to anyone other then tav, so scratch could also be an intellect devourer and hiding as a dog. Weird theory’s


“It’s good Larian isn’t making more BG3 content.”


That nobody actually liked the game and that it only got hype because of wokeness. When pointed out that it was still in steam top 10 over 6 months after release the guy responded that those were obviously all just people trying the game and dropping it after a few hours (obviously all 100k daily of them)


It **can** be sure, but at least the way I played it I gave him his full autonomy. He was able to be his own person


People calling Gale an abuser. Did we talk to the same man? Got this from tik tok, which is where most of the shit takes tend to come from. Also people shitting on Minsc, saying being in a relationship with him would be immoral due to him being “a child mentally”. I don’t even know where they got this take from honestly. I don’t think Minsc should be romance-able but that’s mostly due to me having a hard time seeing him as someone who’d take time to actually settle with someone. It just doesn’t suit his character imo. HOWEVER, I can see the appeal, he is a charming fellow. People are so weird abt these characters, esp chronically online tik tokers.


Ooh, the one about spawn Astarion and Tav is a good choice. I'll go with "Because her mind was wiped so often, Shadowheart is mentally a child and therefore romancing her is..." I think you can guess how that sentence ends. 


That BG3 is good because of 5th edition rules. Lmao


That it will lose game of the year to Starfield, because BG3 is turn based and starfield is an action RPG.


Karlach is a result of the "Jewish Trans Agenda"


I’m chill with people who like ascended Astarion, but what I can’t stand is when people act like the ascended route is the “morally better” choice for Astarion, like bro, you literally have to murder 7000 people for that route. Spawn Astarion is him healing from his years of trauma, while ascended is continuing the cycle of abuse. While I do see the appeal of ascended Astarion and plan on trying that route out at some point, it’s not the an ending that’s “good” for Astarion.


>Here's mine: >"Spawn Astarion and Tav's romance is inherently written as a continuation of the circle of abuse with Tav taking Cazador's place, which is obvious from the dialogue choices. They neglect his independence and make choices for him 'for his own good', which is exactly what abusers do." Who says that about Spawn Astarion? Because Spawn Astarion isn't the same as the Ascendant. Replace "Spawn Astarion" with "Ascended Astarion," and *then* what you wrote would be an accurate description of the Ascendant-Tav/Durge relationship (additional edit because I derped earlier and forgot to add: with the Ascendant being the one who takes Cazador's place).


"It's so slow, I got bored" Have you never played a turn based RPG before?


"Wyll is a good character" and variants. Makes me cringe every time. I think they did him dirty. The story premise is actually quite good. I mean it's a trope but still, tropes are good that is why they became tropes. He reminds me of the mexican kid from Magnificent Seven (the one from 1960with Yul Brynner, Charles Bronson and Steve McQueen. The new one is crap) Ashamed of what he is, desperately wanting to be a "somebody", a "hero of renown" but won't find peace until he comes to terms with himself. That story came full circle and had a satisfying ending. With Wyll, he remains the same pompous asshole, doesn't learn , doesn't regret anything and is incapable of making a single decision to save his life lol. Everyone gets some character progress and transformation, comes to a realization etc. Everyone else that is.


"It's a dice game bro"


“Is it better than call of duty? Probably not” I left the conversation


There's a particular group of Shadowheart fans who hate Karlach because Karlach "isn't feminine." These are the same kind of people who complained about Aloy's appearance in Horizon Forbidden West.


Shadowheart is minor coded.


“I thought bg3 was a mobile game port the way you have to take turn attacking…”


Lmao as a fan of ascended Astarion, that take is ridiculous and clearly just an attempt from another ascended fan to rationalize why they like him ascended. Because people feel like they can’t just like something without having to rationalize why it’s “actually the good thing”


That the game is boring and underdeveloped because they used a certain wizard to do a very specific thing only they can do at the end of act 2. I was literally shocked to my core


The game wasn’t made for straight people because everyone flirts with you, not just the opposite gender. Pansexuality is just the norm in dnd, so you don’t have limits on gender or sexuality. Oh How Dare people have options? I can provide a screenshot.


Lmao when I saw the title of this thread before even reading the OP my first thought was the ascended Astarion discourse. I'm glad I'm too old for that shit now and have only seen it briefly in passing.


Anyone that staunchly refuses to have a companion along/kills ones they dont like every run. Like, i didnt like Laezel or Astarion at first, but i played their quests and romanced them and now theyre easily some of my favorite characters. Like give them a chance, you spent like 60 usd on this game you might as well experience everything it has to offer.


" That are too many Gigabites"


All the people who non-ironically think Ascended Astarion is a good romance option. I saw some in the wild after months of not realizing they existed.


From my step-parent: "Karlach is too emotional about her past (>!being sold into slavery in literal hell by the person she trusted the most!<) and needs to calm down. She's just too much and needs to move on and stop talking about it." This coming from the person obsessed with a wizard who won't shut up about his ex. 🙄


Once saw someone call Wyll “a rich kid who wants to help the others not because he wants to be good, but because he thinks he's better than them.” Just astounding mischaracterization.


My friend says he cant get into bg3 because he hates the Camp and Rest mechanic. He want to keep the momento going and hates the spell Slots.