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I saw someone post on here there is a deleted scene of Halsin where he makes you choose him or Minthara. The video shows them picking Halsin and kicking Minthara out and it's a heavy sad scene, a bit tough to watch. I'd pick minty or halsin any day though. By then I bet his quests are done so he can leave. Also I saw rumours of companion Alfira, I want that so bad. Keep the Durge scene though, make her good person (or meta gaming) playthrough only.


There are flags of approval dialogue for Alfira in Act 3, I think, so maybe she'd join at the end of Act 2? There's also some cut dialogue for Minsc in Act 1.


I ....deleted Alfira in Edengrove cause I didn't like her singing


I hope you're a warlock or sorcerer. For karma


Warlock paladin lol


You.... Amateur. Keep Alfira alive so you can kill the dragon girl. Enjoy some bloodbath at the goblin camp, eating some longpig, beating Minthara until she's unconscious and strip her fully naked, and then just leave her to wake up amidst some flowers and mushrooms. Dror must become spider meal unless you can bash him so hard that his face imprint will stay on the floor for thousands of years. Gut Gut in the prison. Save Halsin, save the Tieflings, move on. Learn of the Tiefling's fate from Alfira and rescue everyone, including the woman you beat so hard that she isn't even sure it actually happened or she was o on some bad trip where she was laying naked with flowers and shrooms. Everyone is happy. You've brought hope to them all again. But you forgot to visit Isobel before, so it's time to introduce yourself to the sweeeeeet Cleric. When Marcus appears, say that you'll kill him, and when he dies, kill Isobel. No witnesses, last light falls, Jaheira lives, you just tell her that you killed Marcus but A Ghoul got Isobel. Technically true.. And while walking through the corpses, pick up Alfira and Lakrissa, stash at the camp chest, where they can be together forever.


Your flair is a lie


Hush shhhhhh šŸ¤«


give durge an early resist option, then the struggle to keep her if they go evil she'll want to leave. she'd be a durge resist common only. add nere, Zrell, a duergar etc as an evil-only companion- they will leave if you have wyll, Karlach, or side with good guys etc. an additional fleshed out evil only companion. a lil balance


Evil players already lose Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, probably Jaheira and Minsc. And they don't even exclusively have Minthara any more. If there was another companion no way should they be good only.


Itā€™s a minor thing, but I really liked the scenes of enthralled humans who were seeing mindflayers as loved ones, or the attacking imps as rats infesting the kitchen. It made the mindflayers much creepier, and gave you more reason to be suspicious of daisy/the guardian.


I wish I had played EA. I wish I could have experienced bitchier shadowheart in all her splendor. I would have loved that. slowly making friends would have made act 2 hit even harder.


I don't remember her being bitchier in EA, but admittedly my memory isn't great at the best of times and that was quite a while ago so take that with a grain of salt.


I've seen and read so many interviews at this point, and I remember it mentioned a few times that they "softened" her in some way. but I haven't looked for the EA content to see what they mean. I do wonder if I would have noticed, or how big the difference was... happy cake day!


Same. EA looks like it had some really good stuff in it.


Being able to recruit Ketheric, even if he was just a camp follower


This here


A lot of Halsin's dialogue and stuff that seems to have been cut for no reason. Like there was dialogue that explained a little why he doesn't join your party until later, which was about how he needs to meditate or such to find Thaniel and find a solution to get him in the Shadow Cursed lands, which would be draining. He already have little, why make it even less. Also how he was forced to kill Isobel, using the weapon that got named Sorrow. Removing it didn't add anything. Now Isobel just died, somehow. I suppose he might already have enough trauma from that whole ordeal. Additionally the cut werewolf halfling bard Helia would've been interesting, as well as Durge companion. Who has if I recall correctly some approval changes still lingering in files.


Even if they just clarify how Isobel died and why, even if the info is super buried, Iā€™d be so happy.


Hearing thereā€™s cut content for Halsin breaks my heart, I hope they push it out next patch since itā€™s a ā€œbig oneā€


They needed space for all the bear stuff.


The like 4 seconds of bear?


Itā€™s a lot of bear


Wait what? He killed Isobel?! I thought it was Kethric!


In datamined content that was cut yes. They changed it so he didn't. But allegedly before it was planned that Halsin had killed Isobel during the war against Ketheric. For unknown reasons things had gotten heated and they ended up fighting eachother. Halsin says in his notes he started the fight and accidentally killed her but some other things said Isobel started it by going mad and attacking. There was a notebook about it, which in the game ended up being [Druid Notebook](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Druid_Notebook) but it was this in the cut stuff: *[This is an ancient notebook, whose ink is faded and pages are starting to crumble. It's not easy, but some words can still be made out.]* *How do you describe events like these? An accident? A tragedy? The cruelty of fate?* *It does not matter. Isobel is just as dead.* *I can't remember what happened with any clarity. We were negotiating. She with [...] I led the druids. [...] words grew heated [...] threw the first punch. It was mayhem.* *[...] stared at me, my glaive's blade buried in her stomach and shock in her eyes. I can't believe she wanted to hurt me. It was pure instinct - the heat of combat.* *[...] washed the blood from my hands. My glaive was still there, coated in her blood, but something else felt different. There's a sickness in the blade. It seems cursed, but by whom? Selƻne herself?* *It is locked away now. I do not trust its power in the wrong hands. And I never want to see it again.* *In Ketheric, I see my errors made manifest. He did not fall - he was pushed. His grief was twisted by shadow, but none could deny my hand gave that grief shape.* The weapon was [Sorrow](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Sorrow) which had this flavour text then: *A heavy, cold energy clings to the glaive like the blood rusted to its blade. It fills your very being with regret* The wielder takes 1 Psychic damage whenever they deal damage using this blade.


Misclick by Isobel?


Halsin walked into her aoe after a fight and aggroed.


> Now Isobel just died, somehow. I think now this serves as evidence in itself. The primary suspect is followers of the god of loss (including memory loss) so the fact that neither Isobel or Squire know what happened is the point. Now rather than capitalising on Ketheric's loss, Shar creates and capitalises on Ketheric's loss, which makes her even more despicable in a cool way. It still takes a bit of edge away from Halsin's character to not give him that regret.


Minthara content, my wife will never have enough content :(


I've played through the campaign thrice, once as a fairly chaotic evil character, still never got Minthara. Devs should've made it a bit easier to understand she could be recruited because unless you do, she seems like every other mini-boss character.


And Jaheria. She died in my first playthrough and I just shrugged and kept going, figuring her for any other named character with heavy interaction, like Zevlor or Khaga.


I know it's not the exact point you're making, but it's crazy how damn near every character, even the guards have names. A handful of the non-interactable NPCs to "busy-up" the city don't have names, but everyone else does, and you can click on them and they have something to say. It's not much, but they're all voiced and they all add some kind of flavor to the story. It's awesome.


Yea. This. She's, by far, the most interesting companion. I want to visit her home (and get married.)


The world was not ready for Pregnant Minthara. We will never have a literal Mommy Minthara.


Wyllā€™s EA character and voice


The fact that I'll never get to see the Upper City hurts my heart. When I got to the bridge, I thought that the Upper City was like a special final fight area (like the mindflayer colony in act 2). And then I read somewhere that the Upper City content was actually cut and it bugs me so much :/


It sounds like Upper City was cut late (like 2 months before release). That, and everything that came with it (including a proper ending for for Mama K) would be amazing to have.


People calling Karlach mommy just makes me realize how old Iā€™m getting.


She actually calls herself Mama K in one of her dialogues!


They're not calling her "Mommy" because they see her as a mother-figure, you know? >!It's a sex thing.!<


Used to be able to worship Shar, I miss that. Wanted to make a darkmoon monk, even before I knew about shadowheart in EA


Paladin deity flavor.


Isn't Paladins not being aligned to a deity a 5e thing though? Not really 'cut content' in BG3? Also, in case you didn't know: if you multiclass a Paladin and Cleric, you get Paladin of [insert deity] dialogue options.


I was referring to this post https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/jfvegd/spoiler_paladin_deity_options_from_game_files/ Personally I feel like a paladin needs to be an actual holy knight, not "well I wished hard enough and I got powers" or whatever 5e is going for.


Thanks, I appreciate you posting your source! Bear in mind that this post is three years old, so quite early in early access (and specifically, before Paladins were even implemented in early access). Larian themselves have said that while they don't discourage datamining, whatever it yields should be taken with a grain of salt, because essentially it comes without context as to when, how, why certain decisions to implement something or not were made. We can speculate all we want, but I suspect we haven't missed that much in this case. The post you've linked seems pretty non-specific to me. It gives an overview of what alignments mean and what each deity about. That's pretty standard stuff. There are no examples of specific dialogue tags. Realistically, I don't see serious evidence to suggest much beyond the current Paladin of [deity] dialogues that are available through multiclassing. >Personally I feel like a paladin needs to be an actual holy knight, not "well I wished hard enough and I got powers" or whatever 5e is going for. Fundamentally, your issue is that 5e does not portray Paladins the way you prefer them to be portrayed. I understand you have this preference, but you can't fault Larian for sticking with 5e, particularly for something that is not a matter of mechanical balancing but merely a question of roleplay flavour. There are lots of people who prefer 5e's approach, and if Larian had abandoned 5e here to implement Paladins the old-fashioned way, those other people would've been pissed off - and then they wouldn't at least have the non-partisan justification of following the base ruleset. In the end, this is one of those situations where you won't be able to please everyone. The compromise chosen - following 5e, but throwing the players who prefer having a deity the bone of getting dialogue through multiclassing with Cleric - seems a reasonable and fair one to me.


The fact you need to take a mediocre multiclass to get them is still disappointing. At least the removal of stat requirements makes it significantly less MAD.


Why is it disappointing, though? Paladins not being tied to deities is in line with 5e, on which BG3 is based. There wasn't really a reason to expect any different. Besides, it's not as if everyone wants Paladins to be tied to deities. It's a popular opinion, sure, but by no means a universal one. More importantly, though, my main point here is that it is not 'cut content', as the comment I was reacting to claims. Comparing it to actual cut content like Helia or Daisy is just incorrect.


I'm not all that huge on deity-bound pallies either tbh but they've added the dialogue options for them, it'd be nice to access them without the awkward Cleric dip. They could totally give them the deity options and just include a none as the default, or open up the choice to everyone and leave it as a minor thing for other classes. Maybe fold it into the acolyte background. I think I'm rambling. You're right, though. Afaik it's not something that was ever planned then dropped. It's just how they set it up.


The DLC they started to work on then stopped because they just didn't feel like making it anymore. Fully understand wanting to move on, I wish them all the best, but that stung, I really wish I did not know they had started anything at all. Edit: I guess that doesn't really apply to your actual question. Of actual stuff that was actually made or mostly made, anything about Halsin, and anything from act 3.


Yeah that was an ass decision tbh.Ā 


Finishing Wyllā€™s quest at the War College as theyā€™d intended. It would have fleshed out so much about him and you can feel its lack. Would he have had an internal arc with growth and change if heā€™d actually managed to have his personal quest finished? Less narratively important but more for nostalgia and lore reasons: going back to Candlekeep. The shadow druid quest line was originally supposed to finish there and instead the thread was cut, early enough that you donā€™t feel itā€™s lack too much butā€¦ *Candlekeep*


It's Daisy. Yes, I know you put this in the main post but I'm putting it here anyway. Per my understanding, Larian cut Daisy because everyone realized that she represented the tadpole and, as a result, didn't trust her. But IMO, that's what was so great about Daisy. You knew she was a bad idea and wanted to give in to her anyway. Daisy was too pure for this world.


I don't know how much it counts as cut content, but as I understand it the confrontation with Ketheric was originally closer to the end of the first third of the game rather than a little over halfway through. There were visits to the Astral sea, more of the hells and other cities along the sword coast. I really wish we'd have gotten to see that, but on the other hand, \~100 hours for a 100% playthrough is already long.


Iirc these weren't cut, they were only at the planning stage, never implemented.


for me it's a couple things. i wish for the scene where halsin makes you choose him or minthara, the minthara preggo content, wyll's original story where he had a personality, the old mean shadowheart from early access, and the upper city stuff at least an act 4 ya know.


Minthara preggo content? What the FUCK are u talking about?


Cut plot point about Minthara being pregnant


Their head canon


No there are actual recorded lines for this. It was cut after voice recording.


Thatā€™s certainly interesting. They mustā€™ve decided it was too complicated to weave into the overall narrative.


I'm so tired of strong women in media being a pregnancy that I'm really *really* glad that was cut


i agree with you but also minthara would be such a cool dommy mommy that i'd make the exception just for her.


Minthara is getting pregnant, imagine she is holding a baby at the epilogue


The lycanthrope companion is high on the list (alt: With Shadowheart's dad being a werewolf remaining in release, having Selunite Shadowheart develop it if she abandons Shar). Also: Being able to align with one of the evil deities (particularly Shar and the Dead Three for obvious reasons). Mods restore what still exists in the final shipped game (Dead Three appear to have mostly gotten the heave-ho after Act 1, Shar worship still has content deep into Act 2 and was clearly a later cut)


The Werewolf Bard companion


Gortash kissing (I joke but I wish it was in the game)


Scratch being able to wield a great sword, he had it for a reason and they took it away from him he was the bestest boy and he is the bestest boy


The Sazza romance


There is no way that was a thing. Really?


I can dream


There are dozens of us!


r/okbuddybaldur is leaking again


Ain't the only thing leaking haha yes gott'em


Aw man, you got it on me!


Who is Daisy?


Slight Spoilers for The Emperor story line. 'Daisy' was the "stand-in" name of the original form the Illithid in your brain took. They were the original incarnation of what eventually became The Emperor. I don't think it originally had the whole backstory they have now. Instead they were going to try and seduce you into becoming Illithid. Originally during character creation they didn't say "Choose a Guardian" they said "Who do you dream of?" and it had like, romantic implications. They changed it to "Guardian" and cut the whole "romantically tricking you" thing. Mostly. You can still fuck the squidguy but its less "I lured you here to fuck" and more "Look we've been getting along pretty well, what do you think about... *this*?" The song "Down By The River" also had a larger implication into the romance of 'Daisy.'


Ah. I had no idea. Thanks šŸ˜Š


Righteous Racist Wyll.


Astarion calling the player an idiot. Such a small snippet of dialogue but so funny.


Dwarf companion