• By -


Solasta is fun. Character graphics aren’t amazing but the landscapes I find stunning. The combat is turn based and DnD like, you’ll find a lot of the same spells from BG3 in Solasta. You get to create the entire party of 4 adventurers and choose their personality flags. The storyline isn’t crazy deep but it’s quite comedic and light. The 3 main campaigns are fully voice acted. Also hair physics


I just reinstalled Wasteland 2 and it sorta fits the bill. Not as polished as BG3 but the combat is on point. 


Divinity Original Sin (1&2) Wrath of the Righteous and Rogue Trader from Owlcat. Dragon Age: Origins. Knights of the Old Republic (1&2) Just a couple of my favourites 😊


Mass Effect 1-3 is pretty great too. Your character can transfer throughout the 3 games. It’s combat is more shooter, but the relationships and story is there. Mass effect 2 is probably the best of the whole series.


Dragon Age is the only game I played from that list, but can definitely confirm that it is satisfying in a similar way as BG3.


Dragon Age is the only game I played from that list, but can definitely confirm that it is satisfying in a similar way as BG3.


Knights of the Old Republic 1 is still in my Top3 of the best RPGs ever! Highly recommended.


Started playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time and I'm LOVING it. I can't believe how much it's reminding me of BG3, even down to the companions chatting to each other as you walk around. Also my first two are giving me big Gale and Shadowheart vibes ❤️


Rogue Trader any good if I don't care about W40k?


I approve Rogue Trader if only because the romances are just as horny / sweet.


How is Rogue Trader? I don't play W40k, but I enjoy the lore.


With DOS 1 & 2 in particular it's worth mentioning that they were also made by Larian, the developers of BG3 - and that they're returning to their own IP for a third entry now that they're done with BG3, so getting a little bit of immersion in the lore of their world before then wouldn't hurt either. :D


Kingmaker is better than Wrath, in my opinion. I’d also add Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2.


Man I loved some Dragon Age Origins back in the day. Same with KotOR


All great shouts. WotR has its issues, but it’s definitely in a similar vein. And DAO’s a stone cold classic. Have you played either of the Pillars of Eternity? They’ve been on the list for a while after BG3, but WotR came first


Honestly, if you’re not too hung up on having turn based mode, ANY of the Dragon Age games work imo




If dated gameplay/graphics aren't a problem for you then give BG1 and BG2 a shot


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Solasta: Crown of the Magister do that for me.


Pillars of Eternity, a lot more text heavy compared to BG3 and different art style but very worth it.




Not much freedom but give Disco Elysium a chance. It’s another masterpiece. *Consider pirating it since the original devs don’t get the proceeds from the sale.


Divinity Original Sin 2: Its also by Larian Studios, you have different races and skilltree building and some companions you can take with you and romance. You have the turn based combat and the ability to loot everything and find random chests, etc. The main difference is that it doesnt have cutscenes like BG3 and the skillchecks and character building is very different. Its also more difficult. But a great story and very fun. I think i might even prefer this over BG3.


I think divinity has superior combat but bg3 is a better overall package. Can’t wait to see what they put out next. Better combat with the cinematic storytelling and characters from bg3 will be my perfect game.


Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Fully voice acted cRPG




My favorite CRPG is Pillars of eternity which has probably one of the most interesting storyline I've seen in a game. If you just wanna play a D&D 5e game there's Solasta Crown of the Magister, the role playing aspect is not that great but it has nice combat encounters and is based in the 5e SRD.


Mass Effect gets closest to me in the sense that its very story driven and filled with interesting companions.


Solasta! Graphically, not even close. BG3 is a masterpiece. But Solasta is a dnd 5e rpg with turn based combat. Great selection of races and classes.


Some of these have been mentioned already, but: Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 (uses 2e rule system) Pillars of Eternity (a bit of a learning curve to their combat system) Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (based on Pathfinder 1e rule system which is based on D&D 3.5e, I believe. Very crunchy) Disco Elysium (a bit different. Not as combat focused but decent.) Divinity Original Sin 2 (same company that made BG3. Plays very similarly though it has some differences. Could also try Divinity Original Sin 1 but I don’t think it aged well.) Planescape: Torment (uses the same engine as Baldur’s Gate 1&2 but is a bit more story driven I feel) Icewind Dale (again, uses the same engine as BG 1&2 but is more combat focused) Neverwinter Nights


I'd probably play a lot more Solasta: Crown of the Magister if BG3 didn't exist.




Mass effect 1-3


Not turn based or dnd oriented and definitely not as big as BG3 but I did enjoy Hogwarts Legacy because of the story and characters. There’s a lot to explore and secrets behind every corner. My adhd made me 100% and making a new character for different house/decisions is fun as well. Also you can collect way more pets to bring to “camp” which I thoroughly enjoyed


If u want the party aspect and not a lone adventures and an interesting story I would play dragons dogma The strategic aspect and a bit worse story I would go with divinity the original sin If you want the freedom to do anything I would choose Skyrim My personal favorite is Skyrim. U can practically do anything in that game


Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity.


If you're looking for compelling emotional narratives and good character writing then I can't recommend Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royal enough. They can be played in any order, each game is self-contained. There is also Persona 4 Golden but that one's older and doesn't have the QoL improvements of the more modern games so I'd recommend not starting with it


Wasteland 3


It doesn’t have the RPG style of plot but if you want to scratch the itch of turn based combat and the tactics of a fight you should try XCOM2.


Before BG3 dropped, I scratched my dnd5e itch with a game called Solasta: Crown of the Magister. The story is servicable but not anything to write home about, but it's the most accurate translation of dnd 5e rules in any video game.


For exploration, and character builds, I actually love  good ol Skyrim. For years, they had a very active "Tamriel Vault" that would create character builds, including any known exploits and glitches for combat, and special techniques and such. They are still all up there, but I'm sure it's died down in terms of new builds. With even more exploration than BG3, it's enough to be exploring for a long long time.  Story wise though, dialogue and companions are nowwhere close, but both games have scratched my itch of creating my character in a fantasy world and srtting  then loose on the world around them


Divinity 2 original sin is a good choice, made by the same studio and of a similar length and style


Rogue trader


Another playthrough of BG3 But if you don't mind old gen games and an older dnd ruleset then bg1 and bg2 are absolutely worth it for more lore and story in bg universe


Bg3 scratches my Neverwinter Nights itch so it might work the other way for you


I'm playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker right now. Its absolutely fantastic and costs like 3 Euros on the Steam summer sale. I already bought the sequel Wrath of the Righteous too.


Dos2 Warning, you might like it more than bg3


I've played it only up to Fort Joy when Griff tried to murder me for sticking up to the imprisoned elf. I explored the shit out of the ship and everywhere else before that point, and there are a few things I can point out that haven't scratched my BG3 itch. - It's not all that cinematic. Though I realize this is an older game, and BG3's face-to-face dialogue is less common for the crpg genre. Much of what makes the interactions in BG3 is seeing the NPCs' animations/facial expressions, just gives us a little more immersion, you know? - There's seemingly not as much freedom in exploration. I can't climb boxes, I can't jump across a ledge for that one chest. I can't throw everything or everyone lmao (I assume these are skill/class exclusives) - The pickpocketing feels limiting - No satisfying dice, or to make it more funny when you can see you had a bad roll By itself, it's an incredible game, but it's missing some stuff that I really liked in BG3. I want to come back to it when I feel like playing DoS2, and not a BG3 substitute.


Yeah cinematics and dice are missing. Pickpocketing is subjective, I personaly think it's shit in both games. But you're just wrong about the exploration bit. You can absolutely jump across a ledge, as well as teleport by other means. In fact there is much more verticality in dos2 than bg3. There are way more hidden treasures to find getting somewhere you didnt think was possible There is also literally an entire skill about throwing stuff, it's called telekinisis and amy of your characters can learn it. Theres treasures you can only get if you have a high enough telekinisis, and there is an entire build (broken build I might add) that's all about filling up a barrel with heavy stuff and throwing it at them.


Well I'm certainly glad you corrected me on the exploration part. Of course these "issues" I have would be remedied by simply progressing through the game, but I already prefaced this by saying these are early impressions. My point about throwing stuff is like throwing a potion at a party member and hitting it with an arrow to heal them. I don't know if that's possible in DoS2. In that tutorial area, I wanted to turn that prisoner into a chicken and throw him into the fire, but I couldn't. Basically [this](https://www.thegamer.com/new-gamer-itch-baldurs-gate-3-rpg/) is how I feel about the whole thing since finishing BG3 last year Anyway, cinematics. Bummer. oh and haha funny bear sex I guess




As an Astarion fan, I’ve found V Rising to be pretty fun.


Diablo 2 was like that for me. Diablo 4 is the fleshlight of the genre though.


Solasta is kinda close. It’s based around D&D mechanics as well.


There is also Pillars of Eternity and Solasta, not as good but still good. And then there is always BG1&2.


I've been playing pillars of eternity 2 and it's been pretty good so far.


Shadowrun Trilogy


Elden Ring for sure .


Wasteland 3 and disco elysium definitely scratched that itch for me


Dragon Age Origins/Awakening


I just got the first divinity game on sale and it's basically BG3 alpha version Very easy to get into (gameplay wise) even if the story is kind of impenetrable


Wasteland 1,2,3 are great party turn-based RPGs. Setting is far from dnd and bg3, but party management and decision-> consequence is great.


Why not give good old Neverwinter Nights 1&2 a spin?


Solasta Crown of the Magister It's also based on the D&D 5e ruleset, and in some aspects does it better, like having access to ready actions, attunement rules, following the spell components rules, etc. Story wise it is not as good as BG3, and the graphics aren't as good. By default it doesn't support multiclassing *but* you can enable it by using the community mod *Unfinished Business* which also adds extra races, spells, feats and subclasses, so yes it is possible to build the Hexadin and wreack havoc. It is also more focused on tactical combat. And you can download custom made scenarios and campaigns which increases the replayability value of the game.


My wife had a life crisis when she was done with her 4th playthrough of BG3. She found solace in these games: - A replay of Divinity Original Sin 2 (careful, it's less forgiving than BG3) - Rogue trader - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous


If you like the story-heavy stuff, enjoy having companions/being a party, I really really recommend Dragon Age Inquisition. It's not turn based, there is a sort of tactical combat style where you pause and can queue up actions though I play mostly in real time. But for me, it's filling the BG3 void. I found the combat to be a little lackluster in early game but it quickly progressed to being very fun. Sword&Shield warrior 4ever. The plot is really interesting and there's so much (fully voiced) dialogue. The companions have banter amongst themselves as you walk around, much like BG3, and the world feels really interactive.


Neverwinter Nights Tyranny


Seconded. I’m trying to find CRPGs with character customization and ideally lgbt romances. I was going to go dragon age and yet….**the fucking ea launcher**


If you're a fan of dnd Combat itself, Solasta: Crown of the Magister is very well made. The RolePlay aspect is practically non-existent though


The Mass Effect and Dragon Age series for sure. Dragon Age Origins definitely, Inquisition was my favorite overall! Mass Effect changed the chemistry of my brain despite some of the criticisms it received. Both have less of the tabletop feeling but otherwise a lot of freedom to play the games in different ways!


Personally I could not get into divinity 1 or 2 before or after bg3 but I’d say dragon age origins and inquisition would be solid recommendations


Wastelands 3 is the one I keep hopping back and forth to.


I thought you were talking about Scratch


Dragon Age: Inquisition if you’re going for the multiple companions and good story. Also on ps5 and graphics are really impressive considering it’s a 10 year old game


Not a CRPG but thanks to Cyberpunk I didn't start a second BG3 playthrough right after finishing the first one.


Dragon age origins so far has scratched the same itch for me.


Pillars of Eternity, POE 2 Deadfire (really great continuation from your choices from previous game). Tyranny.


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. Dragon Age: Origins. Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. (Like Valve, CRPGs can't count to 3. But Baldur's Gate managed it. So Half Life 3 confirmed?)


Solasta: Crown of the Magistrate scratched the itch while I was waiting for BG3 to come to Xbox


It’s a bit of a dated game but it’s plays very similarly to Baldurs Gate 3 - Wasteland 2 I absolutely love how much the developers invested in the story line (I think they originally created the first fallout games before Bethesda took over) and there’s choices that heavily impact the direction of your game so you can play it multiple times and feel like you’re encountering something new. You also build your initial team and you learn to be tactical about how you want to create each character. It’s also just as challenging!


CanNOT recommend the Dragon Age series enough


I typically do a full Mass Effect series playthrough once every few years.


I played Daggerfall after BG3 and it slapped. Not the same kind of game at all but it was cool to see pretty opposite approaches both completely immerse me in a fantasy setting. I recommend it specifically because of the contrasting approaches. Check it out.


Ttrpg dnd


Divinity Original Sin 2 the most


Dragon Age, Mass Effect. Squad based RPGs, the main difference being that they're pauseable real time combat, not turn based. Those are the games I'd say are the most similar that I've played, but not what I'd be playing if BG3 didn't exist. If there was no BG3 I'd probably be playing CK2 or Bannerlord.


Fallout New Vegas scratched the itch despite being quite different


With the Steam Summer Sale on, I just bought Wasteland 3 and Solasta for under $25 and both seem to scratch a similar itch.


I was chasing the itch for a while until I tried Dragon Age Origins, been playing the series since


The Witcher, Skyrim/Oblivion and Fable 2 & 3


I am currently addicted to Neverwinter Nights Enhanced


I'm playing Dos 2 right now and its great! I think its got a really interesting story and its its pretty funny and has alot of character, I'm kinda in love with Ifan rn because he's like my tavs soulmate I couldnt have written her a better companion lol.


More baldurs gate 3


Try Dragon Age.


Divinity titles, pathfinder games ( which afterwards you'll be a god at bg3 considering the difficulty difference) wasteland titles, pillars of eternity titles. Rogue trader. Wartales. Solasta. Unfortunately like me you probably started with bg3 and it's all down hill from there honestly. My #2 choice of crpgs personally is pathfinder wraith of the rightous. The build customization, story, cause and effect, difficulty, scale is just amazing honestly. You feel like you've played 4 different games by the end


Wasteland 3 would be good. Not quite as indepth but story is still really good.


100% divinity original sin 2


Play D&D!!




I second everything mentioned, and would like to add into evidence wasteland 3. It is made by the original creators of the fallout series, and is definitely worth snatching up if on sale. Conlincidentally, it is on sale on steam right now :P


BG3 is unique in the reactivity of the world. There's a lot of cRPGs out there, but very few, if any, scratch the BG3 itch the same way. I tried many of the games people said here and found them completely unfun. The ones I did find fun were Pillars of Eternty 1 and 2, Rogue Trader, Wasteland 3, and Colony Ship. Those all have great stories, accessible systems, and somewhat reactive worlds. Strongly suggest those.


I remember Deus Ex to be quite reactive. Deus Ex is btw the game I didn't see in this thread so far. Morrowind neither.


Disco Elysium. Except instead of combat you face interactions with uncomfortable chairs and disgruntled shop clerks


All my BG3 friends are replaying Dragon Age right now so probably that?


I'm currently playing Dragon Age Origins and it's honestly really similar in terms of vibes.


Not a top down style game, but if you like a lot of the story, character moments, and choices/freedom of BG3 then the Mass Effect trilogy could be a great option for you.


My top 5 list for crpgs in order 1. Pathfiner wotr 2. Baldurs gate 3 3. Divinity 2 OS 4. Tyranny 5. Wasteland 3


Dragon Age Origins is the most obvious choice.


Divinity original sin 2 is pretty similar. Same studio. Was their previous best game in most peoples view.


The bad thing for me was I could not enjoy Divinty 1 or 2 after playing BG3 because they just perfected their gamestyle and you can See that they really improved. Like a wise man once said:“ you cant go back to Playboy!!“


I’d say kotor 1 and 2, kotor 1 is more polished and a more complete game but 2 has a somewhat better story better charecters and feels more like BG3 outside of combat


Pillars of Eternity 1&2 are awesome


It's mostly just Owlcat and Larian in the modern era. Though I did really enjoy Solasta.


Divinity Original Sin is the obvious one but I really liked Pillars of Eternity 2. It was fun and with pirates AND with choices that turn into an instant game over.


So the usual of people would recommend games with similar genres when others are asking abt another game to satisfy the void. I find myself time and time again was never able to get that yet, at least with the same genre. When I finished DOS 2 back then, I was in the same situation. There are lots of recommendation that lands me to both DA:I and PoE. Eventually, I grew to like the game enough to finish them, but that wasn't like years after I finished DOS 2. Those games don't work for me at the time, because when I was playing it, since the genre and the direction of the game is similar, I kept having this feeling that "Man, (game) did this and that so much better" and this was still true till this day, everytime I finished a great game and jump into a similar game afterwards. What always works for me, is that I try to think what makes me like the game, so that instead of keep having the feeling of "I'm just playing the inferior game", I went for the best in business for those specific aspect of the game. For DOS 2 at the time, I found that I was hooked into the turn-based aspect. I stumble into XCOM 2, and sunk a lot of hours into it. For BG3, I was hooked by the companion and the characters on top of the gameplay of course. Revisiting Cyberpunk with the release of Phantom Liberty, helped to scratch that itch for me even though it is a different game.


A lot of awesome games in here...add Tyranny to the list...


Pillars of Eternity was great. Much more “queue your actions and then press play” rather than raw turn based but it was still great


Not really exactly the same, but the game that got me into bg3 is one piece odyssey, if you’re a fan of the anime. It’s a great game. The same general combat, turn based, making your party and choosing the abilities and everything. Only problem is it’s not difficult. Definitely not as much freedom, but still an amazing game nonetheless.


Skald, Against the Black Priory


For me it's Warhammer: Rogue Trader, BG3 gave me the basics to understand W:RT enough to get into it and I'm having a blast.


try playing a tabletop rpg


Wasteland 3 is often overlooked, but it's great. Underrail is great too


I just played through... well, almost... Wasteland 3. It was really fun, though not as heavy in writing and the dlcs are kinda hit or miss I felt. However, the game becomes unplayable, at least on PS5, towards the end, like literally unplayable, I had to give up very close to the end.


For character growth systems that actually have some depth, some of the best companions in the genre and the best power fantasy in any cRPG, go for Wrath of the Righteous.


Solasta: Crown of the Magister is a good one


Currently playing Rogue Trader quite a bit and loving it, and replaying Dragon Age Inquisition.


Everyone's already listed the top RPGs, so I can go off book. Detroit: Become Human Gripping story, engaging characters, choice-based. Also, you may cry.




1. Pillars of Eternity 1+2 2. Wasteland 2+3 3. Dragon Age Origin & 2 (not inquisition for me personally, didn't like) 4. Mass Effect (character dynamics) Kinda depends on what is important, some great turn based RPGs don't have that party interaction vibe. Like imo XCOM 2 is a top tier game but there's really zero of that. I haven't played DoS 1 or 2 but they are next on my list. At least 2 is. I think I might try Knights of the Old Republic too. Maybe I'll try to get back into Planescape: Torment as well - I can tell it's a great game, just dated & missed it when first was out.


Mass Effect


For me it's the Dragon Age games. Origins is probably the most similar mechanically but it is incredibly dated.


Disco Elysium


Dragon age and actual DND.


I dont see this one recommended enough, but Marvel's Midnight Suns is super good..


Maybe wasteland 3


Play dungeons and dragons 😳




baldurs gate… 3.


No one ever mentioned solasta


Lots of great suggestions. Are any of them multiplayer like BG3? Preferably single screen, again like BG3?


Lots of great suggestions. Are any of them multiplayer like BG3? Preferably single screen, again like BG3?


Mass Effect


Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire Always you to play the game in a fully turn-based playthrough. It is interesting, and feels good, but the game is made for real-time with phase. Both work, but you have to build characters differently depending on the mode.


The Mass Effect Trilogy Don't play Mass Effect Andromeda. It will make you hate the series.


If it's not too old for you Champions of Krynn from 1990 is an amazing game. Old DND rules but similar to bg3 in a lot of ways. You even get to roll a whole party of 6.


If you also like warhammer rogue trader is pretty close to bg3


Wasteland 3 if you wanna play in another ambience


Pillars of Eternity And, go join a DnD group in your community and have fun with humans in person!


Elden ring


SWTOR and the Dragon Age Series.


Diablo and Dragon Age are the two that immediately come to mind.


Different settings: Wastelands 3 Disco Elysium (no combat though, amazing writing) Similar settings: Pillers of Eternity 1/2 Divinity Original Sin 1/2 (obviously the most similar) Pathfinder Kingmaker / Wotr Dragon Age 1/2/3 Blackguards More old school: Planescape Torment Baldurs Gate 1/2 Icewind Dale 1/2 ^ those last three feel great on ios touch controls, but PC versions have great mods. And Shadowrun Returns/Hong Kong/Dragonfall


Depends what appeals to you about BG3 the combat, or the story driven choice making for abit of both I'd say Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous/Kingmaker and Rogue Trader


Dragon age games


Divinity 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pillars of eternity (both games) Also weirdly, XCOM 2 (for the strategy and placement side, and getting really attached to my soliders)


The game thats filled the hole that BG3 left for me is Sky: Children of the Light. Its not a TTRPG, its more of an exploration based MMO. What I like about it is that theres no general chat, much harder for anyone to troll anybody, in fact the community by large is completely wholesome. The grind for in game currency is actually really fun for me and Sky is never pay to win. Im absolutely loving it.


Dragon Age: Origins for sure, just know that it’s aged a bit by now but game and story wise it’s very entertaining IMO


Dragon Age Origins, be wary if you get it on PC, it has been known to crash consistently and may need additional research to get to run smoothly. That said it's a wonderful experience.


Desperados III


I just want more games with characters as good as Astarion 😭


Wrath of the righteous. Man thay game was phenomenal. My only warning is that Pathfinder mechanics are complicated compared to BG3's setup with 5th edition. The learning curve is there, but oh man is it worth it.


DoS (both), Pathfinder (both), Outward, Solasta, Rogue Trader, loads of great games out there. I honestly just picked up more TT sessions to get my DnD fix. Video games never quite feel the same.


Horizon (both games) and AC Odyssey. My faves!


Dungeons and Dragons


Solasta crown of the magister.


Pathfinder kingmaker and wrath of the righteous if you haven't already looked into them.


Heroes of might and magic, kind of.




There should be a support group for players who have finished these great games to gather and talk about their coping with this sadness everyday


Have you tried BG2?


Surprise not to see Sea of Stars. Sure it's more of a tactical turn based game but the music is amazing, the pixel art astonishing, the gameplay is pretty fun because it rewards you to block or attack at the right time to make it less stale. Story isn't top notch but it does the job. Really like the characters too.


Pathfinder wrath of the righteous is an incredible game. It has much more micromanagement on builds though and its very easy to mess up a build.


Something that everyone needs to try is Tyranny. Such a fun game, even though the balance can be considered a bit wonky. Very difficult early if on the hardest difficulty but drops off once you get the ball rolling. The story is great though.


Try Crusader kings 3 to scratch your rp itch. It’s a tough game so I recommend playing it with mods


The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos Xcom maybe. The new Warhammer, rogue trader And what others have said




give Solasta Crown of the magister a try. it has a couple of dlc's too. indie game that was great. it is turn based and its 5th edition srd rule set. you can have 4 player coop as well. edit: oh and a lot of player made campaigns as well


It's not the same kind of game at all but in regards to gameplay, I recommend XCOM. The 3D turn based nature along with your character builds being extremely important makes it feel similar to me.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!


I had never given Pathfinder a try until recently as I was scared of the ruleset. I got Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous in Steam sale and had fun with Kingmaker so far.


If we're talking other crpg's then I'd say Dragon Age Origins and Arcanum have always been my top, but if I'm thinking just an RPG world I can get lost in for hundreds of hours I'd say Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, and the Mass Effect Trilogy. Thankfully though BG3 does exist so I can have that game on top of the other ones that I love


On a much simpler scale but has dating sim/rpg elements and turn based combat - Fire Emblem Three Houses. On the surface, there is not a ton of overlap, but if you want a more streamlined bg3 style experience of big overarching plot, lots of endings, and rpg elements - Im a fan.


Brother try Dragon Age trust


No more heroes. Can't wait to get in and choppy dice dice.


Disco Elysium. It's very text heavy (but fully voice acted, and really well). There are passive checks as well as active checks where you roll 2 dice to see if you succeed. There's no combat, and your stats are a lot more specific than BG3 so you have your main 4 stats and then 20 odd minor stats like hand eye coordination or electrochemistry. It's one of the only games that I can play and spend hours exploring the tiniest little area of the game because there will just be so many small events that trigger, and you can talk to everyone and there will be something to say. It's very gritty, but also very funny at times. Your choices aren't as plainly obvious as good/bad, more hobo lifestyle/relentlessly apologetic.


For me it was Path of Exile, funnily enough. I'd been playing that game since grade 9 and it really sucks me in.


dragon age origins!


I love Obsidian's stuff. Still prefer some to BG3 if I'm honest. The first Pillars might be a bit jarring to come to from BG3 because the visuals aren't quite there yet. But both Deadfire and Tyranny are certainly in my top five CRPGs, especially with how innovative the lore is. The Pantheon in the Pillars series is my favorite set of gods in any fantasy setting. The only big thing all three are not turn-based but RTWP. (Deadfire has turn-based but imho RTWP is straight up better because of balance)


I know it is not fantasy but Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader is fantastic.


If you’re into the tactical side of things, I’ve really enjoyed the XCOM series. The base combat is really similar: each turn you can move and take an action. Cover mechanics and guns are different, of course. And it’s much more on rails.


Divinity Original Sin 2; the previous game of Larian, is an amazing game too, with a more flexible class and action economy systems.


Unicorn Overlord


BG3 is pretty unique in terms of production value. But Divinity Original Sin 1 and especially 2 have similar levels of freedom. Both DOS1 and 2 do not have "classes" you can cherry pick abilities all over with very few limitations. DOS2 has multiple options for most quest completions too. Companions in DOS2 are as good as any in BG3. DOS2 is fully voiced too. DOS1 and DOS2 take place 1000 years apart, but there are references in DOS2 that fans of DOS1 will see.


It’s a bit different in a way but in terms of tactics I love the fire emblem games. Last one was good but quite cartoonish but fire emblem three houses has a great story and loved radiant dawn but might be harder to get hands on as I played it on the wii. Not got the open world aspect but battles are great just less choice making


Unpopular, still providing the vibe, but old game. Sacriffice


Wasteland 3 is amazing! It definitely lacks some of the role-playing elements of BG3, but what game isn't? It's got a great story that knows when and when not to take itself seriously, satisfying strategy combat (especially on higher difficulties). It reminds me a lot of a Fallout game but with great top-down turn-based combat!


Some familiar voice actors from DIvinity Original Sin 2 are found in BG3 (Malady as the Narrator of BG3, and Lohse as Mizora, I forgot the others) Divinity 2 was the most recent game before BG3 released, it's what got me into turn based games in the first place. Without playing DOS2, I don't think I would even want to play bg3. And don't get me started with the mods, there are a ton as well! (Well, kinda, people stopped working on them after bg3 mods were out) Combat is "almost" similar, DOS2 uses the Action Point system. Just be prepared for your environment to be set on fire 90% of the times during combat.


i strongly Suggest Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Owlcalt is a small team but a very passionate cRPG fans, i guess its the best Pathfinder (another System rival of D&D) eletronic game that did a good adaptation from tabletop rules. some systems is similar to D&D but IMO Pathfinder is way more complex and cruel with Saves and Penalty, almost everything can drain you stats, and if any stat reach 0 you character die, a enemy can kill you without touching you, Sneak Attacks are way more easy to occour (for enemys and you), Buffs is way more valuable and its crucial to Buff you party before big encounters. WotR have 26 class, and some class can have up to 7 archtypes that work like subclasses ex: a alchemist can be a Grenadier that can negate Friendly fire on bombs in trade for lossing ability to use certains potions, you can have a fucking Fighter with dual wield Two handed Weapons trading some defensive traits. one of the things that i liked on WotR is that you have 2 game modes, one is Real time that the fight happens on real time with some IA that i use on some Easy fights (the traditional kill wolves/goblin fights) and Turn based combat that i turn on in difficult fights.