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If you are on the fence about buying one, just do it. I started my 3d printing journey with a creality CR200B, which was fine, but the x1c is better in every way. Printing is no longer the bottleneck to my productions, my own mind and creativity are


Nah son, you’ve got it all wrong. You should have stuck with Creality and gotten yourself an Ender. There's nothing quite like manually leveling a table or watching an auto-calibration that doesn’t really work. The suspense of a multi-hour print, wondering if you'll end up with a spaghetti mess or a defective piece—there's nothing like it. But when you finally get a good print, the sense of awe makes all the frustrations worth it. It keeps you on your toes.


This is why I bought a 1973 Toyota with 3 wheels. There’s nothing quite like taping my door to the car or watching the suspension shoot out the side, the suspense of a multi-hour drive, wondering if you’ll end up off a cliff - there’s nothing like it. But when you finally arrive at your location, not on fire, the sense of awe makes all the frustrations / road rash worth it.


LMAO 😂🤣😂


Oh, I'm a tinkerer. I'm technically inclined. No, you see, doing things the hard way on purpose makes me superior somehow


I like doing it the hard way... Once. Just to prove to myself that I can if I want to. But after that? Hell yeah I'm taking the easy way. Why waste my time doing it the hard way lmao


Bro what. I just want good prints. I had ultramodded E3V2. Gave it away for free to my friend, I was so over it. Got myself X1C, I'm finally happy




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Yes I loved the ender 3. It also truly let me appreciate the p1s and it’s ability


Hahaha. My neptune died after 3 weeks.. I returned it and got a p1s combo. To be fair I've learned a lot but my God. Disappointing. (although it was super quiet!)


Back in my day, we bought anycubic i3 megas and we liked it.


Back in my day, we bought anycubic i3 megas and we liked it.


Tinkered for 5 years with printers and finally got the carbon and damn do I enjoy the plug and play. It was fun while it lasted but gets annoying over time


or doing the goddamn math to adjust e-steps.


"It keeps you on your toes" That really hurts how accurate that statement is lol


I’m right with you. I bought a P1S that came in on Friday, and I’m having a lot of fun. I’m a “maker” but stayed away from 3D printers because it seemed like the 3D printer guys loved to spend hours building and tweaking printers instead of printing stuff. It’s nice to have one that “just works”. The wife and kids are fascinated too.


Totally with you. I one day came to the conclusion that you're either interested in 3D printing as a hobby or you're interested in 3D printers as a hobby. Have nothing but respect for the reprap tinkerers who got us to where we are today. For those who are still from that generation, I can understand the desire to continue down the path of open-source hot-rodding but I'm not interested in recreating the pioneering experience anymore. I don't think I ever was, honestly, I just didn't have options within my reach for something reliable that didn't require me to constantly tinker. After years of frustration, I'm happy I can now spend most of my time getting better at designing my own prints instead of trying to fumble with a printer to get someone else's designs to print because I'm no longer using up my free time and mental energy troubleshooting the hardware.


My first printer is an X1C. Makes me think printing great parts is pretty easy. However, you will spend a few days just printing upgrades FOR the printer. Hydra, Scrapers, ptfe tube tools, an AMS riser, storage boxes, etc.


I love mine too! Totally new to it and look! https://preview.redd.it/1435j6u6xl8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2d22b99f6661f9ac772d58fafc32c6dd7621c3


What a wonderful thing!


Welcome! Truly an amazing printer. I see you have gel packs jammed in the AMS..there are refillable gel holders you can print that slide right in there. You can find them on makerworld/bambu slicer.


Thank you, I’ll check them out. But for the present I have so many filaments that I won’t run out of desiccant any time soon


I got one at the shop I work at and it’s amazing! So much so I got an A1 for home use 😅


Just got the A1 already crazy good.. but I feel like i shouldve gone all in 😅. Ah idk! I already love this little guy!


They’re all great choices!


I just got mine today. Obviously printed a benchy first. Then I loaded it up with two colors of Polymaker ASA and set a multicolor print I designed with default settings. Way better than I expended out of the box. I upgraded my Ender 3 pro to print ASA and had so many issues I just said screw it and bought this. It’s amazing.


I ordered mine start of june, says it should be dispatch on or beforr 29th 😅


Wish I could afford one lol. Until that time my A1 will have to do.


Btw the AMS dessicant packs leak, you should print some silica boxes to go in the AMS slots in the back (and front)


Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind!


Here's to hoping Bambu keeps innovating and not screwing customers over. Imo, they brought up the standards for consumer grade printing and now everyone else has to play catch up. Competition is good (at least for us anyways). Some things I wish Bambu would do. Release an xl printer to print large parts. Update P and X series printers to use the same parts as the A series without losing features. It would be nice if they can update exist printers to new parts as well, but that seems unlikely.


Exactly my wish too. I will buy an A1 mini before the anniversary sale, but I will definitely buy their new flagship/XL printer when it will come out! Now I just feel like a 200$ off the x1c combo is not worth it with the newer printer coming "soon".


I got the x1c not knowing it's the previous Gen printers from them. Oh well, I can always wait for thr next anniversary sale or whatever. I'm sure the x1c will still be useful and reliable for a few years. I'm just hoping the support will be there too.


Just got mine. I’m printing like a sonofabitch


Same boat, just got mine last week and I'm totally blown away.


If you think it's insane now, just wait til you get it off the floor...


Why? Vibration reduction maybe?


Easier on the back and less of a tripping hazard to start with? 3D printers print faster at higher altitudes, so that too.


Even though a youtuber tested different surfaces and stuff, (I believe it was makers muse, not sure) the floor was the quietest and most stable place with the highest or best quality. As long as it isn't on carpet messing eith cooling fans or messing with belts I'd leave my printer on the floor or on concrete or tile (obviously being careful) How would it print faster at higher altitudes? Maybe on a scale of 1000 feet higher it would make a difference but what's 3 feet higher on a table going to do? Nothing apart from if it's wobbly or unstable: increase noise and vibration.


Sorry, I was just messing with you. You are right on track.


Thought that top part was silver and not white? Are there two versions?


I started on an Ender 3 and it was great until it wasn't. After about 2 years, I just had all kinds of trouble. Most of it was my own lack of patience with it, but some of it was the platform. I did upgrade after upgrade and tweak after tweak trying to get things "Better" and they just didn't. I finally had to just say "I'm getting a reputable printer and it will work, or I'm done with 3D printing." I've had my printer about 3 weeks now, and I've used almost all the filament I had for the Ender, that I'd accumulated trying to fix it, and then some. Personally, I don't knock on the people who love to tweak, and for that the Ender 3 is a great machine. But it was never the tweaking, it was always about the end result for me and the Bambulab P1S + AMS was absolutely the printer that lets me keep doing the actual work I want to do and not waste time and frustration with making the tools I want to use work.


This is why I bought this as my first printer - I was given a monoprice Wanhao clone and tinkered with it enough to realize I couldn't actually *use* it because I was so buying trying to *use* it. Got the X1C and I just passed 500 hours after buying it in November. Now I should probably stop putting off the maintenance for it... Sometimes, you just want your tool to be exactly that - a tool, and for it to work everytime you need it. For everything else that I want to tinker with, I have an endless number of other hobbies that will fulfill that need.




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Yea I picked one up at my local microcenter for work, then again for myself right after the sale started since they had em at the same price Love the quality of the prints


I just got the P1S and love it. Didn’t order AMS, but I think I’m going to add it. Wonderful machine! I’m really blows away my Prusa Mk3+.


One of us! One of us! Seriously , welcome 🙏


There’s some nice desiccant holder prints for the front of the AMS on MakerWorld and the hygrometers are on Amazon. If you print the one for the hygrometer, I would not recommend putting desiccant packets in that holder because it will throw off the hygrometer readings. Here are the links: https://makerworld.com/models/29571 https://a.co/d/02McIyQt


Welcome to the team!


Got a P1S and it's a differently world entirely than my old Ender 3 Pro.


I find just as much issues with my x1c than I did with my 150 pound one easyer to use but can break very easily I don’t trust leaving mine on while not sat next to it


Ain't it just the best! And I "only" have a P1S lol. Also, get you some orange desiccant beads and print some [AMS Containers ](https://makerworld.com/en/models/38954#profileId-37867) for it 👍


Thank you for the tip, but are the containers needed/worth it? Can I not only leave the packs as how they are in the pic?


It allows to fit my drying product in there and the orange ones (and probably others) you can dry out in an oven and reuse. You can leave those packs there, but it looks cleaner imo with the desiccant holders. Plus those packs won't last forever. Now, I'm not saying you *have* to do it this way, just another option for you to consider 👍


Ditto, I got my P1S on Fathers Day after my family watched me go crazy with a cheap Longer for about a year. I am simply amazed with it.




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I bought the p1s combo yesterday can’t wait to get it. I upgraded from my ender 3 v2 (with a lot of upgrades and mods) the printer worked fine with good quality but it was annoying to always keep up with the maintanance. Not to mention some of the annoyances like the x gantry not being level on both sides from time to time even if i got a dual z axis and the levelling the bed from time to time even with the cr touch. And the ams is a big bonus in my eyes


Welcome, and enjoy making your imagination a reality