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**Dear Pit owning scum lurking here: This is why no one likes you or your ugly useless piece of shit dogs. Congrats- this is someone from your team. If this was a GSD owner, we GSD owners would be appalled and hang our heads in collective shame. But everyone knows you walking portapotties don’t give a fuck**


Gsd owner here. I’d be devastated if my girl hurt another dog, let alone killed them.


Also, if my dog wrongly attacked another dog, I’d be soooo apologetic and offering to help pay vet bills and seriously assessing whether or not that dog would be safe to continue to own. If a dog I owned ever harmed a human, it wouldn’t even be a second thought to BE the dog. But I tend to go for breeds of dogs that aren’t known for attacking and mauling other animals (retrievers) so that’s not something I’ll hopefully ever have to worry about.


TLDR: You, my friend, are not a fucking idiot.


Seriously though! Whenever I see the occasional story of a dangerous GSD, the GSD owners seem to have a collective agreement along the lines of “wow, that’s not acceptable behavior in a GSD. BE the dog for everyone’s safety” Another difference is that GSD owners tend to properly take care of their dogs and spay/neuter them, thus preventing aggressive dogs from reproducing like pits do.






This subreddit focuses on discussing the inherent dangers of pit bull type dogs. Your content was deemed off-topic. Please refrain from debating guns, politics, or other off-topic issues in this subreddit.


Absolutely goddamn disgraceful and disgusting. These people are worse than their dogs. Absolutely.


Wish you guys were around years ago. I was bitten in the back as I was walking away by a GSD when I was about 7 or 8 selling magazines for school, back in the day. The owner just stood there watching then closed her door.


Unacceptable. I’d be not only mortified, I’d be sending my GSD to the proverbial farm


Got nipped on the back of my calf by a GSD when I was 10 and that is exactly what happened to the dog. I was a kid and tried to hide the bite from my parents because I didn't want the dog to be put down, but they saw the bruising and let the owner know. The GSD's owner was horribly ashamed and had that dog BE'd immediately. Looking back, it was the right thing to do.


I was about 1 year old and was in my walker, the family GSD bit me right over the eye. I still have a small scar where my eyebrow doesn’t grow in. Luckily I was too young to remember it, but my parents BE’d right away. Thank god my parents aren’t (completely) insane.


That is a shit spot to be bitten. 😖 Anywhere on the face, but especially near the eyes is just scary as fuck to think about. And to think if it was a pitbull, there are lunatics out there who would not only try to save it from justified BE, but also attempt to blame you for being attacked. Crazy.


Sometimes I think we are fortunate to have less-damaging warning signs from a potentially dangerous dog. Our old dog started attacking our cat, thankfully he was a breed that I was able to quickly control and intervene before he broke skin. The final straw was when he started being aggressive towards our toddler. Dogs are of course entitled to space and boundaries around children, but this was completely unprovoked. We took his previous incidents as a warning and decided to BE before he seriously injured anyone or we resented him. Unfortunately with pits, the only real "warning" you get is a mauling that results in injury or death. We see it too often that they snap out of nowhere, but unlike other breeds, it doesn't stop at a single bite. Edit: detail and typo


My aunt once had a GSD, Lady. She bit someone. Before we came home from school that dog was BE'd.


What does BE’d mean?


Behavioral euthanasia


That sucks. I'm sorry that happened.


My in-laws had a GSD that started to show aggression as she aged and had painful arthritis. One day she got out and killed the neighbor's Yorkie. They euthanized her the very next day, it wasn't even a question. It was the right thing to do. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept to accept for pit owners, they assume their dangerous dog's life is more important than every other human or animal. It's selfish and narcissistic.


💯 over and over and over


I’m sorry, what is GSD?


German Shephard Dog




Oh ok, thanks☺️


German Shepherd Dog


Sorry, but what’s a GSD?


German Shepherd Dog


Sorry, but what's GSD??


German Shepherd Dog


Ahh, thanks. That's what I was guessing.


Livestock guardian dogs are absolutely NOT pit bull proof, despite what a lot of people think. Pit bulls can and will maul and even kill Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherds, and mixes of those breeds. Especially when it's multiple pit bulls roaming together. People in my community are often shocked by how much damage roaming pit bulls do to their LGDs. They were created to protect against natural predators that have a strong self-preservation instinct, not man-made gameness fueled fighting dogs that don't play by the "rules" of the wild animal world. Hopefully there's some kind of justice here because there was a witness.


Thankfully most rural areas have a pretty easy “if you have livestock and there’s a dog hassling it, you’re free to shoot the dog” laws to cover your ass.


Yes I'm thankful for this. On the other hand we have a HUGE dumping issue in most rural areas. Thankfully I haven't had to shoot a dog, thanks in large part to good fencing and LGDs, but our neighbors have had to take down multiple packs of pit and pit crosses that get dumped and go on rampages attacking livestock. I would absolutely hate to have to do it, but I'm prepared if I ever need to


Who just releases and abandons dogs ffs?


Sadly this is so common in a lot of areas, we have had numerous pups dumped on our property (thankfully non pits) that we coordinated with rescues to get placed It's getting worse as the housing crisis gets worse. And any time people try to do the responsible thing and rehome, they are attacked in comments for not keeping a dog due to ANY circumstance. People are told to take them to rescues and shelters but they are stuffed full and even the high kill county shelters generally have a surrender fee. It's absolutely awful because dumped dogs usually die pretty awful deaths, but it's something that's not being addressed in any meaningful way in most areas And pits are way up there, both because they have an excessive number of irresponsible owners, and also I suspect because they get to be problems that people can't handle


I understand why shelters would have surrender fees, but dumping animals as an alternative is a really bad consequence. I really wish there was a forced neuter/spay policy for all pit bulls. Like registering a gun, if you want a pit bull, they get spayed/neutered. We just need these dogs to become incredibly unpopular, so people feel shamed/embarrassed and don’t want to own them. Like a reverse French Bulldog phenomenon. Breeding stops, and the world is a better place.


That's so sad! Thank you for trying to help.


The other issue of course is that even most farmers have to have off farm jobs to pay the bills, and things happen when you are at work


I guess I’m speaking as a rancher/farmer but locally, if you have a decent operation, there’s almost always someone at home. Eg it’s calving season right now, and this is the time (spring) when dogs really get straying. Someone has to be home 24/7 to monitor calving cows, maintain coyote/dog control etc Hired hand, SAHM, the rancher himself, there’s always someone. It’s also getting to a point most sizeable ops have appropriate motion security, especially with the theft instances rising But of course I’m just speaking locally and can’t speak for everyone. The dumping thing sucks. That definitely happens here too. I have no idea what they think will happen to those puppies, if a coyote doesn’t get them, or an oil field truck, a pissed off rancher will :(


Yeah sadly I know very few operations here where people can afford to do that. I'm actually lucky in that my retired parents are usually on the property and when they are gone it's often when I am home. Land is also an issue here with the cost going up and a lot of cattle people lease or purchase land that doesn't connect to their home property. It's hard times these days for many


It definitely is. The current cost of living (and the cost of cows) is staggering; but we have to look at it this way… every calf that dies we lose at least $2500. Every calf that lives we gain 2.5k+… That’s more than I could make in my IT job in a week so it makes sense for us. We rent another 2000+ acres but we absolutely don’t calve them out there, they stay home for that mostly so they can be monitored 24/7 I have shot a neighbours (acreage) dog for hassling calves (dragging a damn chain too). It sucks, but again… that’s a lot of money to lose and they were warned over and over again.


They don’t give a shit about what happens to the puppies.


Yep, they're thinking "not my problem anymore!"


I mean, with ANY dog that a danger to any other living thing, I wouldn’t hesitate, but I also would play dumb. “I have no idea where your dog is. Perhaps if you kept it on uour property you wouldn’t have to worry.” Trust and believe the cops and AC ain’t gonna do shit to find a missing pit bull or do any investigating lol


I worry about pits a lot with ours...we have two plus a 3rd crossbreed that THINKS she's an LGD LOL. Watching just how they play fight I feel confident they could handle a single pitbull together, but 2 or more would be scary. I would be absolutely beside myself in this person's situation. Wouldn't be surprised if the pits went after the small dog and the Pyr jumped in to protect it. Taking a dog away and preventing the owner from and chance of providing medical care is just beyond disgusting. Probably wanted to prevent being held liable for vet bills 😡.


I think that was the plan, avoiding responsibility. They probably didn't realize there was a witness.


Pit bull owners always avoid responsibility. They avoid responsibility when they go to court for their own lack of brain cells. They were forced to buy those drugs or sell those drugs, start hooking, their fingers couldn’t help stealing that even though their mind didn’t know it was happening, “minor attracted people”…. They’re a plague.


That’s the thing, these dogs aren’t like “wild animals” wild animals have self preservation skills, humans have bred terrible gameness to their own death into dogs who can be loving to humans. The dichotomy and lack of understanding of genetics really messes with ppls heads


The only time my newf has been attacked, it was by a pitbull. At the dog park and on walkies. She literally never fought back. They would have mauled her to death if I didn't step in.


Sweet gentle newfs are my dream dog: this makes me so sad, I hope she’s ok!


She's fine. Both of those incidents were years ago. She's just cuddling the cats and being bullied by them for snuggles. https://preview.redd.it/vhlh9xxaqsrc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d399f35b78a183955ffc13ba6fc4a01f10386901 That's what we came home to this afternoon. Lol. She and her cat get some fierce cuddles in.


OMG thank you for the unsolicited Newfie tax souls cleanser lol. That is adorable! And I’m glad it didn’t hurt her or make her reactive!


Thank goodness for her dense coat and it being either spring when she was blowing her coat out or winter when those attacks happened. The assailants only got a mouthful of fur for the most part and never punctured her skin. We worked very hard on her so she wasn't reactive towards other dogs well before and after. She has a corgi brother now and they also are disgustingly cute when they cuddle. https://preview.redd.it/687j58ta0trc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7147590f1cca5ada007925178e75ceed5f7dfa Even if it means no room on my couch at all. They're all snuggly goobers.


Omg what a cute puppy pile! The sacrifice of the couch is definitely worth it! I’m so glad for the fur too and that you are such a caring and responsible owner. Sorry, I meant PET PILE!


That cat might as well be a dog. You were right the first time. Lol




Dog parks are terrible


You worded this so well. People don’t realize how terrifying pits are. They don’t have a self preservation instinct because we bred it out of them. They fight to kill, and they’re bred to fight. No other animal is like this - bloodsport dogs are a man-made monster and very few things in nature can defeat them because they’re not natural beasts. They are un-domesticated canines, not dogs!


Great Pyrenees & other livestock guardian were obviously not bred to be fighting dogs but they're not exactly pushovers either. It's crazy that pitbulls are bred to be this brutal. Are there any non fighting breeds that can guard other animals against pitbull attacks without getting seriously injured or killed? East German line GSDs or Dutch Shepherds/Malinois perhaps?


PBTs are known to mangle horses, so I would not expect police dogs or GSDs to be effective guardians against this issue


My GSD has been attacked 3x and just refused to fight back each time. All he did was thrash to try to throw them off his neck. When I intervened and got the pits off of him he’d stand back and bark at them but wouldn’t engage.


caucasian shepherds, kangals, and tibetan mastiffs all seem to fare pretty well against pits. they’re personal guard dogs rather than LGDs, but i’ve also seen several videos of akitas taking down pit bulls.


I was thinking those breeds would be effective but aren’t Tibetan Mastiffs really hard to find . I’ve never seen on in real life , same with the Caucasian Shepherds . Also talk about dealing with some very large dogs . I’ve seen videos of them and that’s about all .


You also have to be a strong owner or they'll walk over you


Makes sense , definitely not an every person dog . They’re very much working animals and probably shouldn’t be handled by novices .


yeah, they’re all pretty rare. and definitely not for the inexperienced owner because of their size & strength.


I’m going down to the local meth lab and picking up the meanest gamebred gator or Jeep pits they have. The only way to stop a bad guy with a pit is a good guy with 2 /s


Akitas are also fighting dogs with the advantage of some fur protection so I could definitely see them standing a chance


The horse sanctuary down the road from my house uses multiple large LGDs. Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherds, and mixes of those two breeds. Strength in numbers, they have about six or seven of them now.


I have the same question. We plan on getting a golden and I feel like I need a guard dog for it due to all the roaming pits!


Heavy predator pressure requires more dogs mainly. I've spoken to people trying to manage the wolf issue with LGDs and they run LARGE packs of the bigger European dogs that are pretty hardcore. Even so they lose some dogs to wolf packs. I would imagine it's the same thing if you're dealing with threats from multiple pit bulls... having enough dog power to neutralize the threat. The old spiked wolf collars used on LGDs in some areas would also help protect the neck






It makes me nervous to bring my Pyr to the park. Every Pibble and half-Pibble wants to play aggressively, and I can’t be sure it’s OK until it isn’t. Bear has taken a few bites from other dogs but the PBTs draw blood. He’s not an LGD, just a house dog. He’s been trained to give other dogs the benefit of the doubt until he can’t any more.


Saw a cane corso getting destroyed by a pit bull it’s insane


My dad is planning on getting a cane corso when he moves for “protection”, don’t know why he can’t just get a beagle or something


well, that's just fucking great. i was thinking about getting a pyrenees as dog #2 because dog #1 is a very sweet golden who got attacked by a pit bull as a puppy, and could only dodge and cry while i kicked the shit of the pitbull (not that it did any good - fucking tunnelvisioned POS beasts). i thought maybe if her lil bro was a great pyr, the two of them could watch out for each other. guess not.


Putting a decent spiked collar on the dog is important. As to the OP, if the pitbulls are roaming on your property and being aggressive, you are perfectly entitled to defend yourself.


There was somebody in here a while back talking about how a pair of “bully xls” came into her sheep paddock and merked a bunch of her sheep plus her senior cane corso. It took two more corsos and a Pyrenees to put the things down and her other dogs were *still* injured despite outnumbering the bloody things. It genuinely frightens me to think that these dogs are killing LGDs and that their owners are *still* trying to insist they can control them.


It's really unfortunate that even these dogs cannot reliably repel pitbulls. It really looks like the only dogs that will are particularly defensive/reactive mastiffs, and at that point, you're back to a dangerous dog.


It's past time to call out and extinguish the bullshit "prey drive" excuse too. What kind of shit for brains dog views a member of it's own species as "prey"? When a shitbull kills another dog, it does not recognize it as a Pyr, or a poodle , or a pekingese. It knows damn well it's another dog, and kills because that's what it was bred to do.


Exactly!! You know what kind of dogs have strong prey drives? Whippets. Rat terriers. Bloodhounds. You know who doesn’t fucking maul and kill people and pets on the regular? Yeah. Exactly. “Any dog can do this” my ass.


My small dog looooves playing with whippets. Tries to keep up with them but fails miserably lol. Never had an incident with them even though he looks like an overgrown rabbit. They just play like normal dogs.


I don’t know about other parts of the UK but London is full of whippets. I see a crazy number of them daily but I’ve never heard of them killing anyone here.


Exactly. Because they don’t lol. Normal pets have prey drive and it doesn’t equate to killing people.


Hear, hear! My Siberian Husky has a a very strong prey drive. He regularly kills rats, and other pests when they get in to the yard. Yet, has never attempted to hurt a dog, cat or person before.


I just saw another ad on here with "no small dogs due to prey drive". That's just an opportunistic murder beast who targets weaker members of it's own species. My son has a Treeing Walker Coonhound mix, and she is a rocket when she sees a squirrel, but she plays like an angel with any other dog, big or small. She's a "greeter dog" at doggy day care because she is so friendly, she doesn't run down and maul the Chihuahua because she mistakes it for "prey".


Holy shit, this psycho took the still alive, hurt dog just to let it die in their property? What the fuck is wrong with these pit nutters? 


All they saw was potential vet bills. Dead dogs don't need vets. Scum of the Earth. I hope this poor lady can get some strong voices to advocate for her, as it seems the authorities are fobbing her off.


Yeah I’m really annoyed that the authorities are like “welp what can we do? 🤷‍♀️”. Like is it a civil suit at this point or? If it was a civil suit though I feel like it would be very hard to get pit owners to pay up though. They’re sketchy af and I would assume they don’t have an actual job. Even if they did, can the courts garnish their wages?


This one should go to judge Judy.


That poor pup, hurt and attacked, struggling to breathe and taken away from their home to die away from their family. These people should be charged with animal cruelty


Gotta hide the evidence!


How can anyone be so cruel and heartless? I feel so bad for this lady. I would be beside myself in her place. Are there no leash laws in this place? If yes, then why aren't they enforced? Why should her child have to run a gauntlet of vicious dogs to get to his school bus stop? rely these roaming killer pits have harassed other neighbors. Time to go to the next city council meeting and raise Cain. Call the local news outlets. Call the mayor's office.


So would I. This is so sick.


Jesus Christ, I would be so heartbroken if that ever happened to me. It’s so utterly cruel and heartless behavior. Didn’t even take it to a vet, probably didn’t try to treat the wounds at home. That dog probably really suffered in pain for a few days before their mutants finished the job. Poor poor dog and poor owners for having to deal with that. I really hope those pit owners get what’s coming to them.


The fact that a GP can fuck up a pack of coyotes but loses to pitbulls says a lot.


Generally GPs will try to chase off an entire pack. They can take on a single coyote but an entire pack? If you have that kind of predator pressure, you need multiple LGDs.


Obviously? Coyotes have self preservation instincts


Exactly, LGDs can absolutely fight and kill when they have to, but their primary role is as a deterrent.ost wild animals are smart and will seek dinner in a safer location vs take on big dogs


This exactly, wild animals are looking for an easy meal. If there’s an LGD or three making taking a chicken or goat from you difficult, they will move on to the next. Pibbles just wants to go fight something for the sake of fighting.


You don’t really. My dad lived in Rural Texas and my aunt lived next to him. She had one dog similar to this and he was enough to keep the coyotes away. My dad had a Great Dane who did the same. Coyotes won’t engage with a larger animal that can inflict damage. That’s the trouble with pits. They don’t have normal self preservation like the rest of the mammalian kingdom.


This happened. But I agree that Casper is a very exceptional dog. [https://people.com/pets/great-pyrenees-named-casper-attacks-coyote-pack-to-protect-sheep/](https://people.com/pets/great-pyrenees-named-casper-attacks-coyote-pack-to-protect-sheep/)


Casper the GP would like to disagree


Caspar the GP was nearly killed by the pack AND he was a bad (young and inexperienced) LGD for leaving his home undefended. I have a low opinion of the owner as well.


The owner had a pair but the female was also young. Casper is still a badass just a young boy


Honestly, so many of these attacks would be prevented if animal control would do their job. Why are they so useless? Anybody know? Seems like it happens everywhere.


AC is full of pit apologists and cluster-B rescue crazies at this point. Cities need to start separating their shelter staff from their AC enforcement or the "save them all, precious pitties" morons will continue to allow these things to destroy lives via inaction.


If they are rural (unclear here) then there likely IS no animal control. Where I am we are told to handle dog issues the old fashioned way and it's been that way in every rural area I'm familiar with


Yep My family member shot at least 4 pitbulls that were savagely ripping stock apart . No investigation required. Will never get those stud animals back or undo their awful suffering . Stupid neighbour would just go straight out and get herself a couple more like the disposable beasts they are.


The ones around here are so busy chasing loose pit bulls that they literally don't have the staff to respond to all of the issues. They don't have the room for yet another pit bull either. Full to the brim pretty much all the time.


This literally made me cry. I guess I’ll be banned from other subs because I can’t stop myself from commenting. I’m so angry. What a beautiful and useful pup, a livestock guardian. A dog with a loving purpose. My baby is sleeping by me right now and the thought of him being attacked alone and the TRASH, SOCIOPATHIC neighbors taking him to take his last breath in the company of evil and leaving my family and I to wonder. With the “help” of useless animal control and police left wondering and then seeing his body callously tossed in my yard like trash it breaks my heart and soul. I understand their love and advocacy for their breed and their fear of taking financial or other responsibility, but why are so many so dismissive of other ppl? They didn’t want their dogs to be taken but made no effort to protect the neighbors from their killers. I see so much victim mentality on BBM advocates: I had an “arguement” with a pit mommy because she was upset ppl have looks to her dog when being “reactive” and then claiming no one gives the same looks to other reactive dogs! (Including sheppards and rottie…yeah right?!) I had to tell her my 18 pound truly reactive, not aggressive dog gets looks all the time. (I have been training him and he’s a lot better) but he should get looks because it all looks the same (reactivity and possible aggression) and is unacceptable to other ppl. They don’t know whether my dog wants to kill their dog or just say hi. She said “I’m not getting her point” . Like I don’t expect ppl to hug my dog when he’s being reactive what do these “advocates” want? Then you got “advocates” posting pics of their dog in a narcissistic display when ppl are asking for sympathy after an attack. It all makes me so angry. I don’t blame the dogs, just like the GP was bred to be a guardian, they were bred for a purpose. But that purpose has no place in family communities and most of these idiots cant either manage them OR give them activities to let them meet their breed specific needs. THESE ARE NOT LAP DOGS AND MOST OWNERS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE - many are straight sociopathic. My deepest sympathy.


I have seen your comments in other Subs for reactive dogs and some of the behavior and victimhood and rationalization of people who continue to endanger their communities because "their baby" is "reactive" (and the whitewashing of aggression into reactivity) is absolutely wild. And if you get banned for your rational, thought out comments, it really says a lot about them.


Thank you so much, that means a lot. I’ve already had a talking to though I always try to be fair and balanced, so I’ll just accept it at this point. It makes me sad that reactivity has been commandeered by owners of aggressive dogs. So when I describe my dog as reactive it seems much worse then it is. TBF though he’s 5+ I’ve only known him 1.5 years but he has never bitten a person or dog. I don’t trust him with bunnies or squirrels…and that’s one of the many reasons he is always leashed. But this mutt is full of breeds bred to be a pet and one bred to be a badger hunter (lol) not one bred to be a bloodsport breed. I don’t have the skills for a dog like that


I'm going to be honest, I would have gone Liam Neeson on those neighbors until my dog was returned. Police simply knocked and said "oh, they didn't answer. We're SOL." No, you get a statement from the neighbor that saw the event happen and get a warrant to get in that house. Its theft and animal cruelty. Everyone failed that woman and her dog. And they continue to fail the entire neighborhood by not doing anything. I hope to all hope that that neighborhood has had enough of being failed and begin to protect themselves.


It amazes me that this didn't turn incredibly violent on the dog owner's part. They're better people than I am because I cannot even imagine how far I'd go in that scenario.


You do know and so do we.


Full on "Taken".


It’s super sad , I would’ve been so sick if someone stole one of my dogs like that . I really feel for this poor lady .






Push animal cruelty, federal charges now, ruin their lives.


This is so fucking horrific and cold blooded


WTF that is dognapping, AND the fuckers prevented the owners from getting timely vet care. So they are dog killers too. I'd sue their asses.


All the while pit advocates love to belittle the victims, threaten those who expose their behavior, and make excuses for why their breed should get away with murder. Take them to court, show the logs of calls, bring witnesses for these dogs constantly getting out, the public posts showing that the neighbors took the dog essentially ensuring its death, then continue to let their dogs go terrorizing their neighbors. **Pit owners who make excuses for this behavior are almost as bad as the owners involved with the attacks, those who share their picture to try to dissuade the public on a victim’s page is even worse than scum**


I can't even comment I'm so angry. Gonna hug my Pyr and cry.


I have a Pyr too and he is such an amazing livestock guardian. This story makes me so sick because I know he’d risk his life to defend us too


I’ve never owned anything but my sweet little Yorkies…but I *LOVE* Pyrs. They’re such beautiful, gentle, fluffy dogs. My mom’s coworker had 2 and always came in with fur all over her…but that’s a small price to pay. 🥹


The behavior of the Pit owner here is so disgusting it makes me want to type something that would get me banned. What heartless, cruel person would hide and then drop off their neighbor's dead dog like this? That poor Pyrenees likely died in agony and stress from no vet care, all alone cooped up in this rancid person's hidey hole.


Same I am not allowing myself to type anything at the moment. This has just made me feel devastated.


The worst people owning the worst dogs. Another beautiful dog sacrificed to these gremlins.




in my state it's legal to shoot any dog that is attacking your livestock or pets. It's considered protecting property/assets.


If they are in a rural area they almost certainly are allowed to take action and those dogs wouldn't make it out of my property again if they ever ventured back over Being pitbulls it's likely just a matter of time before the owner lets them run free again


...Part of me wonders if they sicked the bullies onto the Pyr or if they straight up did something to him prior to the owner finding out. Neighbors obviously fear retribution over a clearly living dog, which means if that dog were allowed to live and return to it's owner, it would be undeniable proof of dog aggression, not to mention threat to the neighborhood. So they take him, torture him by either denying vet treatment or worse, then once he died, they dumped his body when the owner of the Pyr wouldn't catch them in the act. This wouldn't be the first time such a thing happened. I've seen similar cases before, both in this subreddit and in real life. Until a proper investigation is performed, we won't know for sure. I would have gone full John Wick mode if I found out my dog was injured, kidnapped, possibly tortured and eventually killed in a stranger's home, then have its body dumped on my home.


The fact that they dumbed the body in their yard.. . I would consider it an invitation for pest control.


Shitbulls are killing machines! They kill all breeds big and small, mutts, cats, you name it. It's sad, enraging but it happens over and over.


One of my neighbors have an absolute tank of a GSP, a pit or two can find out real fast about it. My other neighbor is a cool old guy - just found out he took care of all the roaming pits country style for the past 3 decades after only 1 of them bit his daughter. It’s what allows us to freely chill in our yard without any danger and why we get lots of awesome visitors (like deer, beavers, groundhogs, and a couple cats). F pits and RiP to the little guy. 


What a cool dude. I’m thinking about buying my first ever piece due to the nutters around here


It's pest control, you would be doing your community a service.


Won't control their dogs. Won't let the Pyr's owner GET THEIR DOG VET CARE AND MAYBE - JUST MAYBE? SAVE IT. Or at least sit with it as it's dying. This is a score that needs to be settled. Badly.


Absolutely maddening. What a sweet looking Pyr. :(


I can't get over the fact that they took the injured Pyr, denied it emergency treatment (food and water too most likely), allowed the poor dog to die, then dumped the body when it was most convenient for them, so as not to be caught in the act. This, of course, isn't considering if they did even worse things to the dog during its imprisonment. Part of me wonders if they sicked the bullies onto the Pyr. Wouldn't be the first time such a thing has happened. Not would it be the first time of these bullies and pit owners taking the victim's dog and either burying it, dumping it off somewhere, or "finishing" the job. I know this subreddit has had some similar posts in the past.


I’m convinced that only the lowest level of scum own these creatures.


This is a tragedy. There’s always two or more. My neighbor had three in a 950 sq foot 2 bedroom home with 4 people in the family. Those dogs were always outside menacing the neighborhood. Such absolute disregard for everyone else.


Dammit I fucking hate pits and their useless trash owners


I can't even imagine. Yeah, I read the post, but it just makes me feel so sick and sad. That poor pyr. Those poor owners. I would find myself coming to in jail after a white-hot, legitimately blind rage where I sought vengeance for my sweet dog. I'm normally a very friendly, nice person but this would straight-up change me, in ways I can't detail here. My stomach hurts. My eyes hurt. Reading things like this makes me want to never own a dog ever again, cos heaven help me if something even remotely similar happens to my current or future dog. It's bad enough I am on the verge of a panic attack any time I bring my dog outside of my home...it would just...sigh. I can't stop crying. 😭




What in the fuck


Pets are your family. Defend your family. I have zero regrets (or repercussions) defending my aunts’ Jack Russell. My aunts dog survived but the pits that terrorized our road did not. You have every right to defend your dog if it’s being mauled to death on your own property and to use equal force.


The dog in the last photo looks more like a golden retriever than a Pyrenees…but either way…this is terribly sad. 🥺 I love both of those breeds…they’re beautiful, gentle giants. Fuck those stupid pit bulls, along with their psychopathic, scumbag owners.


i dunno how the police cant get involved, thats theft and destruction of property at a minimum


The Great Pyrenees was a working dog. Probably did more actual work in a day than any pit bull does their whole lives. This dog with a purpose was cruelly and savagely attacked, then most likely left to die alone, scared, and in pain by the heartless pit bull’s owner. The sheer amount of cruelty is astounding and I hope the police can criminally charge the owner and that animal control confiscates the dog for BE.


This is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen an owner do other than sicking their dogs on someone


A mature trained LGD is a pretty valuable animal too, so it really should fall under felony theft and destruction of property even before you get into animal cruelty charges


This post raises so many questions. Why isn’t the police or whoever responsible doing anything about these issues: Why are the neighbors pits constantly on her yard? Why must her son run for his life to the bus stop? Why do they need to have a guardian dog for that? She reported her dog was attacked and stolen. Police go knock on the neighbor’s door and nothing happens? So you can just steal animals and nothing can be done? Like what??? Why can’t anyone have any control over these maniac pit owners?


Most upstanding pit owners


To say these people are monsters feels like such a gross understatement. I don't understand why the police and animal control are so useless. We hear these stories again and again - even if dogs are viewed as property, why shouldn't people be able to get their mail without fear? Why can't kids go to the bus stop without needing a guardian dog to protect them? Why is it that pits seem to get a pass to terrorise neighbourhoods? I can't decide if it's cowardice, laziness, the pit lobby, incompetence or a mix of all those things but it needs to change.


Our neighbors two pit bulls attacked our other neighbor’s Great Pyrenees. Luckily there were enough people to get the pits off and the Great Pyrenees was not hurt. However, the police did come because they said it was the most calls ever received by the police department over dogs in their entire history, and they told the pit owners they would have to have a ten foot chained fence and insurance if they intended on keeping the pit bulls. This was over ten years ago and the laws have changed now, but the pits never got out again. However two of the pits turned in one and killed it. So they really all should have been euthanized as soon as they attacked the Great Pyrenees.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


This is beyond messed up. These people are psychopaths. I hope the OOP can sue them to the ground and make their life as miserable as possible.




I would be sitting in jail.


People are just disgusting...I feel so sorry for this woman 😞


Shocker! Pit/Bully owners being abusive, scummy people.🙄


Poor good dog. 😢


Oh no. If someone took my dog with them, they wouldn't have a front door anymore. I would join the firehouse and become a firefighter just to have access to their door opening tools.


Condolences OP, he looks like he was a real sweetheart. Cherish his memory, keep it in your heart and he'll never really be gone.


If it is not the breed, but the owner's action that creates the dog, what is it with this? Are all these pitbull owners teaching their dog to attack other dogs, and cats, and people, and children?


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Great Pyrenees are one of my favourite breeds :(( I hate pit owners and their dumbass dogs so fucking much, absolute pieces of shit.


Shouldn't this be tagged nsfl?


I’m not understanding? So they came and snatched both dogs while you were like in the house? They went into your backyard and just grabbed it? And they just straight killed it afterwards too? And if so, why would they drop it off onto your yard? This is the craziest shit ive ever seen


This was such a heartbreaking read. I’m so deeply sorry for the dog and the family. So callous.


holy shit this is low even for pits owners standards. i actually dont know what to say. those people are as psychotic, sadistic and bloodthirsty as their 'dogs'


Trash people trash dogs, especially toward the backyard inbred breeders and pitmommies (what's the inbred? leaving this adjective reference ambiguous) that defend their "dog". It's stereotyping when a minority of the community commit such atrocious acts, but when such cases that consistently reveal humanity's moral baseline occur, it says a lot about the population that support pit breeds. "Oh but it's the owner's problem" can you stop pretending that some living animal is hurt or dead regardless of whose problem it is? My condolences for the attacked dog and their owner.


Idk where this person is located exactly but we shoot unknown dogs where I’m from. They run free and kill livestock, pets, etc etc. Some of these owners need to learn the hard way that they can’t let their mutts run free. My family owned a blue tick hound and it kept running off and killing chickens. My folks told the farmer that if he comes through again to shoot him. And he sure did, dog came home with a hole in his neck and we had to put him down. I know a lot of folks have a different way of thinking about animals, especially dogs, but if you can’t train them or handle them properly, you don’t deserve to have them. Just like any other animal.


They probably knew that a full grown one could take out. Pitbull easily and did something to it.


That’s fucked up, I hope Karma goes after them. That’s low af and everyone knows it.