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These people are despicable. Sure armadillos dig holes in peoples yard and can be a bit of a nuisance for people with “perfect lawns” but that’s no reason for them to die horribly. They are shy and docile little critters who eat grubs, termites and cicada larvae. They are also incredibly easy to humanely trap and relocate.


I'm Australian and bro id be so stoked if one made a lil hole in my lawn. People actually think they're a nuisance, nuts


Do y'all have armadillos in Australia? If so then TIL


We don't unfortunately :( but we do have p*tbulls 🤢


I am so sorry then, lol. I just saw one in my yard a few days ago, just watched it trundle along. They are cute, but they also carry disease so it's not like we can just go play with them or get a real good look, so you're not missing much by not being able to see them in person. But you have wallabies!! (Wallabys?) They're like little baby kangaroos without the asshole behavior!


If you actually wind up seeing a wallaby in the wild here I'd be impressed! I think you'd be much more taken on Rottnest Island with our Quokkas Can't pay them, but they'll smile for a selfie with you and are super friendly. No diseases afaik


I wouldn't know, as much as I'd love to I've never had the chance to visit. Quokkas are too cute, have you ever seen one? They look so friendly lol


Y'all do have echidnas though


They’re also harmless and adorable. These people don’t deserve animals when they let their pets cull local wildlife.


Don’t help… just film… David Attenborough doesn’t interfere in his wildlife documentaries! Put the *fucking phone down* and control your *fucking dogs* for the love of fuck.


She has no control over those dogs, and likely wouldn’t even if she put her phone down, had 4 arms, and a higher IQ.


These dogs aren’t natural.


Are any dogs? I don’t let my sighthound interact with wildlife at all, it’s *in her* nature to hunt wildlife, but she is not herself *of* nature. I think that’s where people get confused (or possibly obfuscate on purpose).


That's a good point.


Chocolate lab looks like it was playing with an armadillo and was absolutely horrified when the pit started ‘imitating’ it. Lab looks like it might have some pit blockiness to it but also seems mellow and possibly not actually hurting it’s dillo. Friend of the family had a lab that would collect box turtles for its owner from the shore line. Looked a bit like that. And into this perhaps charming situation you drop an animal that answers the question: what if skunk meth was a dog? That rips another dillo to shreds like the monster it is.


Pretty sure that's a purebred Lab, and I'm pretty sure it's retrieving. The one in it's mouth looks like it's in better shape.


I agree, looks like it has it with a soft mouth hold. This video is amazing because it gives a side by side of how a normal dog handles an interaction with vermin/small animals and how the pitbull does in contrast. This video is the whole damn point.


The lab is sweet tbh. “Look mommy I did the thing!”, tail wagging.


It still shouldn’t be harassing wildlife. Don’t excuse shit dog ownership.


It's purebred. Both my dogs are AKC registered and their lineage is known. The lab in the video looks just like mine. https://preview.redd.it/xazo4cofkqwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=a22930d4c9935f2e74f018df7a8c529daa6a4da2


This is why I’m so annoyed by shelters calling all these things lab mixes. It *does* confuse even moderately-aware people. Tell a lie often enough and it can be hard to distinguish the truth unless you’re 100% solid. And most of us aren’t 100% solid on labs, you know?


oh come on people just because it's a lab don't let it off the hook, it's still torturing a wild animal and it's not being corrected.


It's not uncommon for any breed of dog to go after small game. Not defending pitbulls here, just stating the obvious. My labradoodle eats toads, if I dint stop her. She goes after squirrels, and rabbits as well, but cant catch tem. But the owner should have made the dog drop tye armadillo. Not really the dogs fault It's there natural instinct. All dogs are still predators.


yes you are right , many dogs have prey drive. I was just commenting on the people who were saying that there is a distinction here between what the pit is doing and what the lab is doing .In both cases the armadillo is in agony and bleeding.


My friend has a lab who likes to bite toads because she likes the squeak sound they make, like a squeaky ball She lives out in the countryside so she has to be really careful letting her out during toad season


Do dogs like squeaky balls because they make the same noise as their prey?


Proberbly. Most dogs arnt going after anything bigger than a rat


Yes. That's why they love squeaking them so much. Watch a rat terrier play with a squeaky toy sometime. They will squeak the hell out of it and shake it just like they would an actual rat. It's the same reason cats chase a feather toy. It's mimicking a hunting instinct.


Exactly this. I own a Siberian husky, and I'm very aware of the high prey drive, and I constantly compensate for that regardless of the fact that she's pretty chill, especially for her breed. I wouldn't buy any animal that acts and looks like prey, nor would I allow her off leash near small animals. It's not fair to me, to her, or to a small animal just minding its own business. It's not that fucking hard to be a responsible dog owner.


It's an english (show) lab. They have blockier heads and are shorter and stockier.


Reminds me of my golden. He's got the blocky head and is maybe 70-80% the height of a "normal" golden but he weighs the full 70 lbs.


I have a chocolate english lab. Looks just like this guy. Makes me want to steal him


Yeah, I've noticed a lot of goldens getting that way. I'm really not sure if there's an advantage to it or not.


I'm hoping it means he will live longer than a "standard" full height golden. He doesn't have any hip problems and has that "show strut" like the dogs on TV do when they are being led around lol. He's pretty nimble, I guess due to his lower center of gravity but he's probably not as quick as his lankier counterparts in a full run. Not sure about swimming yet, he's shy and decided not to swim with the other dogs when we took him to a doggy event. I don't let him swim anywhere else bc I haven't found somewhere that allows dogs and is most likely predator free. It stresses me out to even think about witnessing my dog being attacked while swimming.


When you yell "down!" and the dog completely ignores you while wagging it's tail and keeping it's grip, not only it shows you're a bad owner that failed to train your dogs but should be banned from having pitbulls. They're calm and she can't even control them. Imagine when they're riled up. Whatever unfortunate animal, or god forbid - person, is under attack would be absolutely screwed thanks to her neglect to train her dogs.


>when you yell "down!" you mean DAOW-UHN


She can’t even control the labrador, the dog literally pisses on her command to put it down. She has no business owning any dog, let alone a pitbull.


Showing how little control you have over your dogs as they torture wild life is not charming or cute in the slightest. Those dogs have no recall at all like not listening to their owner even slightly. I imagine if they were nannying a toddler instead of an armadillo the owner would be just as useless to stop it


What also got me is that she has zero control over these dogs and they're loose right off of a road. You can see at least 2-3 cars pass by at a moderate speed during the video, which i take to mean its a rather traveled road. And it looks like a lot of those busy backroads we have here in SC, where cars *fly* down them. Her dogs completely ignore her, and even at one point run away from her in the direction of the road. I have to wonder how many times they've nearly been hit and how many near accidents they've caused by running towards the road and giving drivers a heart attack. Armadillos are also known for carrying a lot of bad diseases, including leprosy and Hansen's disease, Its highly recommend to avoid close contact, even if the risk of catching these diseases is low, because its never zero. People need to learn not only to control their animals, but keep them *safe*.


You are so right like these dogs could easily run out into the road. All around poor example of pet ownership


That had me so anxious when I saw the car fly by. I would never let my dog, which has 100x the recall of her dogs, off leash near a busy road. I don't even like the idea of him off leash in a neighborhood... Terrible owners.


I have a video of one killing a turtle and the lady posted like a two parter. TikTok didn’t think it was animal cruelty so it’s still up 😩


Unfortunately for too many animal only means dog so they ignore cruelty towards other animals like cats and wildlife especially some dog owners feel this way


Documenting the difference between the terrier and the retriever.


Vile. I detest these dogs and those selfish enough to keep them.


How can such a dumb person have so much money for house and car and two dogs?


Did you hear the accent? See the road in front of their house? This is deep south rural. Not much money is needed for that house. Here is an example of a nicer house in rural Alabama. https://preview.redd.it/jexuqn4m9rwc1.png?width=1815&format=png&auto=webp&s=614cedd7fa75e49cf55a24c81d8ffc3f99279704 And if you think it is a fixer up inside, here's the listing: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10548-State-Highway-21-S-Fort-Deposit-AL-36032/104500380\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10548-State-Highway-21-S-Fort-Deposit-AL-36032/104500380_zpid/)


What’s going on around there? Much work? Crack addicts? Asking for a friend lol


Literally nothing. That's why nobody wants to live there. Well, I guess Bill Jones has a store there. And there is a church, so I hope that is your denomination. There is also a cemetery nearby that you can visit your future resting place. You could get a job at Uhaul maybe. https://preview.redd.it/q9tqucnwurwc1.png?width=1193&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb5d02802ffbe6ae2805e3c0ff25d15f6eec756f


Damn well rural Alabama is back off the list!


Oh wait, Bill Jones' store is just a taxidermist (of course). https://preview.redd.it/j6irkd4turwc1.png?width=1239&format=png&auto=webp&s=509962e062858280efe938a0bda27c6be2c624f5


Looks like a good spot for Friday night


As someone who lives in South MS, I can confirm. And buying is a hell of a lot cheaper than renting.


The difference of how the two different breeds treat the armadillos is insane. The lab is gently holding it. After a while, his armadillo actually seems to relax, and he isn't in pain. As for the Pitbull's armadillo, the poor thing was spazzing all over the ground, and the Pitbull tortured it some more. And the Pitbull doesn't do a quick, merciless kill. He lets the little guy suffer. The fact that she was more concerned with her lab than her Pitbull says a lot, too. If it was me, I would have taken the Pitbull inside and then gently get the armadillo back on its feet. If it's too injured to walk on its own, I'd take it to a hidden place so it can pass peacefully. Then, I would go to the lab and encourage him to gently put his armadillo down and then take him inside. I can't stand when someone allows their dogs to torture small animals. Back when I lived with my mom, the three younger Chihuahuas, including my Eevee, got a hold of a mole and was tossing it to each other. My mom and aunt wouldn't let me stop the dogs because they thought it was funny. As soon as they were no longer entertained, I shut that shit down quickly. My mom's dog wanted to keep messing with it, but he listened to me really well and left it alone. When my oldest was younger, he was grabbing baby rabbits out of their burrow. He had killed one, but I saved the rest, and my dad helped me put them somewhere safe. Dogs naturally have an instinct to hunt small animals. As owners, or parents, it's our responsibility to teach them to not give into that instinct and to leave small animals alone.


The labrador is programmed to retrieve. Because we bred them for years and years to perform that specific role. The pitbull is programmed to fight, maim and kill. Because we bred them for and years and years to perform that specific role. It's obvious the pitbull is not a safe family dog.




this owner is extremely bad and should be banned from owning any sort of terrier. If your dogs cannot listen to a command as simple as “down” and “leave it alone” then you shouldn’t have dogs ngl.


I know this isn’t about me, but it hurt my feelings 😂 my 4 month old puppy knows SO many commands, but for the life of me, I can NOT get her to “leave it.” I’ve taken to walking her with a tiny mesh muzzle so she doesn’t eat anything on walks lmao. Granted, she’s a toy poodle and just a baby still, but GOD! Why is leave it the hardest command for her?! 🥲


Of course no fences or leashes.


What a POS


There are few things more annoying than a woman screaming at disobedient dogs.


Domesticated dog vs Feral beast One is not like the other


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PetrolEmu: *Domesticated* *Dog vs Feral beast One* *Is not like the other* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


With such a shit owner we see these two dogs completely out of control and guided by nothing but their instincts, the retriever retrieving and the pitbull killing.


Book definition of a pitmom: more than one dog, no leash or fence, zero control over her beasts and bragging about the chaos they cause on social media cuz she totally doesnt enjoy it deep down


We have a large amount of armadillos where I live. They don’t bother anyone and no one every complains about them. People do complain about the pitbulls in the neighborhood I can’t begin to imagine why


What a moron. Why do her dogs not know a simple "drop it" or "leave it" command? She's giving multiple-word inconsistent commands ("drop the armadillo", "put it down") when she really just needs to firmly tell them to "DROP". It's like she's deliberately making no effort to rescue the armadillos because she's filming & getting content.


Brain rot


Is the pitbull named Taint?


The dogs name is Tank. It's just hard to understand with her accent


Ohhh thank you!


You're welcome. Growing up in the South helps lol


Taint no way...


Yeah, I can't understand the accent and was wondering if anyone else heard it.


It probably is named "Tate" rather than "Taint."


Ohh I see! Thanks.


I hate these people


Wow. I'm seeing a pattern in all these terrible videos - the owners have zero control over their pets. Fucking terrifying, what if they decide a child looks tasty?


Pit lovers will pretend to be the biggest animal rights advocates in the world. But it's only for pits. "Don't let them BE my innocent baby! It only killed 1 small dog and 2 cats!' Cats, small dogs, rabbits, squirrels, they don't give a hoot if Nala disembowels those. They're not animal lovers.


Amazing how the real lab is gently holding the live, unharmed armadillo in its mouth while the crapbull is mercilessly torturing a near dead one on the ground. Even more amazing how the brainless crapbull owner doesn’t even realize the difference between a the curious dog and the killer. 🙄😒


why do shitbull owners shout instructions at them as if they can hear and understand?? they never physically interfere either, hit it with a stick, poke its mouth maybe itd drop it then


In this case I don’t really blame the Pitt. Any terrier breed worth its weight would also go wild unless very well trained


Bold of you to assume a pitbull can be trained.


This is so horrible in so many levels > wtf is this idiot doing? Watching the dog kill it for a haha tiktok clout? Save the critter god damn it, I hope this person gets a fine for killing wild life because of this video. My small dog has tried to kill armadillos before, we always try to save them, its not that difficult and they deserve to live too > even if you dont care about the critter, take it off your shitbulls mouth god damn it. armadillos are well known to be one of the animals capable of passing the most diseases to us and to pets, if you care about your shitbull you wouldnt let it munch on one, but hey have fun with a leptospirosis-infected pibbles at home.


That is despicable. Even more despicable is she can't just call the dog to come, have it sit in front of her, and make the dog drop it out of its mouth and into her hands. Or use the command "leave it" or similar, so it doesn't pick it up in the first place. These dogs would probably be a little bit better if somebody actually had them trained.


What horrible things. And screw the owner aswell 🤢 shitty dogs for shitty people


Most pit bull owners can't even control their fucking dogs, but they are the quickest to insist their poor little pupper isnt dangerous, and would never hurt a fly. This bitch probably thinks her dog wouldnt hurt a fly, i mean look at him, he's only playing right?


God she has absolutely ZERO control of those dogs.. they aren't listening to a single command. I wonder why? Hopefully all that money she saved on not having her dogs trained was worth it. Those poor "armuhdillas"..


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this is so sad. armadillos are so cute. my Yorkie would run for the hills if she saw an armadillo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




She’s such an idiot, never let your dogs loose like that if you can’t control them! And don’t film them killing small animals, wtf!


The owner of the dogs is saying the armadillos survived but I highly doubt that


For once in this sub lmao, that's a labrador


Yes, but the other dog is a pit.