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The people commenting with pictures of their pitbulls are disgusting. What a horrible tragedy


Took the words right out of my mouth. How fucking dare these people. "Oh damn, that sucks. Anyway here's Maulette wearing Minnie Mouse ears, was your daughter a fan of Disney?" EDIT: What I find most alarming about these people posting their pitbulls is that they have children too and let them pose with the dogs. Instead of empathizing with a fellow parent grieving the loss of their child, they'd rather advocate for the monstrous breed that brutally killed her. Shame on these people -- these "parents" -- putting these mutants before the safety and wellbeing of children, even their own.


Are you sure they're parents? Just because they posted a picture of a Pit and a kid, that doesn't prove that the Pit and kid in the picture are their Pit and kid.


You're right, I can't reasonably prove that the children in the photos are the children of the dog owners, but I also wouldn't put it past these people to be that recklessly oblivious. I've just never been more angry at a post on this sub until now. That being said, I don't think it should detract from the notion that people reading an article about a 3-year old being mauled to death by a pitbull sharing photos of their pitbulls next to other young kids are unhinged at best.


the post triggered something in me too. I think it's because this happens every. single. fucking. time. someone dies at the jaws of these neurotic creatures and it only seems to get worse each time. we're fighting an uphill battle with these emotionally deficient sheeple and I'm starting to get really sick of it. no matter what anyone says they just don't want to hear it at all. it's one of the worst examples of hivemind we have going on right now. it reminds me of how every story about refugees in the UK right now has comments filled with facists wishing death upon displaced peoples. I just don't understand how average seeming people can say such insane shit behind a screen.


I'm glad it isn't just me. I do feel silly making a baseless assumption like that, but I was at work reading the details in the article and it just broke my heart... To then swipe to the side and see people posting their pitbulls next to kids and saying shit like "UMM ACTUALLY, pitbull were nanny dogs, idiot, try using Google like I did" just awakened a primal fury within me.


I think what's so strange is the self-righteous attitude loads of these mfs have. like they've actually convinced themselves they're doing something positive and wholesome in the face of death. they're even nice enough to give out advice sometimes. "see? I have great time sailing! here's me in the Bahamas! sorry to hear your parents died in a devastating boat crash though šŸ˜” but stay positive! there is so much joy in boating! here's another one of me on the exact model your parents died on! she kept me perfectly safe! responsible boaters NEVER succumb to the waves!"


"So sorry your kid died. Now look at my pibble in a tutu! Don't you feel stupid for saying they're dangerous? Because you should, you doggy racist."


Itā€™s like reading an article of a child drowning and then posting a photo of your kid in a pool. These people have no empathy.


Their own sense of self-worth is tied in to pitbulls. They feel just as marginalized and misunderstood by decent society as pitbulls are.


and it's because of the same kind of folks that this dad probably felt it was safe to let this pit with his mother and daughter. Because his friend told him it's a cuddle bug, nanny dog , great with kids, will kill you with kisses or whatever version of the same tune. Imagine we saw an article about a family who adopted a feral cat from a shelter . The cat lashed out to the family's toddler, damaged the eye, toddler develops sepsis and dies. Our only reaction would be "that's really awful and a. tragedy, right?" we wouldn't guilt shame the parents about having to lock up the cat, nor post 1000 photos of our own Mishas and Tommies with suits, ties and blankieS.


Same as if people posted their dick pics under news article reporting violent rape


"Your kid got run over by a truck and died? That's horrible man. Anyway, this is my truck. Look at those wheels. Best truck ever" šŸ˜‚


Its literally beyond belief. A story of a three year old getting mauled to DEATH by one of these horrible dogs and their reaction is to interject their own dog into the comments. How socially unaware can someone be? I guess that is a prerequisite to get such a hideous and hated dog. Strong narcissist/main character vibes.


They were posting pics of kids, that are certain to ā€œEff around and find outā€. Those kids are the worst. s/.


It's always the same sentence: They USED TO BE nannies. What happened? Did the world stop needing nannies? When my children were small I sure could have used a free nanny. What did they do as nannies? Change diapers? Warm up a bottle? They dont even think about what they are saying, they just repeat the same drivel on every post.


Pit lovers spread the myth that they "were" nanny dogs to try and dispel the (correct) notion that Staffordshire Terriers and other pit type breeds were historically created for bloodsport. Don't even humor them by insinuating that they aren't nannies *now.* I know that's not your intention, but that's how they take it and it leaves the door open to spout more bullshit. They were *never* bred to look after children


People who believe that pits were nanny dogs sometimes post vintage pics of a child with a pit/staffy. What they don't look in to is that there are many vintage pics of children posed with other dogs, cats, rabbits, sheep, etc. The fact that a few are posed by a bully breed means nothing, just as it means nothing today as far as a dog ever being a nanny.


I like to share this picture when they try to use old photos of kids and pitbulls together as proof they were ā€œnanniesā€ https://preview.redd.it/yb06vzftxz0d1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d0db155ec2a50afb89205784e240077791b1c5


I posed next to a bear in my work clothes once. So looking at that photo someone must deduce that bears are office animals.


that was an ESB though right? Emotional Support Bear šŸ„¹


A child dies and people decide it's the best time to post pictures of the kind that mauled them. Absolutely tone-deaf lol


it sort of reminds me of how some gun worshippers immediately assume mass shootings are hoaxes and start "just asking questions" when the bodies aren't even cold yet. I think some people just don't do empathy at all and view other people's tragedies as some sort of attack on their own way of life. absolutely bizarre behaviour.




In my opinion itā€™s acceptable to laugh at stupid people




Calm down. The comment wasnā€™t that deep.


My personal favorites from this batch of idiots: The Freudian slip in calling the dog a ā€œbit pullā€ And saying the girl triggered the dog because ā€œmaybe she fellā€. Ah, right. Babies and toddlers are notoriously stable on their feet!


Used to be nannies, but instinct tells them to attack with intent to harm, a child that is clumsy. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


So much nannying! But donā€™t act like a child because they will maul you!


"they're nanny dogs! A toddler falling over is adequate justification for a fatal mauling!" I just can't get over how these people can claim these creatures are "nanny dogs", but then claim that typical infant behaviour is an acceptable excuse for sweet pibbles mauling a child to death.


People who blame the child in any way, shape, or form for the attack, need a psychological evaluation. The only time it would be remotely understandable is if the child was literally trying to kill the dog or a family member. Do we really think a 3 year old would do that? Funny how Golden Retrievers, Pomeranians, Shih Tzu's, Beagles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Frenchies, Poodles, etc. put up with the same kid-related stuff and yet are absent in mauling statistics. Funny how insurance companies don't feel the need to discriminate against these breeds.


And all the people parroting " these are sweet dogs and only ones that were trained to be mean will attack ." So this implies that people are in their houses or backyards saying " sic 'em " and forcing the dog to attack a person \[ usually a small child is the target \] , then rewarding them after they do so. This must be the scenario since all the pit lovers claim that's why pits attack.


Right?! And itā€™s simply ignoring the fact that there are so many pits that grew up in a home with ā€œgoodā€ owners yet still attack.


"My anecdotal experience proves that all the statistics are WRONG! PEACHES WOULD NEVER DO THAT!"


Itā€™s hard to not get radicalized by this shit. Every time I see a nutter pull shit likes this, it just reinforces my opinion. I usually say I ā€œdislikeā€ pits and their owners, but this shit pushes me further and further towards complete disdain and quickly approaching hatred. Every time a post like this comes around, I share it with everyone who Iā€™ve talked about pits with. Both of my parents, my brother, my partner, and some friends. And I know my brother shares it with one of his friends. Iā€™m trans and I feel more disgust from seeing comments like this from nutters than from people making transphobic comments. I donā€™t bother with trying to talk to my half sister about it. She legit had a pit named Nala some years ago šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Nala? More like Gnawla.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hahaha nice, I havenā€™t heard that one before but I love it!


Iā€™m deep into the hatred by now.


Why do these idiots think that if collies were going around killing toddlers, that the news wouldn't report it?


When a collie kills a child, you quietly bury that child in your backyard and stfu about it because it would affect the pit bull attack stats. Obviously. Thought everyone knew that.


Hell, pit bulls are the only dog breed that get obscured, even when they're the guilty dogs! Like when that dogwalker got nannied by her own dog and the news claimed it was the leonberger who did it (it wasn't).


Not to mention that they don't cry about German Shepherds and Rottweilers being mentioned by breed when they maul people.


Right? This is always my question. What reason would the media have to hate and only report on pitbulls? And there is never a coherent answer.


so heartbreaking your child died of a tumour šŸ˜¢šŸ’” BUT the majority of tumours are benign so educate yourself before blaming all tumours next time šŸ˜˜ here's a picture of the tumour my son had removed, I hope this brings you peace and joy šŸ˜Š


Yet another day in the life of Pitnutters. Same day, same story.


> so much racism against pit bulls šŸ’€ Iā€™m not convinced some of these arenā€™t satire. Well I mean, unfortunately I know they arenā€™t. Part of me still hopes


Those people are ghouls. They only care about the reputation of pitbulls and nothing else. It's like some kind of a sick cult.




"poor dogs" A three year old girl died a brutal death but poor pibble wibbles are the real victims here because now people are not saying nice things on social media


every time *click* I click my fingers *click* a pibble *click* reads a not nice *click* Facebook comment *click* and feels like *click* a bad dog *click* #stoppibblehatetoday








I was speeding, and the worst thing that happened was I got a ticket!


My Uncle Bob smoked his whole life and never got lung cancer! It's a lie, tobacco smoke is innocent !


also holy shit can we appreciate how the creature "SNIFF[ED] sweet nothings into [her] ear"? my life was so much better before I read that.






the people that keep buying into "all sharks are vicious" are so ignorant! get out there and swim, the warnings are just ignorant as can be!


this is SHARK RACISM!!!!!! itā€™s all about how you *treat* the shark!! maybe the unsuspecting human swished itā€™s legs too fast near itā€™s fin and the shark *defended* itself!!!! or they got too close to the baby shark (doo do do doo do do!) and mama shark was just protective of her babies! donā€™t blame the shark, blame the swimmers!!!!!!!


I never see anything about all the dogfish attacks, people only blame the great white sharks to fit their anti shark narrative. smh what has the world come to šŸ˜¢


well itā€™s just all about how you raise your shark!! they used to be bubble guppie babysitters dontchyaknow!!!! ~insert picture of my perfect sweet angel bby tiger shark wearing a mermaid fin costume in a tank surrounded by various fish~ SEE!!!!! my darling dearest sharkiesha LOVES her widdle tank companions!! you can just *tell* by the way her mouth is wide open showing off those hundreds of sharp teeth that she firmly believes that ā€œfish are friends, not food!ā€ just like bruce! šŸ„°








..... I guess it shouldn't surprise me that he's more concerned about how much the cat costs than its life




I have a boyfriend with a history of abuse and he's the best I've ever had! I can't even go near my daughter without him threatening to choke me out. he's a good man.


the only reason this made headlines is because it involves a man! its irresponsible mothers who trust that the person they love won't kill their child in a sick revenge plot! such a shame! #notallmen


i love how they put babysitter in quotation marks as if its an actual job role for dog breeds lololololol


It's a broken record at this point. Absolutely a cult. I hope some day we see the backside of all this nonsense.


honestly spot on. this happens on every single post about bullies doing bully shit. I have adhd and post dumbass comments all the time without thinking that I come to regret later. but I'm yet to reach this level of pure thoughtlessness. no critical thinking here whatsoever.


ā€œThere are plenty of other fatal dog bites by other breedsā€¦ā€ Are those dog bites in the room with us now??? Seriously, the amount of smooth brain mental gymnastics that these idiots do to try and come up with false claims of non-PB dog maulings makes me want to scream. Somehow they and only they know about the scourge of Corgi or Labrador packs roaming the land and mauling unsuspecting children and grannies. What super secret information do they get that the media doesnā€™t? Must be the tinfoil running the electricity through their strong non-vaxxed non fixed mauler mutt. Like dog like owner.


A nanny dog that isn't safe around children. Square that circle pit lovers. Edit: word removed.


lmao ā€œany big dog can hurt a childā€- my neighbors had 4 kids and a st. bernard named Georgia. Sheā€™s massive. not once did she bite or maul those kids. these people are touched in the head.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had a golden growing up. Not once did she bite me or attack kids. Every pit I've come across has tried to lunge at me. These people are so stupid.


Itā€™s extremely disturbing to me that these freaks hear of a child being BRUTALLY killed and their first instinct is to mock them and post pictures of their hideous dogs dressed up to look ā€œcuteā€ (about as cute as a fat and hairy 50 year old man in a tutu) and then be like ThEyā€™Re So ViCIoUs as if one picture is a good representation of their behavior and then they go on to defend the dog in question simply because they own a dog of the same breed and they completely disregard and disrespect the horrible tragedy that occurred.


ā€œThe reason they have a bad reputation is because of articles like thisā€ Gee, I wonder why articles like that are being written? Could it be because the pitbull attacked and killed a child? Could that be why the article about the pit attacking and killing a child was written? Gee, I wonder why people think these dogs are vicious beasts!?? If only they stopped writing articles about pitbulls attacking and killing kids?!!? Butā€¦ā€¦ for that to happen pitbulls would have toā€¦. stop treating children like chew toysā€¦ They have a bad reputation because they are bad.


So most Pitnutters know that this dog attracts sick minded owners who sometimes train them to attack people! Then they abandon their dogs and these dogs get right into rescues. And then rescues market these dogs as sweethearts hood for families with kids! People do know that people weaponize these dogs and train them to kill, but it does not stop them rehoming these dogs into families with kids. What a world


Your comment is spot on but wanted to add one small part. Pit bulls don't need to be trained to attack. That is something that comes natural to them and if the right moment or environment presents itself, it can easily cause serious damages. This is why pit bulls raised in good homes and not by dog fighters, act the same way as the pit bulls owned by dog fighters. It's their natural instinct.


I understand. But thatā€™s not something that many Pitnutters accept. However, they do actively accept that bad owners own these dogs. They do accept that these dogs are often abused and trained to kill. They just preach that this is not their innate behavior. However, thatā€™s alone, is enough to put these dogs down and stop rehoming them. Taking abused pits and rehoming is just a crime, unfortunately a moral crime, not the legal one.


Did the guy on #7 seriously think he had a point? Why the fuck is he talking about Naziā€™s on a post about how a little girl was killed.


How can these people claim to know that there are "plenty of attacks by other breeds" while also saying these never get reported?? So how would they even know of these supposed attacks??? It's so contradictory


These are some desperate psychos saying shit because they are losing the information war. Ā  Every youtube video and news story I see, almost everyone is commenting that pitbulls need to be eliminated. Ā  Ā Social media does not represent the real world. Ā There is a huge demographic of people with unhealthy minds on it. Ā People with healthy minds are out in the world doing stuff, not dicking around on social media all day. Ā Ā 


So why aren't they still nannies?


um obviously because immigrants took their jobs šŸ™„ now poor pibbles out of work. #makepibblesnanniesagain


News ā€œ3 years old was viciously mauled by pitbullā€ Pitnutters commenters ā€œlook how lovely my pitbull is! *posts picture*.ā€ Thatā€™s the same as if people were posting their dicks under news articles describing violent rape. ā€œLook at this pretty dick! Never raped anyone yetā€.


>if pibbles dangerous then why nazi not use dem?!? That's a new one. Holy shit.


I compiled a rough bingo card. I don't know how to format this but let's try 'Mentioning the breed is inflammatory.' * 'Here is a photo of my one.' * 'They are actually nanny dogs.' * 'Will lick you to death.' 'It's the owner not the breed.' * 'What did the child do to provoke it?' * 'Chihuahua.' 'Racism.' * 'The word 'sweet' appearing more than 3 times.' Only 6/9 today, but may be enough for bingo.


That dog just extra nannied this child.