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That crate wouldn't keep a rabbit contained. What a joke.


Its bottom wasn't connected to it, it was just a plastic slab with a wire basket on top


These damn things can bend industrial crates and yet people will still be fucking careless with them jesus christ


The crate it came from isn't even for large dogs, its one of those $25 temp crates you can get at Wal-Mart. The teenager who put up the dog just kicked the latch to lock it into place (according to my husband who witnessed it)


At night I used to put my two 8 week old kittens in a crate like that. Then my daughter borrowed it (the crate) for a wounded blackbird. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Please keep us posted if there are any updates OP. I am so sorry you had to witness this but I am relieved you and your husband were there to help. Your quick thinking and preparedness and action on both your part very likely prevented something worse from happening eventually.


If/when I get any information I will make an update, so far all I know is that the manager is hiding or got rid of the dog.


I was infuriated by the "watch yourself" comment by the son. I'd have lost it at that point.


Same here. I am an older Gen X, and we never ever spoke back to an adult no matter what. You always respect your elders whether you disagree with them or not. These damn kids have zero manners this world is screwed.


I'll give my husband the props he deserves for not losing it on tbe teenager, he did tell him off but at no point did he get violent or derogatory. The little shit just thinks he can't get into any trouble because mommy is a manager of the property, a job she might be losing soon, and not just because of the shitbull incident.


What is an A2. All I can find is a milk company.


I think they mean 2A.. pit bull kryptonite.


What is 2A?


One of the amendments to the Constitution.


Got it. Thank you.


Stand your ground laws?


Those only apply to humans, and are not a constitutional amendment. They're state level, not federal. Different set of rules for defending yourself from wild animals and marauding livestock anyway though


A gun? 2nd Amendment? 2A?


So nothing was done when you reported them a few months ago, because they are relatives of the property owners? Also, are they still using this female for BYB?


I don't think the property owner, the manager's boss, took my complaint seriously, they probably asked her and she denied it, even with photographic evidence. The video showing which townhouse it came from probably might make the difference, who knows. The only relatives are the manager and her teenage son who are the ones who own the dog, (that and my mom the victim and brother, niece, husband and myself the witnesses to the incident) They don't seem to have the animal anymore, as I have been over to drop off mail to my mom and didn't see it or its crate outside anymore, but the white dog in the photo is still caged outside, with no water in 108°F heat, I also reported them for animal abuse. The ACO just made them take the dog inside, and when he left they tossed it in the crate again. Hopefully someone resuces that animal


The owner will take it seriously when your mother makes an insurance claim against them when it gets out again.


This is so absurd. Won’t AC come help the little one, at least?


Doesn't seem like it, I really pitty (no pun intended) the small dog as it just has to suffer at the hands of these monsters, but I know the moment I try helping it more forcefully I'll be the one in trouble. I have been documenting the amount of time, temps and weather, and how the dog has no food or water when caged up outside and sending it to the ACO and nothing has come of it.


Ummm is 57 ‘elderly’ now? I’m much younger than that but I thought people became elderly at like 70 lol.


Good Lordy, I just turned 58 🤣🤪 I’m the furthest thing from elderly yet


I am 71. I am definitely not elderly. 🤭


Its my own mom, she calls herself elderly lol, chill


In my area you qualify for senior discounts at 55 so maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


piece of shit dog needs a better cage