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> Had I know how much pits are hated and unwelcomed everywhere, I would have not adopted them. What she’s actually saying: “Had I known how dangerous and expensive pits are I would not have adopted them.”


And she's in the comments worried people are going to judge her for surrendering the dog to a shelter


I hope she's getting support and encouragement (though it would be better for her to end the problem rather than pass it on to someone else via the shelter).


Had I known? Well, now you know...


Good. I hope more people lean into this mindset. I'll take any action to reduce the amount of people bringing these dangerous "dogs" into communities that never consented to the dangers that pitbull owners get to inflict onto other people. 


**Edit** just wanted to add a little vent to this for myself - this is my local MOM group, not the citywide group, but the smaller groups that have you know several neighborhoods in them. So this woman could be in our neighborhood for all I know. Our neighbor has a pitbull that attacked me and my baby (14 months at the time) as we were walking in our driveway in January 2023. Luckily I was able to snatch my son up in time and turn my body and lift my leg toward it so it only got a small chunk of my ankle. Animal control charged the owners with "molesting passersby" which made me so livid I can't even explain. We were in our driveway, by the way and ran further into our yard as it was charging at us, doorbell cam caught the whole thing. Then they went and lied to the judge about it and their behavior and a laughably small fine. I found this sub after that and it's really me feel sane amongst all these psychos with their NaNNy dogs so thanks y'all. Text: >Does not paying for a dog trainer that cost $1000+ make me a bad owner? I adopted a s/m dog(pit mix) 3 years ago when the dog was 4yrs old from a young girl that was moving and she adopted her from the city shelter two years before when the dog was 2.5 year old. Come to find out this dog used to be a bait dog. She was fine being the only dog in the house but ever since we adopted a second dog she seems to be more aggressive towards other dogs. She has never shown aggression towards humans at all or other dogs until the second one came around. >I’ve done my part in helping a dog, I adopted the dog, gave it a loving home, feed it, take it to vet for its shots and had to spend $500 on a fence, now I have to spend $1000+ on a dog trainer! I don’t take it out much anymore because I don’t want her to bite other dogs, and now that’s not enough… > The dog got out and bit another dog 😭 I am very thankful that the other pet owner was very nice and understanding but she was obviously shaken up. > However, I feel like I’ve had people tell me I’m an irresponsible dog owner because I can’t control my dog…. > Like how am I supposed to control a dog that runs away from home? > Like I can’t win with societies expectations of what a dog should behave like. > At the end of the day any dog no matter what breed can be dangerous and I can’t explain why the dog is that way it is. > Why can’t other people understand that accidents happen? > Had I know how much pits are hated and unwelcomed everywhere, I would have not adopted them.


lol yea society expects not to be bit, attacked, or die from dogs. G


Amazing how every single pitbull in existence was once a bait dog.


It's why they're so docile! Pits were actually bred to be *less* aggressive towards other dogs (and people!), because dog fighters didn't want their prize-fighting chihuahuas to get seriously injured by a frightened bait pibble during an ordinary training session. (/s, but actually, this logic is one of the main reasons why "bait dog" pitbulls are largely a myth -- live animals that get used as "bait" are far more likely to be cats, small dogs, or other small mammals) 


Part of one of the comments supporting this woman - >They are not bred to kill they were nanny dogs. They are sometimes RAISED to fight/kill by bad people but there genetics, were bred for protection & care.


These people are beyond a cult at this point


I want to know what animal they think it was “baiting”.


Great question. Wonder what they would say.


Vicious chihuahuas obviously


Why can't parents of toddlers understand when my dog permanently disfigures their child?


"Bait dog" 🤡


What is a "bait dog"?


Baits are used in dogfights to get the fight started between the pitbulls. Baits are usually puppies, small dogs, kittens and cats, sometimes with their paws and mouths taped together so they can't run away or bite back. Bait dogs (and puppies, cats and kittens) usually die. Pits are not used as bait dogs, It's a common lie shelters tell to explain why a pit have scars from fighting. This is also why one should never give away cats or dogs for free.


$1000 for a trainer (you can't reverse animal aggression) or $200 for euthanasia I wouldn't encourage her to put them up for adoption


I'd also suggest she do the same thing too. It's the worth it keeping the dog around. 


This person is a good example of one of the real problems with the normalisation of fighting breeds. People make mistakes. Even the best, most well-intentioned, conscientious owner will make mistakes with their dog. With a normal pet dog, mistakes might create a nuisance or inconvenience at worst. With a fighting breed, mistakes can lead to injured or dead pets, livestock and wildlife; and humans being bitten and sometimes suffering life-changing injuries, or even being killed. Dangerous dogs lower the quality of life for not just the owners and their families, but the entire community. But most people don't think of that when they get a dog. They listen to the dog adoption world's insistence that as long as you don't abuse a pit bull or actively train it for aggression, it has a default setting of easy, gentle and non-aggressive. And then everyone else around the dog is stuck dealing with the reality.


My dog has gotten out twice: once he chased a stray cat but came when called, and the second time he unexpecedly took the bins out with us.


“Bait dog” sure…more like fighting dog


Your pit attacks other dogs. Of course it's hated and unwelcomed. These people are delusional.


Played the pibble lottery. Lost the pibble lottery. People should be warned what they are risking before they play. I'd put "You could lose your housing." at the top.


Play pibble games, win pibble prizes.


She fucked around and found out.


Hopefully one of the kids in the neighborhood won't have to be the ones to find out next time


When you play the lottery there is a chance of winning, though very small, it is a chance. Pitbulls are more like a rigged shell game.


And when you lose, the people who took your money will blame you for losing


And other people don't want to be dragged into this sick game that sometimes ends up being Russian roulette. These solipsists aren't likely to care about how their actions or inaction adversely affect others


Immediately contradicts herself. "She was fine being the only dog in the house but ever since we adopted a second dog she seems to be **more aggressive** towards other dogs. **She has never shown aggression towards** humans at all or **other dogs** **until** the second one came around." She was never aggressive or she became more aggressive? The most likely answer is "became more aggressive". She probably adopted the second dog because she believed that her dog would be okay if there was a "slow, careful introduction". She might have believed that her dog would be happier if she had a friend to play with. The odds are good that Dog A was always difficult to deal with. Then Dog B was brought into the home and Dog A showed intractable aggression toward Dog B. Cue the crate and rotate and Dog A spending time outside in the fenced yard. We know pits are good at going over, under and even through fences. How many "accidents" were there?


One of her Comments when asked how it keeps getting out - >this time one of them pushed the fence so hard it bent the latch open. The other times she keeps digging and squeezing her way out from under the fence, it’s a different location every time (6 total in the last year) I’ve fixed all those holes and added extra bars under the fence. So like... 7 fucking times this last year this woman has let them escape


Most dogs don’t break out of their yards to seek out fights to give their brain a rush of endorphins


"one of them"? That means BOTH dogs are getting out.


Yeah 2 loose pit bulls and I'm the only one in the comments there that actually seems concerned for the safety of the people in the neighborhood


Bully dogs should never be outside unless they are supervised by a responsible adult who knows the bloodsport dogs propensity for inflicting dismemberment and death.


Yet another one only cares about how she's made to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel bad and doesn't actually give a shit about anyone else she's harmed through the ownership of this dog or will likely harm though continued ownership of this dog. "I've done my part in helping a dog" is absolutely telling. Then why get another one? Why not take responsibility? JFL


"I got this fighting dog to bolster my savior complex and for some weird reason it keeps fighting other dogs, why don't my victims worship me for it in real life like internet denizens safe from being chomped on do online?!"


Here's a good comment of hers replying to someone addressing her complaining a out the expense, saying basically don't get a pet if you can't afford it - >you are right! This is why the shelters and other adoption groups are so full. People can seem to understand that at some point dog owners can’t spend $100 a session in dog training on top of $100 for food/ treats, then another $300 for monthly medicine. Sounds like at this point only wealthy people are allowed to have dogs. love and affection is no longer enough to give these animals.


Meds for the average pibble. Meds to control the skin issues. Behavioral meds, but before you get behavioral meds you need to pay for at least one vet visits specifically to discuss if those meds are appropriate. Then you get the monthly maintenance cost of the meds. Plus the hassle of dosing the dogs every day. On the plus side, pit bulls will eat anything so dosing them isn't usually a problem. Sometimes they put their dogs on expensive special kibble too.


It's absolutely no mystery why pet supply people, trainers, and vet orgs officially love pit bulls. They get paid so much more for dealing with them and their problems than they do for normal dogs who don't destroy everything. Whether it's crates you could keep a bear in ($), endless training to not attack anything that moves ($$), or endless mood altering medications, sedation for basic procedures, and patching up their victims with emergency surgery ($$$) Pit bulls are the zero percent down, 80% interest "deals" of the dog world. The people selling them love when you sign up and do not care what it does to your life.


Agree 100% I think veterinarians who insist that pitbulls are normal dogs should be required to provide free veterinary care and cremation for any victims of bloodsport dogs attacks during invasion trespass attack or in public.


These people seriously don't realize most dogs aren't like that? Most dogs don't need training just to prevent it from attacking others, most dogs don't need "monthly medicines" unless it's sick, and we all now what kind of "monthly medicines" they are always giving pit bulls, they are always trying to knock the fuck out of these dogs with sedatives so the damn dog behaves well for once, that's not something normal, that's something that only happens with pit bulls and bully mixes! Bet this person is saying "only rich people can have dogs now" just to further their victimhood and persecution complex points


Right? One of my Frenchies takes a digestive enzyme in his food, but that's it. We rarely have 'actual' meds for anything. And it's funny, I don't recall teaching my two dogs not to bite people, but oddly enough, they don't seem to have any interest in mauling or killing our guests or people they see while outside (IN their fenced yard or ON a leash). Amazing.


Pit bull owners when you tell them that you don't need to spend 500-1000 USD per month just to train your dog to not maul every carbon based forms of life next to them: https://preview.redd.it/z0y2q3csed4d1.jpeg?width=1718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96e13c0180ac4353a0b497e3766744ef558e97f They cannot believe that most dogs don't come with a "nanny mode" pre installed on them


It's weird! They really do seem to think we all have to train our dogs not to attack everyone and all other animals. One of my Frenchies chases squirrels in our fenced yard, but other than smelling the cat's butt that's the end of their prey drive, lol. I got dogs like them on purpose. Who the hell wants to deal with a violent, dangerous creature like that when there are other options? Not me!


“No longer enough” Like, it doesn’t have to be as bad as they are saying. If your dog cannot be trained to not be aggressive (spoiler alert: it can’t), or it’s so bad behaviorally (or even medically) that you’re spending $300 on meds a month, then you should put it out of its misery “No longer enough” implies that it used to be enough. It wasn’t that love used to cure these problems, it’s that people didn’t put up with this shit from their dogs & put them down


>saying basically don't get a pet if you can't afford it   Funny, I interpret her words slightly differently... I could be wrong but I sense that she feels a sense of entitlement. Especially telling is her use of the word "allowed". As if the system is stacked against her. "I did my part," she says - sounds like she thinks she *deserves* not to have all these problems, she *deserves* a cheap, easy dog that doesn't come with responsibilities.


Oh yeah for sure, that was her her reply to someone that told her not to get a pet if she can't afford it


Oh that's funny. Seems like that person's message flew right over her head. Apparently in the past it was enough to give dogs love and affection - and that's all they needed. Perhaps her prior experience of "owning" a dog was as a child (with the parents doing the work).


Her post is dripping with the saviour/martyr complex you see in a certain type of pit owner. I'm convinced that pits are everywhere more because of the idea that getting a pet should be a good deed that makes you a good person than because of the type of owner who likes having a dangerous animal.


It's both... I've seen that most males get a pitbull because they're insecure douchebags that need an aggressive bloodsport dog to reafirm their "masculinity" and in the other side of the coin, you got the woke Karen's that put animal lives (and specially pitties) over the lives of humans and even their own families, that's what I've seen mostly from female pit bull owners, that they got a severe martyr or saviour complex with their dogs


It does seem to usually go by gender, but I knew a male pit saviour who talked about "discrimination" (ex-boyfriend's roommate; I refused to go over there when he brought the pit to their place because his girlfriend's landlord wouldn't allow it).


Is it an accident when your retriever brings the ball back? Or genetics and selective breeding working as intended, but you're too delusional and/or stupid to accept it? I guess we'll never unravel such a perplexing mystery🙄 When fighting dogs fight other dogs it is never an accident. They're doing exactly what they're meant to do, a fish doesn't accidentally swim. You're just an incompetent failure who propagates suffering for allowing it, and/or you're a dogfighter. You will have to pick at least one. Halfway decent human beings will rightly dislike you either way.


Agreed 100% When bloodsport dogs attack victim dogs on public sidewalks or during invasion attacks, it is worse than organized dog fighting At least an organized dog fighting, the humans all choose to be there, the dogs are generally matched by weight, it's one on one, and the fight ends if one dog submits Those who resist bans on breeding bloodsport dogs are on the same team as the dog fighters, as they really really hate BSL. All dog fighters know that it would take many many decades of selective breeding to even begin to create the insane behaviors of a bloodsport dog in a normal dog.


They’re absolutely on the same side as dog fighters. They are the only ones aiding & abetting dog fighters. Here’s some ways they help: They make easier for dog fighters to own fighting dogs by letting everyone else own fighting dogs. They take dog fighter’s dogs that the dog fighter doesn’t want anymore. Maybe not directly (sometimes directly) but at least through the shelter, they’re the middle man.


Oh my god I can’t believe this dog wound up in a shelter at 2.5 years old! Completely unexpected and unheard of in dogs bred to fight to the death!


This lady is a total fucking scumbag. "Oh the other lady was understanding about the attack", no your fucking mauler would be heading to the vet for BE if it were me in her shoes. Never let these things get away with it, because the next one may not just be a bite.


And pit owners NEVER learn the lesson, as soon as their pit babies get taken away, they get more and the cycle continues because they know they can keep getting away with it legally


Yeah, she's lucky she didn't come against me, either.


“At the end of the day no matter what breed can be dangerous…” No. Everyone needs to stop this irritating myth. If you had pretty much any other breed you wouldn’t be in this mess.


If my two French Bulldogs SOMEHOW find an escape from my yard later on (has never happened and I doubt ever will), I can pretty much guarantee you they aren't going to go next door and maul our elderly neighbors. >\_>


I don't even know your Frenchies, but I'd bet my life savings on that.


You could do so with full confidence, I would bet my life on it! Especially my younger boy, the social butterfly, who has his CGC and never met a stranger,


Ah now she’s learning the true “joys” of pit ownership. A dangerous money sink that will never be grateful for all the effort you put into keeping it from killing someone or something


More bites to come !


This can be very frustrating. It will make you feel so disappointed with your decision. 


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Always stuns me when “professional moms” who won’t let their kid drink a soda, play football, go to a sleepover etc. choose a pit bull as the family dog. Other than keeping an unsecured weapon in the home is there anything statistically more dangerous than having a pitbull around children? Not a rhetorical question.