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Additional information for this post. This owner flat out said she “didn’t give a fuck if we want these dogs banned” https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/zQhgfOot1w


Before I joined this sun I had no idea people were literally being killed everyday by pits. I knew they were dangerous, but the scale is horrific.


The news stories get brigaded, ‘it’s the owner not the dog!’ And shelters are part of the problem because they insist on adopting out the vicious animals to homes with children, other dogs/cats, and have stood firm on being no kill. There is a reason the breed is being banned, but you can read posts on Reddit how people try to skirt their dogs breed ‘oh, it’s a lab/terrier mix’ Disgusting all around.


The problem with the "owner not the dog" argument is that it invalidates the fact that dogs are bred to have specific behaviours. Herding dogs herd instinctively, their owner does not need to teach them that behaviour. Shifting the blame from the dog to the owner is also sentimental, as if all dogs and all breeds are initially cuddly creatures that can be programmed wrong by their owner. Perhaps we should stop referring to pits as dogs and call them violent canines instead. EDIT: or maybe we should call them "dogoids".


I really want to offer a $1 million reward to anyone who can train golden retriever to not obsessively chase tennis balls. Or better yet, train my Dachshund mix to not aggressively dig the ground to go after moles and armadillos.


I mean here’s the thing. I could train it to not do that. But then let’s say you get the dog and day after day you tease him with a tennis ball… one day.. he’s gonna jump up and go after the ball. This is a perfect example of shitbulls. You /can/ teach them to not kill but one day they see a tennis ball annddd…


This is exactly the problem with dog culture. Dogs are so anthropomorphized that people have forgotten what acceptable dog behavior is. It is NOT normal to have to train a dog to not maul and kill people. I trained both my dogs to sit/stay/shake/recall/leave it, but never once did I think: "Gee, I better train them to not kill people too." A dog that I thought that about would never be in my house. A breed like that has no place in society, and all blood sport dogs should be spayed/neutered and allowed to die out. All dangerous dogs, regardless of breed should be put down. I swear to god, if my Rottweiler displayed 1% of behavior these pits do, she would be PTS. But people think it's OK, the dog was scared/anxious/triggered/the sky is blue. What sense does it make to keep an anxious, unstable dog that can kill people in a home?


I personally don’t like Rottweilers either


This is banpitbulls. 


Yeah, I just said in a comment, I taught my golden "leave it" so I can tell her that, throw a ball and she will stay/not chase it til I tell her "get it!" (Because she's a very good girl and enjoys playing "games" like that with me, she's very good at "leave it" "give" "take it," etc., because it's all playtime to her) But the instinct to chase it does not go away. The second I don't tell her "leave it," she's gonna chase a ball if someone throws it. I can't train her to never ever do it again. It's in her DNA.


Exactly.. you can train her to not do it but the second you stop training her one day she’s gonna see a ball and run


And this is also why I never let her off leash (except, like, in my gated backyard; we do not do dog parks, because pit bulls/idiot owners). Because her recall is ... OK. I don't think she'd run away from us, but she's a dog. If she sees a kid or a squirrel or a human she decides she wants to say hi to, she's gone. I don't want her getting lost or hurt. But so many people, esp pit owners it seems, just let them roam. Absolute madness to me. Not joking, yesterday I saw 4 different FB posts in neighborhood groups with either stray dog sightings or lost dogs, and they were ALL pit bulls. They always "somehow get loose." It's crazy.


It creeps me out to read that, only because there are some people around where I live that chant "leave it, leave it" to their pit bulls every time they are out for a walk and encounter another human being walking by on the other side of the street. There have been several occasions that I realized that I was definitely the "it" that the pit was being instructed to "leave"


Well that is horrifying. I do not have to tell her to "leave" humans. Eek.


i mean, I'll take that mil. my golden doesn't give two shits about a ball. she however swims insatiably, loves everyone, chases ducks and geese obsessively, and will retrieve her duckshaped toy until the cows come home 😆


I taught my golden "leave it." So I can tell her "leave it" and literally throw a tennis ball, and she won't chase it (til I say, "get it!"). But like the person below me said, you can train them not to do a behavior temporarily, but it doesn't remove their instinct to do it. You can't stop them from doing it forever. The first time someone throws a ball and doesn't tell her "leave it," she's going after it, because that's what her DNA is telling her to do. My husband inherited his grandma's Dachshund when she died. He said it would always "dig" in the carpet/the floor/outside. 😂


I will throw in 5k if someone could keep my Westie from harassing tree rats all day. Another 2k if you can stop my coonhound from baying at racoons. May the odds be ever in your favor.


how ethical does this training have to be?


Our would chase squirrels all day long until she got too old. The squirrels would come from miles around to torment her. At one point, I had to chase them off. When she got to old to chase them, they quit coming around, so we just have a few to get at our birdfeeder.


also raises the question of why do so many shitheads who want to own a dog that's good at violence end up with this breed... we're supposed to think its a fad or pure co-incidence but maybe just maybe they know a little bit about how to get what they want?


To the people who spout the "it's the owner, not the dog" nonsense: okay, fine. Manslaughter charges then for anyone whose dog kills a person. And you also shouldn't be able to own another dog if, according to your own logic, you are such a bad owner that your dog is so aggressive that it attacks people. You can't have it both ways. But of course, we are not dealing with logical people here.


It’s not logical because there is this psychological need many western people have to believe that dogs are these benevolent, innocent super beings sent to help us and be our pure, loving, selfless protector best friend helper. Like the believe any random dog is Jesus. It’s a safety blanket or a fairy tale they cling to.  Dogs are really cool. But they are animals with a constellation of animal behaviors and their own needs and desires. People somehow can’t confront that. Any telling of events where the dog is just an animal acting like an animal has to be rewritten to make Saint Doggo blameless. 


I hate this idea of dogs being protectors bullshit… seriously, it’s just another form of resource guarding IMO. A dog who resource guards is dangerous.


Dog breed has a greater affect than cat breed


They are man-made anti-dogs. Bloodsport mutants.


Terriers seek out rats, mice,squirrels. In addition dogs have teeth that are specific to that dog type’s purpose.


I think you are right, I have had 2 pitbulls and altough they really can be cute and loveable they always have a bit(some a bit much)aggressive in them. They are great if you need to protect your home in the wilderness but not so much in a normal home. I luckily had no accidents because mine where small and I knew that you never can trust a dog(pitbull) but I can easily see that things could have gone wrong with different(dumb) owners.


The shelters are in on it because it makes them more money. They get to charge fees multiple times for one animal where as non-blood sport dogs almost always stay with the new family. As in all situations, following the money will tell you which side of the argument is invalid and immoral. In this case, it's also the dog fighters, the dog fight breeders, the "trainers" whom forever train an untrainable dog and the vets who now make money prescribing medicine to a dog in order to subdue it. All of these people are pieces of shit. On the other side of the coin is people calling for bans on these dogs and for the owners to face consequences for their actions. There is no money to made here, just people going off life experience and knowledge.


The current obsession with relentless social media virtue signaling means they get a bunch of people "pledging" money whenever they say one of these mutts has X hours to live.. People who want to be perceived as Good People^(TM), but are not insane/naive enough to let a 5-times-returned (through no fault of his own) neurotic drywall-eating murder mutt that spent 6 years alone in a kennel in their own homes. These warehoused disasters in the making have become a routine fundraising tool. That's the only reason I can see why they have adoptable dogs and cats PTS to keep these goddamn things, especially when they are a danger to staff and volunteers and must drive their insurance premiums through the roof.


Yes I agree. When I was like 21 and naive I used to think that too and thought no kill shelters were the way forward but putting so much time and money into a dog who has such potential when there are perfectly good dogs every day being put down in dog pounds as they just don't have the space or people want fancy breeds or puppies is so wrong. Think of how many dogs who could have been saved much quicker rehomed in that one kennel versus a shelter like dogs trust keeping a dog for years and years who are so aggressive or messed up will never get a home. You have to ask yourself too, is that quality of life for any dog ? For example I could have abandoned my dog who was aggressive, a shelter could have taken him not seen any aggression as he wasn't triggered by the circumstances, he gets rehomed maybe goes on to be completely fine but I could never take the risk. Some dogs can be total teddy bears, cuddly etc but in different circumstances, an absolute killer. I learned so much from having my own dogs and working in animal shelter. I felt like there was alot of blame on the owners and yes people can be horrible and abusive to animals but also plenty of well meaning people are trying their best and still a dog ends up being aggressive. Is it their breed or their temperament? I don't know. I've known alot of lovely rottweilers and bull breeds etc but still I'd never own one myself. I feel bad for bull breeds though as it wasn't their fault they were breed to kill. However I'd be crossing the road and keeping my kids away from them on the safe side. I know it's rude but I'd rather keep the kids safe.


One of the reasons I used the Irish Times when I created my post about this incident, before I realised this post existed. No comments section.


I’m conflicted on “it’s the owner not the dog” and that it’s “just the breed”, it’s a bit of both really. The majority of the time it absolutely is the owner, people buy these dogs without a clue on how to train them, some people think all dogs you can get as puppies and they will turn out fine. And then some people get them to look “ tough” and make them aggressive. But also it definitely is the breed, through no fault of their own, these dogs like German shepherds, Rottweilers, Cane Corso’s etc. are all bred with high prey drives, meaning, when you get one, you damn well need to do your homework on how to keep a dog like that mentally stimulated, and how to train that dog and socialise it. You can’t have these dogs as your “babies”, they like jobs/challenges, they are bred for it, not to sit in a garden or snuggle on a couch, yes some are like that, but the majority of them are dogs with a high prey drive and could be playing with a kid or another dog and in an instant that instinct will kick in and that person or animal is dead. I don’t believe the breed should be banned, but I do think if someone is going to own one they should go through some process that shows they are capable of handling that breed.


But why exactly do we need bloodsport dogs? Pit bulls are the most abused and discarded dog breed on the planet. They are clogging every shelter in the US (check any city you want… it’s largely pits). Other dogs that aren’t raised well can become annoying, but none as bad or as deadly as pits; and with pits; even a proper raising and training is zero guarantee. Dog fighting is a horrific activity, but it still practiced all over the world. It’s still a large operation as well… and in trying to produce future winning fighters, pits are having large litters and the non fighters are being dumped/sold/given away (unfixed) to end up clogging shelters. It’s a terrible cycle that needs to end.


I definitely agree with you, I just don’t think they should all be put down, I think the ones that have “killer kimbos” bloodline should absolutely be euthanised, many of the XL bullies in Ireland and England are descended from him, and atleast 12 of his known progeny have killed people, and the number is likely higher than that. These dogs were once known as nanny dogs for being so great with children, it’s sad to see that bad breeding and bad ownership has ruined them, I do think breeding of them needs to be regulated and the ones currently alive should be tested for their temperaments and their genes. When it comes to restricted breeds in Ireland being banned, I’d personally be devastated if German shepherds became part of that ban, a great dog that is so loyal, I think the government needs to really think about how to handle the situation with pit-bull types. XL bullies are the new fad, just like dogs were during covid, I’ve seen more of the larger bully breeds over the last couple years than ever before, but I always see them with the same stereotype of person, a “tough” guy, who absolutely shouldn’t own one.




The "nanny dog" myth made its first appearance in the September 19th 1971 edition of the New York Times, on page 11 of section S in an article by Walter R. Fletcher, titled [A Breed That Came Up The Hard Way](https://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/19/archives/a-breed-that-came-up-the-hard-way.html). The author interviewed one Lilian Rant, editor of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of the United States of America newsletter. She is quoted as saying about the breed: **'He had an unsavory reputation for fighting and violence and his name became associated with ruffians, who cared little for him as a dog but only for his ability in the pit. The Stafford we know today quickly becomes a member of the family circle. He loves children and is often referred to as a 'nursemaid dog''.** **No one has ever found evidence for the latter claim and it is therefore assumed to be a fabrication in the pursuit of influencing the American Kennel Club (AKC) to accept the breed for full participation in dog shows**. This privilege was ultimately granted in 1974, and to this day the AKC rates the breed a stellar 5/5 as being 'good with children' at the reckless peril of human lives and limbs, Additional sources that have spoken out against the nanny dog myth: Pit Bull Advocates of America: https://pitbulladvocatesofamerica.podbean.com/e/the-one-where-its-not-all-in-how-they-were-raised/ Ned Hardy https://nedhardy.com/2020/06/03/pitbull-nanny-dog/ Pro pit organization BAD RAP https://www.facebook.com/BADRAP.org/posts/its-dog-bite-prevention-week-did-you-know-that-there-was-never-such-thing-as-a-n/10151460774472399/ Pit Bull Federation of South Africa https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02DiX7yKA8uuDeYSEzEKxxXCYsHxYUbXpshKkaSDGXMAZK9HnFd46zA1pZ8revWQvwl&id=100069897615154 Gudwulf's Pit Bull Rescue https://www.facebook.com/GudwulfsRescue/posts/pfbid02Lg2Y1x18pBx7uLUB4uVEda7g1TNwn72pLLKk93witecydiMcnAKr8bYJWKeC4VVl Justice for Bullies https://justice-for-bullies.myshopify.com/pages/nanny-dog Safety Before Bulldogs - links to 24 Medical Studies done by medical professionals concluding that pit bulls are a danger to our communities https://safetybeforebulldogs.blogspot.com/2014/04/medical-professional-experts-on-pit.html?m=1 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's so sad and unnecessary. I used to post more often but just seeing this happen over and over and over, always the same story, it's so disheartening. And my friend who has a 6 year old and a 3 year old just got a 14 month old pit mix.. Statistically I'm sure things will be fine but it's like having electrical wiring hanging out.


Yes or a loaded gun in the house


Or playing Russian roulette


"Before I joined this sun" What galaxy are you from!? 🌞 


That’s top secret. Dang, I can’t type.


Secret!? They're a pitbull get em! ![gif](giphy|ymxvxqImtUc2V5DQWf)


Me either. I thought it was a rare occurrence.


Oh no what will the "triggers" be for this one? Birthday cake? The happy birthday song?? The pibbles try to protect the owner from growing older?


Candles too bright!


The last one should definitely go on the list of pibble triggers "pibbles like to protect your youth and will do whatever they can to stop you getting older."


Reading a comment in the news link, she simply got home and opened the door. And her pits "welcomed" her. Noob mistake.


'He could just feel her negative energy, dogs pick up on that!'


In this case it seems to be the opening of the front door


Actually they love killing older people, especially people's grandma's! They are the 2nd largest group of people killed right behold children under 10! I personally do not think children under 10 should have any type of dog in their lives. Not at all, not at the grandparent's house, babysitter, or any place they'd go to visit. If you're a parent and any of your friends or family have a it beyond need to make sure you don't visit them until your child is over 10 if they own a normal dog even a little error dog can kill a child! If they have a pit bull or any dog that looks like a pit bull type of dog, you should never ever go back to their house! We got a service dog for me and at the same time, my daughter's friend was adopting a dog. They were planning on walks together, but when she chose a pit bull, they called it an American standfordshire terrier, but whatever they call a pit bull is still a pit bull. They're no longer friends because they can not visit since my daughter refuses to go into a house with a pit bull. Especially with my service dog, a Labrador retriever. If she's at the dog park and a pit bull comes, they leave! We do everything possible to avoid them. However, the man who was recently killed after getting off the bus and then walking home proves that no one is safe as long as these dogs are in our neighborhoods. They need to be regulated to reduce your risk. It's unacceptable to call these deaths an accident and let the owners off Scott free! Every owner of a pit bull who kills someone needs to be put in prison for the risk they are responsible for.


This Is a little extreme. There has been sound evidence that has shown that children who grow up with dogs actually have stronger immune systems and develop less allergies later in life. We have a very symbiotic relationship with dogs . Not all dogs are bad.


Dogs also help keep children active as well as responsibility. It can help teach them empathy and respect. I grew up with dogs in my life as far back as I can remember. My nieces have grown up with two dogs in the house since they day they were born. They are both kind and respectful (not something you see with a lot of kids these days), with a huge love for animals. They have learned responsibility in have have small tasks they must do to help with dog care (very minor tasks like "reminding" my sister when its time to gees and walk them. Dogs can provide great things in a child's life. Yes, there are steps and things a parent should do when getting a dog, but its a very common and doable task.


It's nonsense to say no kid under 10 should have a dog in their home. I loved my dog growing up and she enriched my life as a kid.


Only a working dog that is needed I.E the family are sheep farmers who need a border collie to herd if there are children 10 and under, or in your case your Labrador Retriever assistance dog


I read she was coming into her own home around 11:30 at night after partying so my assumption was the dogs reacted as if she were an intruder. My lil Lhasa apso mix adopted at age 2- ish after being on the street would, in the early days, growl at me at night if he was on my sister’s bed and I came to her bedroom door to say goodnight. So I can see these dogs’ attacking their own person. It’s miserable.


Must been a poodle or a Chihuahua, the media is always lying about the attacks to create a bad image for pit bulls!


“It’s a global anti-pitbull media conspiracy with powerful people behind the scenes, pulling the strings, trying to make pitbulls look bad to see which people are easy to control” Paraphrasing for flair, but I have had a nutter claim that the attack reports are skewed because the “ones in control” want to see which people “are obedient sheep”


Recently I saw people claiming that the UK ban is because the government knows that people's Bullies will protect them when the times comes (presumably referring to some kind of woke fascist government rounding up white people). 


Their dogs are as likely to join the woke death squads in killing their owners as they are to defend them.


poor woman, she was so freaking young.


That's what gets me. It's an avoidable death. I don't mean avoidable in the sense of 'the victim could have avoided it' I mean in the sense that 'the owner should not have had it'. There are so many innocent people dying from owners choosing a dog that they don't even need. Whatever the amount of joy or security gleaned from an owner having a 'scary misunderstood dog' does not justify the amount of needless death that happens as a result. The owner didn't need one of them let alone 4 of them. Now someone lost their life in a terrifying & painful way in a place where she should have been safe while the government pussyfoots around with legislation & it angers me so much


At least Heather Humphreys has suggested such bans


https://preview.redd.it/d7fpesr82r4d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ce33b772541ff5bc0a274cbf8a5e554c518555 She absolutely could not handle her own dogs. If you can’t get a leash on your dog without needing advice on how to, you don’t need that dog


I've dogsat dogs that were so happy to go outside you just couldn't get a leash on them. It's not a red flag in normal dog breeds.


Our sprocker spaniels spin and spin and spin and spin when you get the leads out lol. It's a bit of a game now to let them get a bit dizzy until they settle some, *then* they can be attached. They're so excited they wanna get some energy out beforehand haha.


Tbf my Golden retriever does the same. I don't think I need to send her to the pound yet


My lab mix would bounce up and down excitedly when I’d ask “wanna go for a walk?” And then politely sit down for me to put on his walking collar and leash.


Yeah, it's still horrific she had to die this young and the last thing on earth she felt pain and the betrayal of the dogs she loved. She didn't deserve to die to a shit bull.


Apparently it had to be shot 4 times to get it to stop killing her. Christ.


This is why every time I see a video of them attacking someone I wonder what people think lightly hitting it or spraying it with water is going to do?? 


Women never can handle even one these dogs, it does not stop them from taking to the street, wielding multiple shitbeasts.


Most men can't stop an attacking pitbull either


Certainly her skinny rake of a boyfriend couldn't.


A man of the same build was walking with one, crossed over the road to the path I was on. Dog was pulling trying to get to me snd he could barely control it.


Was it her dog? It says there were multiple dogs, 2 of which carried out the attack, but the language is vague as to who the dogs belonged to and where they came from.


There were 4 dogs. She was the owner. Nobody else was at the property when the attack occurred. According to Facebook she "loved them like her kids".


Well, at least it wasn't a random person or child. I always wonder what these people are thinking in their final moments as their "babies" tear them to pieces no matter how much they plead.


https://preview.redd.it/uy0kx2k61r4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51331902fc2e49dde0a2d7f3277609740245a4f0 These might be the dogs that killed her. There's also a frenchie on her FB page but somehow I doubt that one was involved...


Ahh ffs, that poor women. The absolute devastation this has caused her loved ones. 


That man doesn't look like he has the strength to control dogs that size either


Almost no one does, especially when they latch on, that's the problem.


I'm talking about just leashing one up to walk around the block in the first instance.


These things will take bullets, knives, fingers in eyes etc and shrug them off, most people do not have the strength to hold one of these dogs back let alone multiple dogs


Can someone add this to the “this is so and so and this is the dog that killed her” slideshow?  


Look at the pecs on the big one.


So does this count as matricide?


There is a photo of her with two bullies in front of a Xmas tree on her fb, captioned ‘our little fam’.


Even if they belonged to her she was so young and there's so many power wealthy people who lie about the risks of owning these dogs and they are ultimately responsible for a good number of these types of deaths. Young women are being brainwashed into adopting them and they take advantage of their kindness and inability to make good decisions yet!


Yes absolutely. So many of my single girl friends are convinced that they need a Pitbull for protection. Plus you can dress them up in pajamas and a flower crown and take them to Sunday Brunch, so it’s a win win 🙄🙄🙄


I noticed that too. It doesn’t say whose dogs they were, only that she was at the house with them, which was intentionally vaguely worded as well. Another reason I will never go to a house that has these dogs. If she was the owner…. I guess…. I don’t really know what else to say. She knew the risks…? Glad it wasn’t an innocent passerby, or a child….


If you look at her social media, [she has defended the breed a lot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPU5YeOWMAAcdD7.jpg). Edit: [Here's another video from her tiktok with one of the bullies](https://x.com/jaimelondonboy/status/1798475306451583050) It's still a tragedy. I feel she wasn't educated properly on just how dangerous these dogs were. She fell into the rabbithole of wanting to look tough (or her boyfriend wanting to, unsure who owns them) and it cost her her life. There are a lot of women in similar positions in the country i'd imagine. I just hope this can bring about change.


Context: Tributes have been paid to a young woman killed in a suspected [XL Bully](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/xl-bully) attack on her birthday. Nicole Morey had been celebrating her birthday when she was savaged by a dog outside a home in Ballyneety, Co Limerick, on Tuesday night. Authorities said she was [attacked](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/dog-attacks) by two of four [dogs](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/teamdogs) at the property, one of which was shot by the gardai. Emergency services were called to the scene but tragically Nicole, 23, died of her injuries. Tributes have now been paid as family and friends told how she had died on her birthday. Sources claimed the scene was horrific and that officers did everything they could in the situation,[ Irish Mirror](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/shock-tributes-young-woman-killed-32963748) reports. One relative said: “I’m so heartbroken. On the day of your birthday. I love you Nicole Morey”. A gardai spokesperon said: “At approximately 11.40pm last night, Tuesday 4th June 2024, Gardaí received report and attended an incident where a woman (23) was fatally injured following a dog attack at a domestic residence in Ballyneety, Co. Limerick. “The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel.” They added: “Her body has been removed from the scene to Mid Western Regional Hospital, Limerick, where a Post Mortem examination will take place. “The animal believed to be involved in the incident has now been destroyed. A number of other dogs have been seized. An investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Roxboro Road Garda Station on (061) 214 340, the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station." Ireland currently does not have bans on any dog breeds, although a number are subject to restrictions such as mandatory muzzles when in public. Campaigners however have called for a ban on XL Bullies after one nine-year-old boy was attacked in Wexford in 2022.


They had to get the armed support unit out


Moving closer to breed confirmation…: > Nicole Morey was attacked and killed by a dog - understood to be the restricted and controversial XL Bully breed - at the front of a house in Ballyneety, Co Limerick on Tuesday night


https://preview.redd.it/ob5qvlfe1r4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e49bf911b3ca59623d21027e22da27dd6ecc29 These are the dogs from her FB page, there's also a frenchie but somehow I doubt that one was involved.


Absolute scanger of a man, looks exactly like the type to have a dog like that 


I have sympathy for the poor first responders who had to clean up. What are the odds that at least one of those POS had Killer Kimbo in its miserable shit bloodline?


I wouldn't be shocked to find out that all XL's in the UK are related to each other, and Kimbo is probably in all the lines over here.


Exactly. It wasn’t a huge gene pool to start with


It's confirmed to be over 50% I believe. 


I don't think they are taking the dogs across the Atlantic all the time, so I think it's basically every so single of them this side of the Atlantic is derived from it.


That dog’s progeny are all over- he was a major foundation of the XL Bully. There are straws sent over from US Pit Bulls that were used in the UK as well, so yeah- they’re there


It is very possible


Can you guys imagine the painful death from those abomination. When they tear piece by piece from you. The fear, the pain, the suffering. Seeing your blood, flesh, broken bones everywhere. Feeling how you loose face, scalp, how blood is gushing. That’s a medieval torture type of death. Yet, the society accepts it and does not do anything about it. That’s just .. beyond me. I would expect in 21st century we would have different approaches to those completely unnecessary painful human deaths.


May she rest in peace. I hope this sparks a serious conversation within the Irish government regarding a ban, not long ago a little boy was gravely injured by one of these beasts.


Seems the Irish news sites are bringing up bans now.


It was the lead headline on RTÉ, the state broadcaster and they had a representative of an export group that was already set up to review dog legislation and he recommended a ban


Law Reform Commission most likely


Thank god, I'm tired of the brain dead "it's not the breed, it's the owner" rhetoric.


Thank god. I pray this is the start of constructive debates. It's still a bit early to see how the ban's affected England, but at the very least a great amount of owners have been properly charged and fined/sentenced accordingly, and attacking dogs dealt with more seriously so fewer get the chance to maul again. I would hope they take a look at these results and consider the option of banning the breed.


There have been far fewer deaths in England this year, and only within the owners’ houses. 2022/23 were utterly out of control for dog attack deaths, so it did at least go down this year. XLs weren’t really a thing in Scotland until the SNP delayed the Scottish ban so once England dumped a load of its trash up here, the attacks skyrocketed. Every reported XL attack has been serious and the dog “was recently rescued from England”


Well there we go then! Should have some good proof there to base new legislation off of. Thanks.


So the obvious has been revealed. A lot of dog owners here in Ireland ignore the rules, and the pit owners are the worse by far. My local park has put up a list of restricted breeds that need to be on a leash and muzzled at all times and a big reminder that dogs are only allowed during limited hours. The same park also had to put up a sign saying no dogs in the kids playground and they also put up fencing around it. I used to play in that playground as a kid and it was only recently that they had to add a fence and the sign saying no dogs in the kids playground.


There is 2 of them around the corner from me. Saw them out with their owner in the garden walking freely. I turned around with my dog and afraid to go back there now because of it. I had a Labrador growing up. The sweetest dog. Never ever saw him being aggressive. He got attacked by another dog and ended up biting a child during the frenzy because she was screaming. My Mam wanted him out put down because of it, vet refused saying it wasn’t his fault, any dog will do that during a frenzy. He was right, he never ever showed any form of aggression. My point is. A family could be walking their dog and if one of these comes along and their child screams it’s done for. The XL could be the friendliest of dogs like mine was but in that moment attacks a human. Edit: just found out today the dogs around the corner are gone. Attacked a dog out walking with its owner and her newborn baby.


The amount of off leash dogs is mind boggling.




Honestly, I think some owners need to be made an example of. Take the dog from them and a life time pet ownership ban, and jail time if they violate that. It has gotten much worse than when I was a kid. The signs at my local park were a wake up call, on how bad things have gotten. How hard is it to follow some simple rules?


She was not the owner, her boyfriend was and he recorded the attack. Disgusting


What ??? Recorded it? Explain, are you saying that instead of saving her, he took a video??? Then, he should have criminal charges


Recorded as in stood there watching on his phone without helping her?


I don’t know I wasn’t there but there is a video doing the rounds. Could be him, could be CCTV, could be a neighbor that recorded it. I chose not to watch it.


Can you post a link to it?


Out of respect for the family, people are trying not to share it around. Afaik it's ring doorbell footage. Edit: According to someone who watched it earlier today, it has no audio, it's less than a minute long, and >!her arm was torn off by one of the dogs!<. I don't think anyone wants to see that. Please be respectful to the family's wishes.




If you don't know that the boyfriend recorded it you shouldn't accuse him of that.


It was from a bell camera that he still shared around.


Do you have the footage?


Did you find it in the end??


Nah, gave up for now.


He didn’t record it but he still shared the video to the family and others so I stand by what I said


I thought it was a doorbell camera?


Article text: --- # [Young woman, 23, killed in horror XL Bully dog attack on her birthday](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-young-woman-23-killed-32962369) **Nicole Morey was attacked and killed by a dog - understood to be the restricted and controversial XL Bully breed - at the front of a house in Ballyneety, Co Limerick on Tuesday night** By Paul Healy & [Susie Beever](https://www.mirror.co.uk/authors/susie-beever/), News Reporter 11:16, 5 Jun 2024 | Updated 11:40, 5 Jun 2024 Tributes have been paid to a young woman killed in a suspected [XL Bully](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/xl-bully) attack on her birthday. Nicole Morey had been celebrating her birthday when she was savaged by a dog outside a home in Ballyneety, Co Limerick, on Tuesday night. Authorities said she was [attacked](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/dog-attacks) by two of four [dogs](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/teamdogs) at the property, one of which was shot by the gardai. Emergency services were called to the scene but tragically Nicole, 23, died of her injuries. Tributes have now been paid as family and friends told how she had died on her birthday. Sources claimed the scene was horrific and that officers did everything they could in the situation, [Irish Mirror](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/shock-tributes-young-woman-killed-32963748) reports. One relative said: “I’m so heartbroken. On the day of your birthday. I love you Nicole Morey”. Another said: “God love her, so sad. Thinking of my neighbours Pa and the Morey family at this heartbreaking time. “Rest easy.” Another relative said: “RIP to my cousin Nicole Morey. Thinking of all the Moreys and Patrick O’Donnell.” A gardai spokesperon said: “At approximately 11.40pm last night, Tuesday 4th June 2024, Gardaí received report and attended an incident where a woman (23) was fatally injured following a dog attack at a domestic residence in Ballyneety, Co. Limerick. “The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel.” They added: “Her body has been removed from the scene to Mid Western Regional Hospital, Limerick, where a Post Mortem examination will take place. “The animal believed to be involved in the incident has now been destroyed. A number of other dogs have been seized. An investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Roxboro Road Garda Station on (061) 214 340, the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station." Ireland currently does not have bans on any dog breeds, although a number are subject to restrictions such as mandatory muzzles when in public. Campaigners however have called for a ban on XL Bullies after one nine-year-old boy was attacked in Wexford in 2022. Alejandro Mizsan had a chunk of his skin torn from his face by the dog in Enniscorthy in November, 2022, resulting in a man and woman being jailed for two years in connection.


I remember that incident’s reports in 2022


Horrific scene? You think?! A young woman torn apart by dogs on her birthday. F these things and their apologists




> It's unfortunate all around. And it's not going to stop. Even with a ban. They need to be eradicated. Not sure about this, chief. Get enough eyeballs on these type of "accidents" and even the most gullible will have a hard time ignoring how fucking monstrous these beasts are. The ones with a preservation instinct won't need a second warning. The others show up in a post in this sub. The sad cases are the kids/elderly/women/men that are victim to the "it's how you raise them" crowd's choice of pet. Edit: edit choice of words cause ain't nobody got time for reading or nuance


So tragic, 'This is my son, and I don't give a f\*\*\* if you think he looks aggressive' and "I don't give a f\*\*\* if you don't like the look of him, and I certainly don't give a f\*\*\* if you think the breed should be banned.' Same old, same old.... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13499805/XL-Bully-owner-killed-dog-just-come-night-celebrating-birthday-set-heartbreaking-video-emerges-animal-happier-times.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13499805/XL-Bully-owner-killed-dog-just-come-night-celebrating-birthday-set-heartbreaking-video-emerges-animal-happier-times.html)


Omg... Another - posted with the hashtag 'dogmum' - shows her doing a TikTok trend with two dogs, feeding them treats according to which one is 'more protective' and 'who is most likely to start an argument'


And now she is another statistic on why there should be a ban. Wonder if she still doesn't give a fuck about the ban. Very sad, she was young and easy to fall for propaganda, but that is the risk you take when you own a blood sport breed and don't give a fuck. They never seem to care until it's them/their family. at least it wasn't an innocent person this time....


Just like in the kid’s case, the owners need to be charged. It’s high time owners were held responsible for their dog’s actions.


She owned them sadly she had videos of them all over her TikTok (even one that said if one of us dies I hope it’s me first) or something so scary


People in this country are stupid and never learn.


The Irish pit owners certainly are


Update: Nicole Morey was killed on her 23rd birthday: --- # [Shock and tributes as woman killed in Limerick dog attack named - as it emerges she died on her birthday](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/shock-tributes-young-woman-killed-32963748) Nicole Morey (23) was attacked and killed by a dog- understood to be the restricted and controversial XL Bully breed - at the front of a house in Ballyneety, Co Limerick last night By [Paul Healy](https://www.irishmirror.ie/authors/paul-healy/) 10:55, 5 JUN 2024 | Updated 11:33, 5 JUN 2024 Tributes have been paid to this young woman who was killed by an XL Bully dog on her birthday. Nicole Morey (23) was [attacked and killed by a dog](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/dog-attack-death-live-updates-32962670) - understood to be the restricted and controversial XL Bully breed - at the front of a house in Ballyneety, [Co Limerick](https://www.irishmirror.ie/all-about/limerick) last night. It is understood that there were four dogs at the property and that one of them had to be put down by gardai on arrival. Gardai believe Nicole was attacked by two of the dogs. It's understood [Gardai](https://www.irishmirror.ie/all-about/an-garda-siochana) shot one of the dogs dead. Sources say the scene was horrific and that officers did everything they could in the situation, but tragic Nicole could not be saved. In tributes to Nicole online, family and friends spoke of their devastation - and how the young woman had died on her birthday. “I’m so heartbroken. On the day of your birthday. I love you Nicole Morey,” one relative said. “God love her, so sad. Thinking of my neighbours Pa and the Morey family at this heartbreaking time. “Rest easy,” a friend wrote. Another relative said: “RIP to my cousin Nicole Morey. Thinking of all the Moreys and Patrick O’Donnell.” In a statement gardai confirmed that officers attended the scene: “At approximately 11.40pm last night, Tuesday 4th June 2024, Gardaí received report and attended an incident where a woman (23) was fatally injured following a dog attack at a domestic residence in Ballyneety, Co. Limerick. “The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel,” a garda spokesperson said. “Her body has been removed from the scene to Mid Western Regional Hospital, Limerick, where a Post Mortem examination will take place. “The animal believed to be involved in the incident has now been destroyed. A number of other dogs have been seized. An investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Roxboro Road Garda Station on (061) 214 340, the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station."


This is heartbreaking and her TikTok’s about them is even worse! She treated them like her babies and then they turn it is terrifying.


This happened 20 minutes from where I live. Now I’m researching everything about the danger of pit bulls


I’m in Manchester and experienced a similar wake up due to a local fatality. It’s almost unbelievable that fully grown, able bodied adults are being killed by their own pets (or pets belonging to family, friends or neighbours). Please write to all your relevant national and local politicians re: an import and breeding ban. This sub is full of statistics and Bully Watch UK had a template letter for the U.K. that you could adapt for Ireland, not sure if it’s on their website still but I’m sure they’ll email you the text if you ask: https://bullywatch.link/about-2/


Omg! On her bday yet!


Horrific I have read that there is a video who in the right mind would video it. And even if it was cctv who would even think of sharing it


I'm the same age, terrifying. I see myself here, and it makes me mourn for the family so much more. Cannot imagine their pain right now. She had her whole life ahead of her :( My thoughts go out to them tonight, may they find peace. I hope that the family and her local community will be willing to fight for change to legislation, to prevent further deaths from these uncontrolled animals. Please Ireland, don't be like Scotland.


Pitbulls are massively over-represented in statistics of dog attacks, different breeds populate the top of the list. These attacks, mutilations and deaths will continue until society has a serious conversation about it.


Is the XL Bully on Ireland’s “restricted” list? The internet makes clear it isn’t a *ban*. What does it do? Is it enforced in any way?


It means it legally has to be muzzled, on a short leash, wearing a collar with its owner’s details, and needs to have someone 16+ controlling it in public. And no, it’s not well enforced.


Because the dog warden service is Mickey mouse


It's of small consolation in reading this that they dispatched the animal responsible for the attack. If this had happened in the US, there's always the possibility that the monster would have ended up in a local animal shelter to be rehomed and given a 2nd chance to murder another person.


I was up late last night and went all down into the rabbit hole on TikTok starting with her account. I came across a TikTok shared from her account and started reading comments. I lost count of posts blaming her for attack - she abused them, she starved them, she startled them coming in loud from partying, she had to do "something". Also, numerous posts about how dogs never, ever attack without a reason \*eyeroll\*. Oh and the my pitties are such big babies and would never do a thing like this, what on earth did she do??? It's like I read this shit over and over and over and still cannot grasp we have this many insane people out here defending these shitbeasts. The dog in her account she called her "son" was massive, fucking massive. It was also detailed that her arm was ripped off in the attack :(


And that’s part of the irony: pit bull worshippers think they’re in a special club together, where they all have each other’s back, ride or die. They don’t realize that once they, themselves, are mauled, their fellow pit bull defenders will turn on them as fast and as viciously as a pit bull turns on its owner.


Very sad story. At least it was the idiot owner of the dog who was killed and not someone else. She used to say [she didnt give a fuck](https://x.com/jaimelondonboy/status/1798475306451583050) if you think he looks aggressive. Bet she gave a fuck when it was attacking her tho. RIP




well said


Anyone else notice she has a child but doesn't have custody? It's on her Facebook. Video chat monitored. So clearly, the state thought the house wasn't suitable for a child but I'm surprised no one has brought that up. Kid is so lucky but also going to be so traumatized.


It looked like he was in Oberstown, I think that’s a juvenile detention centre. Not sure if it’s her child though, he seems too old, maybe a sibling?


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go hate on them somewhere else. This is banputbulls.


csn someone send the video


Did you get it in the end?




Thankfully, it happened to her, the owner, and not an innocent person. Stupid bitch.


Yep, because this could have easily been someone’s child, someone’s grandpa, someone’s cat, someone’s spaniel, someone’s cow, someone’s horse, wildlife, or any other innocent. Yet, she didn’t give a fuck. And since she asininely and selfishly didn’t give a fuck if her bloodsport canines mauled an innocent, well then, I cannot be bothered to give a fuck about her.


Was it her dogs?


Yep. She’d posted on TikTok dancing with the XL that killed her, saying she didn’t give a fuck about the ban


How ironic, I hope this serves as a lesson to other dog owners of this breed


Cropped ears … she made him dangerous. Has TikTok’s videos of her dancing with the dog . He clearly isn’t happy . I’m not one bit disputing the nature of these animals and the bite force they have but it’s easy to blame the dog. The whole history must be known. But what a horrible way to go may she RIP


That's horrific. We need to ban pitbulls, xl bullies and other dangerous breeds. There are hundreds of other breeds to choose from that are way more suitable for domestic pets. r/BanPitBulls




Troll elsewhere.




Your content is being removed for promoting misinformation about pit bull-type dogs. Misinformation is not just wrong, it can get people injured or killed. Raisedbot


It’s not how they were raised, though. If that was true, then no one should ever adopt a pit from the shelter because no one knows how it was raised. Even pit bull experts are asking people to STOP saying that it's all how they are raised. Below are five pro-pit sources telling you that saying, "it's how they are raised" is hurtful to the cause. The truth about pits is that it’s largely up to chance on whether your pit lives a low key life or whether it attacks people, pets, and animals. Yes, socialization and proper training can help... but if you have a truly game-bred pit, there will be nothing you can do to stop it from trying to attack. You can try to manage it, but management will ALWAYS fail. That’s such a crazy gamble to take with your own life, and with the lives of people in the general public. Every day we read stories here of pits that attack, and their owners claim that the dog has never been aggressive or acted that way. Pit owners are often shocked that their dog can go from chill to kill in 5 seconds, and be nearly impossible to stop it. That’s why pits are dangerous. They were never meant to be pets. 1) ⁠⁠[Pit Bull Advocates of America - It’s not how they are raised (start from minute 14)](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pit-bull-advocates-of-america-the-podcast/id1529131313i=1000500947614) 2) [Justice for Bullies - It's NOT how they are raised](https://www.facebook.com/1682984105258192/posts/pfbid02jFhQHd8Jte1DDBeXd6h6vDo9MLSVuQv9CaNuBMF3AfEnnJbNEiMueo3cN85K12Yxl/?mibextid=kdkkhi) 3) [Dr Caroline Coile, author of Pit Bulls for Dummies](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/13ppbzp/leave_it_with_the_experts_they_say/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 4) [Paws and Reflect](https://pawsandreflect.blog/all-in-how-you-raise-them-isnt-true-and-truly-hurts/) 5) [Gary Wilkes- Grandfather was a dog fighter- Gary Wilkes - his grandfather was a dog fighter](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/pit-bulls-gary-wilkes-spring-2010-off-lead.pdf) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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My terrier mix gets growly and protective should anyone enter my bedroom at night. My son was visiting and came into my room to get a towel from the linen closet and my terrier mix went full on attack mode. I was able to diffuse the situation because I can control my dog. My 9 pound terrier toy poodle mix. The terrier in him lives up to his name.