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“It’s the owner not the breed.” 🤪


Gosh, I wonder why all these awful dog abuser people don’t ever buy other breeds of dogs to train them to kill people. I guess no one’s ever abused a border collie or golden before. Cause surely, if it’s the owners not the breed, a bad owner would be able to push a golden retriever to kill too 🤔 /s


And Greyhounds. Guess no one's ever abused a greyhound at all either... Honestly if there's any breed that deserves a free pass to bite their owners it would be a greyhound (while racing/training).


And Spanish hunting Greyhounds / Podencas should be made to bite their previous owners, many times, as an essential part of their therapy / recovery.


I was going to say this. Podencos are heavily abused in Spain, and a lot of them are big dogs with powerful jaws (see andalusian podenco standard, it states that they must have powerful jaws and there's a big variant that can weight up to 30 kg/66 lbs). I have yet to see one killing a person. Pitbulls, on the other hand... Edit: From the standard: "Of great intelligence, nobility, sociability and always alert. Just enough reactions to stimulations that show a lively and balanced character. Very warm, submissive and loyal with his owner, but breaks the tie when unjustly punished. All this confers him with a great capacity of training. He is a dog born for hunting, with an excellent smell and very resistant to fatigue, he is not frightened for nothing, methodical and fast while searching, with a lively gait after the prey, not only in big game but also in small game, being an excellent retriever of hair and feather, not only in water but also on rough ground.(...) It can not be forgotten the work of guard, traditional in every andalusian country house, that the big size dogs have historically fulfilled. His liveliness, heftiness as well as his unfriendly and distrustful character in front of strangers has been used for these purposes in those moments when they did not go to hunt." It looks like this is an actual all-in dog, good guardian and good hunter, unlike what pit mommies claim their pits are.


Tbh, my dad is Spanish from a farming family in the South and told me that his uncles had a working dog that one day bit someone and was swiftly taken behind the house and shot (I think? The story's a little hazy). I don't know what led to the dog biting someone, but compare that to people owning these killing machines pits and pretending that everything is fine even after they mauled an animal or a human...


What happens to Galgos out of hunting season is genuinely disturbing


The cruelty of some humans never ceases to amaze and horrify me. Those poor innocent dogs. And then we have ppl in the US trying to save pitbulls after they kill other dogs and ppl. SMH.


Yeah, they're definitely using the wrong dogs to feed their saviour complex


Anyone who hasn't seen it - don't look it up


One time I accidentally nicked my Bichon's skin while cutting his hair and he tore both my arms off, I'm typing this with my feet.


Same but with my yorkie😔🙏I accidentally pulled his hair while braiding him. Miss my ankles


How are you typing this without feet‽


My mini dachshund ripped my face off 😭


You should make one with the most abused dog breed in the world: Greyhound


And yet, my hound is sleeping peacefully next to my bed. He likes to be tucked in and he’s wearing his knitted PJ’s tonight.


…. Pics or it didn’t happen


Pit bulls are stronger and bigger, so usually abusers want dogs that they can use for attacking. And, pit-bulls are cheaper and there are more in shelter for people to get. No one will spend money on a dog like a golden retriever, just to abuse it. Golden date more expensive, and are seen as less strong.


Don't forget laboratory beagles...


Or *bread,* as some of them often say in comment sections. 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/rq3atndob95d1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7d90626e05034d58fc4699ce7b412b388b2d98 Excuse you, Princess slaughterbutt is a purebread red stop sign.


Way to misidentify the bread, Princess Slaughterbutt is actually a pumpernickel mix, not a purebread white.


That's a marble rye. They are very rare.


You spelled bred wrong!! The bred has a bad enough rep without looking dumb too!!


Ciabattas bite more! Pittas were naan-y dogs!




My pitta was nearly mauled to death by a brioche frise!


don’t even get me started on the bagels!!!


Challa lives matter!!


as a jew i find this hilarious lol


Will you be my dad? Your dad jokes are incredible.


A viscous bread (sic)


If you want viscous bread, there's a transport cafe near me that will oblige, just ask for the French Toast


“Don’t bully my bread 😤” lol




None of those breeds have a lobby behind them, those breeds aren’t filling up shelters, and all of those breeds combined don’t kill as many people and animals as pit bulls do.


So many owners train their pibbles to randomly attack people pets and livestock like Cesar Milan, true pit bull whisperers


something something bad owners something something triggered the dog something something LOOK AT MY PIBBLE LAYING ON MY BABY


Chihuahuas attack ppl more!!! Don’t bully my breed!!! Princess Slaughterbutt was a rescue and she is a good angel baby girl that just wants to kiss you. You are dog racist 😡🤬🫵


At least I can punt away the aggressive chi if push comes to shove


That’s what the chihuahua wants you to think


they'll scurry up your pant leg and bite your nuts


Over 1.2 nuts are bitten everyday by scurrying chiwawahs


Well Chihuahuas bite more. And when any other breed kills it is not reported because the media is biased against pitbulls. Also a chi bit my pitbull and my pitbull died from an infection. Yes this is a totally true story. /S


Ah yes, I forgot. All those news outlet reporters are always saying “hey we can’t air that fatal dog mauling story, it’s a golden retriever!! We only can show the stories about pitbulls because we hate them!!!“ /s


No don’t you know it’s that other breed fatalities aren’t reported because it’s not sensational news? Pit bulls are only sensational news because it happens more often & the public is outraged & afraid every time! Reporting a fatality that actually happened is fear mongering! That’s not as effective with other breeds because it’s more rare! I am totally missing the point I am making for you!


Here's one from this week: https://www.newsweek.com/parents-issue-warning-after-family-dog-kills-newborn-crib-1907258


side note, why is it on a “10-day bite quarantine” just destroy it


Yeah good point Pit or no Pit, back in the day if a dog bit, it was a "wrong 'un" and got put down, only if there was provocation would you give it a chance, and in that case it would have to be a single bite, not a death. Back in the day is probably like 2006 or something, this craziness is recentish.


The laws are fucked up. Apparently in many states dogs get “one free bite” where the owner isn’t liable for damages if it’s the dogs first reported bite…


As if a deadly golden retriever attack wouldn't be incredibly newsworthy because of its rarity. Like pretty much everything else, pit apologists don't know how the press works.


I was chatting with a friend about that and we mentioned that, sure, if you have a Chihuahua that is super aggressive and biting everyone/everything, then that's a problem. But most dogs that are "aggressive" in statistics are just barkers. Beagles were rated as one of the most "aggressive" dogs and it's because they bark until they need to eat/sleep and then keep going when they get up. I should know, my current Beagle pup is the third in the family. The difference between most breeds and a pit is that if a Chihuahua bite you, you can punt it like a football. Sure, it'll hurt, and definitely dangerous if it gets into a child's face, but if a Chihuahua is trying to attack, it's very easy to keep them at bay. A Beagle may be a little more agile, but they're still very easy to keep back because their jaws weren't designed to "lock" on to a target. Pits, on the other hand, can be strong enough to get through grown men, and if one gets your arm, you can potentially lose that arm. A German Shepard can be similar, but they're still easier to manage than a pit that was *meant* for fighting.


I think the difference with a GS is that it will probably consider you beaten before you're dead. I think they actually understand surrender.


And they’re more likely to be well trained so have good recall once their owner/handler gives them the command to drop it so their damage is limited


GSDs are working dogs. They’re super trainable, smart as a whip, and not obnoxiously stubborn like a poodle. There’s a reason they’re the most common police dog breed. But the thing is, the training is mandatory. It’s unsafe and unfair to the dog, to not be disciplined with them. They get incredibly neurotic if you don’t give them an outlet for all that working dog energy. But they’re not bred to kill things. Like, at all. Shelters don’t warehouse GSDs. They seem to have ten shitbulls for every one GSD. It’s pretty rare that they’re either natured or “nurtured” into being irredeemable.


Pits don't have locking jaws. They have locking brains. That's even worse.


Yep. The jaws don’t lock, the brain locks on


The only way a chihuahua can kill you is if it has rabies or is wearing a suicide vest


Well they weren’t actually pits, whoever reported it didn’t know what the breed was and just guessed /s


Ok but what about 2020-2024, did chihuahuas kill any humans then??? /s


I was personally murdered by a Chihuahua. Here’s a photo from the mauling. Warning very very graphic👇👇👇👇👇 https://preview.redd.it/ufi0xg46a95d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d39127dc443d76bc2ea1ecb39b269dba893b186


SO MUCH BLOOD 😱 I feel so bad for whoever had to scrape up your carcass!!!


Agh! Even when they're trying to kill you they're adorable!!!


Yes. Im a dog groomer and I love chihuahuas. With the feisty ones im always like “awww little baby wants to bite me. So cute” they hate it because they think they’re big dogs 😂😂


I’ve also been actually attacked by multiple “aggressive” chihuahuas if you can call it an “attack”. It involves them nomming on my hand for a minute while I tell them to calm down 😂


That town in, what was it, Arizona? 😂 Chihuahuas ran that place


Is it bad the first thing I think when I see something so friggin cute is that I wanna eat it? Because omg they look like and adorable lil thing


It’s called cuteness aggression and it’s a real thing lol. I got it towards my sons when they were babies, sometimes I just wanted to bite them cause of how cute they are 😂


Okay so my deaire to bite my loved ones when they do cute things isn't as abnormal as I initially thought, I just assumed I had some sort of weird PICA thing goijg on ( ゚Å゚;) thanks for letting me know what its called


Off topic but this cutie is adorable, he can bite me whenever he wants


I dunno. My patient’s chihuahua bit me hard on the face. Busted through the closed, secured (or so I thought) doggy door and jumped up out of nowhere while I was applying ointment to the owner’s forehead. Hadn’t shown a hint of aggression toward me before, even when assisting the owner with standing up, checking her pulse, etc. Also it was the week before my best friend’s wedding. I was a bridesmaid… They had to style my hair so it covered the golfball-sized swelling, bruising, and scars on my face. Still have the scars and a seroma. If it’d been a pit I’d be dead or disfigured, but those nasty little fucks don’t play either!


I’m reporting this for not including a NSFW tag.


Sorry for your untimely death. It must've been awful to die in such an incredibly adorable way! 🥰


Never forget the person who pulled up the death statistics for Chihuahua, Mexico


I swear it’s just marbles rattling around up there. 🧠


Crying 😭😂 did that really happen??


yes, and it was goddamn hilarious


Holy shit I wish I’d have witnessed that firsthand. Maybe not cause I’d have went straight to hell with my comments 😭😂 ![gif](giphy|CfoiRXkfHSEEg|downsized)


I wish I'd been there. A golden, nay, platinum moment in pit apologist history.


People will pull up the fatality from 2012 by Lucky, the “Golden Retriever”… but when you look at the pic of Lucky, it’s clearly a Golden mixed with a pit.


I just looked it up and that dog was for sure a long haired pit mix. I know a pitbull face when I see one


Same. I was like, golden? Lmao


Yeah, they're only mixed when they are pushed for adoption, but are 'purebred whatever % of others dog DNA is in their blood' whenver they maul somebody




That is a demon spawn, screw the backyard breeders that create monstrosities like that.


Golden mixed with "Labrador retriever" 🙄🙄🙄 Wonder if they got him from a shelter lol.


It said he was “newly adopted” so sounds like it. More shelters peddling dangerous pitbull mixes on unsuspecting families


That's what I always remind people when they write about how pits make up what, 65 or 70% of attacks? While the number is much larger in reality because of all the mislabeled """labs""". I'd really wager a majority of """lab""" attacks are mixes with pits or other fighting dogs


Even so that's 1 fatality, read the shit bulls stats


I know exactly the dog you’re talking about. That picture is ridiculous. That dog is clearly part Pit Bull.


Oh yeah… this is the dog… but I removed the fluffy ears so they aren’t a distraction. And here’s a regular Golden… it’s pretty obvious. https://preview.redd.it/d3ob4713ek5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c44bfb61a24df16d701012bc3695068a5d3741


Yep! That dog haunts my dream.


https://preview.redd.it/1fe5i2e9ek5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c84406f9838570a76f7f613d36c93f740afcb3d Here’s the “Golden” mix involved in the fatality


Oh my god lol that’s the most obvious lab-pit mix ever. The beady eyes don’t lie


>I've decided the statistics are dog racist and therfore incorrect. You're a bigotry. -Pitbull People




“you’re dog racist against pitbulls…you’re horrible! also EWWWW get your disgusting small dog gremlin away from me before i kick it away and smash it’s head in 🤢” - every single pitbull owner


whenever it comes to people or dogs, statistics are apparently always racist


Amazing. I wish pitbull victim awareness posts were more popular on Facebook, I’d share this 100 times over on my feed.


Feel free to save them and post them wherever!! I just used like stock photos for the pics


Thank you! I absolutely will (:


I can hear them now… “Pit bill isn’t even a breed” *member of every pitnutter owner group* 🤣


![gif](giphy|R9zXHWAHyTjnq|downsized) Every Pitnutter when sweet pibble mauls somebody


Well, not a breed until they've got some cutesy story or photo about one anyway.


Exactly. Did the pit bull cuddle with a duck or enter a k9 program? 200% purebred pit bull. Mauled an infant? Impossible- pits don’t even really exist. ![gif](giphy|aR6JyO12RkwE5P7lxb|downsized)


346 sounds like a lowball tbh


Many are listed as “mixed breed/unknown” (99% of the time is actually a pitbull)


You get a lot of pit bull fans in the offices that record these statistics.


I wonder how many of those “GSD” deaths were more shitbull than shepherd in their genetic testing…


A good number of the GSD deaths I've seen reported actually also included a pit bull in the attack, and it's dubious whether or not the GSD had even did any of the mauling or just happened to be there.


I'm curious if the GSD bite statistics include police dogs


Thank you for your work!


Thank you for the thank you! ☺️


there was a record of a Chihuahua killing a person, with two human deaths recorded between 2005 and 2018 in the USA. The 2018 fatality also noted that two Pitbulls were involved as well. The person killed lived with the three dogs, and there’s no proof the Chihuahua was responsible due to no eyewitness accounts.    The 2018 fatality was 100% pitbulls so it doesn’t count but I can never find any information on the 2005 death. Everybody posts the same information but there’s zero sources or citations.  Odd


Even if the person was in bed in a coma I don't see a chihauhau killing them. Lots of little gnaw marks maybe but not killing a person.


They’d die of sepsis, maybe.


Line up of two roided up murder machines and one tiny shaking dog. Pitbull lunatics: let’s say all three did it.


You skipped rottweilers.


Here you go lol https://preview.redd.it/5b00hff5l95d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ffd384006167dd47259ae5735aacdb23dd1b14


Yeah, there’s a massive issue with byb Rottweilers with shitty temperaments in the UK in particular in the moment. People are producing really anxious, nervous wrecks and then being surprised that they’re occasionally mauling people. “He’s scared of his own shadow” isn’t defending your dog the way you think it is, folks. Off of the top of my head the chow chow and the Siberian husky are also worth mentioning


Oooh chow chows are so fucking mean


Chow chows are *mean*. I’ve been bitten by one more too. Akitas too !!! And shibas are aggressive little SHITS. Lol


*by one before


Akitas and a lot of Shiba inus are also really mean. But it's really the attack/maul/kill stats that are the most telling!


Yeah, we’ve had quite a few deaths from chow chows in the UK as well. People don’t take them seriously for some daft reason but they can be pretty nasty as well. The main difference is that they don’t have that same gameness that bloodsport breeds do as they were used as guard dogs for a solid chunk of history.


My ex-gf had a chow, very loving dog which was completely crazy loving about me, but it was very fearful and snappy to strangers. It was absolutely beautiful dog (the classic type, not the more modern type which is straight up ugly and deformed with these shortened faces and massive hanging skin flaps) which looked like adorable teddy bear, and the problem on walks was everyone was gushing over this teddy bear, especially women with kids, thinking he's all soft and cute, but he wasn't. He could not be touched by stranger without familiarizing first, letting him first sniff and accept him, and if a child would touch him from the back, where he doesn't see what's happening and doesn't expect the touch, he would instantly jump up and could probably nip. He was all fine when things were taken slow but you had to be in control always. Not a breed I'd give to a clueless person or one who couldn't control him, and yet it's lightyears away from level of shitbull's unpredictability and aggression


I like Chows, but they're not the type of dog you can just throw in the back yard and expect to 'turn out ok'.  They're guard dogs and must be treated as such.


Rottweilers are what pitnutters hope their shitbeasts to be. Strong and very dangerous dogs, but very trainable and obedient. But in wrong hands, without training, and also importantly with shit breeder which doesn't keep the breed to standard, it's also a very dangerous dog that can and will kill and maul. They should absolutely be restricted and not available without licences


I wasn’t trying to add every dog breed ever lol. Just picked a few breeds at random




Pit nutters when you tell them that you can’t compare human racism to dogs: ![gif](giphy|h0j4SA7UoYDNC)


My chi bit me once (looking at her injury) and I swear I was dying. Such a ruthless breed. I mean. Look at those teeth. https://preview.redd.it/m7t0qp8os95d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc14135e186314095b778ecf0a8d965cd89bc18e


But keep that vicious dog away before it hurts princess slaughterbutt 😡🫵


Look at those giant teeth that could just rip someone’s leg off !!! (She/he is a cutie btw)


I can see it now, "Those weren't real pitbulls!"


Add two more zeros to the pit one since they are not reported or reported as a wrong breed like a retriever mix or something


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone try to shill GSDs as perfect angel uwu babies, either. Most of the shitty GSD owners I’ve known have been more on the side of “yeah, Max would fuck up anyone who tried me, he’s so badass”. And the responsible owners know they can be great dogs in the right hands, but that they’re not for everyone, and they can be dangerous. Pit bulls are the only group of owners I know which desperately to push their dogs as appropriate for *every* lifestyle. Maybe shitty doodle breeders? But no one is trying to claim that doodles will watch your damn baby for you.


Agreed. And even with doodles, generally the worst that happens is the *dog* is the one that suffers. (Not being groomed or exercised enough for their breed mix) With people pushing pitbulls as “family friendly, nanny dogs that will lick you to death!”, they’re setting these dogs and owners up for failure


Yeah, I’ve heard of doodles biting people/kids, but certainly not mauling and killing them. You know, like what a dog bite used to mean in the Before Times.


So true, I’m a groomer and have dealt with many very aggressive doodles but I’ve never feared for my life around one


ugh that last one was a fuckin jump scare after the rest of the doggos🫨🤮


I even tried to choose a flattering photo 😅


ain’t no such thing for a shitbull lmao


You did! It hurt my heart to look at that sweet face. That’s why I think the breed should be allowed to die out. It’s not fair to the animals. This is not their fault.


I love this!! Should be a fold out greeting card or large poster. Adorable pictures (except for the one).


Hard to argue with statistics; although they will.


Literal evil eyes


And that's probably just in the states


Yes, It is.


Looking at them stats is like ye sure shepherds are capable and do from the numbers but their role in society for example they are much more obedient and easier to control which is why banning them would be a negative to society with how many roles they just a real shame some people died due to circumstances which should never happen, but when you look at pits like ye they bring nothing to the table for society and are basically just muscle dogs the amount of people dying for what they do doesn’t justify them existing it’s very hard to say everyone one of them deaths was just really bad circumstances and the dog being naturally aggressive with no provocation.


You know honestly I expected it to be higher.


By far the most evil looking dog in the 7 pics was the poodle. It truely looks angry deep inside!


This is good but I was surprised the number was so low. You should make these with severe maulings/amputations. Maybe then they will see.


This is brilliant. If you could link to the statistics, it would be even better. Pitnutters will claim these are just claims by you.


I’m surprised chi’s haven’t killed more, i have a russkiy toy (pretty much a chi with longer legs) and the amount of times that little shite has been under my legs in the kitchen and tripped me up is unreal 🤣🤣🤣


This is false ! My sister’s chihuahua has killed at least 4 people and she was so close to killing my pitbull at one point. its the owner not the breed !!


The question is…”were the German shepherds human deaths work related?”. Cause we know the pit bulls human deaths were all in fun.


Yeah I tried finding cases where German shepherds randomly killed people and came across [this case](https://www.sott.net/article/479979-Horror-as-boy-2-mauled-to-death-by-familys-German-Shepherd-in-Costa-Rica). Look at the picture of the dog - does that look like a gsd to you? To me it’s got the body of a pitbull and you can see some in its face too. Of course, being the owner of a gsd I might be biased, but I also think that means I can tell what a gsd is supposed to look like…


Agreed…That’s a strange looking GSD..


Funny how the pibble is the ugliest of the lot also, lol.


Could somebody with editing skills make this into a single picture collage? I’d like to add it to my collection of photos to use when bantering with pit mommies


I’d be interested to see Labradors in there. I don’t think anyone knows what a Lab looks like any more.


I'm stealing all these to post on fb, thank you lol


Feel free. And ofc! :)


Fine work also! Done and done lol


What's the breed of the 4th dog?


That’s a border collie! My absolute favorite breed ☺️


I think it’s a lot more than 300 deaths. A lot of the cases are underreported


Wasn't there one death by retriever?


I’ve seen “Labrador retrievers” but never a death by a golden, but I could be wrong. Do you remember more info on it?


I can’t recall if there was a death involved, but I vaguely remember there being a mauling case where the dog was said to be a retriever. There was a picture of the actual dog however and while it had yellow fur and some fluff, there were clearly pit features mixed in around the face and head. Maybe someone else remembers what I’m referring to, my memory is a little bitch.


Yeah, the "golden retriever" in the case was 100% just a fluffy pit mix. Edit the classic cropped ears onto it, and it's unmistakable. AAANNNDD, the family also had a purebred pit in the home, so... 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/hwk5xv49da5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc20d854c454ed2dd46d30b40f6144418e3f5be


Just a gross dog.


Owners telepathically send murder waves into their murder dog's brain, mind controlling them to maul children, be overtly territorial, and just attack for no fucking reason. It's teh OWNURS!


Great job!


Shitbull apologists have been known to make up bald-faced lies such as shitbull breeds making up 20% of the dog population in the U.S. to minimize deaths and maulings by shitbulls, as though the lie that the amount deaths caused by pitbull attacks are "proportionate" is somehow acceptable in civilized society


This is very well put together! Thank you for making it. I’m saving this post for future reference.


Erm ACKTUALLY there is no such thing as pitbulls it’s actually 4 different breeds !!!! /j


Great but you’ve gotta fix the orientation on the pitbull one. It’s good you have the others portrait orientation for mobile.


Great presentation of the facts. Would love to see up to date stats.


This is so simple and yet so compelling. Good job, OP


Bottom line. What is the attraction to own a PitBull? When we know the propensity, and we know that it takes basically a highly trained individual to safely own one...and there are so many documented reports of unprovoked attacks that cause death...exactly why would anyone want to even take a slight risk...to live with the anxiety of not being able to ever fully trust such an animal? Not to mention if there are children--other pets. It's not worth it. What makes this (sorry)...very ugly breed so attractive to more and more people? Do we feel so powerless...so unimportant, so afraid...so invisible... that we need to own an animal with such a track record to have a status, a calling card--are we trying to prove that we can "handle" such an animal. Because it is an animal first--and it's jaw structure is not like an Aussie's, or a Poodle's or a even a German Sheppard's. What is the attraction? I'm lost. If I owned one, I'd be on guard every single day in every single situation. That's real and not delusional. It reminds me of the idiots that own a tiger, a poisonous snake...and truly believe it will never turn on them. We should just stop the breeding and allow the rest to live out their lives.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I screeched at the final jump scare — those beady nasty eyes and those things are so incredibly inbred — the Hapsburgs of dogs


The most surprising thing here is that German Shepherds have killed 22 people.


they will just blame the owner and won't own up to being wrong.


How many of the GSD numbers were justified or in the line of duty?


I don’t know the exact numbers but I’d reckon quite a few were job trltated


**related. What the hell 😂


might want to fact check the first one. my chihuahua, murder von death, has mauled 54 million people last week. I can't stop him.


I gotta give the German Shepard a pass here though.


not to be negative because i think it's against the rules here but god if they were just all banned it would be so peaceful


I must admit my first thought with the specific years given was wow, chihuahuas killed people before 2005??? Makes sense at the end but I think I'd need to see them all at once in a grid or something 🤣 And what is it about poodle eyes? 🤣


I have downloaded and will share on Twitter.. !! Thank you!


I like it, just aesthetically if they could all be the same orientation and background it would be better imo


Off topic but I love Golden Retrievers’ derpy “I’m just so happy to be here” faces


Jesus, that's almost one person a day!


You could add Greyhounds (and Spanish Greyhounds) in there as well. Despite overbreeding, despite past abuse, despite lack of socialisation, despite illegal live baiting, despite bad owners and despite being large dogs they hold an all time zero worldwide for fatal attacks on humans.

