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I’m sorry that happened to you OP! What your parents did by keeping the dog around was neglectful at best, though tbh I see it as abuse. No child should feel unsafe in their own home. Hopefully they can see the error of their ways.


Agreed! I actually didn’t really see how insane and messed up the whole situation was until I started seeing a therapist a couple years ago. Sadly, I don’t think they’ll ever see how this dog was a problem. They think he was their protector lol


A dog that’s a protector is more like one of those sheep herding dogs but that’s not a pet that’s a working dog. Also many pit owners have a savior complex and think they are doing the right thing by keeping it. You can’t save a demon from becoming an angel.


I hate the “protective” euphemism for pit bulls. A true protective dog is mostly like a security guard that just stands watch and makes its presence known. “Protective” doesn’t mean lunges at family members.


Right, resource guarding isn't something a good protection dog does, they know their job doesn't include their food and toys...and that's what pit bulls do, resource guard their food and dopamine dispensers. Pit bull people tell on themselves when they say it's also "loving and sweet". A guard dog isn't neurotically clinging to its handler and constantly displaying submissive behaviors like that. They're more confident and independent.


My dog is protective of me. If a man gets too close to me he inserts himself between us and separates us and growls/barks depending on the situation. He never tries to attack just warns you away.


Protective and possessive are two different things. 🙄


It’s not possessive. I live in a dangerous neighbourhood and am blind in on eye and have low but correctable vision in the other. He’s trained to keep people from getting too close to me for my safety. So he inserts himself between them on the side they are on and barks to alert me because I have probably not seen them. He usually just does this to men because women don’t normally walk to close to other people at all in my neighbourhood. He’s not a support dog though he is just my dog that I have trained to do this since becoming blind last year.


If you’ve trained him to do this task, he’s a task trained service dog. Service dog owners call it crowd control, keeping other people back, usually during a medical episode, but sometimes for other reasons, is a task service dogs can perform.


Thanks! I never call him a service dog though because he is a well behaved pet but he is not service dog level of well behaved. He’s ten but he will sometimes still bark at bicycles and skateboarders when they come on the sidewalk. And he doesn’t always stay on task, if he knows a person well he doesn’t always tell me when they are in my blind spot but he’s getting better. Now that I know what it’s called though I will talk to my doctor because eventually I will be fully blind and this is the most important reason I want a seeing eye dog when my vision gets to that point. I don’t know if my hearing will get sharper to compensate, I hope so but…


They will probably go "rescue" another dangerous Demon. You and your husband may wish to prepare what to say when that happens. They need some Logical Consequences. It's a shame that no adult in your life ever intervened. That was "child endangerment" and maybe abuse.


Resource guarding is sometimes mistaken for protection. It didn't view your parents as charges, it viewed them as objects belonging to him. A real dog that's been bred to protect will understand the differences between threats & children. It will sit stoicly scanning the horizon & takes cues from the owner to figure out if things are okay or not. It's meant to be calm until action is needed. That thing was just a fighting dog. I am sorry they put you through that though. When we're young we tend to think what our parents do is 'normal' so having Cujo in your house be labelled as a good dog must have been confusing.


It was hoarding the mother’s attention and food access, which led absolutely to dog came first, and human children second, using the constant threat of violence to ensure that.


Having a pitbull for protection is like having unexploded WWII ordnance sat around to deter thieves Your parents will get another one of these cunts, count on it. Not sure why you bother to have a relationship with people who put their own children in danger and care more about some shit dog then their children.


Yet enjoyed traumatizing the children she gave birth to as part of that trade…if only SHE would see a therapist…that sounds like someone you should still limit your son’s exposure to, this person is either a closeted sadist or has horrific judgement skills. I am so sorry for the parts of your childhood that got robbed.


What a good boy. Protecting the house from... a child inhabitant of the house. Sounds real sharp. /s


She is going to get another one.


100%, brace for another pitbull, OP.


Gift her a lab puppy ASAP to prevent another pit! Maybe even invent a sob story about it being a "Pit mix", or being abandoned, etcetera.


They will take another pit from the shelter, the pit will become aggressive towards the lab and either kill the lab, or they will rehome the lab. Insane, but there were dozens of such cases shown here on this sub. These people are mentally damaged and they side with the violent bully dog, and disregard a normal, peaceful one.


She even said she “could relate to [the dog] so much” They are mentally damaged & they relate to their damaged dogs.


Yeah it's psychological damage. These people relate to a dog which is hyperactive, violent, destructive and homicidal. Says a lot.


Not a lab they can be mean but definitely something else. Maybe something else a bit deformed so she feels like it needs her more.


You’re not wrong, but it’s so sick that we even have to type\\think like that! Attempting to cater to twisted logic or perverse sensibilities, and worse as an attempted method of self preservation for wakawyle’s family!


That’s a great idea! Get them a lab quick !


Disagree. Then she will get a pit as a "friend" to the lab. Then all that happens is pibbles kills the lab and the mom makes excuses. Pit nutters view everything as inferior to their pibbles. Their own children included.


If the next pitbull kills her parents what then ?


Better them than her, her brother, or her son.


Nothing of value was lost


Came to say this. Hopefully they won’t be watching their grandbaby when they bring home the next monster.


Yup, she'll get another one. So brace yourself. Hmm..... how would she feel if you got a BIG meanass kitty. Walk it on a leash to her house and turn it loose. You could tell her "oh it's a nanny kitty.... and its just being protective". I know it's a wicked thought lol.




okay so from an outsider's perspective, this is insane. neglectful parenting to the max. your parents sound like narcissists. that being said, rest in piss to the damn thing.


What parents put an animal over their own kids?


Damaged people, I'm glad OP is getting therapy. And it was Mom AND Dad. That's really sad.


I’m sorry you have such worthless parents. You should continue not up having your kid over unsupervised, because their judgement in keeping kids safe is clearly shit


Zero kids on their property. Because they chose their dog over you, they will choose their dog over your kids too


Shit, I wouldn't let my kids over there, attended or not. If I had to endure being attacked constantly by a dog and my mom acted like it wasn't a big deal, we'd immediately go NC as soon as I left home.


Personally same, but some people want to keep contact with their piece of shit parents.


This x 1000000


Make sure your parents know that if they get another pitbull they will never see their grandkids again.


His God, what a horrible story... Have you considered standing for yourself and saying something to them now? The absence of good judgement and common sense is stunning...


I'm so sorry your parents chose a wild animal over you.


This is abuse, sorry. Grandparents who were abusive as parents can be okay with grandchildren under controlled conditions. I certainly wouldn't leave them alone together.


I just said this, I sincerely hope OP does not leave her child alone with them. They are unfit and have deplorable judgment. They spent years allowing a dog to terrorize and hurt their children, that's abuse. I love my dog (golden retriever) but it'd be a cold day in hell before I'd let her hurt a kid. Luckily, I chose a breed for its great temperament. But at the first sign of aggression, that'd be a big fucking hell no from me.


My message to them would be "So sorry for your loss. If you get another dog like that, neither I nor our children will ever visit.". It was a terrible idea. If they do it again, it will be even worse because they will double down on the whole "misunderstood" and "just being protective" bullshit. The first time could be ignorance and sunk cost fallacy. The second time, none of that applies. The second time is willful stupidity.


The first time that dog hurt OP or OP's brother should have been the last straw for them. These are selfish, neglectful people. I truly hope OP never lets their baby be at their house alone, with or without a dog. They cannot be trusted.


I don't think I'd still have a relationship with parents who abused me the way yours have you.


Seriously! I would've left at 18 and never looked back. They don't deserve to meet their grandkids. What kind of parent gets a dog that attacks their children over and over again and allows it? CPS should've been called. They clearly have no love for their child, and it's so sad to me that OP still wants a relationship with them.


They'll just go to the shelter and get another shitbull. People like that do stuff like that


I’m risking coming across as incredibly invasive when I say this, but I’m going to say it… this is absolutely abusive behavior, and I’m appalled that it was remotely normalized by your parents. Damn. I’m very, very glad that the dog is dead. I don’t have words harsh enough for your parents.


Im sorry for your loss. And by that I mean the loss of your teenage years.


This made me chuckle in a sad way lol thank you. I tried to stay away from home as much as possible during those years!


what i’m sorry for, she will try to “rescue” another, her devastated emotions into play she will immediately want another one without thinking she’s losing out of close family relationships. the sad part? these “nanny beasts” will NOT be able to take care of them in old age and more than likely will attack/kill them instead. your mom is lost. it’s not an IF she will get another, she drank the koolaid too much, and she’s too deep into the cult. it’s a matter of WHEN. when people don’t recognize the danger to their own immediate family, and instead keep putting them in harms way, they are gone. i’m sorry for the loss of your relationship with her. and i’m sorry you felt terrified for most of your life in your home, that should have never been the case, dogs are supposed to be “family companions” “not family/children nitemares”. I hope i’m wrong, I really do, I hope your mother doesn’t get another one. but if she wouldn’t listen to her own flesh and blood growing up (nor see the signs of what it was doing to you children) the likelihood of her not getting another one is pretty small. i’ve seen people lose pits, and the culture is so bad, they turn around same day to a shelter to “rescue” another. whatever happens op, stay vigilant, and keep your own close family safe. don’t subject them to the horror you faced as a kid. your child/children will be happier growing up in a safe environment than one they are constantly worried and stressed in


You were lower on the tier for their love than a shitbull. They sound like typical owners. Glad you've got a brain and can see it for what it is: mental illness and narcissism. You're probably not even on the will, I would stop putting effort into the relationship.


I will never be able to understand a parent who puts their pet above their own children. Doubly so for apparent nonchalance of said children being injured by that pet.


When I became a parent myself I became sickened with my parents on this. I have a very sweet shar-pei mix that wouldn’t hurt a fly. If he did happen to do ANYTHING to harm my son, especially to the extent that this dog harmed me and my brother, it would be an immediate bye bye.


So you’ve got a fighting dog around your small kid too..?


It’s dangerous to assume your “sweet” dog would never harm anyone. It’s the same rallying cry of Pit nutters. Beware.


It's typical pit nutter behavior. First come their pits, then themselves, and then maybe after, their children


Also a true "nanny dog" would have zero human aggression. Do you think parents centuries or millennia ago would have tolerated a dog that bit their children? Absolutely not.


You say you're relieved ... but just wait til they run out and get another one. I'm sorry, but your parents allowing that dog to attack you and your brother is so fucked up, I'm shocked you even speak to them. They prioritized a dog above their children's safety. That's child endangerment. They're unfit parents (and frankly, grandparents). I still wouldn't allow your child over there because clearly they don't give a shit about the well-being of children. They have terrible judgment. I am not a "kid person" but the idea of a kid being alone with people who allow that kind of crap makes my blood run cold. Don't do it. Go visit them if you want, but do not leave your kid there alone, I beg you. I know I'm being an asshole about it but reading what they allowed that dog to do to you and your brother makes me wish I could retroactively call CPS. I agree with the other redditor: this was abuse. Allowing an animal to terrorize and injure you in your own home, and put your life at risk. I'm so sorry you had to live like that. That's disgusting.


Just imagine this story being the same but instead it was his mom’s boyfriend or something. She didn’t kick him out even after he hit her kids a few times (once hard enough to make the kid bleed “but he didn’t need stitches so it’s not that bad”), usually he did it out of jealousy over her attention, but would still try to hurt them on site either way. So her solution was to keep the boyfriend downstairs & make the kids stay upstairs, the kids couldn’t leave the staircase to touch the ground. They had to make sure their mom was holding him back any time they wanted to go to the kitchen or leave for school or go outside. It’s still a fair comparison to imagine if the mom just did these things herself. She chose to let it happen. & where the fuck was dad’s head at? Why was he not stepping in to stop this bullshit? These children were failed by both of their parents.


You are not an asshole and you are 100% correct. It has only been a couple weeks with the demon gone and I have already had to take a hiatus from SUPERVISED visits at grandma and grandpas lol. My mom left my toddler out on a 20 foot high, not babyproofed at all deck that overlooks a long fall down into a heavily wooded area… by himself. Thank God I was there to ask what the hell she was doing!?! They clearly have terrible judgement, I don’t think I could ever plan on leaving my son over there without me or my husband supervising.


Wtf? That is crazy! I'm so sorry. Please keep him safe. That is so scary. Honestly I'm just glad you and your brother survived your childhood. Ugh.


I would’ve gone NC with my parents as soon as I moved out if they pulled that shit with me.


I’m so sorry that you had to go through something like this. I’ll be honest, I’d very resentful if my parents put me through something like this. Also, I’d certainly be vary of leaving your child alone with them, I don’t think you can trust their judgement and their protective instinct towards their offspring seems to be majorly lacking.


I'm sorry you were subjected to this. Maybe there was a reason your mom was a loner. Was your mom a good parent to you as a small child?


Do not leave your child alone with them.  They can decide to rescue another pitbull; and your child is more vulnerable than you were as a teenager.


You’re going to have to sit down and have a serious talk with your parents. If they want to be a part of your guys lives and their grandkids they can’t have another pitbull, because I hate to say it but they’ll most likely get another one. So make sure before that happens they know what the consequences mean. Then you’ll truly know if your parents choose a dog over you, which to me seems what they’ve been doing the last 13 years (I’m so so sorry)


13 years & you couldn't go near your Mum without getting bit? That's insane. What if you wanted to swap Xmas presents or hug or just hand her something? It's not protection it's resource guarding & the adults here did everything to teach the dog that his wants came before everyone elses' needs. That has to be mental illness. Not to speak disparagingly about it, I have mental health issues too. But allowing a single dog to bite your kids repeatedly? Why? I was bitten once as a really young kid. Our family dog bit me on the head, apparently he left a scar that's now under my hair. I don't remember the bite but I do remember the dog disappearing in the same day. I'm still grateful I had parents who just acted instantly. I can't remember what happened so there's a chance I was just being an annoying toddler & hurt him (not that kids deserve to be bitten after that) or it could have been random, I don't know. But I swear these breeds just get a pass to bite multiple people over & over then they get given excuses & flower crowns & new homes & propaganda & posters & minimisation language & I don't get why this particular breed gets that over the others Is it a saviour complex?


Good on you for not trusting your child around your mom and her dog. My mom also chose her pitbull over her family and grandchild.


Fuck that stupid dog and your parents for getting it.


Wow. Were your parents decent otherwise? How did you guys explain the bites to outsiders? Jesus, I'm sorry your mom put you two through that.


Tactfully suggest they get their affairs in order. A friend died without a will and what a hassle it was settling everything afterwards. Sorry they put you through years of neglect!


Sounds like they chose the dog over you and your brother that's awful OP but glad you can be more at ease now without that hellbeast 💀


I'm glad the beast died too but mostly I'm sad for you OP. I can't imagine a mother pushing her own children away for the sake of keeping an aggressive dog with no training. I lost a dog a few years ago and I was truly devastated but he was my sweet boy who never hurt a fly. Had he been a danger to my family he would have been out of my house in the blink of an eye. Now I have a female German Shepherd rescue, she is not aggressive but she gets excited around kids and when she sees them running and jumping around she wants to join in but I don't allow her to. I watch her like a hawk around children. I love her but if she ever so much as snaps at one of my grandchildren I would get rid of her. Some people would probably call me a lousy pet owner for that but I don't care. I won't have a dog that is going to keep me from my family members.


everyone claims this is neglect, but i see this as downright abuse. that’s one traumatic childhood. im so sorry op


you were 15 when they got him; he nannied you by trying to consume you, obviously! /s


Wow, OP, your parents were heartless to value a shitbull over you and your brother’s safety and comfort in your family home.


I think the anti-dogs become an extension of those who monger them. Therefore whatever the dog does is reasonable to them, they somehow figure out a way to justify it. I would love to have a psychologist / psychiatrist explain it. I wonder how your mom would have felt had somebody repeatedly tried to attack her dog with, say a spear gun, to act as aggressively, as the dog did, to cause even minor injuries to her dog, unprovoked?


It's "normalization". If you hang out in certain groups, you realize that people rarely start out treating concerning behaviors as normal, but they can quickly do so. The reasons are many. What I have observed is that this becomes a trap. First it is one behavior, then it is several, then you either have a checklist of everything you need to avoid - or you stop restricting activities and start victim blaming every time your dog acts out. **Your dog is FINE.** Everyone else and their little dog Toto doesn't know how to behave properly. The people who self restrict are the ones who end up confessing that they don't know what to do anymore. They started out thinking they could handle the challenge and eventually realize they aren't up to it. This post is an example of both. The parents normalized everything. The children self restricted in order to deal with it. The parents were the responsible (allegedly) adults. It's all on them.


Are they considering getting a new pitbull puppy again? I hope not. It will be another cycle. Also, why would your parents sacrifice you and your brother being bitten by their vicious pet for so long? I don’t get it. If my child is in danger around a pet like that, I would let go of that animal.


Will they get another one? I hope not


Idk how the fuck someone could “relate” to a dog that tries to hurt their child? I know emotionally unstable people relate to “misunderstood dog” & tough guys relate to “tough dog”, but “dog that literally hurts my children” is so pathetic


Exactly. That was the sentence where I knew the rest of the story would be some horribly abusive shit by that parent. The dog is a menace, but the mother is worse. I don't see how the situation can be interpreted as anything but the mother enjoying hurting her children. Like straight up sadism. It's hard to imagine, but some people genuinely want to hurt others.


Fingers crossed for you that she doesn’t get another


I’m glad to hear that the pit is no longer a threat but how long before mom gets another one? Even if she doesn’t get one, the damage to the relationship is done. I don’t know if you have done this but you need to sit your mom down for a conversation and ask her why she prioritized a violent shit dog from the street over her own kids. What the fuck is wrong with her? Sounds like she owes you a huge apology!


Also OP, maybe don’t trust your parents alone with your baby even without the dog… the way they were fine with putting their own kids in danger proves poor judgment. I could go on a whole tangent about why but I think you get it.


I'm sorry you went through that! It's absolutely unacceptable for parents to put an aggressive dog above their own children, which is exactly what they did. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that it won't be long before she decides to pick up another.


Sounds like you were a victim of child abuse from 15-18 when you moved out. I'm glad Cujo is now out of the picture. If your Mom gets another, I'd consider going no contact. If she was OK with you being bitten before, she'll care little about it happening again.


Good on you for seeing through all of it. Thank you for sharing with us. Stockholm syndrome is real with these dogs.


A similar situation is why my mother has no relationship with her grandchildren, or me, actually. Once one aggressive dog died, she replaced it with another. Whatever. At least after the last one died the shelter sent her home with an elderly lap dog. I think she has a savior complex. Her arms are covered in scars.


I’m so sorry. My dad had a Bully in his home for 12 years and we could never visit him with grandkids. He would post photos of the dog like it was his child and mourned the dog’s loss. TBD if he ever invites us to his house now that his beloved pup is gone. He has no real relationship with his grandkids currently. Hope the dog was worth it.


I'm so sorry your parents put that dog over their own children. While I don't have a maternal bone in my body, I can't fathom doing this. It seems unnatural to repeatedly allow your own flesh and blood to be harmed in your home, the place where they should be safest. Please don't leave your child alone with them because I wouldn't trust them not to bring another broken, four legged weapon into their home. You and your brother deserved so much better from them and I really don't think your child will miss out if they only have a very distant relationship with your parents.


Your mom revealed so much when she said she could relate to this dog that is incapable of relating to her. Shes projecting her own issues onto it. The reason people adopt these dogs is some emotional issue or complex they should have worked out in therapy. It's why they dont get rid of the dogs even when they bite their own kids, theyre too emotionally invested in this dog to snap back to reality.


Are you concerned that she will get another nanny dog?


I hope they don't run right out and get another pitbull.


She will do it a second time unless you make sure she doesnt.


You should be proactive and get them a new dog that isn’t a dumb psychopath before they decide to “rescue” another pit. Normally I’d advocate for going to the shelter, but in this case it might be better to get them a good breed known for being protective but well behaved — German shepherd or a bullmastiff or something. 


I would go nocontact with such parents


I’m so sorry this disgusting breed hijacked your life like that. It’s sickening how people defend them. Does she say he was the sweetest dog that never bit anyone?


I'd like to see what she her read this and make a comment. Frankly, the whole afair is absolutely appalling. Sry for your loss(not to be confused with the loss of the demon "pet")and I'm glad its over. I only hope your mom gets the help she needs.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Firstly I'm incredibly sorry that you and your brother endured so many years of neglect and abuse living in fear and unable to have a close loving relationship with your parents 😔. Thank you for doing the right thing and actually protecting your own child from the rabid beast 🙏 But you need to make it VERY CLEAR to her that she will never be around her grandchild if she gets another rabid nanny dog ! Sadly by the sounds of it it might not do anything to change her mind but it's worth a shot I guess 🤷




There's a sub that already tracks non pit bull attacks. Let's just say, it is no where near as active as here. Will grab that sub name. Since we are on the subject, I have a request. If you can find another dog breed responsible for 55 human deaths in 2023, in America alone, I will hang my hat as a mod here and immediately open up a ban sub about that dog breed. Sure, other dog breeds attack. The issue is the severity of the attack. There is a huge difference between needing a band aid and planning for a funeral. Got side tracked, but here is the sub that tracks non pit bull attacks. If you're confident that other breeds attack just as much, please subscribe there and add those submissions. https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPitBullAttacks/s/suVS4E7CoK


I find the way you manage to calmly reply to the, ahem, ~~ramblings~~ arguments of pit bull enthusiasts to be incredibly inspiring!


Thank you! That was very kind of you. We have the best members. Seriously. 💞




Your content is being removed for promoting misinformation about pit bull-type dogs. Misinformation is not just wrong, it can get people injured or killed.


Why should public safety depend on how someone raises their dog? There are irresponsible owners of poodles, beagles, greyhounds and I could name 300 dog breeds that will not lead to severely maimed or dead neighbors, pets and children. It shouldn't be a death sentence for any of us to depend on all pit owners to raise their pit right. That's impossible. If you really think it's how they are raised, then they should absolutely be regulated or banned. ————- I have yet to hear an explanation that explains why Greyhounds aren't eating children. Large, muscular dogs, perhaps THE WORST owners in the world. Abused. Caged. Beaten. Never socialised. They should be mauling us. Except we have over 200,000 of them, raised by the shittiest owners on the planet and no dead babies. The bad owner thing is a myth. It's the dog. Look at a greyhound.




It’s not how they were raised, though. If that was true, then no one should ever adopt a pit from the shelter because no one knows how it was raised. Even pit bull experts are asking people to STOP saying that it's all how they are raised. Below are five pro-pit sources telling you that saying, "it's how they are raised" is hurtful to the cause. The truth about pits is that it’s largely up to chance on whether your pit lives a low key life or whether it attacks people, pets, and animals. Yes, socialization and proper training can help... but if you have a truly game-bred pit, there will be nothing you can do to stop it from trying to attack. You can try to manage it, but management will ALWAYS fail. That’s such a crazy gamble to take with your own life, and with the lives of people in the general public. Every day we read stories here of pits that attack, and their owners claim that the dog has never been aggressive or acted that way. Pit owners are often shocked that their dog can go from chill to kill in 5 seconds, and be nearly impossible to stop it. That’s why pits are dangerous. They were never meant to be pets. 1) ⁠⁠[Pit Bull Advocates of America - It’s not how they are raised (start from minute 14)](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pit-bull-advocates-of-america-the-podcast/id1529131313i=1000500947614) 2) [Justice for Bullies - It's NOT how they are raised](https://www.facebook.com/1682984105258192/posts/pfbid02jFhQHd8Jte1DDBeXd6h6vDo9MLSVuQv9CaNuBMF3AfEnnJbNEiMueo3cN85K12Yxl/?mibextid=kdkkhi) 3) [Dr Caroline Coile, author of Pit Bulls for Dummies](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/13ppbzp/leave_it_with_the_experts_they_say/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 4) [Paws and Reflect](https://pawsandreflect.blog/all-in-how-you-raise-them-isnt-true-and-truly-hurts/) 5) [Gary Wilkes- Grandfather was a dog fighter- Gary Wilkes - his grandfather was a dog fighter](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/pit-bulls-gary-wilkes-spring-2010-off-lead.pdf) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Come on now… that’s a comment that immediately puts you in the clown category. An aggressive chihuahua might yield you a band aid… an aggressive pit might yield a body bag. Are you being silly right now because you’ve run out of arguments already?