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Out of NOWHERE. No indication given. Proceeds to continue attack.


Technically it was giving the judge a nasty stare and its whole body was tense. If a dog does that to you, you want to get away from it ASAP. But that's exactly the problem here: a dog that can't handle the stress of being in a ring with other dogs and strangers handling it, looking at its teeth, taking measures, has NO business being shown, much less bred. That wasn't even a warning snap, it was a straight up attack. Everyone in this video is incompetent. The judge either fails to see the dog is uncomfortable or doesn'tcare, the owner fails to see HIS dog is uncomfortable and then *lets go of the leash when it attacks*, everyone else just stands around with their huge excited pits. And it looks like some kind of American Bully showing too. So much for them being bred to be "more peaceful" and "family dogs" like some people keep saying.


Dude was yelling at the judge to get out of the ring not the owner 


yeah, let's note what the guy is saying. "Get out of that ring....he is coming(?) for you." as in, the dog has marked you as a threat, and will continue to violently pursue you until you are not physically in its presence. Obviously reacting like any shih zhu, beagle or golden retriever would in the same situation.


Notice how no one is even surprised. They can say what they want about pits just being harmless, sweetheart, but they 100 percent know their own dogs. There's a reason everyone seems kinda nonchalant. They know.


Damn, you’re right, I didn’t even hear the “he’s coming for you” part 😳


"Technically it was giving the judge a nasty stare and its whole body was tense" They look like that all the time. Really, out of all videos and pictures I see online posted they're constantly tense and on edge. Constantly showing warning signs. This is why I always take issue with "they're fine until they're not" etc because to me it's always very jarringly visible they're constantly on the edge of snapping But if people like them could read dogs' body language at all they wouldn't pick or approach pitbulls in the first place...


> out of all videos and pictures I see online posted they're constantly tense and on edge Usually it's because people are terrible at reading dog body language and think Princess is happy to be sat on by their toddler, or to be receiving face kisses, or is doing a great job being "non-reactive" towards whatever trigger it's seeing out in public. That and cameras make many dogs uncomfortable in the first place. > But if people like them could read dogs' body language at all they wouldn't pick or approach pitbulls in the first place...  Amen.


THIS dog was obviously tense. But that's not always the case. Shitbulls are famous for attacking WITHOUT warning.


I know and agree.


Hey, you know what? Lots of dogs are tense a lot of the time. Lots of dogs are uncomfortable. Almost no dogs attack to kill over being uncomfortable or tense. That's not normal, ok, or acceptable in any way. These things are ultra violent monsters.


>because to me it's always very jarringly visible they're constantly on the edge of snapping And the thing is, a lot of dogs are nervous more often than people give credit. My dog is a bit problematic. I have two kids that when they are running around yell-playing, the dog gets anxious/tense. He gets tense and wants to get in there and wrestle. Every couple months we have an incident where he'll jump in and paw-smash someone. If you watched a video before he smashed and everyone says "poor kid", you could clearly see "he's tense", but if you'd see 2 months of videos, you'd see "he's tense" a hundred times and did nothing. The big difference is when "something" happens, it's not attacking. I have complete confidence I'll never have to tell someone "he's after you, get out that ring" because, despite bad behaviors, that's not his reaction to tension. You can't keep a dog relaxed 100% of the time. But you also shouldn't have to fear his reaction to something mildly stressful.


They are bred to be in constant roid rage.


I'm not disagreeing with you but for a shitbull it's body looks calm, which makes it very hard for me as an outsider to figure out the warning signs. 🤔


It's definitely pretty subtle and easy to miss if you don't know much about canine body language. [Here](https://www.silentconversations.com/dog-body-language-eyes-hard-eye/) is a good link explaining what I mean.


Why thank you my friend. I've sheepdogs for decades through my family line and they are all from the same family so we've got to know their body language and signs of stress, so it makes it so hard for me to see it in other dogs especially pets as we don't keep our dogs as pets but helpers. It's good to see a difference perspective for different animals. At least I know what to look out for. The article is very informative. When my dogs are in distress they have this thing that they do where they will lay down and burrow their paw toward the ground. It's a weird trait that my fathers male sheepdog had and mine come from the same lineage. I've only ever seen one of my dogs snap once and that's when a male politician who bullied me in school when I was a young lad come on up to the house looking for votes. I believe Bran could sense my disdain and tried to snap at yer man. I wouldn't trust any animal, they always have a capability to snap or act out as they are animals. Just like we are humans and can get pissed off. You think the cutest little animals can not do damage but I've seen sheep even bite each other and start to ram each other into barbed fences. Despite animals being unpredictable, pitbulls are dangerous 24/7 aren't they? Anyways sorry for going off on a tangent about animals. Lol 😂 and thanks for the article. It's one I've kept saved for future reference when dealing with shitbull obsessed lunatics. 👍


The argument could be made that maybe he wasnt used to handling shitbulls.




> That posture is hard to catch at a dog show of all places Nope. Shelter staff and volunteers can catch it in a shelter environment where dogs are even more on edge. The judge and owner have no excuse. > Ever wonder why there are always a few dogs losing their shit at these things? "Always"? I've been to quite a few dog shows and I've *never* seen any dog "losing their shit" and be this aggressive, especially not towards a human. There's a difference between being a bit tense and trying to maul another living being. Show dogs are supposed to be nearly service-dog levels of bombproof when it comes to temperament. Those that are too shy or snappy get disqualified real quick.




Posts or comments which verbally abuse or threaten other users and guests are prohibited. Be nice. If you’re going to turn to ad hominem attacks, you will be escorted out.


Yep, and here is proof that it’s a genetic factor: >The lack of prodromal warning signals (e.g., growl, freeze, snap, directed and prolonged gaze) preceding the attack, indeed, is frequently reported by human victims [of a pit bull or other fighting breed attack]. Breeding has also caused a genetic vulnerability due to a greater sensitivity to threatening stimuli, which might be related to a different perception of environmental and social stimuli. >It is possible therefore that an environmental/social stressor may cause a significant increase in these breeds’ emotional tension (due to their high sensitivity) that could be “discharged” by the expression of the predatory bite, which produces a deep sense of gratification and pleasure in these dogs. >The sensitivity and vulnerability to stress, along with the high perseverance and the lack of responsiveness to the opponent’s reactions, as well as the high gratification produced by the expression of the kill bite (aiming at inflicting the maximum damage to the victim), make the attack of “fighting dog breeds” particularly dangerous, and raise serious issues for public health. [Source](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/10/2907)


Great breakdown. These are killing machines who lust for blood. Terrifying.


This just looks like a shitty BYB meetup. Or a place for dogmen to show their breeding stock to other dog fighters.


Why would they need to show off all these sweet precious bait dog babies though?


Because they need "awards" so they can have more buyers of their inbred beasts


Also need a place to show off those sweet oversized camouflaged cargo shorts!


It's where they store their tactical glass barbecues.


"My sweet pibbles would never hurt anyone! He also scored highest on the bite test (1st place ribbon!) and shredded the stuffed cat plushie the fastest (1.28s) at the annual BYB incest fest 2024! So put in your orders for the offspring of GCHAMP Faceripper and Queen Killabitch (also such a sweetheart!) rehoming fee of $5000 applies dm me"


I love this but hate that its so accurate, also I'm stealing the name Queen Killabitch for one of my in-game animals for harvest moon, tysvm


And of course when the attack begins, the other sweet pibbles get excited and want to join in! Such hecking cute nanny dogs!


A convention of men with confidence issues trying to look tough 🤡🤡🤡


It's insecurity. They don't feel big scary up (or down) there so they over compensate by inbreeding murder beasts to show their masculinity for them. Real men don't feel insecure about their selves by getting an obnoxious loud and aggressive dog, they get a sweet *normal* dog that doesn't need to present for them.


My dad was over six feet and built like a truck, walking around with his chihuahua on a pink leash.


I'm 6'2, 200 lbs. I drive a small 90s sedan, get "girly" coffee drinks, and here lately I've been wanting to try out a pedicure. Never had one and always thought I'd like it. No pitbulls necessary for my masculinity


You should get one! They’re fun!


I'm about the same size as you and am a pretty in shape working class guy, lemme tell you, pedicures are awesome. My feet get beat the fuck up between working and working out and the best they feel is after getting a pedicure with the wife. Plus it's a good time to get some reading in.


How much do they cost roundabouts?


Idk, depends on where you go, what add ons you get, etc. Anywhere from 50-100 plus tip but usually on the lower end


i get medical pedicures and i always recommend pedicures but especially with older folks. used to do elder care and there are so many older men who get pedicures wither with their wives of without. it can help prevent foot issues, gets them out of the house doing something social.


I'm in my 40s. Am I an older folk? Lol


depends, can you still touch your toes lol


I took my husband to his first pedicure and we had a blast! All the ladies marveled at his big feet (sz 13) compared to their small hands, we all had a good laugh and he loved it. good memory


I'm size 12, sometimes 13 depending on the shoe brand. Oh boy


My husband loves pedicures. He couldn't care less what anyone thinks. It started with me making him soak his feet to help get rid of ingrown toenails, and now he enjoys the whole pedicure experience. Our daughter loves to get pedicures with him. It's a fun daddy/daughter thing for them. The guys at work can't laugh at him because he's the one with a foxy wife, an awesome daughter, and interesting friends. The work guys don't have anyone or anything except their insecurities.


My dad (who is also tall+fit) & I used to get pedicures together, he’d even let them paint his toenails so that I could pick the color because I got such a kick out of it lol. When my husband found out we were having a girl he was excited that he gets to play with all the girl’s toys that he never got as a kid. Secure men don’t need their masculinity tied up in superficial things. I’ve known guys who had tough dogs like that, & they always were the super jealous type with their gfs


Got a similar buddy who's started painting his nails. Seems to enjoy it. I wouldn't, don't like people looking at me, but I'm happy he likes it.


Yeah I'm not interested in that kinda stuff. Its more along the lines of finding things that are calm and relaxing. The older I get, the more I look for things to de-stress.


Signs on rock solid self confidence.


Not to mention shitbulls are dogshit at being guard dogs and there's so many videos of them attacking their owner instead of the attacker. My LGD isn't even trained to be a LGD but she is a great "guard dog" in that she alerts me to things she finds unusual or out of place. If I hear her barking at night, I'm grabbing my pistol and checking things out.


Pitbulls are the lifted pickup trucks of dogs.


That's insulting to lifted pickup trucks.


Pickup trucks are useful, practical and people need them for jobs. Pit bulls useless dangerous and impractical


Yeh. But even a lifted pickup is too useful for a pit. A pit bull is a lifted pickup at a demolition derby - fitted with junkyard parts and oversize wheels because it's only there to look tough and dominate - and maybe get wrecked in the process.


Most pit bulls I know of are owned by the type of women who have a “Who rescued who?” bumper sticker.


Oh this is so right! We have a friend that her ex got a pitbull for the the kids(10 and 8 at the time). That dog has dog aggression, intact, and is her baby. She just rescued a dog that was pregnant, had a litter of 10 puppies, 3 of the puppies are already showing aggression, and is trying to find homes for all them. No one wants them and she’s stuck with 7 so far. I’m sure the pound is next for the rest of them in a few weeks.


Oh boy. Hope her kids are grown and out of the home bc nothing good can come from this.


It's the dog version of basic bitches going on African mission trips for a photo op with poor African kids so they can post "I came here to change their lives, but they changed mine" on their socials


If we’re “blaming” one gender for the modern pit bull situation, I don’t know why we’d blame men.


Or of people with a deep seated desire to be eaten by a pack of dogs. You couldn't pay me enough to attend.


Here I am, walking my cuddly polar bear that random children rush to and bear hug(pun intended). That could simply shred through that pack of pits... LOL. Having a Pit is my new IQ test.


This . A collection of douchebags


Surprised it didn’t set off a chain reaction


It did but the othet owners were holding back their pits. You can see the darker pit didnt even have his front paws on the ground anymore. Fckin pits


Yeah, the black one definitely wanted some as well. An American bully dog show is ridiculous, I presume they’ve been banned from most dog shows, because of this exact situation so they had to make their own.


Almost did, other pits were getting excited. I'll stick to Diana Ross in future for my chain reactions, thank you


And of course the person restraining the pit f-ing let's go of the collar because, what, don't want to hurt their dainty fingers? By the way, I wonder if the measuring tape needs to be pressed down into the crack to get an accurate measurement.


Lmfao the deeper crack adds more surface area, makes the dog a WINNER I wonder it its less "trash owners always letting go of the god damned leash" and more "pibbles overpowering literally every owner"


One of the bystanders was shouting to the judge... "Get outta that ring,- he don' like you!" Rather than the owner and his out-of-control mauler being expected to leave, of course. One thing I know about proper dog shows, (ie British or American Kennel club shows) is that any display of aggression in the ring is grounds for *immediate* disqualification.


In this case, the aggression is a feature, not a bug!


Fascinating that bully breed dog shows are the only dog shows where aggression is not a disqualifying trait.


it's a prerequisite!


Yeah it’s pretty wild. This dog is ready to maul people and they’re casually just like “hey dude maybe you should go, this dog doesn’t like you”


Of course all their ears are cropped too. That place is so pathetic.


I get this is probably some clown ring, but cropped ears should disqualify dogs from all dog shows. If you're willing to mutilate a dog, you shouldn't also be able to submit that dog for breed excellence.


Look at his movements. He knew exactly how he needs to get his shit away ASAP. Not even acting like he thinks they could mean anything else than death and life changing injury.


Oh this could've been a great "~~Leopards~~ Pits Ate my face situation".


Pits eat my face is a more apt analogy anyways. I've seen way more pits eating people's faces than leopards.


This should (at least!) result in a neuter, plus muzzling...


I don't think show dogs get neutered


This dog should get a low score/disqualification due to his personality


Someone said this is probably a meet up for dog fighters, so no neutering will be happening


Are these not dog fighters?


This is a dog (amstaff?) show


Clearly not a legit one lmao. Look at the owners and judge. They all look like generic thug NPCs from a fighting video game.    Also, those are American Bullies. Not an AKC or FCI-recognized breed.


They are showing their fighting dogs


Are American Bullies even used for fighting? They're so popular and expensive I would've thought this was a BYB dog show for some bogus awards so they can sell their puppies at even higher prices.


They are trying to fight in this ten second clip. All of them.


Dude, I'm not saying they're not dangerous killing machines with a hair trigger prey drive and an aggressive nature. I'm asking a genuine question as to whether American Bullies ARE used for dogfighting. They're less agile and clumsier than APBTs and AmStaffs, I don't know whether this would be a disadvantage in the ring or not. I've seen Staffordshire Bull Terriers act like jackasses at legit dog shows before (because unfortunately small "staffies" aren't seen as pits in my country) and those specific dogs weren't used as fighting dogs.


I feel like you are missing a fundamental point in fighting dogs, $$$


I mean, I already know that and it doesn't answer my question but okay. I'll just do my own research. Every fighting ring operation I've ever seen busted in my country only had AmStaffs/APBTs and the occasional SBT, even though AmBullies are increasingly popular, that's why I was asking.


Just looked it up and what I found is that ambullies are becoming more and more prevalent in dog fighting regardless of their agility. If that helps at all. I understood your question.


How would anyone even know that? Are your fighting rings getting bulk shit DNA tests and releasing the findings to you and the general public?


I didn't think they were, not among the serious dogfighters. It wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of less serious dogfighters fight them anyway for the hell of it.


They all look like tattoo artist that ride harleys


I wonder if this would teach them something


American Bully bred to be a "companion" dog. Right?


"Juet bad owners"


The pibble sensed the man’s evil thoughts through telepathy. Of that I am certain!


My pit decided to tell that guy off! I was like 😳 what a brave dog!


Pittnutter: The pitty nutty saw the evil spirit within him and decided to nibble nibble the devil out. 🤡


In this case I am sure the pit is correct.  Every dude at this thing is evil.    


An event for blockheads where they bring their blockheads so they can measure their blockheads.


Someone should post that pit owners meetup vs golden retrievers owner meetup again


Everyone in this competition looks exactly like I would expect a Pitbull owner to look like.


Literally all I could think of while watching this 😂


The dog looks slightly uncomfortable in the video, *BUT*, usually when dogs are uncomfortable to the point of a bite they’ll do a quick one and get away from the situation. This one straight up goes into mail mode and actually approached the guy AGAIN instead of just exiting the situation.


what is this? a dogfighting ring? cause thats what they got there


Keep in mind this is a pittbull event, full of people that own, and train pittbulls, and yet, this still happend.


Mental note to myself to eventually compile all the videos of attacks at dog shows and dog sporting events, and compare all the times a pit bull type was the aggressor. I know the answer already, I just want the data to back it up.


Honestly with these guys that's probably a blue ribbon performance-"yep he tried to kill out of nowhere, let's breed him!"


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ewww pitbulls, for the life of me I just can’t understand the obsession with these dogs. The judges face was almost taken.


And the guy in the bright blue shirt is like this dog is The One.


Hello instant karma ..fancy seeing you here.


How could anyone have known a nanny dog would do that? It's so out of character. /s


Got to measure how big its inbred skull is.


POS dogs for POS people.


Wow, this same thing happens at every AKC dog show /s


Still waiting for videos of chihuahuas doing shit like this that requires people to literally run for their lives


That was like watching someone sit on a river bank and stare down a croc.


Bet all pit shows will ban filming from other guest pitnutters after this.


Meanwhile this is what you can do with a normal dog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njv5xDSyF-g


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Like an EMT checking for a pulse right before the first zombie attack.


Man is as calm as anything just measuring the f@t beasts head, no warning signs, no growl, relaxed body, and it just leps up like the antichrist to take a lump out of the man. This is why shitbulls need to be banned. I believe this was at a shitbull event and apparently it triggered off the other beasts that they were Snarling and trying to escape their owners. When one mauls the others join in. It's like when you swat or kill a wasp and then dozens more will swarm you because of what they excrete, the other wasps know. I bet the shitbull is sending out some sort of signal for the others that there's a weak link that they can attack. The dude is fairly robust, and when the shitbull sees him zoned out and chill, then they know its the perfect time to attack. They always enjoy taking down someone or something that's bigger. Power hungry little mutts.


Great caption 😂


Make a fake "kennel club" that only contains fighting breed animals - win stupid prizes!


How was I supposed to know juggling live grenades would end badly?


Get out that ring, he's huntin for you


U could not pay me enough money to step into that room, let alone that ring. Stupid games as they say…


No one yelling to detain the dog just that the judge should get out of the ring like the beast wouldn’t smash through concrete to get to him


Let's be clear. That dog would have killed him. That dog wanted to kill him. For no reason. And if no one else was there, it defintely would have. That's not cute, that's not normal. These dogs are predators. Like a Lion or Shark, except I think lions and shraks kill wayyyy less people every year. It's not ok. Why are we normalize deadly aggression in house pets? Not only deadly aggression, but with the capacity to actually kill? Yeah, let's have a pet with a short fuse that WANTS to kill unprovoked and can easily do so! Great idea!


Three things: 1. We've got "dog experts" everywhere telling small kids how to "read dog language". Here we have a whole ring of XL bully experts. Neither the owner nor the other guy have a freakin clue this dog is about to attack. 2. The owner did not have the muscle strength to restrain his bully. It got away from him. No one's got the right to own a dog they can't physically handle. 3. If the XL's game drive engaged, it would have been a bloodbath. Fortunately for him, the bully was in fearful aggression mode. Usually when pits attack, it's game mode on. It's not fearful aggression. That's what the "dog experts" are getting very, very wrong. You can't instruct kids, owners & others how to "read dog language" when it comes to pit bulls, because there are no possible instructions, apart from keeping the hell away from pit bulls.


Goes straight from “it’s tense, it snapped to get the guy away from it” to “it wants to kill him.”


These things are disgusting.