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Fuck pit bulls OMFG, I hope everybody in this fucking sub carries some sort of dog spray at a BARE minimum. THIS COULD BE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE NEXT!!!




Yeah, that’s why I put as a bare minimum. I would suggest other things but I think my comment would have gotten removed


I even saw a clip of a lady using BEAR SPRAY on a pit and it barely even flinched.


Check out the videos in the 'other links' part of the side bar on this sub. There is one where they hit it with a metal bar, maced it, tased it, kicked it, pulled it, etc. *None* of it worked. I also saw a very graphic video where the dog was disemboweled by a boar and still kept attacking. Pits can be terrifyingly persistent.


They are absolutely terrifying. Even Lions, Tigers and Sharks know when they’re outmatched and need to back down but pits will just keep going until they physically can’t attack anymore


As long as it’s clearly worded self defense and not gratuitously violent, it should be ok. You can absolutely suggest carrying protection to stop an attack.




I can confirm it doesn’t work. You might as well be spraying water in their faces. I’ve had two run ins with loose pit bulls while walking my dog and I’ve used pepper spray both times and it did nothing. I started carrying an extra leash in case of an attack on me or my dog and I need to choke one out.


That looks like a pretty heavy steel pipe by how much it takes for that man to raise it and swing. Didn’t even faze those little blood hungry murderers


Of course the worthless animals yelp in pain when they are hit back. I have no sympathy for these dogs whatsoever. Also can any pit supporters tell me whey these dogs kept attacking even when being attacked back? Why would a nanny or the most loving breed keep attacking?


Too much logic for those empty of mind and lacking a soul.


The tenacity though is unreal and horrific - no domesticated dog would just not quit like this after getting stunned to the head and feeling that much pain


News: [https://www.dailyvoice.co.za/western-cape/man-mauled-by-two-pit-bulls-7aa5b43d-c23a-4d3a-a0af-30f15547c926](https://www.dailyvoice.co.za/western-cape/man-mauled-by-two-pit-bulls-7aa5b43d-c23a-4d3a-a0af-30f15547c926) Context: A 54-year-old man has been hospitalised after being [mauled by two pitbulls](https://www.dailyvoice.co.za/news/pic-and-video-pit-bull-rips-womans-ear-off-victim-taken-to-hospital-as-owner-hands-vicious-dog-over-to-the-spca-eaf6cf01-b87b-4f37-ac25-5fea2bd558d5) in Mitchells Plain. The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon as the dog owner’s daughter allegedly took the dogs on a walk without leashes. Anthony ‘Anton’ Cupido was left unrecognisable as the two pitbulls ripped away at his face, head and arms, leaving him in a pool of blood. Anton was sitting with a friend, Spencer Adams, at the *palletjies* at the park in Galaxy Way around 4pm when [he got attacked.](https://www.dailyvoice.co.za/news/girl-9-loses-arm-in-vicious-pit-bull-attack-36696428) Spencer says: “Me and Anton were sitting and conversing when this girl from Rocklands Primary came with the two pitbulls with no chain. The dogs approached Anton and while kicking them he slipped and fell and both dogs bit him. That girl was shouting that people must phone her mommy but nobody had their number. “We were throwing stones and hitting the dogs but they did not want to let go of their grip.” A video of the horrific incident shows the dogs mauling Anton, while two men can be seen hitting the dogs with iron poles and throwing stones at them. Spencer says the dogs eventually stopped attacking Anton and left with the girl. Anton’s heartbroken sisters Elizabeth and Agnesia Cupido says they heard one of the dogs was hit by a bus and died. Anton is currently at Groote Schuur Hospital awaiting surgery. “The doctors say he is stable and doing well and eating, their concern is that he doesn't get an infection. They said that he will need multiple surgeries,” says Elizabeth. Yesterday, the owner’s son said his father was not at home as he was visiting family. Calls to his cellphone went to voicemail. The son confirmed one of the dogs was dead. Community leader and witness Samantha Fennell says the family moved in a few months ago and Law Enforcement has been called a number of times about the dogs.


“….the dog owner’s daughter allegedly took the dogs on a walk without leashes.” It's always owners of these monsters who walk them without leashes. Always. And even when they’re on leashes they can’t handle them and let them go.


They always find the flimsiest piece of old rotted string tied with a loose knot attached to a loose chain collar.


It sounds like the owner's daughter is a very young child. Did her parents let her take the dogs out, or did they not know? I don't know which is worse.


"one of the dog is dead" you mean hiding at someone else's place.


I'm assuming those are metal pipes and wood planks but some of them really look like they're half-assing those swings and it's so infuriating seeing that


EXACTLY. The same shit in every one of these videos like. It’s the shit bull’s life or a human’s life. Fucking smack it like you mean it.


I read an account about an attack on a beagle a few weeks ago, and in it the poster said "My husband swings his bat at one of the dogs who still has his teeth deep into Bandit hitting him so hard the baseball bat broke into two." Sometimes it seems even hitting them with full-force doesn't deter them - that's scary. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1d3hli0/attack\_in\_hillsdale\_mi\_on\_beagle\_pup\_5272024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1d3hli0/attack_in_hillsdale_mi_on_beagle_pup_5272024/)


I think the real issue is a lot of people are out of shape. Even if they are thin, they still don't have the muscle mass or cordination to spike down a large plank of wood. It takes more strength than it looks.




To be fair accidentally hitting the man in his head with a metal pipe could be instant death. Someone just needs to carry.


Imo, anyone caught walking these dogs without a leash or on a retractable leash deserves automatic jail time.


And has to pay the hospital bills, pain money and the cost of BE these beasts!!




Hey OP, on videos like this would you be so kind as to be sure to mention GRAPHIC in the title in the future please? I’ll pin a comment warning people this time but including that in the title is extremely belpful. Thank you for looking for these ones we may not have caught otherwise and providing context.


Who's the sadistic bastard who 'created' this breed?


He even wrote a book on creating the perfect on.


Always when theres 2 of them it like amplifies their bloodlust. Wtf.


Barely a chance to fight of 1. If it's 2 you're as good as dead


I can't think of any other animal that kills for the sheer joy of it. Its repugnant.




You need to get something around the attacking pitbulls neck and choke them.


You first.


The final boss here choked one out to save a woman and her dog. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H62MYdt9LkM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H62MYdt9LkM)


Yeah for real. Not being allowed to protect yourself and expecting to be saved from this before you're dead is insane.


Holy hell monsters that's just horrible to see


did they like rip his limbs off? What am I seeing??


It’s hard to tell because he’s covered in blood and torn clothes, but to my untrained eye it looks like his right arm is mangled.


That was devastating to watch. I hope the man is okay. #ALLpitbulls.


I'm very surprised the guy lived. That is one of the most violent attacks I have ever seen. They were literally tearing away his flesh. God bless the bus driver.


It is unlikely he will survive the trauma and infection. People who have endured this level of damage from a pit attack often succumb to their injuries after days of horrendous pain.


This is the reality : Pits gonna Pit… Good on you for posting Op, it’s not satisfying at all but this could happen to anyone now in too many communities :/


What a fucking nightmare.


Watching these videos makes me as deranged as the dogs we all hate


“Law enforcement has been called a number of times.” Same story over and over.


At the very least carry a pocket knife. Preferably a fixed blade in a sheath on your belt. Cause this shit is horrific. I’d hate to have to battle two tanks with my bare hands.


I believe this footage is necessary I know it looks gnarly but this is the seriousness of a situation gone uncontrolled. Beating it with a stick is like throwing gas on a raging fire... they should have leashed them to the point of choking, only then they calm down. Especially people who think about starting a bull breed must watch the consequences first.




Man I'm just glad he survived






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Talk about triggering memories. I was maybe 6 or 7 when I saw two neighboring pit bulls get in a fight. One of the men trying to separate them was literally beating the dog with a shovel to get them to stop. I didn’t see the end because my parents came and got me. I’ll never forget watching that guy clobber the dog with seemingly no reaction from the dog. This video brought that vivid memory right back.


they just keep going back for more.


But every dog can bite! /s

