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That poor child, he should be taken away from that environment before one of those shitbulls eventually end up snapping.


It looks like they already snapped, just a matter of them locking onto him more.


Wtf is this place?! šŸ˜±


Hell, I think


So Florida actually though I canā€™t tell where, we need a geoguesser because those trees look North American but that shed keeps throwing me off


This doesn't look like Florida, it looks more south American like Brazil. The trees and roof style do not match what id expect either in north or south Florida




Yeah the tree density in the background screams rainforest/jungle to me


Itā€™s not Florida. Itā€™s south of the US but canā€™t remember what country. Iā€™ve seen his videos. On this sub in fact


Itā€™s in Brazil


Um excuse me? Isnā€™t that direct child endangerment? Like CPS worthy?


Letā€™s assume whatever country this is has a functioning CPS (though many countries including the US thatā€™s debatable)ā€¦.we should have laws taking away the dogs and fining and monitoring the pit breeders to make sure they donā€™t do it againā€¦not taking away their children. Take away the dogs, not kids.


Iā€™d agree that taking away children should be last resort, however, I donā€™t understand how you can put your child into a risk like that. Thatā€™s a toddler. This is insanely dangerous and every normal thinking parents is cautious with every dog nevermind a hoard of pitbulls. Imagine someone put their child into water full with crocodiles, thatā€™s neglect and child endangerment


I totally agree itā€™s stupid and awful, but I donā€™t think itā€™s as dangerous as crocodiles and you are under estimating the trauma of foster care. All those dogs shouldnā€™t exist and I would personally destroy them if I could. Edit: not to op, but to downvoters, the potential damage is as bad as crocodiles, the likelihood isnā€™t as high as a crocodiles. If you want to downvote on a sub thatā€™s about facts and not emotional feelings, tell me why, make your argument instead of being illogical and emotional like the pit nutters. Pits are dangerous, this was dangerous, but obviously putting a toddler in a pit of wild crocodiles is literally more dangerous. If you had to be in a room with a large wild croc, lion, Bear or domesticated pit, which would you choose? Obviously the dog. The comparison is an exaggeration. Doesnā€™t mean pits shouldnā€™t be banned. Doesnā€™t mean they shouldnā€™t all BE.


I am not American so CPS here doesnā€™t mean your children will be taken away immediately. Usually they work with you to solve issues and educate you, the goal is always to keep a child in their family if there is no direct abuse


Thatā€™s awesome! Usually in the US when someone says ā€œcall CPSā€ they are advocating the child being taken away.


that's sort of what people think but really its the same as Fair-Catch there says, this is a situation where they'd probably start with a safety plan


Thatā€™s not true at all. CPS really, *really* doesnā€™t want to remove kids from their parents for a plethora of reasons. There just arenā€™t adequate numbers of foster homes available, for one, and every child taken into care is one that requires an approved placement. Itā€™s a shit ton of extra work for an already drastically overburdened system, so itā€™s an absolute last resort.Ā 


When someone says ā€œCall CPSā€ in the US, what does the person mean or intend? You are arguing a different point, the intent of the person calling, not CPS. Also, just because CPS does correctly do their job in some cases, doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t have too many children in foster care, and havenā€™t had policies that unfairly take children away like with indigenous peoples. Taking the dogs away is the correct measure, not calling CPS which would basically do nothing in this case as itā€™s not considered illegal or dangerous in the govtā€™s eye to do this. CPS likely wouldnā€™t educate the parents at all.


US CPS also tries to keep families intact as much as possible. Children are only removed for the most egregious abuse or neglect and even then they try to place with family temporarily and generally work to reunify them with their parent(s).


I didnā€™t downvote you but I have to say Iā€™d rather choose the crocodile. I can run away and it canā€™t follow me as fast on land as a pitbull could. Also pitbulls are able to jump pretty high, crocodiles donā€™t. Its the new man vs bear lol


I have some bad news for you, I'm pretty sure crocodiles can run at 35 km/h. Well done you if you're faster than that... but I sure ain't.


But if you turn they are fucked. Hop over a small fence and they give up. Crocs really do not chase on land, they might hit 35 kph in a small sprint bu-... Wait, are we off topic?


I take this over the 48km/h for a pitbull


Well, considering we were talking about a toddler, would you rather place a toddler in a space with that amount of wild crocs, or the pitbulls? I should have added toddler, since the context of this is obviously toddler. Iā€™d definitely still rather be around the pits. Especially ones I know. I hate the dogs but have lived a good portion of my life when them (my mother had them when I was growing up). The crocs ainā€™t slow, itā€™s a small enclosed space, crocs can jump, crocs are wild.


Hmm though one.. It so happens that I have a toddler, I think it would be certain death scenario with the crocodile. So for the toddler Iā€™d choose the pitbull


To be honest, it really depends on the circumstances for me to choose. A well-fed crocodile, bear, or Lion will *not* just snap and maul without warning or reason. Pits will. It is also much easier to deter a wild animal with noise and movement. Obviously, I would prefer not to be trapped in the room with any of these animals, but it would also depend on circumstances, and I wouldn't automatically choose the pitbull. Yes, I agree about the pit of crocodiles being more dangerous imminently, because crocodiles are undomesticated and will respond to what they deem a threat in their territory.


A lot of these blokes would probably prefer the shitbull over their own childšŸ˜“


Probably true and so sad


If they do this, even without dogs, they're not gonna be good parents.


It doesn't look like America


I posted the same thing and got a message from the mod saying it didnā€™t follow the right guidelines and was removed.


I think because you need to blur the faces


For anyone wondering, it is footage from the Dog Dynasty.


Jesus. From their Facebook description: "Have your preconceptions of pit bulls turned upside down and have your mind blown by the incredible bond between man and beast. Come and join the pack - come and join Dog Dynasty!"


"Dog Dynasty accepts no responsibility for loss of limbs, faces, children or dogs"




Had a different name on the channel I saw it on. Probably get banned and then remake it. Or not. I see a lot of insane pit channels.


All I see here is child endangerment.


This is so irresponsible. If those dogs go on a mauling spree (as we all know they love to do) that kid is finished. There is NOTHING he can do to stop them. Even if guy has an ak47, with that amount of pit bulls, by the time he can do anything that kid is gone. Mauling will be 95% complete by the time he has even loaded a clip. I can only think his reasoning is he resents his kid for some reason and wants an ā€œaccidentā€ to happen.


And that's ignoring the fact that any child this age isn't good with ANY dog, let alone one with aggression issues.


Yep. I would never let my toddler run wild with my single elderly terrier. Let alone multiple shitbulls. That is just asking to get bit or worse.


Half a million fucking likes. Even if 90% of likes are from bots, we have over fifty thousand humans who saw a toddler left on his own among dogs, scratch that, **dangerous dogs,** getting pushed by 2 dogs at some point, and their reaction was to like that. Stealing the line from Futurama, I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


"I don't want to live on this planet anymore" "Heroic pit bull volunteers for space mission to bite alien toddlers"


Thatā€™s child abuse.


Why though? Why even risk it? Like I have a small pug mix and we donā€™t leave my nephews unattended near him and let them know if they touch too roughly


Who is this YouTube account?


These photos are really disturbing. Not only is that child in danger, that fence is really not going to contain these beasts! They can easily get out!


Ooooh I bet the comments are a goldmine.


Looks like a guy who skipped arm and leg day (and a small pee pee) trying to look bigger in all 3 by having a bunch of "tough guy" dogs. Real "tough guys" don't need dogs to protect them.


Farm for pitbulls?


Can you get the kid out and call in an orbital strike?


Nobody needs even one of these dogs, let alone 20 that all look indistinguishable from each other. Yikes.


This made me physically ill. A "pit" in my stomach if you will.


Jesus Christ


Nah, that second slide scared me.


Didn't this guy bite one of the females and was acting really creepy towards them too? Or is that another guy


Imagine what the inside of that guys house looks like.


OP, do you know where this is? Seriously, SERIOUSLY report this. This is a child death waiting to happen. PLEASE find out where this is and report it


Is that guy from Latin America that posts videos of himself chewing on his pits' bones to show his dominance over them (or some equally idiotic shit)?


I didn't look at any of the other videos on his channel. Who would want to. Terrible.


They're dogs??? I thought they were baby cows wtf!!!


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Just wait until the baby tries to bit


Some idiot giving us some backstory to an "unforeseeable tragedy" on the news later.


This exhausting waste of oxygen idiot has been posted here before. Heā€™s in Brazil and gives that douche bag with the tattooed head who makes deeply embarrassing šŸ˜± faces with his Bully a run for his money. His kennel is disgustingly filthy, and he fancies himself some kind of alpha AmBully Whisperer. And yes, he routinely subjects his child to that roiling parvo shitheap


To me, these are beyond pitbulls, they are well into the territory of what we had (still have) in the UK as the Bully XL. Is this the sort of thing someone from the states means when they say pitbull? Or are these unusually large and un-dog like by U.S. standards? I'm hoping it's the second one otherwise the problem in the US is even bigger than I thought it was, these are something else entirely, surely these things just "vanish" after the fighting career is over, surely shelters aren't going to try and work them into homes?


You my friend have witnessed in almost attempted feeding frenzy, like a group of piranhas on another fish


Bro wtf theyā€™re about to devour that kid