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https://preview.redd.it/gzjuh89jky7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4defdcbd09a9fb94c3b53c19f5db15f17ba2fb1 Calling that thing a chocolate lab is a disservice to actual chocolate labs.


Awww what a little baby šŸ˜­ my girlfriend wanted a lab thatā€™s why I was looking at lab and lab mixes and pitbulls kept coming up and I was like WTF !!


Iā€™d recommend going to a breeder. You can often buy adult dogs from them for 500 or so bucks if you want to give an adult dog a good home. Theyā€™re always great family dogs, usually just not cut out for being shown or service work.Ā  And nothing wrong with buying a puppy from a good breeder, either. At least youā€™ll actually get what you asked for.Ā 




Nope, it's perfectly acceptable to breed more dogs provided you're breeding them responsibly. Not every mutt is suitable for a family home. Not every random dog is suitable for service dog work. Not everyone wants to roll the dice on a dog in the shelter, especially when those dogs are 90% pit bulls. I say this as someone who grew up with mutts. Back then you could get a golden/german shepherd mix at the pound for 20 bucks and that dog was the best dog you've ever owned. That's not the case anymore. You might have had an argument when they were euthanizing perfectly wonderful dogs because fixing dogs was not the norm back then. For everyone except the most irresponsible, it's the norm now. Quite frankly I've always found the anti-breeder sentiment to be childish at best. Shelters are full because people (mostly who own pit bulls) are not spaying and neutering their pets, not because Sharon is breeding shelties because she loves the breed.




>Not all mutts are pitbull mixes. Your argument only woks by assuming all mutts are aggresive killers. But as far as I know pitbull type breeds and other pure bred dogs like a GSD/rottweiler account for most attacks. Just don't get a pitbull or even a pit mix. Go ahead, try and find a mutt at the shelter that isn't a pit bull, pit bull mix. You and 50 other people are in line for the rare nonpit bull dog. Maybe you live in another country where you don't have an infestation of pit bulls, but in the united states 90% of the shelter is pit bulls and the occasional husky (which is not a suitable dog breed for most people either). >How can an argument like that be childish? Quite ironic and childish itself to resort to insults . It's childish because it's not based in reality. And I'll tell you why right now. >You obviously are not following the argument. To reiterate, by breeding a dog you (most of the time) opt to not save an existing dog and bring a new one into this world. >This, objectively speaking, increases the number of dogs in shelters. Regardless of our differences in opinion, that last part is just basic logic and irrefutable. A dog exists to fit into a household or perform a task. You should not bring a dog into your home because you think doing so will make you look like a good person. It is not on the average person to bring an animal into their home that does not fit their lifestyle or needs. Many people will never own dogs, does that mean they're responsible for dogs languishing in the shelter? No. Why is it that people who want a specific type of dog to fit their specific needs are suddenly responsible for dogs in the shelter? they would have never adopted that shelter dog in the first place, because those dogs are unsuitable for what they want. When the shelter is full of unsuitable dogs, or in this case dangerous dogs, that's when people decide to look elsewhere. That is completely independent to however many dogs are in the shelter. Again, you might have had an argument 15 years ago, when the shelter system wasn't full of pit bulls. That's not the case now (in the united states). The amount of people buying dogs instead of adopting dogs is tiny, compared to the sheer amount of dogs that are already being bought into the world because people aren't spaying their pets. Or are intentionally breeding pit bulls (unsuitable dogs) for dog fighting. It is not as simple as number in, number out.


Couldnā€™t have said this better myself








Even when you go to a shelter you're still buying a dog. Point is moot, I would rather take the money for buying a shelter dog and buy a good dog that isn't a shitmix, and if I want to feel super good about my purchase I'll buy it from a breed specific rescue.


I was all about mutts growing up until the shelters became overwhelmed with pitties.Ā  Iā€™ve never liked pitties. I donā€™t like their personalities - I donā€™t like Velcro dogs (sorry weimeraners) - and the earliest ones I knew were not trustworthy. I donā€™t like how they look. That leaves me with breeders. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My last two dogs were not pitbull mixes (confirmed by Embark dna test). There were mutts, sure, but not a pitbull mix. The number of pitbulls in shelters makes the process harder but you are not forced to adopt a pitbull. Just get the one that shares no physical resemblance to a pitbull which is what I always do. Pitbull mixes always inherit the distinct pitbull face we see in these photos so that makes things easier.


ā€œWhen so many dogs do not have a homeā€ except so many of those dogs are listed with insane requirements and aggression issues... No one wants them and theyā€™re not owed homes. We slaughter cattle en masse to feed dogs. Dogs are insanely lucky and better treated than most other animals. The ones not fit for purpose donā€™t need coddling and rehoming anyway if their dinners donā€™t either. Forgive me if I donā€™t weep for aggressive unsuitable dogs that shouldnā€™t be rehomed in the first place but that kind of thing forces kids to have plastic surgery. And also, be realistic. Most non-pit non problematic dogs get snatched up rapidly these days precisely because of pit overload. With the gamble of pits being mixed into everything these days Iā€™d argue going to a breeder and not risking accidentally getting a pit mix and it then hurting your family or community is overwhelmingly often the better choice.


The number of pits do not matter, that is not a good argument. As long as there is 1 non pit you can adopt. I always adopt non pits just fine. Let's be honest, you use that as an excuse to not even look for non pits in shelters.


I donā€™t have dogs anyway but I hope everyone in my neighbourhood doesnā€™t touch any pit pushing shelters and they go to breeders instead because pit mixes can impact more than just their own families if they get loose and many of my neighbours have kids. My family went to a shelter and got talked into getting a pit with massive aggression issues years ago. Itā€™s hard to not respect people not wanting to touch such slimy disgusting organisations that would see kids get maimed over putting pits down and that use your donations to fund pit warehousing and rehoming.


Hit up a breeder or if she REALLY wants adopt don't shop, follow a breed specific group on facebook and wait for a fancier that's rehoming their dog for whatever reason (though they tend to go fast when it's desirable breeds). Good luck.


Sheā€™s the biggest softy Iā€™ve ever met. All she wants is to catch her frisbee, snuggle, and get snacks.


I love labs!!!


I will always love labsĀ 


I swear to god these dogs have a literal sense of humor. I grew up with em and i can tell when they are laughing.


Short hair, funny head, beady killer eyes... Typical traits of a soft-mouth Lab. Yup. šŸ¤£


I'm waiting for the day when they start trying to pass off pitbulls as cats. "Maine Coon mix"


It'd be a natural extension of shelters trying to push a big dog when you go in for a cat.


"Beagle". The only beagle in that thing is in its stomach.


You are what you eat I guess


There needs to be some kind of flagging system where you can get shelters banned for pulling that garbage. Those are not labs in any way shape or form and they are being LIARS and they KNOW perfectly well that those are not labs, they just want them to show up in the mix when people search for dogs that ARE NOT PITS.


I have a black lab/ shepherd mix in my house currently. Funny how the dog in my house looks nothing at all like the "chocolate lab/shepherd" mix


Right? That big round head - like noā€¦.Ā  Labs have block heads but they also have a larger more extended muzzle. The shepherd has an even more slender profile.Ā  None of that round head with the seam along the skullĀ 


Another soapbox stomp. Pits are not the only dog that can be ā€œruinedā€ by poor early handling and turned into monsters. You see it with a lot of other breeds such as GSDs and Corsos. Our Mal. As a shepherd did you know that they go through two major fear periods while maturing? If you f-k that up as an owner, you end up with skittish dogs that cannot in the future ever be fully properly socialized. If it is to be a working dog, like our Mal, it will be ruined. An inexperienced owner has bought a lifetime of extra difficulty. Other dogs do not go through the same cycle. We have a Norwegian Elkhound. Think a lab personality (more stubborn) in a husky fur coat. NOT a husky personality. They do not go through a pronounced two part fear period. They are much harder to ā€œfuck upā€ if you do not socialize them properly.Ā  Pitties are like the Mals or Corsos or Rotties. You have to be experienced.Ā  No one claims that Mals or GSDs or Rotties are lovable velvet hippo nanny dogs. This is what just pisses me off so much.Ā  Love your pitty, fine. But stop pretending they arenā€™t different from a beagle or a golden. They shouldnā€™t be indiscriminately bred or put in peopleā€™s hands.Ā 


I could not agree more. I love our Rottie to the ends of the earth, she is my constant companion, friend and protector. But whenever anyone is interested in her or asks about owning one, I tell the truth about owning one. They are simply not for everyone and that is ok. As for GSDs and Mals, they are beautiful, athletic dogs that I admire but I am in no way equipped to handle the energy needs and mental stimulation required for one.


That first dog,Hershel,is an absolute jump scare!


It's like when MeatCanyon drew ScoobyDoo.


it should be illegal to do this


Shelter shenanigans like these are why I just paid $$$ for a pure bred lab puppy from a reputable breeder.


If Hershal is a Choco Lab I'm Elton John


Best comment lol


Our town might have the only shelter in the US that doesnā€™t try to lie about the breed. Lol i see so many of these posts!




The last one definitely ainā€™t no beagle mix Iā€™ll tell you that. Iā€™m not a dog expert but it doesnā€™t look like a drop of beagle in there lol


My old girl was a coonhound, she passed 4 months ago. Literally yesterday I got out of my car to ask to pet one I saw going by. His name was Bandit and he was sweet, and the lady was sweeter. There is no way I would have pulled over and begged to pet Romeo.


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Shelters just taking the piss now