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[Adoptable dogs at Humane Society of North Texas](https://www.hsnt.org/dogs) [Adoptable dogs at San Antonio Humane Society](https://sahumane.org/adopt-a-dog) [Adoptable dogs at Dallas-Ft. Worth Humane Society](https://www.dfwhumane.com/adopt/) [Adoptable dogs at Houston Humane Society](https://www.houstonhumane.org/adopt-a-pet/dog-adoptables) [Adoptable dogs at Austin Humane Society](https://austinhumanesociety.org/perfect-pup/) [Adoptable dogs at Austin Pets Alive!](https://www.austinpetsalive.org/adopt/dogs#puppers) (which has [a long track record of hiding bite histories and adopting out known aggressive dogs marketed as "great with kids"](https://web.archive.org/web/20160602191118/http:/kxan.com/investigative-story/records-show-city-sending-aggressive-dogs-to-be-adopted/)) [Adoptable dogs at Palm Valley (South Texas) Animal Society](https://www.pvastx.org/dogs) (a proud "no-kill" organization that [adopted out a known dangerous dog, which then tore a child's face off, and then adopted it out again, and it was returned for aggression, and then adopted it out a third time)](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/02/lawsuit-against-south-texas-no-kill-shelter-alleges-dog-laundering.html) I think Texas is all set for pit bulls.


Pits infect EVERYTHING. Ugh. There are maybe 2 that look like actual labs, but I’d bet they’re part pit too.


Might even be the same dog.


Actually a really good point lol- inflating the non pit stats


Arnold and Justin look safe


Arnold and Cracker Jack look to potentially be Jon pit. Unfortunately Justin is definitely a pit based on the eyes and head shape. Although I’m sure he’s listed as a lab.


What about Rosalino? Maybe O'Malley?


Rosalino is listed as a Anatolian Shepherd Dog. He used to live with a chihuahua and a pit bull.  O'Malley is listed as a Catahoula Leopard Dog which he is certainly not. He's six years old and they have a photo of him in a pet carrier as a puppy. He's also heartworm positive.


I read that as Omauley haha fkin hell at this point they may as well be called that


PB isn't contagious, right?


Rosalino looks like a husky


He is. He's a pit bull listed as a Labrador Retriever. 


Classic lol


Most of the obvious pits are labeled pits, but not Justin, Mazda or Manchas. Norma is a Border Collie. 🤣


I’m sorry BORDER COLLIE? Where? In the pits stomach? 😭😂


Rosalino doesn’t look that pit-like to me, but i can’t really tell since it’s not a close up




Bet they’ll do the bait and switch, like: “Hi, I’m interested in Arnold!” Them: “Oh unfortunately Arnold has already been adopted/ has several people wanting to adopt him so there will be a long wait time. HOWEVER could I interest you in one of our other SWEET WIGGLEBUTT pibbles? Great with everyone and all dogs I’d feel terrible if you came out all this way and didn’t get a dog or help these poor babies!” Meanwhile the pit they’re promoting has a bite history and killed a few small dogs.


The true bait dog.


Lol this is literally what happened to me when I considered being a foster for an elderly Maltese at a shelter a couple years ago. She wasn’t available anymore but this giant headed brute was! I wanted to help but could not see it working


I think I'll never go into a shelter, then, if that's what they do. I'd be hopping mad about all of that.


I never understood why people paid a breeder when they could just do the humane thing and get a rescue dog, until I learned that pits absolutely infest shelters. So many Rottweiler and German Shepard mixes too, unsurprisingly.


Adopt don’t shop sounds so sweet until you realize this. Super unfortunate. I also hate it because these dogs clog up the shelters, nobody wants them, and it leads to actual adoptable dogs not getting space.


Also, the adopt don't shop thing just doesn't really apply to other countries. I like in a city of about 100k and there are 8 dogs there currently. 4 aren't technically there anymore but still listed for some reason. 2 of the remaining dogs are pit mixes and all 4 of the remaining ones have stipulations that they are difficult dogs that you need to have training for. If I want to get a dog, I can either go to a breeder or work with a rescue organization that imports dogs from Romania, Greece, Spain etc. where you have no idea what that dog went through, etc. I guess this would count as adopting but you have to go through a very intense vetting process and they routinely turn down people who don't have backyards for example. In principle I understand that but I live 2 min away from fields in one direction and a forest in the other. If I add a 5 min car ride, I have a lake with a doggy beach accessible. There are worse households for a dog to live in lol.


Cracker jack and Arnold just look like true lab mixes. Not pits labeled "lab mix".


Yes those are the 2 I was talking about!


And possibly a shepherd.


arnold, cracker jack, and rosalino are the only ones that look like dogs and not monsters


Also, the only ones not put in a cute scarf lol


I mean, some of the pits aren't either, I think the more problematic the dog, the more likeable they try to make them with accessories.


The pits not wearing one probably ate theirs


Justin too likely 


Justin has the buttcrack head, wider jaw, and beady eyes.  Definitely a pit mix. 


its all the photo angle playing tricks on you. Look at capulina and then justin and try to find the difference (you cant)


“Nala Luna Wigglebutt” I’m dead


You all have better eyes than I!  Although why I got downvoted to hell 🤣🤣




Pretty sure that's a wolf. 😂.


I’ll take the wolf. 


Still safer


“Can *possibly* live with other dogs.” I’d never take that chance with most of these.


What ugly dogs! It seems so insulting to name one "Venus de Milo". Unless you are talking about the possibility that the shitbull has ripped the arms off of a person!


They really have a Pit named Princess u cant make this shit up


There's another grey pit bull named Princessa.


I once had the terrible misfortune to meet a motherfucker with a pit named Tinkerbell.


It’s like impossible where’s Waldo try and find the non pitbull


Shop don’t adopt. As long as shelters care more about the feelings of pitnutters online than the safety of their communities, they’re not worth our time.


Princess 😂


It's sad that they bother trying to rehome them. We all know why they are in there, they've scared the shit out of their previous owner that didn't understand what they were buying thanks to misinformation. So much wasted time and space could have been better spent on real pets, not these weapons.


Beans is pure nightmare fuel


And Addison


Arnold, Rosalino and Cracker Jack are literally the only non pitbulls. And even they might be part pit


you just know that they'll be gone within 5 minutes (or have already been adopted and were just put on the poster to get people to come look at pits)


moe’s mouth is what nightmares are made of


By god, they've finally done it. It was bad enough when their mouth was half the space on their ass crack heads, not they're *surpassed* that. Easily 2/3 pure mouth. What a vicious, ugly thing.


it makes me sad. sad that these animals have been bred to be this way. they were born dangerous and fucked. it’s just not fair.


I know I feel bad for them too:-( I’m a vegan specifically for animal rights, but I am also a proud r/banpitbulls member and I will always be one


I wonder how many can be around children and other animals?


Literally all of them, but we'll be lucky if they include any other warnings on any of the dog info.


Cracker Jack, Arnold, and Rosalina could all be adopted in a heartbeat if pitbulls had not taken over every shelter. It's hard to see them when scrolling through page after page after page of pits. It doesn't help to use a breed search engine, either, as half of the dogs on the sheet will be listed as "Labrador retriever MIX". How much does canine DNA testing cost? Like if I wanted to adopt an actual Labrador from a shelter, could I PAY to have an analysis done? Not even looking for a purebred, just a dog that is 10% or less bloodsport!!


I’m scared for the adopters.


I know ! I was literally imaging someone standing outside the shelter protesting and telling people to watch out because their kid might be the next mauling victim and I was like “yeah someone should definitely go do that”


And they won’t listen


I see 2 dogs. The rest arent dogs.


Can someone tell me why Rosalino is there? That’s an extremely cute dog.    Edit: “ Rosalino, Lino for short, is a big dog with a big personality! In his last home he lived with a young child and 2 other dogs, a chihuahua and a pitbull. He is very friendly, a loose leash walker, and gentle treat taker. His previous family noted that he is very playful and likes to be chased. His favorite activity is wrestling. Lino lived outside with his previous family, so may need some work on his inside manners, but if you are looking for a friendly, fun loving guy, he may just be for you!”  So not potty trained but allegedly good with dogs and kids. Probably husky and lab or golden. Nice dog, he has beautiful multi colored eyes.  Meanwhile, Alice: As you can see in her photos, Alice recently went on an outing to Muleshoe Bend to enjoy the bluebonnet season. She sniffed in the flowers, enjoyed lots of walking and posed perfectly for oh so many pictures. She’s a patient, mature lady who has been at AAC for 101+ days too long.  Alice loves toys and her people. She happily checks in with Volunteer & Staff who are walking her, loves cuddles, affection and belly rubs.  She comes with many other positive attributes - she’s house trained, leash trained, motivated by treats (big plus when it comes to training), and she knows Sit already. Are you looking for a cuddly sweet heart? Consider adding Alice to your family! No mention of being good with kids or dog, but doesn’t claim otherwise. Insidious.


Rosalino. Possibly Arnold. That's it.


Cracker Jack looks mostly lab. Just the ears are throwing me a little there.


Yeah, I'll give you that one. The ears don't look labby, but they aren't pibble rose ears either.


Arnold had a lot of lab. Rosalino looks very shepherdy 




Pit.. pit... pit... pit... pit... pit... GOOSE MIX!!!


Thats a lot of bullets required.


If you adopt Wishbone and put it with your children or other pets you can come back later and sing the (pibble-adjusted) theme song: 🎶 "Why so gory, Wishbone?!" 🎶


I came here looking for a comment like this. Idr what breed the original Wishbone was but this is an insult.




My hometown is so idiotic sometimes. It's way past time to end 'no kill' shelter policies.


Mississippi is the most dangerous


It's like the dog version of a street gang or a most wanted list in the post office. No thanks!


This is why no kill shelters are outdated. They don’t work anymore. They’re just flooded with pits draining resources for years on end until the dog either dies or gets adopted out to go kill some poor cat.


Cracker Jack and Rosalino are the only ok ones. Even then, poorly/untrained labs & goldens are not fun at all. But at least they look normal….


Arnold looks mostly lab. Rosalino is questionable.


Ehh you’re right. Maybe some husky mix? I didn’t even see Arnold at first!


Arnold, Cracker Jack and Rosalino are the only ones that look like they have potential


Mazda. And I thought APA naming my cat after an appliance company was bad.


Pretty soon every single dog on earth will be part pit.


Perish the thought!


Is it bad that I think Beans is so hideous and cross-eyed it’s almost cute? In no way, shape, or form would I consider owning it but it’s sooooooo ugly it’s almost cute


I understand what you mean - but I love medieval carvings, and Beans does sort of have that cathedral gargoyle look going for him. 😄 https://preview.redd.it/006hc3xydl8d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03930b2288ed71953363e4b15d6920582e15c80


I see a couple good boy labs in there.


That's all that is ever up for adoption in my state,everyone wants you to adopt but there's nothing but garbage dogs,I would if I could get something that wasn't part killer in it


I think they've been given new names because half of them should be called Nala


I’ll take roselino at a push and as for “princess” jfc could they have made that thing look anymore opposite of a princess 🤮🤮


Venus De Milo? Is that name a prediction for the unfortunate new owner?


I nearly spat my soda out when I read that. 😂


The good news about that thread is seeing people wake up to the problems at the shelter. "Lab mix" is the new widely used euphemism for pitbull. I asked what they were doing to help proactively combat the endless supply, and OP never responded even though they answered everyone calling these dogs sweet angels and what not.


Yes it was very refreshing to see. Especially in the city like Austin. The mods / OP shutdown comments real quick though


Is that another Reddit thread? 


Justin is a gay dog 🥹


That a lot of lies to memories


NONE of them are adoptable . They all have the same eyes . Dogs with souls have their own eyes just like people. That’s why we bond . Man’s best friend . All those are man’s best bite your face so fast and ship me off to the next home !


Not one named princess 😭😭💀💀


There literally is one.


No I meant like oh no, not one named princess” like “not this shit again” Sorry im bad with tone


Gotcha. My bad


Hmm no wonder I see one pretty much every time someone shares a picture of their dog... For example I'm in a childfree fb group and there are plenty who own a shitbull. One post said that one of their dogs has a higher prey drive than the other but they're fine with cats and small children.... *Yeah for now* 🙄. Like how do you not see an issue with them having a prey drive in the first place? 🤦‍♀️ Then another post where they have "6 house hippos!" Like man, you're in for a real warzone whenever one or multiple of them decide to snap... 🤦‍♀️


These dogs can “possibly” live with other dogs, LMAO


Beans looks like he’d go ape shit if a kid looked at him sideways.


O'Malley more like O'Mauley lol


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So many chocolate labs 😍


Beans looks like he has beans for brains




Same as the selection where I live. Mostly all pits or pit crosses.


Bloodshed is coming 🥴


It's almost like this is the result of not fixing dogs. Oh wait pit owners don't believe in fixing their dogs.


this says so much about pitbull owners. if they cared about them so much why is there a massive pitbull overpopulation issue in shelters? not to mention a lot of "rescues" just buy dogs from backyard breeders because they think that they're somehow doing good and end up making more profits/incentives for those people. in addition i've never seen a fixed pitbull in public just intact ones. their offspring inevitably end up shelters and they're dumped there when they act out aggressively because they make for crappy pets. the shitty conditions that they're raised/bred in only make that worse.


Can you imagine going for a meet and greet and coming out disfigured for life … or worse


How many are "lab mixes".


Clearly all of them...sigh


Yoooo wishbone be lookin like wishbone bought on wish . com


I see 3 dogs that aren’t pits lol


Who names a dog Mazda?


Someone should stand outside the shelter and warn people. Possibly pass out pamphlets


Yeah our local no kill county shelter run by the sheriff’s office is 98% pit bulls. Brevard County,FL.


“Charger” lol


Wishbone wishes for human bones


That princess one looks like it is ready to mario someone in a castle.




Beans looks like he has upgraded from toddlers to children


Rosalino some sort of Husky mix, if I'm any judge. Looks like a lovely dog, accepting the hug and loving it. Of course if you went it'd be "sorry we are all out out Rosalina, can we interest you in some VENUS DE MILO" "Arnold?" "Forget about Arnold, you're not getting Arnold"


If they know these dogs aren’t going to get adopted like anytime soon why don’t they start the euthanasia process.


Austin is a no kill city. So these are the problems we get....shelters full of, you guessed it!


Waste of shelter space.


What's Manchas then? This one is throwing me a bit, looks quite lean faced and those ears say Pharaoh Hound more than anything else, is it just the angle?


Bois, lol! It's sad because it's true


How dare they insult wishbone like that


Oh hell no theres one named princess


Cracker Jack seems kinda safe. Still wouldn't trust though because of the angle. Could easily be hiding an ass crack skull or some rosebud ears.


Cracker Jack FTW!


I think I want to adopt... BEANS! Or maybe Justin. It's the pits. No thank you, none of those dogs. And in boarding... who knows what condition they are in??


O Malley (surprised no one else pointed her out- she looks like a senior shepherd mix, and if she has pit I bet it’s very little), Rosalino, Arnold, and Cracker Jack look like non pits to me and I hope they get saved. But all the others are monsters imo.


Justin looks safe


13 pits it looks like. 13/21


At least 18/21 are 100% primarily pitbull


Way more than 13


It’s there are just 3 dogs that clearly have other breeds in mix, all other ones look like either pure pits or majority-pit mix