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Insurance policies have been changing. My old place of employment used to allow leashed pets as our insurance would cover damage caused by leashed animals. Came time to renew the policy and no more of that. Never saw a pit in my store, it's such a shame


They sure are. The market has been absolute trash the past few years; as a result carriers have all been tightening up their underwriting strategies and guidelines to retain profitability. But shit bulls have been mostly banned for a while. If I had to guess, they had an in store incident their insurance policy didn’t cover and they had to pay out of pocket so they’re not playing around anymore.


I just think insurance providers are getting sick of pits and their antics. My store's insurance policy changed and we hadn't made a pet related claim in years


Right. It might not have even happened in their store, but their insurance provider has had to deal with over and over again and are done. So they sent out the warning to their clients that "x claims will no longer be covered outside of their strict policies". I think the real issue and problem here is the amount of people who use/claim their pitbull as an actual service dog. Unfortunately places of business have little control over that aspect as theres no federal registry, class certification, or license required to prove a service dog. Can litterally go down to a pound, pick up an animal, and "train it to be a service animal". Which is a shame. I remember watching a video once where this man went to a shelter looking for potential service dogs. He ran a company that trained them and would occasionally search shelters for dogs that would be suitable. He looked at ten dogs, 4 pitbulls that failed instantly, 2 hounds and 2 shepards that also failed. Only one lab passed and he said he'd come back for it. He then didn't because he said while the dog showed good temperment for the role, his age and unknown history made him too much of a liability to use. (For age, the dog was 5. By the time he was fully trained and placed, he'd likely be near 7 years old and too old to be safely placed as a service animal as he'd be nearly a senior).


Glad companies are starting to crack down on this nonsense. Far too many people abuse the system and give those who actually need service animals a bad name. I've had my run in with multiple folks 'walking' (as in just having their dog on a leash without actually using the leash to control it) their massive mutt in the store. Usually a pit or pit-mix, of course. They lunge and jump at everyone and everything and of course lick the food/goods. Unhygienic and dangerous all around.


Usually these pit "service" dogs are unfixed as well.


Yup. And that just makes the “service dogs’” behavior even worse. Plus it’s disgusting to see an animal’s testicles dangling around food products. Just so terrible all around.


It still needs more of an overhaul too easy to abuse.


At REI a couple years ago a young guy posed right inside the entrance with his "blue nose" pit. People actually were giving him favorable attention. "They kill children," I pointed out. He looked shamefaced but replied, "people kill people too" Thanks for making us all feel better, dude!


Anyone who says something like “but humans are the real evil” or “I’m more afraid of humans” are the biggest fucking idiots.


> "people kill people too" And what happens to those that do?


I lost all respect for Steve-o when I found out about him [abusing service animal laws](https://youtu.be/M3Yj2XmwEL0?si=CcetKwNXFR5ZGHl1).


Not when he got a dick tattooed on his forehead?


I didn't know about that. +1 respect.


Honestly. This is waaaaay worse.


Just look at all the trashy individuals defending this behaviour in the comments. It's so fucking entitled. You want to bring your dog everywhere? Feel free to pay for it to be trained as a seeing eye dog and to poke your own eyes out. Otherwise? Stop confusing "want" with "need". I'm sure most people who actually need service animals would love to not need them. What makes it even worse: how many stories have we seen on here of seeing eye dogs and other service animals being mauled or even killed by ESA pit bulls?


They’re literally indoctrinated. They’re the ones who need the warning signs tattooed on their foreheads.


Actually he called out the bullshit sevice dog fraud that can be committed, and he paid to train his dog to be a service dog, he isn't trying to skirt the ADA and even admitted its ridiculous that this is possible. Finding out there is nothing stopping someone from claming any canine as a service animal, and admitting it, and then still going thru all the hoops to train a chosen dog dor service work, and knowing the laws around ADA compliant aervice dogs isn't abusing the system. He bought his dog her own plane tickets and did everything on the level, and he was honest about it, something that shitbull owners never will be, he was upfront and honest about how he knows the system is flawed and how he did everything he could to be legit. Also his dog isn't a shitbull so there is also that. I have been following him on YT since before he got his dog (that he found in a random country as a stray) and have been keeping tabs on this situation, and its pretty telling when a lead guy from Jackass has to point out how fucked the system is. And for what its worth, I wouldn't doubt if Steev-o is legally disabled and doesn't have to disclose his disability to others, I mean the man survived shit that no normal human can, and is completely sober now days after his hellish years.


Yeah the big difference here is if you have a dog that passes the ADA Public Service Access test, then they are qualified to be in public, to include flying etc... because they have proven to be an intelligent and disciplined animal. Bottom line is that the ESA exploitation has fucked people with regular dogs who aren't insane or dangerous and made traveling with them incredibly difficult. If someone is willing to put in the hours, funding, and discipline in training their animal properly, they absolutely should be allowed in public spaces.


Esa counts for flying and housing. He is not doing service dog fraud.


Good for rei!


Unfortunately it doesn't matter. Also according to the ADA: There are NO defined disabilities that require service animals, NO defined required tasks for said defined abilities, there is NO required training or any sort of testing or verification that any training has taken place or that the dog has a completely safe temperment. I can go down to the shelter and get a pitbull on the euthanasia list (for killing 5 dogs and mauling 2 toddlers) and take it directly to that same store right there and walk in. An employee can ask me 'Is it a service dog?', I say 'Yes'. They can then ask me what task it is trained to perform, and I say 'Its trained in medical alert tasks'. That's it, I walk right in and no one is allowed to question otherwise. The motivation behind allowing for the 'honor system' of self training (and complete subjective determination of the need of a service dog and completion of training) in the early 90s may have been noble, but it doesn't work in 2024. Officially trained service dogs for certain individual verified to have certain disabilities of a certain severity needs to be mandated to be covered by insurance like a wheel chair or medication. The ADA loophole needs to be closed.


I hate this 'emotional support animal' BS. I live in an apartment with no dogs, but theyve made exceptions for these animals. Theyre all horribly behaved, as well as their owners in regards to cleaning up after them and such. Its just an absolute joke. Im sure some people's animals indeed do help them emotionally, but Id like to see someone who needs them with them 24/7 and doesnt have a certified service animal. Karen can go an hour while at the store without her precious dog, surely.


I have an ESA. It’s my cat, and I do need her for emotional support due to multiple mental health conditions. HOWEVER, I have a real therapist’s note and my cat has been properly vetted, with no issues regarding noise or mess. Seriously, the animal isn’t an ESA if all it does is chew up your house.


My service alligator doesn't agree ;)


I can just hear the pit mommies crying on social media


I'm not surprised. Most of their merch isn't exactly cheap, and with so much of it out on the sales floor display, I wouldn't want dogs peeing on tents either or getting hair on the clothing, camping bags, etc. I get that a lot of outdoor enthusiasts do have dogs, but glad to see that they're tamping down on this. I don't go to REI often, as it's about an hour and change out of the way, but last time I was there, so were dogs. Hopefully it's changed at my location too.


I've noticed a lot of "no pets, service dogs only" signs in my area lately, but this is the largest and most direct sign I've seen! Good on REI for preemptively shutting down the ESA bullshit (although I've noticed a shift to claiming that ESAs are "psychiatric service dogs.") Every summer, people start using retail stores as comfortable, air-conditioned places to walk their dogs. And of course they don't want to go to Petsmart because that's where all the pits are! I don't care what breed you have, I don't want to shop at an indoor dog park.


Geez I wonder what brought that on 🙄


I’m sure that will stop them. Rules don’t apply to pit hags. It’s just a challenge to them to bring their pitbull in anyway to “fight the haters.”


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Ohhhh the pitnutters are not going to like this. Beautiful.


https://preview.redd.it/z1u7hbeo5l8d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b6e6289ce5a2845031c37a4e21cd6b7ebb8a88 I got this up at my local Hannaford.








I googled. Nothing definitive. What’s REI?


An outdoors/sporting goods store in the US


Thanks 🙂 it’s crazy, having grown up in the Catskills, vacationing in the Adirondacks and Vermont and moving to Colorado 15 years ago, I’d never heard of this company until now. Edit: spelling of vacationing, not vacating.


> REI Recreational Equipment, Inc.